產業革新計劃 (Industrial Innovations Program)

產業革新計劃 (Industrial Innovations Program)

Industrial Innovations Program

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: Guidehouse Insights | 英文


工業創新計畫提供工業建築市場的全面視圖,涵蓋先進製造、能源效率、物聯網和連接以及 DER(分散式能源)。該計劃側重於技術和相關商業模式的分析,重點關注從暖通空調和照明到感測器和控制的廣泛技術,並考慮流程和建築效率。訂閱者可以存取多樣化的專業報告庫,這些報告分析新興技術、新成長策略、商業模式創新和市場領導者,以及整個產業價值鏈的政策和監管趨勢。該計劃提供定性和定量的策略見解,強調設備製造商、技術和服務提供者必須解決的關鍵課題,才能成為快速發展的生態系統中的市場領導者。


  • 先進製造
  • 物聯網和連接
  • 分散式能源與能源效率
  • 樓宇自動化/控制


  • 8-10 每年都會在路線圖上發布新報告。
  • 已發布報告的回溯編號
  • 所有 ONE Data Insight 產品
  • 與主題專家/分析師交流的時間
  • 參與研究計畫的優先順序和日程安排
  • 執行長/高階主管的年度簡報電話會議

"The Industrial Innovations program" provides a holistic view of industrial building markets and covers advanced manufacturing, energy efficiency, IoT and Connectivity, and DER. The program emphasizes the analysis of technologies and associated business models, focusing on technologies ranging from HVAC and lighting to sensors and controls, and looks at process and building efficiency. Subscribers gain access to a diverse library of specialized reports analyzing emerging technologies, new growth strategies, market leaders, and policy and regulatory developments across the industrial value chain. The program provides qualitative and quantitative strategic insights focused on key questions that equipment manufacturers and technology and service providers must address to become market leaders in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • IoT and Connectivity
  • DER and energy efficiency
  • Building automation and control

Service Components:

  • 8-10 new reports published to the roadmap each year
  • Back catalog of published reports
  • Any ONE Data Insight product
  • Subject matter expert and analyst time
  • Input into prioritization and scheduling of research projects
  • Annual CEO and senior management briefing call