衛星通訊容量的需求與供給:趨勢與預測 (2023~2033年)

衛星通訊容量的需求與供給:趨勢與預測 (2023~2033年)

Satellite Capacity Supply and Demand: Trends and Forecasts 2023-2033

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 18 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


"非 GEO 容量在寬頻存取和商業行動等應用中變得越來越受歡迎。"




  • 市場成長潛力:按應用/地區劃分
  • 對推動市場成長的趨勢進行評估:按應用和地區分類
  • 對地球靜止衛星 (GEO) 和非 GEO 衛星通訊 (satcom) 通訊容量供需趨勢的影響
  • 通訊容量需求、供給與價格趨勢:10 年預測
  • 固定衛星服務 (FSS) 和高吞吐量衛星 (HTS) 服務的市佔率評估



  • 容量供給
  • 容量需求
  • 容量價格


  • 影片
    • 提供(播送)
    • DTH (direct-to-home)
    • OUTV (平時·臨時契約型電視)
  • 回程傳輸和中繼
  • 企業資料
  • 寬頻上網
  • 商用行動
  • 政府及軍事


  • FSS:C/Ku/Ka波段
  • GEO HTSC/Ku/Ka波段
  • 非GEO HTS


  • 中美·加勒比海 (CAMCB)
  • 中東歐 (CEEU)
  • 東亞 (EA)
  • 印度洋地區 (IOR)
  • 中東·北非 (MENA)
  • 北美 (NAM)
  • 太平洋地區 (POR)
  • 南美 (SAM)
  • 南亞 (SA)
  • 東南亞 (SEA)
  • 撒哈拉以南非洲 (SSA)
  • 西歐 (WEU)


  • 非 GEO 星座如何影響衛星通訊市場?
  • 衛星容量供應、需求和收入如何因應用、區域和架構(GEO 與非 GEO)而變化?
  • 衛星營運商如何在這個競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出並實現成長?
  • 營運商應在其策略計畫中優先考慮哪些地區、利用領域和商業模式?


Amazon,APT Sat,ArabSat,China Satcom,Echostar,Eutelsat,Hispasat,Huawei,Hughes,Intelsat,ISRO,Kacific,KDDI,MEASAT,OneWeb,SES,SKY Perfect JSAT,Spacecom,Starlink,Star One,Speedcast,Telebras,Telesat,Thaicom,ViaSat,YahSat


"Non-GEO capacity is becoming increasingly popular for applications such as broadband access and commercial mobility."

This report is a comprehensive source of satellite capacity analysis. It offers essential capacity-related insights for a range of applications, frequency bands and regions and provides information related to satellite capacity pricing.

This report also provides recommendations for satellite operators and service integrators. It analyses the key industry trends and predicts what impact they will have on industry stakeholders.

Report coverage:

  • Market growth potential by application and region
  • Assessment of the trends that drive growth for each application and region
  • Impacts of the evolving dynamics between geostationary (GEO) and non-GEO satellite communications (satcom) capacity supply and demand
  • 10-year forecast of capacity supply, demand and pricing for each application
  • Assessment of the market share for fixed satellite services (FSS) and high-throughput satellite (HTS) services

Report segmentation:


  • Capacity supply
  • Capacity demand
  • Capacity pricing


  • Video
    • distribution
    • direct-to-home (DTH)
    • contribution and occasional use television (OUTV)
  • Backhaul and trunking
  • Enterprise data
  • Broadband access
  • Commercial mobility
  • Government and military

Frequency bands

  • FSS: C/Ku/Ka band
  • GEO HTS: C/Ku/Ka band
  • Non-GEO HTS

Geographical regions

  • Central America and the Caribbean (CAMCB)
  • Central and Eastern Europe (CEEU)
  • East Asia (EA)
  • Indian Ocean region (IOR)
  • Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
  • North America (NAM)
  • Pacific Ocean region (POR)
  • South America (SAM)
  • South Asia (SA)
  • South East Asia (SEA)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
  • Western Europe (WEU)

Questions answered:

  • How are non-GEO constellations affecting the satellite communications market?
  • How will satellite capacity supply, demand and revenue change for each application, region and architecture (GEO and non-GEO)?
  • How can satellite operators differentiate and capture growth in this highly contested market?
  • Which regions, applications and business models should operators prioritise in their strategic plans?

Who should read this report:

  • Satellite operators and service integrators that want to understand the market opportunities and competitive landscape.
  • Satellite manufacturers and launch providers that want to develop their strategies based on evolving demand in the satcom market.
  • Ground equipment manufacturers and integrators that want to develop and position their products based on future supply and demand.
  • Telecoms operators and end users that want to understand the value of satcom and the associated pricing.

Companies mentioned:

Amazon, APT Sat, ArabSat, China Satcom, Echostar, Eutelsat, Hispasat, Huawei, Hughes, Intelsat, ISRO, Kacific, KDDI, MEASAT, OneWeb, SES, SKY Perfect JSAT, Spacecom, Starlink, Star One, Speedcast, Telebras, Telesat, Thaicom, ViaSat and YahSat.