衛星經由的M2M和IoT:趨勢與預測 (2023~2033年)

衛星經由的M2M和IoT:趨勢與預測 (2023~2033年)

M2M and IoT via Satellite: Trends and Forecasts 2023-2033

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 17 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告分析了衛星物聯網和 M2M 通訊的長期前景,特別關注不斷變化的市場趨勢,以應對每個細分市場日益激烈的競爭。


  • 推動七個細分市場和五個地區收入成長的衛星 M2M/IoT 趨勢概覽
  • 未來 10 年各細分市場的在用設備和收入預測
  • 評估最具成長潛力的用例(2023-2033 年)
  • 對影響各種衛星物聯網技術採用的市場力量的回顧
  • 就影響未來市場的技術趨勢以及企業應如何應對不斷變化的環境提供建議


  • 新的衛星物聯網市場有哪些獲利機會?
  • 新的 3GPP 版本將如何影響 5G 衛星物聯網?
  • 現有物聯網衛星營運商將如何應對 ARPU 下降和競爭環境加劇?
  • 行動網路營運商 (MNO) 和行動虛擬網路營運商 (MVNO) 有哪些機會在新的非地面網路 (NTN) 市場中獲得佔有率?
  • 哪些用例將在未來 10 年帶來最大的營收成長?



  • 運作中的設備台數
  • 每ARPU (單位的平均收入)
  • 業務收益
  • 設備收益
  • 零售收益


  • 運輸·貨物
  • 海運
  • 石油、天然氣
  • 礦業
  • 公共事業
  • 農業
  • 建設業


  • 專用IoT
  • VSAT (Very-small-aperture terminal) IoT
  • 5G·D2D (Direct-to-Device) IoT


  • 亞洲
  • 歐洲
  • 南美
  • 北美
  • 中東·非洲

"The integration of satellite and terrestrial networks promises to deliver comprehensive, reliable and cost-effective IoT connectivity across diverse environments."

This report examines the long-term outlook for satellite IoT and M2M communications, highlighting the changes in market dynamics in response to increased competition within various segments of the market.

Report coverage:

  • A summary of the trends in satellite M2M and IoT that are driving revenue growth in seven market segments and five regions.
  • A 10-year forecast for the number of in-service units and revenue across each market segment.
  • An assessment of the use cases that will experience the strongest growth between 2023 and 2033.
  • A review of the market forces that are influencing the adoption of various satellite IoT technologies.
  • An outline of the key technology developments that will shape the future of the market, along with recommendations on how players should respond to an evolving environment.

Key questions answered in this report:

  • What is the revenue opportunity for the emerging satellite IoT market?
  • What will be the impact of new 3GPP releases on 5G satellite IoT?
  • How will legacy IoT satellite operators adapt to a lower average revenue per unit and an increasingly competitive environment?
  • What are the opportunities for mobile network operators (MNOs) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to capture a share of the new non-terrestrial network (NTN) market?
  • Which use cases will have the highest revenue growth over the next 10 years?

Report segmentation:


  • In-service units
  • Average revenue per unit (ARPU)
  • Service revenue
  • Equipment revenue
  • Retail revenue

Market segments

  • Transport and cargo
  • Maritime
  • Oil and gas
  • Mining
  • Utilities
  • Agriculture
  • Construction

Technology types

  • Proprietary IoT
  • Very-small-aperture terminal (VSAT) IoT
  • 5G and direct-to-device (D2D) IoT

Geographical regions

  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • North America
  • Middle East and Africa