

2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences

出版日期: | 出版商: BioInformatics | 英文 90 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內




本報告聚焦於科學家對會議的看法,旨在幫助讀者最大限度地與與會者互動,提高品牌知名度和美譽度。具體來說,我們調查了 363 位生命科學研究人員對於學術會議的經驗和偏好。我們還提供實用訊息,幫助供應商吸引科學家到他們的展位,並提供提高會議潛在客戶轉換率的技巧。此外,我們還提供了對與會者個性特徵的獨特追蹤的摘要,以幫助供應商輕鬆識別策略目標。



  • 會議規模的人口趨勢
  • 影響會議出席率的專業因素
  • 影響會議出席率的後勤因素
  • 影響出席會議的動機因素


  • 科學家理想學術會議的參數
  • "最佳" 學術會議主辦單位
  • 舉辦供應商技術培訓研討會的最佳時機
  • 科學家展覽場館參觀攻略
  • 參觀展廳如何促進近期產品購買
  • 展廳傳達瞭解新產品的優勢
  • 鼓勵參觀展位的因素
  • 阻礙展位參觀的因素
  • 科學家如何喜歡從展位和供應商那裡接收訊息
  • 學術會議上的熱門促銷品
  • 參觀供應商攤位中最不喜歡的地方


  • 面對面、虛擬和混合會議的年度會議參與者數量
  • 未來三年面對面、虛擬和混合會議參與者數量變化的展望
  • 偏好面對面、線上和混合會議


  • 分析概述和目的
  • 人口統計數據
  • 執行摘要:多個會議參與者的 "性格類型" 概述
  • 會議和參與者體驗
  • 學術動態
  • 學術會議評選
  • 充分利用您的會議參與
  • 最大化展廳客戶體驗
  • 分析方法
  • 附錄:包括所有與會者的 "性格類型"
  • 關於BioInformatics
Product Code: 24-011

In the Life Science industry, in-person scientific conferences have always been a valuable channel for the communication and discussion of new and innovative research or breakthroughs. Not only do conference attendees use these opportunities to network, explore, and investigate what is next on the horizon in their fields, they also directly interact with life science vendors to learn about innovative technologies and how best to integrate new solutions into their workflows. Making the most of the information received during these few short days makes planning a successful conference complicated for all involved. Further complicating these murky waters is the pandemic, which forced a shift from traditional in-person conferences to online-only or hybrid solutions. Understanding conference attendee expectations and needs allows both planners and vendors to maximize the potential for positive interactions and creating memorable experiences.

To help vendors/exhibitors and conference organizers better understand attendee preferences for a successful in-person scientific conference, we designed a study to deliver actionable insights to suppliers looking to improve the conference-attendee experience. The outcome is our newest report, “2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences”.

The “2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences” report features the opinions of scientists regarding scientific conferences which will allow the reader to maximize their positive interactions with attendees and enhance their brand awareness and reputation. The experiences and preferences of 363 life scientists are featured with respect to their preferences on scientific conferences as well as their expectations for exhibit halls. This report also provides actionable information intended to help vendors attract scientists to their exhibit booths and tips to increase their conference lead conversion. The report also features summarized conference attendee personas that track unique aspects which will allow vendors to identify their strategic targets readily.

Specific Topics explored include:

Conference Attendees

  • Demographic trends in conference size preferences
  • Professional factors influencing conference attendance
  • Logistical factors influencing conference attendance
  • Motivational factors influencing conference attendance

Attendee Needs and Expectations

  • Parameters of scientists' ideal scientific conference
  • Entities organizing the "best" scientific conference
  • Best times to host a vendor technical training workshop
  • Scientists' strategies for visiting exhibit halls
  • How exhibit hall visits contribute to recent product purchases
  • Advantages that exhibit halls convey for learning about new products
  • Factors that encourage exhibit booth visits
  • Factors that discourage exhibit booth visits
  • How scientists prefer to receive information from exhibit booth vendors
  • Popular conference promotional items
  • Most disliked aspect of visiting vendor exhibit booths

Trends in Conference Attendance

  • Number of in-person, virtual, and hybrid scientific conferences attended annually
  • Anticipated changes in in-person, virtual, and hybrid conference attendance in the next 3 years
  • Preferences regarding in person, online, or hybrid style conferences

Table of Contents

  • Study Overview and Objectives
  • Demographics
  • Executive Summary - highlighting multiple conference attendee "personality types"
  • Scientific Conferences and the Attendee Experience
  • Trends in Scientific Conferences
  • Selecting a Scientific Conference
  • Making the Most of Conference Attendance
  • Maximizing the Exhibit Hall Customer Experience
  • Methodology
  • Appendix including all conference attendee "personality types"
  • About Us