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有機朗肯循環市場規模、市場份額、應用分析、區域展望、增長趨勢、主要參與者、競爭戰略、預測,2023-2031 年Organic Rankine Cycle Market Size, Market Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth Trends, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2023 To 2031 |
有機朗肯循環的全球市場在過去幾年經歷了巨大的增長。 在 2023 年至 2031 年的預測期內,該市場預計將以 10% 的複合年增長率增長。 有機朗肯循環 (ORC) 是一種將廢熱轉化為可用電能的熱力學過程,為發電提供了一種環保解決方案。 對清潔和可再生能源的需求不斷增加、政府為減少碳足跡所做的努力以及 ORC 在各種最終用途行業中的採用率不斷提高是促進有機朗肯循環市場增長的主要因素。 有機朗肯循環市場的主要驅動力之一是對清潔能源不斷增長的需求。 減少二氧化碳排放的需要和對化石燃料的依賴正在推動 ORC 等可再生能源的採用。 ORC 技術可以利用地熱井、生物質和廢氣等多種來源的廢熱,提供一種高效且具有成本效益的發電方法。 世界各國政府出台了各種舉措和政策,以減少碳排放和促進清潔能源的採用。 例如,歐盟 (EU) 制定了到 2020 年可再生能源產量達到 20% 的目標,這對 ORC 技術產生了巨大的需求。 另一方面,ORC 系統的高安裝和維護成本可能會抑制市場增長。 此外,對ORC技術認知度低和替代技術的存在也可能阻礙部分地區採用ORC系統。 然而,為降低成本和提高 ORC 系統效率而進行的持續研究和開發有望在未來幾年為市場增長創造機會。
對清潔能源不斷增長的需求和日益嚴重的環境問題正在推動有機朗肯循環 (ORC) 市場的增長。 ORC技術被認為是一種將低溫廢熱轉化為電能的高效且具有成本效益的解決方案,可用於多種應用。 根據國際能源署 (IEA) 的報告,餘熱佔工業能源消耗的 50% 以上,而 ORC 系統有潛力回收高達 80% 的這種餘熱。 此外,旨在促進清潔能源和減少溫室氣體排放的政府舉措也推動了 ORC 市場的增長。 例如,在歐盟(EU),能源效率指令設定了到2030年節能32.5%的目標,而ORC技術被視為實現這一目標的重要工具。
地熱發電以其低成本、高效率、低碳等優點越來越受歡迎。 ORC 技術廣泛用於利用這種可再生能源的地熱發電。 ORC系統可以使用低溫水和蒸汽從地熱資源中發電,這在以前被認為是無法使用的。 隨著 ORC 系統在地熱發電中的應用不斷推進,ORC 市場有望增長。 例如,據國際地熱協會(IGA)預測,2020年地熱發電裝機容量將達到15.4吉瓦,預計2025年將達到18.4吉瓦。
ORC技術廣泛應用於廢熱回收、生物質發電、熱電聯產(CHP)系統等各種工業應用。 工業部門對節能解決方案不斷增長的需求正在推動 ORC 市場的增長。 ORC 系統用於回收鋼鐵生產、水泥生產和玻璃生產等各種工業過程中的廢熱來發電。 根據國際可再生能源機構(IRENA)的一份報告,工業部門約佔全球能源消耗的37%,該部門餘熱回收潛力巨大。 工業部門對節能解決方案的需求不斷增長,預計將推動 ORC 市場的增長。
有機朗肯循環 (ORC) 市場的主要製約因素之一是初始投資成本高。 ORC 系統需要專門的設備和技術,例如渦輪機、膨脹機、泵和熱交換器,並且安裝和維護成本高昂。 此外,ORC 系統的複雜性需要經驗豐富的專業人士來熟練設計、安裝和操作它們,這也推高了整體投資成本。 例如,根據國際能源署的一份報告,ORC 系統的初始投資成本在每千瓦裝機容量 2,000 至 4,000 歐元之間,這對於許多中小企業來說可能是一筆不菲的投資。 此外,高資本成本可能會阻礙潛在投資者進入市場並限制 ORC 市場的增長。 然而,最近的技術進步正在降低 ORC 系統的初始成本。 例如,模塊化和標準化的 ORC 系統的開發減少了安裝時間和成本,控制系統的集成提高了系統效率並降低了維護和運營成本。 儘管取得了這些進步,但高昂的初始投資成本仍然是 ORC 市場增長的挑戰。
有機朗肯循環 (ORC) 市場的應用領域包括餘熱回收、生物質能、地熱能、太陽能熱能、石油和天然氣(天然氣管道壓力站)以及廢物能源轉換。 在這些應用中,由於對用於從工業廢熱中回收能量的 ORC 系統的需求不斷增加,廢熱回收領域□□在 2022 年的收入中佔據了最高的市場份額。 預計在 2023-2031 年的預測期內,餘熱回收應用領域將以最高複合年增長率增長。 此外,由於對可再生能源的需求不斷增加和採用可持續廢物管理做法,廢物轉化為能源的應用部門預計在同一時期也將大幅增長。
有機朗肯循環 (ORC) 市場可根據輸出容量分為四類:<1 MWe、>1-5 MWe、>5-10 MWe 和>10 MWe。 由於對用於地熱和余熱回收應用的小型 ORC 系統的需求不斷增長,□1 MWe 部分預計將在 2023 年至 2031 年的預測期內保持最高的複合年增長率。 這些系統被中小型工業廣泛採用,因為它們可以有效地利用低溫熱源發電。 由於在生物質、廢熱回收和太陽能熱應用中越來越多地安裝 ORC 系統,>1-5 MWe 部分在 2022 年佔據了最大的收入份額。 由於大型地熱和廢熱回收應用中對 ORC 系統的需求增加,預計 >5-10 MWe 的細分市場也將出現顯著增長。 由於安裝量有限,主要用於地熱和生物質能應用,預計 10MWe 以上的部分在預測期內將適度增長。 隨著溫室氣體排放的減少和可再生能源發電量的增加,預計所有輸出領域對 ORC 系統的需求都會增加,但低於 1MWe 和 1-5MWe 的領域將增長最快。
由於電力需求增加和對可持續能源的需求增加,預計亞太地區在預測期內將創下最高的複合年增長率。 在 2023-2031 年的預測期內,亞太有機朗肯循環市場預計將以 13.5% 的複合年增長率增長。 該地區的市場增長歸因於積極的政府舉措、增加對可再生能源的投資以及多個主要參與者的存在。 北美和歐洲也對全球有機朗肯循環市場做出了重大貢獻。 在北美,由於對可再生能源的需求不斷增長以及對減少碳排放的興趣日益濃厚,美國在市場上佔據主導地位。 在歐洲,德國、法國和英國等國家正在引領市場並取得顯著增長。
全球有機朗肯循環市場競爭激烈且分散,市場上有幾家主要參與者。 主要參與者正專注於戰略合作夥伴關係、合作和併購,以擴大他們的產品供應並增加他們的市場佔有率。 該市場的主要參與者之一是 Turboden S.p.A.,該公司在歐洲和亞太地區擁有強大的影響力。 該公司為各種應用提供有機朗肯循環系統,包括地熱、生物質和廢熱回收。 2020 年,我們宣布與 Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd. 建立戰略合作夥伴關係,為日本市場開發有機朗肯循環發電廠。 總之,由於對可再生能源的需求不斷增加以及對減少二氧化碳排放的關注日益增加,全球有機朗肯循環市場正在經歷顯著增長。 市場競爭激烈,主要參與者正在採取各種戰略,如合作夥伴關係、協作和產品開發,以增加他們的市場佔有率和收入。
The global organic Rankine cycle market has been witnessing significant growth over the years. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is a thermodynamic process that converts waste heat into usable electricity, providing an eco-friendly solution for power generation. The increasing demand for clean and renewable energy sources, government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, and the rising adoption of ORC in various end-use industries are some of the key drivers contributing to the growth of the organic Rankine cycle market. One of the major drivers for the organic Rankine cycle market is the growing demand for clean energy sources. The need to reduce carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels has led to the adoption of renewable energy sources such as ORC. The ORC technology can harness waste heat from various sources like geothermal wells, biomass, and exhaust gases, providing an efficient and cost-effective way to generate power. Several governments worldwide are introducing various initiatives and policies to reduce carbon emissions and promote the adoption of clean energy sources. For instance, the European Union has set a target of producing 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, creating a significant demand for ORC technology. In contrast, the high installation and maintenance costs of ORC systems could act as a restraint for market growth. Additionally, the lack of awareness about ORC technology and the availability of alternative technologies could also hinder the adoption of ORC systems in some regions. Nevertheless, ongoing research and development activities to reduce the cost and enhance the efficiency of ORC systems are expected to create opportunities for market growth in the coming years.
The increasing demand for clean energy and rising environmental concerns are driving the growth of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) market. The ORC technology is considered a highly efficient and cost-effective solution for converting low-temperature waste heat into electricity, which can be used for various applications. As per the International Energy Agency (IEA) report, waste heat accounts for more than 50% of industrial energy consumption, and ORC systems have the potential to recover up to 80% of this waste heat. Furthermore, government initiatives to promote clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions are also supporting the growth of the ORC market. For instance, in the European Union, the Energy Efficiency Directive has set a target of 32.5% energy savings by 2030, and ORC technology is seen as an important tool to achieve this target.
Geothermal energy is becoming increasingly popular due to its low cost, high efficiency, and low carbon emissions. The ORC technology is being widely adopted in geothermal power generation to harness this renewable energy source. The ORC system is capable of generating electricity from geothermal resources with low-temperature water or steam, which was previously considered unusable. The increasing adoption of ORC systems in geothermal power generation is expected to drive the growth of the ORC market. For instance, according to the International Geothermal Association (IGA), the installed capacity of geothermal power generation reached 15.4 GW in 2020, and it is expected to reach 18.4 GW by 2025.
ORC technology is being widely used in various industrial applications such as waste heat recovery, biomass power generation, and combined heat and power (CHP) systems. The growing demand for energy-efficient solutions in the industrial sector is driving the growth of the ORC market. ORC systems are being used to recover waste heat from various industrial processes, such as steel production, cement production, and glass manufacturing, to generate electricity. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the industrial sector is responsible for approximately 37% of global energy consumption, and the potential for waste heat recovery in this sector is significant. The increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions in the industrial sector is expected to drive the growth of the ORC market.
One of the main restraints for the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) market is the high initial investment costs. The ORC systems require specialized equipment and technology, such as a turbine or an expander, a pump, and a heat exchanger, among others, which can be costly to install and maintain. Additionally, the complexity of the ORC systems requires skilled and experienced professionals to design, install and operate them, which also adds to the overall investment cost. For instance, according to a report by the International Energy Agency, the initial investment cost of an ORC system ranges from €2,000 to €4,000 per kW of installed capacity, which can be a significant investment for many small and medium-sized enterprises. Furthermore, high capital costs may deter potential investors from entering the market and could limit the growth of the ORC market. However, recent advancements in technology have helped to reduce the initial costs of ORC systems. For example, the development of modular and standardized ORC systems has reduced installation time and costs, and the integration of control systems has increased the efficiency of the systems, reducing maintenance and operating costs. Despite these advancements, high initial investment costs remain a challenge for the growth of the ORC market.
The application segment of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) market includes waste heat recovery, biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, oil & gas (gas pipeline pressure stations), and waste to energy. Among these applications, the waste heat recovery segment held the highest market share in revenue in 2022 due to the increasing demand for ORC systems for energy recovery from industrial waste heat. The waste heat recovery application segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2023-2031. The report further indicates that the waste-to-energy application segment is also expected to witness significant growth during the same period, driven by the increasing demand for renewable energy sources and the adoption of sustainable waste management practices.
The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) market can be segmented based on power output capacity, with four categories: ≤ 1 MWe, > 1 - 5 MWe, > 5 - 10 MWe, and > 10 MWe. The ≤ 1 MWe segment is expected to hold the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031 due to the increasing demand for small-scale ORC systems in the geothermal and waste heat recovery applications. These systems are being widely adopted by small and medium-scale industries, as they provide an efficient way to generate power from low-temperature heat sources. The > 1 - 5 MWe segment held the largest revenue share in 2022 due to the increasing installation of ORC systems in biomass, waste heat recovery, and solar thermal applications. The > 5 - 10 MWe segment is also expected to witness significant growth due to the increasing demand for ORC systems in large-scale geothermal and waste heat recovery applications. The > 10 MWe segment is expected to witness moderate growth during the forecast period due to the limited number of installations in this category, mainly in the geothermal and biomass applications. With the increasing focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy generation, the demand for ORC systems is expected to increase in all power output segments, with the highest growth expected in the ≤ 1 MWe and > 1 - 5 MWe segments.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period owing to the increasing demand for electricity and the rising need for sustainable energy sources. The Asia-Pacific organic Rankine cycle market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.5% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. The region's market growth can be attributed to favorable government initiatives, increasing investments in renewable energy, and the presence of several key players. North America and Europe are also significant contributors to the global organic Rankine cycle market. In North America, the United States dominates the market due to the increasing demand for renewable energy sources and the rising focus on reducing carbon emissions. Europe is also witnessing significant growth, with countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom leading the market.
The global organic Rankine cycle market is highly competitive and fragmented, with several key players operating in the market. The major players are focused on strategic partnerships, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions to expand their product offerings and increase their market presence. One of the key players in the market is Turboden S.p.A., which has a strong presence in Europe and Asia-Pacific regions. The company offers a range of organic Rankine cycle systems for various applications, including geothermal, biomass, and waste heat recovery. In 2020, the company announced a strategic partnership with Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd. to develop organic Rankine cycle power plants for the Japanese market. In conclusion, the global organic Rankine cycle market is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing demand for renewable energy sources and the rising focus on reducing carbon emissions. The market is highly competitive, with key players adopting various strategies such as partnerships, collaborations, and product development to increase their market presence and revenue.
This study report represents analysis of each segment from 2021 to 2031 considering 2022 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2022 to 2031.
The current report comprises of quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends and technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.
The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. key data point that enables the estimation of Organic Rankine Cycle market are as follows:
Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Organic Rankine Cycle market and their expected impact during the forecast period.
Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.