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全球網路中心戰市場(2023-2033)Global Network Centric Warfare 2023-2033 |
建立以網路為中心的營運實用框架的第一步是識別三大技術革命帶來的重大變化。 一項重大變化是軍事行動的精度和速度提高。 憑藉速度和精確度,您可以利用戰場上的特定機會並以超出敵人反應能力的速度移動。 它還提供了一支高度適應性的部隊,可以快速準確地從一種行動切換到另一種行動,壓縮先進的瞄準程序並近乎即時地響應戰場需求。
這些新的可能性預示著戰爭方式的改變。 網路中心戰的主要支持者對網路中心戰的有效性描述如下:
在傳統的軍事行動中,會分配任務、制定計畫並進行活動,以集中兵力實現目標。 當軍隊聯網並具有近乎即時的態勢感知能力時,連續行動就成為可能。 您已經擁有所需的數據和連接,因此您無需等待即可決定下一步。
此外,共享意識可以實現水平化和分散的指揮結構,從而使決策能夠真正在最低指揮層級進行。 當我們組織起來並接受培訓以最好地利用這些技能時,這些有些自主行動的步伐就會加快,新的指揮速度也將成為可能。 這種解釋表明,以網路為中心的作戰的真正目標是最大限度地提高作戰效率或戰鬥力。
The first step in developing a practical framework for network-centric operations is identifying the major changes brought about by the triple technology revolution. One significant change is the increased accuracy and speed that military operations may now achieve. Because of speed and precision, it is possible to take advantage of specific opportunities on the battlefield and move at a tempo designed to outpace an enemy's ability to respond. They also provide a highly adaptable force capable of switching from one swift, precise action to another at will and compressing sophisticated targeting procedures to meet the battlefield's near-real-time requirements.
These new possibilities foreshadow changes in the way we fight war. This is how the main proponents of network-centric warfare explain the effects of network-centric warfare.
A mission is assigned, plans are made, and activities are carried out in traditional military operations to focus power on an objective. If forces were networked to gain situational awareness in near real-time, they could take continuous action. They wouldn't have to wait for us to decide what to do next because we'd already have the necessary data and coordination.
Furthermore, shared awareness would enable a flattened, decentralized command structure, allowing decisions to be made at the lowest practical level of command. The pace of these somewhat autonomous actions would then accelerate as we organized and trained to maximize these skills, enabling a new speed of command. This explanation demonstrates that the true goal of network-centric operationsis to maximize combat efficiency or fighting power.