

Global 155mm Artillery Shell Market 2024-2034

出版日期: | 出版商: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | 英文 150+ Pages | 商品交期: 3個工作天內



Global 155mm Artillery Shell Market-IMG1



155毫米砲彈有效性的關鍵在於其有效載荷選項,包括烈性炸藥(HE)、照明彈、煙霧彈和精確導引彈藥。高威力砲彈仍是砲兵作戰的中流砥柱,撞擊後產生的炸藥對敵方人員、車輛和建築物造成毀滅性影響。另一方面,照明彈在弱光條件下照亮戰場以及提高監視、偵察和目標獲取任務的能見度方面發揮著重要作用。煙霧彈提供隱蔽和隱蔽能力,在機動作戰和戰術撤退時為友軍提供掩護。此外,精確導引彈藥,例如 GPS 導引的 Excalibur 砲彈,可以提高準確性和殺傷力,從而能夠對高價值目標進行精確攻擊,同時減少附帶損害。


導引和推進系統的進步不斷提高 155 毫米砲彈的精度和有效性。GPS導引技術尤其徹底改變了砲兵戰爭,使砲彈能夠實現前所未有的精準度和目標交戰能力。像 Excalibur 這樣的 GPS 導引 155 毫米砲彈具有令人難以置信的精度,可測量單位數公尺的圓誤差機率 (CEP),從而能夠精確打擊敵方目標,同時最大限度地降低附帶損害的風險。此外,火箭輔助推進系統的進步擴大了 155 毫米砲彈的射程,使火砲部隊比傳統射程更遠地攻擊目標。


此外,數據連接和瞄準系統的進步也增強了 155 毫米砲彈的有效性。整合式火控系統使砲兵部隊能夠從前方觀察員、無人機或指揮控制中心接收即時目標資料和火力任務,從而增強戰場的態勢感知和反應能力。此外,數位網路通訊系統有利於協調火力支援任務,允許多個砲兵部隊同步火力任務並同時攻擊目標,最大限度地提高戰場上砲兵火力的有效性。


  • 1. 多功能性和有效性:155毫米砲彈以其多功能性而聞名,因為它可以用於多種任務,包括近距離支援、反砲火和遠程精確打擊。155毫米砲彈可用於多種任務,包括近距離支援、反砲火和遠端精確打擊。
  • 2、精度和殺傷力:導引系統和彈藥技術的進步,提高了155毫米砲彈的精度和殺傷力。準確性的提高減少了附帶損害並提高了任務成功率,從而增加了對這些彈藥的需求。
  • 3.遠程能力:155毫米砲彈的遠程能力使軍隊能夠遠距離打擊目標,從而在戰場上獲得戰略優勢。隨著衝突變得更加不對稱和分散,對遠程精確火力的需求增加,從而推動了對這種彈藥的需求。
  • 4.互通性和標準化:155毫米口徑已被世界各地的軍隊廣泛採用,促進了不同平台和盟國之間的互通性和標準化。標準化簡化了後勤和維護流程,使 155 毫米砲彈成為國防採購計畫的有吸引力的選擇。
  • 5. 城市戰和不對稱威脅:城市戰和不對稱威脅的擴散需要精確火力,盡量減少平民傷亡和附帶損害。155毫米砲彈的精度和多功能性使其適合城市作戰,推動了其在複雜環境下作戰的軍隊的採用。


全球155毫米砲彈市場的區域趨勢差異很大。在北美,特別是美國,市場受到大量國防預算和技術進步的影響,推動了國內生產和出口。在歐洲,由於對烏克蘭的軍事援助、軍事現代化努力以及歐盟(EU)和北大西洋公約組織(NATO)內部的聯合倡議以及聯合採購計劃和互操作性的推動,對155毫米砲彈的需求不斷增長。 。由於安全緊張局勢加劇、領土爭端以及對遠程精確火力的需求,亞太地區正在強勁增長,中國、印度和韓國等國家都在投資擴大其砲兵能力。在中東和非洲,持續不斷的衝突、地緣政治競爭和反恐行動正在推動對先進火砲系統和彈藥(包括 155 毫米砲彈)的需求。在拉丁美洲,巴西、墨西哥和哥倫比亞等國家正在投資升級其火砲能力,以應對不對稱威脅和邊境安全課題,以及國防現代化努力和區域安全課題,我們看到需求受到擔憂的影響。



  • 1. BONUS MkII 反裝甲車外殼
  • 2.SPACIDO航向修正系統
  • 3.印度智慧砲彈
  • 4.澳洲砲彈





  • 依類型
  • 依地區
  • 依引導方式
  • 依範圍





  • 北美
    • 促進/抑制因素和課題
    • PEST分析
    • 市場預測與情境分析
    • 大公司
    • 供應商層級狀況
    • 企業標竿管理
  • 歐洲
  • 中東
  • 亞太地區
  • 南美洲


  • 美國
    • 防禦計劃
    • 最新趨勢
    • 專利
    • 該市場目前的技術成熟度水平
    • 市場預測與情境分析
  • 加拿大
  • 義大利
  • 法國
  • 德國
  • 荷蘭
  • 比利時
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞典
  • 希臘
  • 澳大利亞
  • 南非
  • 印度
  • 中國
  • 俄羅斯
  • 韓國
  • 日本
  • 馬來西亞
  • 新加坡
  • 巴西




關於Aviation and Defense Market Reports

Product Code: AND184

The artillery Shell market is estimated at around USD 3.52 billion in 2024, the market is projected to reach USD 5.28 billion by 2034 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.15% over the specified period.

Global 155mm Artillery Shell Market - IMG1

Introduction to 155mm Artillery Shell Market

The 155mm artillery shell stands as a testament to the evolution of modern artillery warfare, embodying precision, lethality, and versatility. The global landscape of artillery systems continued to be shaped by advancements in projectile technology, with the 155mm artillery shell remaining a cornerstone of military arsenals worldwide. At the heart of the 155mm artillery shell's effectiveness lies its versatility. Whether conducting long-range bombardment, close fire support, or counterbattery operations, the 155mm artillery shell provides commanders with a flexible and responsive firepower option to engage diverse targets on the battlefield.

Key to the 155mm artillery shell's effectiveness is its payload options, which include high-explosive (HE), illumination, smoke, and precision-guided variants. The HE variant remains the workhorse of artillery operations, delivering devastating effects against enemy personnel, vehicles, and structures with its explosive payload upon impact. Meanwhile, illumination shells serve as critical assets for providing battlefield illumination during low-light conditions, enabling enhanced visibility for surveillance, reconnaissance, and target acquisition missions. Smoke shells offer concealment and obscuration capabilities, providing friendly forces with cover during maneuver operations or tactical retreats. Additionally, precision-guided variants, such as GPS-guided Excalibur rounds, offer enhanced accuracy and lethality, enabling pinpoint strikes against high-value targets with reduced collateral damage.

Technology Impact in 155mm Artillery Shell Market

Advancements in guidance and propulsion systems continued to enhance the precision and effectiveness of 155mm artillery shells. GPS-guidance technology, in particular, has revolutionized artillery warfare, enabling projectiles to achieve unprecedented accuracy and target engagement capabilities. GPS-guided 155mm shells, such as the Excalibur, boast remarkable accuracy, with circular error probable (CEP) measurements in the single-digit meters, allowing for precise engagement of enemy targets while minimizing the risk of collateral damage. Furthermore, advancements in rocket-assisted propulsion systems have extended the range of 155mm artillery shells, enabling artillery units to engage targets at extended distances beyond traditional firing ranges.

The survivability and lethality of the 155mm artillery shell are further enhanced by innovations in fuze technology. Proximity fuzes, for instance, enable shells to detonate in close proximity to enemy targets, maximizing their lethal radius and effectiveness against dispersed or moving threats. Additionally, time-delay fuzes offer commanders greater control over the timing of detonations, allowing for the synchronization of artillery barrages with friendly troop movements or battlefield conditions.

Moreover, the 155mm artillery shell's effectiveness is augmented by advancements in data connectivity and targeting systems. Integrated fire control systems enable artillery units to receive real-time target data and fire missions from forward observers, drones, or command and control centers, enhancing situational awareness and responsiveness on the battlefield. Furthermore, digital networked communication systems facilitate coordinated fire support missions, enabling multiple artillery units to synchronize their fire missions and engage targets simultaneously, thereby maximizing the impact of artillery firepower on the battlefield.

Key Drivers in 155mm Artillery Shell Market

1. Versatility and Effectiveness: The 155mm artillery shell is renowned for its versatility, as it can be used for various missions, including close support, counter-battery fire, and long-range precision strikes. Its effectiveness in engaging a wide range of targets makes it a preferred choice for military operations.

2.Precision and Lethality: Advancements in guidance systems and munitions technology have improved the precision and lethality of 155mm artillery shells. Enhanced accuracy reduces collateral damage and increases mission success rates, driving demand for these munitions.

3. Long-range Capability: The 155mm artillery shell's long-range capability enables military forces to engage targets at extended distances, providing them with a strategic advantage on the battlefield. As conflicts become more asymmetric and dispersed, the need for long-range precision firepower grows, boosting demand for these munitions.

4. Interoperability and Standardization: The 155mm caliber is widely adopted by military forces globally, promoting interoperability and standardization across different platforms and allied nations. Standardization simplifies logistics and maintenance processes, making the 155mm artillery shell an attractive choice for defense procurement programs.

5.Urban Warfare and Asymmetric Threats: The proliferation of urban warfare and asymmetric threats necessitates precision firepower to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage. The 155mm artillery shell's accuracy and versatility make it well-suited for urban operations, driving its adoption by military forces operating in complex environments.

Regional Trends in 155 mm Artillery Shell Market

Regional trends in the 155mm artillery shell market vary significantly across different parts of the world. In North America, particularly in the United States, the market is influenced by extensive defense budgets and technological advancements, driving both domestic production and exports. Europe sees a growing demand for 155mm artillery shells due to military aid to Ukraine, military modernization efforts and collaborative initiatives within the European Union and NATO, promoting joint procurement programs and interoperability. The Asia-Pacific region experiences significant growth driven by escalating security tensions, territorial disputes, and the need for long-range precision firepower, with countries like China, India, and South Korea investing in expanding their artillery capabilities. In the Middle East and Africa, ongoing conflicts, geopolitical rivalries, and counterterrorism operations fuel demand for advanced artillery systems and munitions, including 155mm shells. Latin America witnesses moderate demand influenced by defense modernization efforts and regional security concerns, with countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia investing in upgrading their artillery capabilities to address asymmetric threats and border security challenges.

Key 155mm Artillery Shell Programs

Here are 5 key 155mm artillery shell programs:

1. BONUS MkII Anti-Armored Vehicle Shell: This shell, with top-attack smart warheads, is designed to neutralize armored vehicles effectively, demonstrating high hit probability and interoperability with various artillery systems.

2. SPACIDO Course Correction System: SPACIDO enhances artillery accuracy by up to a factor of 4 at long ranges, improving target engagement and reducing collateral damage, compatible with various 150mm and 155mm ammunition.

3. India Smart Artillery Shell: IIT-M and Munitions India are collaborating to develop advanced smart ammunition for 155mm artillery guns. Within two years, the Indian Army could receive domestically designed and developed 155mm smart artillery shells, boasting 50 times the accuracy of current models.

4. Australia Artillery Munition: Australia is investing in expanding its 155mm munitions and aerial bomb production capabilities. This investment will enhance the production capacity for 155mm artillery ammunition and 500-pound aerial bombs at Thales-managed facilities in Mulwala, New South Wales, and Benalla, Victoria.

Table of Contents

155MM Artillery Shell Market Report Definition

155MM Artillery Shell Market Segmentation

By Type

By Region

By Guidance

By Range

155MM Artillery Shell Market Analysis for next 10 Years

The 10-year 155mm artillery shell market analysis would give a detailed overview of 155mm artillery shell market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of 155MM Artillery Shell Market

This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast

The 10-year 155mm artillery shell market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional 155MM Artillery Shell Market Trends & Forecast

The regional 155mm artillery shell market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.

North America

Drivers, Restraints and Challenges


Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis

Key Companies

Supplier Tier Landscape

Company Benchmarking


Middle East


South America

Country Analysis of 155MM Artillery Shell Market

This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


Defense Programs

Latest News


Current levels of technology maturation in this market

Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis











South Africa




South Korea





Opportunity Matrix for 155MM Artillery Shell Market

The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on 155MM Artillery Shell Market Report

Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


About Aviation and Defense Market Reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2022-2032
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Type, 2022-2032
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Guidance, 2022-2032
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Range, 2022-2032
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Type, 2022-2032
  • Table 23: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Guidance, 2022-2032
  • Table 24: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Range, 2022-2032

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 2: Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 3: Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast, By Type, 2022-2032
  • Figure 4: Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast, By Guidance, 2022-2032
  • Figure 5: Global 155MM Artillery Shell Market Forecast, By Range, 2022-2032
  • Figure 6: North America, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 7: Europe, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 8: Middle East, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 9: APAC, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 10: South America, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 11: United States, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 12: United States, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 13: Canada, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 14: Canada, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 15: Italy, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 16: Italy, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 17: France, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 18: France, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 19: Germany, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 20: Germany, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 22: Netherlands, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 23: Belgium, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 24: Belgium, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 25: Spain, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 26: Spain, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 27: Sweden, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 28: Sweden, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 29: Brazil, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 30: Brazil, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 31: Australia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 32: Australia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 33: India, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 34: India, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 35: China, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 36: China, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 38: Saudi Arabia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 39: South Korea, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 40: South Korea, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 41: Japan, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 42: Japan, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 44: Malaysia, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 45: Singapore, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 46: Singapore, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 48: United Kingdom, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Region (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Type (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Type (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Guidance (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 54: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Guidance (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 55: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Range (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 56: Opportunity Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Range (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 57: Scenario Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Cumulative Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 58: Scenario Analysis, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Global Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 60: Scenario 1, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 61: Scenario 1, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Type, 2022-2032
  • Figure 62: Scenario 1, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Guidance, 2022-2032
  • Figure 63: Scenario 1, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Range, 2022-2032
  • Figure 64: Scenario 2, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 65: Scenario 2, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 66: Scenario 2, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Type, 2022-2032
  • Figure 67: Scenario 2, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Guidance, 2022-2032
  • Figure 68: Scenario 2, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, By Range, 2022-2032
  • Figure 69: Company Benchmark, 155MM Artillery Shell Market, 2022-2032