

Network Automation and Orchestration: Worldwide Forecast 2024-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 13 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


"到 2029 年,CS​​P 在網路自動化和編排市場的支出將達到 140 億美元,這主要得益於對 5G 和 SD-WAN 自主網路 AI 的投資。"

本報告分析了全球網路自動化和編排市場,並對 2024 年至 2029 年通訊服務提供者 (CSP) 在這些解決方案和相關服務上的支出進行了預測。它還為供應商和 CSP 提供建議。


    • 四個主要使用子部分:網域控制和編排、SD-WAN、網路元素管理系統和網路自動化平台
    • 兩種交付類型:產品相關服務及專業服務 (PS)
    • 四大通訊服務:行動、物聯網、消費者固話、商業固話
    • 8 個地區:中歐和東歐 (CEE)、亞太發達地區 (DVAP)、亞太新興地區 (EMAP)、拉丁美洲、中東和北非 (MENA)、北美 (NA)、撒哈拉以南非洲 (SSA)、西歐 (​​WE)
  • 分析市場推動因素及其對預測期內支出的影響
  • 分析影響網路自動化/業務流程管理市場的商業環境和區域動態
  • 詳細的市場定義
  • 針對 CSP 和供應商的建議

"CSPs' spending in the network automation and orchestration market will reach USD14 billion in 2029, driven by investments in AI for autonomous networking for 5G and SD-WAN."

This report provides forecasts for communications service provider (CSP) spending on network automation and orchestration (NAO) solutions and related services for 2024-2029. The report also provides recommendations for vendors and CSPs.

This forecast report and the accompanying data annex provide:

  • a detailed, 6-year worldwide forecast for spending in the service design and orchestration market, split into:
    • four main application sub-segments: domain control and orchestration, SD-WAN, network and element management systems and network automation platforms
    • two delivery types: product-related and professional services (PS)
    • four telecoms services: mobile, IoT, consumer fixed and business fixed
    • eight geographical regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), developed Asia-Pacific (DVAP), emerging Asia-Pacific (EMAP), Latin America (LATAM), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), North America (NA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Western Europe (WE)
  • an examination of the market drivers and how they will affect spending during the forecast period
  • analysis of the business environment and regional dynamics that will influence the network automation and orchestration market
  • a detailed market definition
  • recommendations for CSPs and vendors.