電動巴士的互聯基礎設施Connected Infrastructure for Electric Buses |
歐洲和北美用於公共交通電動巴士的 ITS(智能交通系統)市場規模預計在預測期內以 37% 的複合年增長率增長,2022 年為 7260 萬歐元,到 2027 年達到 3% . 預計其規模將增長至 5540 萬歐元。 此外,該地區用於公共交通的電動巴士充電站的市場規模預計將從 2022 年的 1.607 億歐元增長到 2027 年的 10.6 億歐元,預測期內復合年增長率為 45.7%。 .
本報告調查了歐洲和北美的 ITS(智能交通系統)和電動公交車充電站市場、ITS 技術和解決方案、充電技術和標準、市場規模趨勢和預測,包括案例研究、主要 OEM 的產品和策略、主要供應商的概況等。
This strategic research report from Berg Insight covers the latest trends and developments on the intelligent transportation system and charging station market for electric buses in public transport. The total market value of public transport ITS for electric buses in Europe and North America is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 37 percent from € 72.6 million in 2022 to reach € 355.4 million by 2027. Berg Insight at the same time estimates that the charging station market value for electric buses in in the two regions was € 160.7 million in 2022. Growing at a CAGR of 45.7 percent, the market value is expected to reach € 1.06 billion in 2027. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, products and markets.