關鍵材料委員會(CMC):TECHCET 會員服務

關鍵材料委員會(CMC):TECHCET 會員服務

Critical Materials Council (CMC): A TECHCET Membership Service

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: TECHCET | 英文


關鍵材料委員會 (CMC) 是 TECHCET 的一個部門,提供半導體和電子材料市場資訊的會員服務。這項會員服務使半導體工廠和材料供應商能夠與急劇變化的電子材料市場和供應鏈保持聯繫,同時獲得 TECHCET 分析師的市場/供應鏈分析和支援。

  • CMC 準會員:適用於材料供應商。一份關鍵材料報告和季度更新、邀請參加與晶片製造商舉行的兩次CMC 聯席會議、註冊參加CMC 會議或CMC 研討會以及有關最新市場趨勢的諮詢警報網絡研討會,包括3-4 次邀請、與晶片製造商舉行的1 小時私人會議。
  • CMC 晶圓廠會員資格:適用於晶片製造公司(晶圓廠)。關鍵資料報告(3 份或以上)和季度更新、CMC 晶圓廠私人會議邀請(共2 次)、每月晶圓廠虛擬會議邀請、CMC 會議或CMC 研討會註冊以及諮詢警報網絡研討會的市場見解邀請。

對於那些主要對市場/供應鏈數據和資訊感興趣的人,TECHCET 還提供數據訂閱服務 (DSS) 訂閱,供所有人使用。包括關鍵材料報告、選定報告的數據表、與報告分析師的季度電話會議、對過去演示和分析師新聞廣播的門戶訪問、其他報告/諮詢的折扣優惠等。


The Critical Materials Council (CMC) is a business unit of TECHCET offering memberships for semiconductor and electronics materials information. These memberships help semiconductor Fabs and material suppliers stay connected to dynamic changes in the electronics materials markets and supply-chains, while also receiving market/ supply chain reports and support from TECHCET analysts.

  • CMC Associate Membership: Open to material suppliers. Comes with 1 Critical Materials Report and Quarterly Updates, invitation to 2 in-person private CMC Joint Session meetings with chip fabs, registration to CMC Conference or CMC Seminar, invitation to 3-4 Advisory Alert webinars featuring market updates, 1 hour of one-on-one time with selected report analyst, portal access to past presentations, and discounts on additional reports/consulting.
  • CMC Fab Membership: Open to chip fabrication companies. Comes with 3+ Critical Materials Report and Quarterly Updates, invitation to 2 in-person CMC Fab private meetings, invitations to virtual monthly Fab only meetings, registration to CMC Conference or CMC Seminar, invitation to 3-4 Advisory Alert webinars on market updates per year, one-on-one time with report analyst, benchmarking surveys between other fabs, portal access to past presentations, and discounts on additional reports/consulting.

For those interested primarily in market/ supply-chain data and information, TECHCET also offers a Data Subscription Service (DSS) Subscription: Open to anyone. Comes with Critical Materials Report(s), data tables for selected reports, quarterly calls with report analysts, portal access to past presentations and analyst news alerts, and discounts on additional reports/consulting.