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LEO/MEO 衛星的全球市場(2023-2033)Global LEO and MEO Market 2023-2033 |
LEO(低地球軌道)衛星和 MEO(中地球軌道)衛星是在衛星通訊和其他天基應用中非常重要的兩種軌道。
低地球軌道 (LEO) 衛星放置在距離地球表面約 160 公裡(100 英裡)至約 2,000 公裡(1,200 英裡)的軌道上。
LEO 衛星通常在 2,000 公裡以下的高度運行,並以高速運行,繞地球一圈需要 90 到 120 分鐘。
優點:LEO 衛星距離地球更近,因此訊號延遲更低、資料速率更高且覆蓋全球。 特別適合需要即時通訊的應用,例如音訊和視訊會議。
低軌衛星的缺點是它們在天空中移動速度很快,因此覆蓋範圍很短。 需要更大的衛星星座來提供連續覆蓋。 此外,低地球軌道衛星網路的設計和操作變得更加複雜,因為當衛星經過不同的地面站時,需要在衛星之間進行無縫切換。
MEO 衛星通常放置在距離地球 2,000 公裡至 36,000 公裡的軌道上。
MEO 衛星的運作高度高於 LEO 衛星,但低於 GEO(地球靜止軌道)衛星。 它以中等速度移動,並在幾個小時內完成一個軌道。
MEO衛星位於LEO衛星和GEO衛星之間。 MEO 衛星比 GEO 衛星覆蓋範圍更廣,延遲比 GEO 衛星更低,尤其是在極地地區。 MEO 衛星通常用於 GPS、導航和衛星通訊服務。
MEO 衛星比 GEO 衛星需要更複雜的追蹤和定位系統。 由於需要更多衛星來覆蓋整個全球,因此營運成本更高。 然而,它們不需要比 GEO 衛星更複雜的地面設備。
本報告分析了全球 LEO/MEO 衛星市場,研究了整體市場規模的趨勢、按地區和國家劃分的詳細趨勢、關鍵技術概述和市場機會。Masu。
LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) satellite orbits are two types of orbits that are important in satellite communication and other space-based applications.
Satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) are positioned in orbits ranging from about 160 kilometers (100 miles) to about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) above the Earth's surface.
LEO satellites typically operate at altitudes less than 2,000 kilometers and travel at high speeds, completing an orbit around the Earth in 90 to 120 minutes.
Advantages: Because of their proximity to the Earth, LEO satellites have low signal latency, high data rates, and better global coverage. They are especially well-suited for applications requiring real-time communication, such as voice and video conferencing.
One disadvantage of LEO satellites is that they have a shorter coverage window because they move quickly across the sky. To provide continuous coverage, a larger constellation of satellites is required. Furthermore, due to the requirement for seamless handovers between satellites as they pass over different ground stations, the design and operation of LEO satellite networks are more complex.
MEO satellites are typically positioned in orbits ranging from 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) to 36,000 kilometers (22,000 miles) above the Earth's surface.
MEO satellites operate at higher altitudes than LEO satellites but lower altitudes than GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) satellites. They travel at intermediate speeds and complete an orbit in several hours.
MEO satellites provide a balance between LEO and GEO satellites. They offer better coverage than GEO satellites, particularly in polar regions, and lower latency than GEO satellites. MEO satellites are commonly used for GPS, navigation, and satellite-based communication services.
MEO satellites require more complex tracking and positioning systems than GEO satellites. Their operational costs are higher because they require a greater number of satellites to provide global coverage. They do, however, require less sophisticated ground equipment than GEO satellites.