全球機場掃描器市場(2023-2033)Global Airport Scanners Market 2023-2033 |
機場掃描儀,也稱為機場安全掃描儀,是機場使用的先進成像設備,用於檢測乘客和隨身行李中的違禁物品、武器以及潛在威脅。 這些掃描儀在維護航空安全、確保乘客和機場工作人員的安全方面發揮著至關重要的作用。
X 光掃描儀,也稱為行李/行李掃描儀,使用 X 光技術對輸送帶上的乘客行李和行李的內容物進行成像。 安全人員可以使用這些掃描器來檢測潛在威脅,例如槍支、爆炸物和其他違禁物品。
A. 托運行李檢查:此掃描器將檢查您的托運行李。 他們通常使用較大的 X 光機,可以掃描較大的行李和手提箱。
B. 隨身行李檢查:此掃描器用於檢查隨身行李。 它比普通的小,適合在安全檢查站使用。 當乘客將行李放在輸送帶上時,安檢人員會產生並檢查 X 光影像。
C.將使用 AIT 掃描器(也稱為全身掃描器或毫米波掃描器)對乘客進行篩選。 掃描器使用毫米波等非電離輻射來創建個人身體的詳細圖像,揭示可能隱藏在衣服下方的秘密。
無線電波反射回來,並在監視器上創建個人身體的三維影像,供安全人員查看。 毫米波掃描器不發射電離輻射。
反向散射X 射線掃描儀:反向散射X 射線掃描儀使用非常低水平的電離輻射來產生人體的二維影像,供安全人員分析。顯示在監視器上。 由於隱私問題和與電離輻射相關的潛在健康風險,這種掃描儀變得越來越不常見。
Airport scanners, also known as airport security scanners, are sophisticated imaging devices that are used at airports to detect prohibited items, weapons, and potential threats on passengers or in their carry-on luggage. These scanners play an important role in ensuring the safety of passengers and airport personnel while maintaining aviation security.
X-ray scanners, also known as baggage or luggage scanners, create images of the contents of passengers' bags or items placed on conveyor belts using X-ray technology. Security personnel can use these scanners to detect potential threats such as firearms, explosives, or other prohibited items.
A. Hold Baggage Screening: These scanners inspect checked baggage. They usually use larger X-ray machines that can scan larger items and suitcases.
B. B. Cabin Baggage Screening: These scanners are used to screen carry-on luggage. They are typically smaller and intended for use at security checkpoints. Passengers place their bags on the conveyor belt, and an X-ray image is generated for security personnel to examine.
C. Passengers are screened using AIT scanners, also known as full-body scanners or millimeter-wave scanners. Non-ionizing radiation, such as millimeter waves, is used in these scanners to create a detailed image of an individual's body, revealing any concealed objects that may be hidden beneath clothing.
Millimeter-Wave Scanners: These scanners use low-power radio waves to scan the person.
The waves reflect, creating a three-dimensional image of the individual's body on a monitor for security personnel to review. Ionizing radiation is not emitted by millimeter-wave scanners.
X-ray Scanners with Backscatter: Backscatter X-ray scanners generate a two-dimensional image of a person's body using very low levels of ionizing radiation, which is displayed on a monitor for security personnel to analyze. These scanners are becoming less common due to privacy concerns and potential health risks associated with ionizing radiation.