

The PolicyTracker Spectrum Research Service: A Global Research Program Specifically Designed for Spectrum Professionals

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: PolicyTracker | 英文


本服務,追蹤調查世界120個國家無線電頻率頻寬的使用概況 ,線上全球主要業者的許可證情形,4G、5G的候補頻寬趨勢,頻寬競標的最新趨勢,各國頻寬利用、政策等趨勢,頻寬管理上最新趨勢,各種分析等能請利用。


  • 頻率資料庫
    • 網羅120個主要經濟圈
    • 刊載800家以上的業者的3,000以上的許可證詳細內容
    • 調查400個以上的許可證的價格資料
    • 許可證條件、有效期限
    • 從450 MHz3.5 到GHz的主要無線電頻率頻帶調查
  • 頻率儀表板 (互動線上介面)
    • 現行及計劃中的4G頻帶和5G候補的詳細分析
    • 主要行動通訊業者的頻寬持有趨勢、策略分析
    • 針對4G、5G的供應商的計劃、優先項目概要
    • 國家概況:頻寬利用、政策等
  • 頻率競標追蹤
    • 電子郵件警報
    • 100件以上的競標結果的線上資料庫:各地區、國家、頻寬
    • 450MHz~3.5GHz、26-32 網羅GHz等主要頻寬
  • PolicyTracker電子報
  • 對分析師的質疑

PolicyTracker's “Spectrum Research Service ” is a leading source of data and market intelligence on spectrum management and licensing, which leverages PolicyTracker's unparalleled experience in spectrum policy and our enduring engagement with industry stakeholders around the world.

“A 360-degree view of mobile spectrum licensing and policy-making worldwide. ”

Bringing together comprehensive mobile licensing and pricing data, auction tracking, and analysis from our spectrum experts, the “Spectrum Research Service ” is the perfect complement to PolicyTracker's renowned spectrum management newsletter.



  • Analyse mobile licence awards and pricing in 120+ countries using our comprehensive spectrum licensing database
  • Identify trends in spectrum licensing, find unassigned spectrum, calculate operators' spectrum holdings, and benchmark spectrum prices
  • Explore detailed analysis of the frequency bands that are being used or proposed for mobile services, plus other bands being considered for 5G/6G in the future
  • Compare the spectrum policy positions of key industry stakeholders, including major mobile network operators, satellite players, and technology vendors
  • Benchmark key issues such as band deployment and private networks
  • Stay informed about upcoming spectrum auctions via a searchable database of auction announcements, and receive email alerts about the latest developments
  • Track the key trends and hot topics in spectrum management through our regular commentary and analysis
  • Dossiers which provide a regularly updated overview of the major policy topics like 6G and spectrum refarming
  • A subscription includes access for your whole organisation

Key features:

Spectrum licensing database

  • 120+ major economies covered
  • Details of 4000+ licences and 800+ operators
  • $/MHz/pop data for 400+ licences


  • Licence terms and expiry dates
  • All major mobile and wireless broadband bands included from 450 MHz to 3.3-3.8 GHz, plus the mmWaves
  • Delivered online and in Google sheets and Excel formats

Research and analysis

  • Detailed commentary on all current and planned mobile bands, plus analysis of the candidate bands for 5G/6G
  • Summary of the spectrum holdings and strategies for leading mobile operators


  • Spectrum policy positioning for major technology vendors and satellite players
  • Country profiles detailing spectrum usage and policy in the world's largest economies
  • Tracking of hot-button issues like 6G and in our policy dossiers
  • Benchmarking of international licensing approaches to 5G-suitable spectrum for public and private networks
  • Regular research notes providing timely analysis of the latest trends and hot topics

Auctions tracker

  • Online database of 100+ auctions worldwide, searchable by world region, country, or frequency band


  • Covers all the major mobile bands: 450 MHz to 3.3-3.8 GHz, plus 26-40 GHz
  • Email alerts so you never miss an auction announcement

Who should subscribe?

  • Spectrum regulators and policy-makers
  • Government departments
  • Mobile network operators
  • Technology vendors
  • Satellite operators
  • 5G vertical industry players
  • Investors