

Submarine Cable Market: Worldwide Forecast 2023-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 14 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內





  • 主要海底電纜線路分析
    • 電纜敷設公里數
    • 有線系統的路線投資
  • 五年電纜部署市場規模預測
    • 物理電纜
    • 安裝和調試
    • 主動裝備
  • 持續營運和維護(包括維修)支出的五年預測
  • 分析超大規模企業的作用,包括超大規模企業對海底電纜的支出預測

"The number of submarine telecoms cables has grown dramatically in the past 10 years; this trend is set to continue due to concerns about the resiliency of international communications."

This report provides forecasts for the submarine fibre-optic telecoms cable market. This includes forecasts for the extent of new cable installation and for annual investment in submarine cable systems, which in turn includes the investment in the cables, the active equipment, the initial installation and the commissioning of the cables and active equipment. The report also includes forecasts for expenditure on ongoing maintenance, operations and repair services.

The report provides details of cable deployments on the major oceanic routes and discusses the key drivers of future submarine telecoms cable investment. It also discusses implications for vendors and telecoms operators.

This report provides:

  • analysis of the major oceanic cable routes, including kilometres of cable deployed and route-by-route investment in cable systems
  • 5 - year forecasts for the size of the cable deployment market, including investment in:
    • physical cable
    • installation and commissioning
    • active equipment
  • 5-year forecasts for expenditure on ongoing operations and maintenance (including repair)
  • analysis of the role of hyperscalers, including forecasts for hyperscaler expenditure on submarine cables.