

Leveraging Digital Infrastructure to Drive Sustainability and Revenue

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 22 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告概述了主要產業領域中存在的永續發展課題和目標,並概述了Analysys Mason用於建模數位解決方案對這些產業的能源消耗和排放的影響的方法。我們為可持續網路計劃的訂閱者開發的資料庫、分析框架和模型對各種數位基礎設施支援的用例改善永續性的能力進行了獨立評估。本報告提供了此類評估的一個例子,重點關注物流行業和無人機的使用。



"Digital infrastructure players should not myopically focus on the cost benefits of improving their internal sustainability; market opportunities will emerge from having a strong sustainability strategy."

This report provides an overview of the sustainability challenges and goals that exist in key industry sectors, and outlines Analysys Mason's methodology for modelling the impact of digital solutions on the energy consumption and emissions of these sectors. The databases, analytical frameworks and models that we have developed for subscribers to the Sustainable Networks programme offer unique assessments of the ability of a wide range of digital-infrastructure-enabled use cases to improve sustainability. Examples of such assessments are provided in this report, with a focus on the logistics sector and the use of drones.

Understanding the use cases and infrastructure options that will have the optimal impact on a particular industry, process and environment will be critical. This will enable digital infrastructure providers to provide the best services to their enterprise customers, and industries to select the best digital solutions. This report provides an introduction to the way in which the Sustainable Networks programme can help all stakeholders to make difficult sustainability-related decisions in order to address their own sustainability goals, as well as those of their customers and ecosystems.