

360iResearch Comprehensive Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: 360iResearch | 英文



  • 超過 300 名研究和策略分析師
  • 確定了超過 320,000 個利基市場
  • 研究了超過 620 萬個人工智慧問題
  • 超過 5,000 位滿意的客戶

360iResearch 訂閱提供對廣泛的研究報告庫和不斷更新的資料的無與倫比的訪問,確保您始終了解最新情況。這使您可以花更少的時間搜尋資料,並花更多的時間使用資料來做出明智的決策。

基於超過 7 年的經驗以及與世界各地客戶(包括財富 500 強公司、著名大學和創新概況)的合作關係,該平台提供了對每個本地市場和全球整體趨勢的深入見解。這些專業知識會轉化為適合您獨特目標的相關且可操作的見解,從而有效地提供您所需的支援。

了解產業領導者如何使用360iResearch 訂閱來推動收益成長、預測市場顛覆並透過可行的見解來完善其策略。

360iResearch 訂閱的主要優勢

  • 1. 知情決策:提供資料主導的見解,幫助領導者做出策略選擇、最大限度地降低風險並改善結果。
  • 2.市場了解:了解客戶的需求、偏好和趨勢,使企業能有效調整其產品和服務。
  • 3. 競爭優勢:提供對競爭對手的洞察,幫助企業辨識機會和威脅並完善策略。
  • 4. 創新:辨識市場差距,激發新創意,推動產品開發與服務改善。
  • 5. 提高效率:透過發現降低成本和增強流程的領域來最佳化業務。
  • 6. 客戶滿意度:增強您滿足客戶期望的能力並提高忠誠度和保留率。
  • 7. 成長機會:發現新的市場和細分市場,以擴大您的業務擴展和收益潛力。


360iResearch 訂閱可協助您發現正在重塑產業的大趨勢。本節重點在於推動各產業業務變革的大趨勢。作為訂閱者,您將可以存取這些趨勢的全面分析,從而顯著影響您的策略和決策。


您的 360iResearch 訂閱包含哪些內容?

  • 獨家訪問年度圖書館:一年內無限制地訪問跨行業的全面市場報告。每月新增 100 多份新報告,讓您即時存取最新出版物。
  • 完整的企業訪問權限:同一網域內的所有員工均可跨組織進行訪問,以獲得無縫、一致的體驗。
  • 按需市場報告:申請最多 5 份根據您的需求量身定做的市場報告。
  • 造訪 ResearchAI:透過 ResearchAI 的人工智慧驅動的市場情報服務獲得問題的正確答案。
  • 多貨幣和多語言支援:多貨幣和多語言支援增強了全球可訪問性,改善了用戶體驗並促進明智的決策。這使得公司能夠有效地參與多元化市場並制定適合當地需求的策​​略。
  • 專家分析師支援:經驗豐富的分析師透過線上會議或電子郵件提供個人指導,讓您更清晰、更深入地了解您的分析。


  • 發現並取得市場機會利用即時洞察發現並利用鄰近和相關市場的商機。
  • 開拓高成長的收益貢獻領域:專注於新的收益來源,尋找現有市場的差距,並使您的業務多元化。
  • 提高產品成功率:我們開發與客戶成長率、需求模式和購買行為相符的產品,以提高成功率。
  • 滿足客戶需求:開發滿足客戶顯性和隱性需求並提高投資報酬率的產品。
  • 擴大市場範圍:透過及時發現市場機會,最佳化產品生命週期並開拓鄰近市場。
  • 風險評估與投資組合建構:了解風險/綜合收益,建構全部區域、具有潛在收益的多元化投資組合。
  • 投資新使用案例:追蹤創新使用案例並顯著擴大您的客戶群。
  • 制定打入市場策略:透過分析成長軌跡和當前投資趨勢,制定創新產品策略。
  • 發布風險緩解:評估市場狀況和潛在挑戰,以降低與新產品發布和市場進入相關的風險。
  • 透過研究持續改進:進行持續研究以評估行銷宣傳活動和產品表現的有效性,並為持續改進提供有價值的回饋。

Comprehensive Market Intelligence Subscription

  • 300+ Research and Strategy Analyst
  • 320K+ Niche Markets Identified
  • 6.2M+ Research AI Questions Answered
  • 5K+ Satisfied Customers

The 360iResearch Subscription provides unparalleled access to an extensive library of research reports and continuously updated data, ensuring you always have the latest information. This allows you to spend less time searching for data and more time utilizing it for informed decision-making.

With 7+ years of experience and partnerships with clients globally, including Fortune 500 companies, esteemed universities, and innovation profiles, the platform offers deep insights into regional markets and global trends. This expertise translates into relevant and actionable insights tailored to your specific objectives, empowering you to deliver the necessary support effectively.

Discover how industry leaders leverage the 360iResearch Subscription to drive revenue growth, anticipate market disruptions, and refine their strategies with actionable insights.

Key Benefits of the 360iResearch Subscription:

  • 1. Informed Decision-Making: Provides data-driven insights that enable leaders to make strategic choices, minimizing risks and enhancing outcomes.
  • 2. Market Understanding: Identifies customer needs, preferences, and trends, allowing businesses to tailor products and services effectively.
  • 3. Competitive Advantage: Offers insights into competitors, helping businesses identify opportunities and threats to refine their strategies.
  • 4. Innovation: Stimulates new ideas by uncovering market gaps, and driving product development and service improvements.
  • 5. Efficiency Improvement: Optimizes operations by pinpointing areas for cost reduction and process enhancement.
  • 6. Customer Satisfaction:Enhances your ability to meet customer expectations, fostering increased loyalty and retention.
  • 7. Growth Opportunities: Reveals new markets or segments, facilitating expansion and increasing revenue potential.

Industry Megatrends

360iResearch Subscription is instrumental in identifying megatrends that are reshaping industries. This section highlights the megatrends driving operational changes across various sectors. By subscribing, you can access comprehensive analyses of these trends, which can profoundly influence your strategic planning and decision-making.

Moreover, the platform delivers valuable insights into high-growth markets, ecosystem dynamics, competitive landscapes, and the latest industry developments. This holistic perspective empowers businesses to anticipate shifts and adapt their strategies accordingly. By leveraging this information, organizations can position themselves more effectively in rapidly evolving markets, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and strengthen their competitive edge. In summary, a research report subscription is an essential tool for businesses aiming to navigate and thrive in a dynamic landscape.

What's Included in Your 360iResearch Subscription

  • Exclusive Annual Library Access: Gain unlimited access to a comprehensive collection of market reports across various industries for one year, with over 100 new reports added each month and immediate access to the latest publications.
  • Full Enterprise Access: All employees within the same domain benefit from organization-wide access, ensuring a seamless and cohesive experience.
  • On-Demand Market Reports: Request up to five customized market reports tailored specifically to your needs.
  • ResearchAI Access: Leverage AI-driven market intelligence from ResearchAI for precise answers to your inquiries, addressing all your market research requirements within a single platform.
  • Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Support: Enjoy enhanced global accessibility with multi-currency and multi-language support, improving user experience and facilitating informed decision-making. This allows businesses to effectively engage with diverse markets and tailor strategies to local needs.
  • Expert Analyst Support: Receive personalized guidance from experienced analysts through online meetings or email, ensuring clarity and understanding of report content.

Why Choose the 360iResearch Subscription?

  • Identify and Secure Opportunities: Leverage real-time insights to uncover and capitalize on opportunities in adjacent and related markets.
  • Target High-Growth Revenue Contributors: Focus on emerging revenue streams and diversify your business by identifying niches within your established market.
  • Enhance Product Success Rates: Align product development with customer growth rates, demand patterns, and buying behaviors to increase success.
  • Address Client Needs: Create products that meet both explicit and implicit client needs, enhancing your ROI.
  • Expand Market Reach: Optimize product lifecycles and explore adjacent markets through timely identification of opportunities.
  • Assess Risk and Develop Portfolios: Identify risk revenue mixes to build diverse portfolios across profitable regions.
  • Invest in New Use Cases: Pursue innovative use cases to broaden your customer base significantly.
  • Craft Go-to-Market Strategies: Develop strategies for innovative products while analyzing growth trajectories and ongoing investment trends.
  • Mitigate Launch Risks: Evaluate market conditions and potential challenges to reduce risks associated with new product launches or market entries.
  • Continuous Improvement Through Research: Conduct ongoing research to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and product performance, providing valuable feedback for ongoing enhancements.