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獸醫牙科電梯市場規模、市場份額、應用分析、區域展望、增長趨勢、主要參與者、競爭戰略、預測,2023-2031 年Veterinary Dental Elevators Market Size, Market Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth Trends, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2023 To 2031 |
市場細分是獸醫醫療器械市場中的一個專業細分市場。 獸醫牙挺是獸醫在對動物進行牙科手術時用來抬高或拔牙的儀器。 由於寵物擁有量的增加、動物牙齒健康意識的提高以及獸醫牙科護理的進步等因素,預計該市場在未來幾年將穩步增長。 預計在 2023-2031 年的預測期內,獸用牙挺市場將以 4.5% 的複合年增長率增長。 隨著寵物擁有量的持續增長,寵物主人越來越關注動物的口腔健康,導致對獸醫牙科手術的需求增加。 此外,獸醫牙科護理的進步,例如牙科升降機等專用牙科器具的可用性,正在推動市場增長。 獸用牙挺專為在動物身上有效和安全使用而設計,可實現高效的牙科手術,例如拔牙。 因此,獸醫在實踐中採用這些專用儀器有望增加獸用牙挺的市場收入。
隨著越來越多的家庭收養寵物並將它們視為家庭的一部分,世界範圍內養寵物的人數正在穩步增加。 這種趨勢提高了人們對動物健康(包括牙科護理)的認識和興趣。 為了保護寵物的健康,主人越來越主動地到獸醫院接受牙科治療,包括定期檢查和清潔牙齒,必要時進行牙科治療。 據美國寵物用品協會(APPA)統計,美國約有67%的家庭擁有寵物,近年寵物擁有率呈上升趨勢。 此外,據 HABRI(人類動物關係研究所)稱,寵物主人更有可能為他們的寵物去看獸醫,並且人們對寵物的牙齒健康越來越感興趣。
獸醫牙科的進步,例如技術、技術和治療方法,正在推動對專業牙科器械(例如獸醫牙挺)的需求。 獸醫專業人員正在採用先進的牙科技術來為動物提供更好的口腔護理,因此需要專業的儀器來提供牙科手術中更高的精度、安全性和有效性。 近年來,由於診斷成像、牙科放射照相術、牙科植入物和微創技術的進步,獸醫牙科取得了顯著發展。 這些進步改善了牙科手術和結果,推動了對獸醫牙挺等專用儀器的需求。
寵物主人、獸醫專業人士和動物福利團體越來越意識到牙齒健康對其動物的重要性。 如果不及時治療,動物的牙齒問題會導致嚴重的健康問題,包括疼痛、感染和全身性疾病。 因此,對動物牙齒問題的預防性牙科保健、早期診斷和及時治療的日益重視增加了對獸醫牙挺的需求。 許多獸醫和動物福利組織,如美國獸醫牙科協會 (AVDS) 和美國動物醫院協會 (AAHA),都開展了宣傳活動,讓寵物主人和獸醫專業人員了解牙齒健康對其動物的重要性。 這種日益增長的意識正在推動對獸醫牙科護理的需求,包括在牙科護理中使用專用儀器,例如獸醫牙科提升器。
儘管人們越來越意識到動物牙齒健康的重要性,但發展中地區對獸醫牙挺的採用可能有限。 這是由於多種因素造成的,包括寵物主人和獸醫專業人員對高級牙科護理缺乏認識、難以獲得專門的獸醫牙科設備以及價格問題。看來。 據世界銀行稱,許多新興經濟體獲得獸藥的機會有限,並面臨獸醫基礎設施不足、熟練獸醫工人短缺和價格問題等挑戰。 此外,研究表明,一些發展中地區可能缺乏對動物牙齒健康和預防性牙齒保健措施重要性的認識和了解。 新興市場有限採用的限制可能因特定國家或地區而異,而在這些地區提高知名度、定價和獲得獸醫護理的努力將緩解這種限制。值得注意的是,這可能會推動獸醫牙挺的採用將來。 然而,在目前獸用牙挺的整體市場動態中,它仍然是一個重要的考慮因素。
根尖提升器設計用於從牙槽窩移除小的根尖或牙根碎片,常被獸醫用於拔牙。 翼式起運器在工作端的兩側都有翼,用於將牙齒從牙槽中提起和脫位。 直式升降機具有直的工作端,用於以直線運動提升和降低牙齒。 機翼電梯行業預計在 2023-2031 年的預測期內以最快的速度擴張,在此期間的複合年增長率最高。 翼式起挺器是一種獸醫用牙挺,在工作端的兩側都有翼,可用於將牙齒從牙槽中提起和脫臼。 該行業的增長歸因於適應各種拔牙的高度多功能性以及對具有改進功能和特性的專用電梯的潛在需求。
最終用戶部分包括獸醫醫院、獸醫診所和專業獸醫牙科診所。 獸醫醫院和診所是 2022 年最賺錢的最終用戶部分,因為它們是領先的獸醫保健提供者,並且經常執行常規牙科手術。 因為這些設施是動物的主要醫療保健提供者,所以他們經常執行常規牙科手術,例如牙齒清潔、拔牙和口腔檢查。 人們越來越意識到動物口腔健康的重要性以及對獸醫牙科服務的需求不斷增長,這推動了獸醫醫院和診所的市場增長。 預計這些人將成為收入最高的人群,並佔整個市場收入的很大一部分。 受寵物擁有率、獸醫牙科意識和獸醫牙科技術進步等因素的影響,該細分市場的複合年增長率預計為中等至高水平。
北美將在 2022 年為獸醫牙科電梯市場貢獻最高的銷售份額,寵物擁有率更高,獸醫牙科護理意識提高,完善的動物保健基礎設施是因素。 由於對獸醫牙科服務的需求不斷增長和寵物擁有量不斷增加,預計歐洲也將對市場收入做出重大貢獻。 然而,對於獸用牙挺市場,亞太地區預計在 2023-2031 年的預測期內呈現最高的複合年增長率。 該地區快速的城市化進程、生活方式的改變和可支配收入的增加導致寵物擁有量增加和動物保健意識的提高,包括牙科保健。 在其他地方,拉丁美洲、中東和非洲以及世界其他地區 (RoW) 的獸用牙挺市場預計也將適度增長。 這些地區逐漸引入先進的獸醫醫療保健和不斷上升的寵物擁有率增加了對獸醫牙科服務的需求,包括拔牙器。
獸用牙挺市場的特點是市場上主要參與者之間的激烈競爭。 這些參與者不斷關注產品創新、技術進步、戰略聯盟、併購等,以提高市場競爭力。 全球獸用牙挺市場的頂級公司包括 Jorgen KRUUSE A/S、Dental USA Inc.、Dispomed Ltd.、iM3 Inc.、TECHNIK Veterinary Ltd、GerVetUSA、Vetquip Pty Ltd、MAI Animal Health、iM3 Inc、Dentalaire Products 等著名球員。 產品創新和開發是這些公司增加市場佔有率的主要戰略。 公司不斷投資於研發活動,以開發可改善功能、易用性和患者治療效果的創新產品。 我們還專注於通過範圍廣泛的獸用牙挺來擴展我們的產品組合,以滿足獸醫從業者的多樣化需求。 公司專注於開發先進的獸用牙挺,以滿足獸醫不斷變化的需求並獲得市場競爭力。 密切關注市場趨勢、客戶格局和技術進步是在全球獸醫牙科電梯市場競爭中取得成功的關鍵。
The veterinary dental elevators market is a specialized segment within the broader veterinary medical devices market. Veterinary dental elevators are instruments used by veterinary professionals to elevate and extract teeth during dental procedures in animals. This market is expected to witness steady growth in the coming years, driven by factors such as increasing pet ownership, rising awareness about animal dental health, and advancements in veterinary dental care. The veterinary dental elevators market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. As pet ownership continues to rise, pet owners are becoming increasingly conscious about their animals' oral health, leading to a higher demand for veterinary dental procedures. Furthermore, advancements in veterinary dental care, including the availability of specialized dental instruments such as dental elevators, are driving market growth. Veterinary dental elevators are designed to be effective and safe for use in animals, allowing for efficient tooth extraction and other dental procedures. As a result, the market revenue for veterinary dental elevators is expected to grow as veterinary professionals adopt these specialized instruments in their practices.
Pet ownership has been steadily increasing worldwide, with more households adopting pets and considering them as family members. This trend has resulted in a greater awareness and focus on animal health, including dental care. Pet owners are becoming more proactive in seeking veterinary dental care to ensure the overall well-being of their pets, which includes regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and dental procedures when needed. This increasing demand for veterinary dental care is driving the market for veterinary dental elevators.According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), approximately 67% of U.S. households own a pet, and pet ownership has been on the rise in recent years. The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) also reported that pet owners are more likely to seek veterinary care for their pets and are increasingly concerned about their pets' dental health.
Advancements in veterinary dental care, including technology, techniques, and treatment options, are driving the demand for specialized dental instruments such as veterinary dental elevators. Veterinary professionals are increasingly adopting advanced dental care practices to provide better oral health care for animals, resulting in the need for specialized instruments that offer higher precision, safety, and efficacy in dental procedures.Veterinary dental care has evolved significantly in recent years, with advancements in diagnostic imaging, dental radiography, dental implants, and minimally invasive techniques. These advancements have led to improved dental procedures and outcomes, driving the demand for specialized instruments such as veterinary dental elevators.
There is a growing awareness among pet owners, veterinary professionals, and animal welfare organizations about the significance of dental health in animals. Dental issues in animals, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems, including pain, infections, and systemic diseases. As a result, there is an increasing emphasis on preventive dental care, early diagnosis, and timely treatment of dental problems in animals, leading to a higher demand for veterinary dental elevators.Many veterinary organizations and animal welfare groups, such as the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), are promoting awareness campaigns to educate pet owners and veterinary professionals about the importance of animal dental health. This increased awareness is driving the demand for veterinary dental care, including the use of specialized instruments such as veterinary dental elevators in dental procedures.
Despite the growing awareness about the importance of animal dental health, there may be limited adoption of veterinary dental elevators in developing regions. This can be due to various factors, including lack of awareness among pet owners and veterinary professionals about advanced dental care practices, limited availability of specialized veterinary dental instruments, and affordability concerns. In developing regions with limited resources and infrastructure for veterinary care, the adoption of veterinary dental elevators may be relatively low, which could act as a restraint on the growth of the market.According to the World Bank, many developing regions have limited access to veterinary care and face challenges such as inadequate veterinary infrastructure, lack of skilled veterinary professionals, and affordability issues. Additionally, research studies have shown that there may be a lack of awareness and knowledge about the importance of animal dental health and preventive dental care practices in some developing regions. These factors may hinder the adoption of veterinary dental elevators in these regions, acting as a restraint on the overall market growth.It's worth noting that the restraint of limited adoption in developing regions may vary depending on the specific country or region, and efforts to improve awareness, affordability, and access to veterinary care in these areas could potentially mitigate this restraint and drive the adoption of veterinary dental elevators in the future. However, currently, it remains an important consideration in the overall market dynamics of veterinary dental elevators.
Root tip elevators are designed to remove small root tips or root fragments from the alveolar socket, and they are commonly used in veterinary dental extractions. Winged elevators have wings on either side of the working end, which can be used to elevate and luxate teeth from the socket. Straight elevators have a straight working end and are used to elevate and luxate teeth with a straight motion.The winged elevators segment is anticipated to expand at the fastest rate during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031 therefore registering the highest CAGR during this period. Winged elevators are a type of veterinary dental elevators that have wings on either side of the working end, which can be used to elevate and luxate teeth from the socket. The growth of this segment is due to their versatility in a wide range of dental extractions, and potential demand for specialized elevators with improved features and functionality.
The end user segment of the veterinary dental elevators market typically includes veterinary hospitals, veterinary clinics, and specialty veterinary dental practices.The highest revenue in the end user segment was generated by veterinary hospitals and clinics, in 2022 as they are the primary healthcare providers for animals and often perform routine dental procedures. Specialty veterinary dental practices, which focus on advanced dental procedures and offer specialized services, are also expected to contribute significantly to the revenue in the end user segment due to the growing demand for specialized dental care for animals.These facilities are the primary healthcare providers for animals and often perform routine dental procedures, such as dental cleanings, extractions, and oral examinations. The increasing awareness about the importance of oral health in animals and the rising demand for veterinary dental services are driving the growth of veterinary hospitals and clinics in the market. They are anticipated to generate the highest revenue, accounting for a significant portion of the total market revenue. The CAGR of this segment is expected to be moderate to high, influenced by factors such as pet ownership rates, awareness about veterinary dental care, and technological advancements in veterinary dentistry.
North America contributed the highest revenue percentage in the veterinary dental elevators market in 2022, driven by the higher pet ownership rates, increased awareness about veterinary dental care, and well-established veterinary healthcare infrastructure. Europe is also expected to contribute significantly to the market revenue, owing to the growing demand for veterinary dental services and increasing pet adoption rates. However, Asia Pacific is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031 in the veterinary dental elevators market. The region is experiencing rapid urbanization, changing lifestyles, and increasing disposable incomes, leading to a rise in pet ownership and awareness about animal healthcare, including dental care. Additionally, the growing trend of pet humanization, where pets are considered as family members, is driving the demand for advanced veterinary dental services in the region.Other regions such as Latin America, Middle East & Africa, and Rest of the World (RoW) are also expected to witness moderate growth in the veterinary dental elevators market. These regions are gradually adopting advanced veterinary healthcare practices and witnessing increasing pet ownership rates, which are driving the demand for veterinary dental services, including dental elevators.
The veterinary dental elevators market is characterized by intense competition among the key players operating in the market. These players are constantly focusing on product innovation, technological advancements, strategic collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions to gain a competitive edge in the market. Some of the top players in the global veterinary dental elevators market include Jorgen KRUUSE A/S, Dental USA Inc., Dispomed Ltd., iM3 Inc., TECHNIK Veterinary Ltd., GerVetUSA, Vetquip Pty Ltd., MAI Animal Health, iM3 Inc., Dentalaire Products and Other Notable Players. Product innovation and development are key strategies adopted by these companies to enhance their market presence. They are constantly investing in research and development activities to develop innovative veterinary dental elevators that offer improved functionality, ease of use, and better patient outcomes. Companies are also focusing on expanding their product portfolios with a wide range of veterinary dental elevators to cater to the diverse needs of veterinary practitioners. Companies are focusing on developing advanced veterinary dental elevators to meet the evolving needs of veterinary practitioners and gain a competitive edge in the market. Close attention to market trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements will be crucial for companies to succeed in the highly competitive landscape of the global veterinary dental elevators market.
This study report represents analysis of each segment from 2021 to 2031 considering 2022 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2022 to 2031.
The current report comprises of quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends and technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.
The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. key data point that enables the estimation of Veterinary Dental Elevators market are as follows:
Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Veterinary Dental Elevators market and their expected impact during the forecast period.
Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.