衛星 5G NR 全球市場(2023-2033):按頻譜、服務、最終用戶、終端類型和國家進行分析和預測

衛星 5G NR 全球市場(2023-2033):按頻譜、服務、最終用戶、終端類型和國家進行分析和預測

Satellite 5G New Radio (NR) Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Frequency Band, Services, End User, Terminal Type, and Country - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033

出版日期: | 出版商: BIS Research | 英文 175 Pages | 商品交期: 1-5個工作天內


預計到2033年,全球衛星5G NR市場規模將成長至144.7億美元。

衛星 5G NR 仍處於部署的早期階段,但其步伐已開始加快。例如,SpaceX、OneWeb和Telesat等公司正在研究衛星5G NR,建設多個衛星星系以在世界不同地區提供5G覆蓋。如果衛星5G NR服務大規模部署,將能夠應用於通訊、IT、教育、醫療等各個領域。

預測期 2023-2033
2023年評估 46.9億美元
2033年預測 144.7億美元
年複合成長率 11.92%

按最終用戶分類,通訊和 IT 行業將在 2022 年以 30% 的佔有率引領市場。對無縫全球覆蓋和減少延遲的需求不斷成長正在推動市場成長。

衛星5G NR技術為通訊和IT行業帶來了巨大的好處,改變了連接並開闢了新的視野。最大的好處之一是能夠彌合連接差距,尤其是在偏遠和服務不足的地區。 OneWeb、SpaceX 和亞馬遜等公司正在開發通訊衛星星系,為地面基礎設施有限的地區提供寬頻網際網路服務。

按服務分類,eMBB 細分市場將在 2022 年擁有最高的市場滲透率,其次是 uRLLC 平台。 eMBB 行業的收入規模預計將從 2022 年的 26.6 億美元開始成長,預測期內年複合成長率為 11.90%。


本報告調查了全球衛星 5G NR 市場,並提供了市場定義和概述、市場影響因素和市場機會分析、法律和法規環境、各種計劃、市場規模趨勢和預測,以及按各個細分市場和地區進行的細分。它總結了詳細資訊分析、競爭形勢、主要企業簡介、各種提案等


第1章 市場

  • 行業展望
    • 市場簡介:衛星 5G NR 市場
    • 不斷發展的 5G 基礎設施
    • 當前和即將推出的計劃
    • 法律規範
    • 不斷發展的混合連接網路(地面/衛星)
    • 5G NR、NB-IoT、eMTC終端:通訊行業的未來
  • 業務動態
    • 業務促進因素
    • 業務課題
    • 商業機遇
    • 經營策略

第2章 用途

  • 全球衛星 5G NR 市場:按服務分類
    • 市場概況
    • eMBB)
    • uRLLC
    • mMTC
  • 全球衛星 5G NR 市場:按最終用戶分類
    • 市場概況
    • 通訊/IT
    • 教育
    • 政府
    • 衛生保健
    • 其他

第3章 產品

  • 全球衛星 5G NR 市場:按頻段分類
    • 市場概況
    • 小於1GHz
    • 1GHz~6GHz
    • 6GHz以上
  • 全球衛星 5G NR 市場:按終端類型
    • 地平面
    • 衛星通訊
    • 雜交種

第4章 區域

  • 全球衛星 5G NR 市場:按地區
  • 北美
  • 歐洲
  • 亞太地區
  • 其他地區

第5章 競爭標杆/公司簡介

  • 競爭標杆管理
  • 公司簡介
    • Cisco Systems, Inc.
    • Deutsche Telekom AG
    • Fujitsu
    • Gatehouse Satcom A/S
    • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
    • Intel Corporation
    • Nokia
    • NEC Corporation
    • Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    • ZTE Corporation
    • 其他主要參與企業

第6章 成長機會與建議

  • 成長機會
    • 成長機會 1:採用直接連接設備
    • 成長機會2:行業數位化轉型的興起

第7章 調查方法

Product Code: SAT1425SA

“Global Satellite 5G New Radio (NR) Market to Reach $14.47 Billion by 2033.”

Introduction of Satellite 5G NR

The introduction and adoption of satellite 5G new radio (NR) is an important phase in global connectivity, as cutting-edge technology meets with space-based infrastructure to enable unparalleled levels of communication and data transfer. Unlike traditional terrestrial networks, satellite 5G NR leverages the power of low Earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary satellites to provide seamless coverage across urban, rural, and remote areas, bridging digital divides and unlocking new possibilities for industries such as telecommunications, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and others. This revolutionary combination of satellite and 5G technologies has the potential to revolutionize how connectivity will change, revolutionizing information sharing and paving the path for a more linked future.

Forecast Period2023 - 2033
2023 Evaluation$4.69 Billion
2033 Forecast$14.47 Billion

Market Introduction

Satellite 5G new radio (NR) history can be traced back to the growth of mobile communication technology. As the need for high-speed and dependable wireless access increased, the fifth generation of cellular networks, or 5G, evolved to meet these demands. While 5G was initially designed for terrestrial installations, the promise of the technology to change global connection prompted the investigation of satellite-based solutions. The combination of 5G NR technology with satellites was designed to give universal coverage, particularly in distant and underdeveloped locations. This combination of satellite and 5G technology has the ability to go beyond the digital divide and open up new opportunities for businesses such as IoT, autonomous cars, and others, ushering in a new era of seamless and fast worldwide communication.

Satellite 5G NR is still in its early stages of adoption, but it has begun to pick up the pace. For instance, SpaceX, OneWeb, and Telesat are among the companies working on satellite 5G NR. These companies are creating several satellite constellations that will be utilized to give 5G coverage to various regions of the world. Once deployed on a larger scale, the satellite 5G NR services will be available to be utilized in various sectors, including telecom and IT, education, and healthcare, among others.

Industrial Impact

The introduction of satellite-enabled 5G NR technology has caused a major change in the industrial environment. This innovative combination of satellite and 5G NR capabilities has released unparalleled communication possibilities, enabling companies worldwide. The industrial effect of satellite 5G NR is significant, ranging from precision agriculture and remote asset monitoring to logistics optimization and catastrophe response. It has transformed communication and data transfer in distant and difficult locations, increasing operating efficiency, allowing for real-time decision-making, and stimulating creativity. This collaboration has cleared the door for smarter cities, more resilient supply chains, and better resource management, ushering in a new era of connectedness, which is propelling sectors toward higher efficiency and sustainability.

In recent years, satellite 5G NR has begun to pick up the pace owing to the growing demands for seamless connectivity and reduced latency in various sectors of application. For instance, in July 2023, Cisco Systems, Inc. signed a collaboration with NTT Limited to help boost Private 5G adoption across the automotive, logistics, healthcare, retail, and public sectors. Together, the companies would be able to swiftly deploy crucial Industry 4.0 capabilities such as push-to-talk 'walkie-talkie' communications, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), always-connected PCs (for digital frontline employees), machine vision (such as predictive maintenance and PPE detection), and more.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: By End User

  • Telecom and IT
  • Government
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Other Industry

Telecom and IT Segment to Dominate the Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User)

The satellite 5G NR market is led by the telecom and IT industry, with a 30% share in 2022. Increasing demand for seamless global coverage and reduced latency are driving the growth of the satellite 5G NR market.

Satellite 5G NR technology provides major benefits to the telecommunications and information technology industries, changing connectivity and opening up new prospects. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to bridge the connection gap, particularly in distant and underserved locations. Companies such as OneWeb, SpaceX, and Amazon are developing communication satellite constellations to deliver broadband internet services to areas with limited terrestrial infrastructure. These companies can supply high-speed, dependable, and low-latency connections to allow access to digital services and address the digital divide by deploying satellite 5G NR.

Segmentation 2: By Services

  • Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)
  • Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (uRLLC)
  • Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC)

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) Segment to Lead the Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)

The enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) segment had the highest market penetration in 2022, followed by the ultra-reliable and low latency communications (uRLLC) platform. The market for enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) segment reported a revenue generation of $2.66 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.90% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

Segmentation 3: By Frequency Band

  • Below 1 GHz
  • 1 GHz to 6 GHz
  • Above 6 GHz

1 GHz to 6 GHz Frequency Segment to Lead the Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band)

The 1 GHz to 6 GHz frequency band is expected to dominate the market with a value of $2.06 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $6.37 billion by 2033.

Additionally, the frequency band type segment includes below 1 GHz and above 6 GHz segments. These frequency bands provide solutions for achieving global coverage and lowering latency. The capabilities of these different frequency bands are continuously being enhanced via the development and integration of newer technologies.

Segmentation 4: By Terminal Type

  • 5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial
  • 5G NR Terminals-Satcom
  • 5G NR Terminals-Hybrid

Segmentation 5: by Region

  • North America - U.S. and Canada
  • Europe - U.K., Germany, France, and Rest-of-Europe
  • Asia-Pacific - Japan, India, China, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
  • Rest-of-the-World - Middle East and Africa and Latin America

North America to Dominate Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Region)

North America accounted for the highest share of 23% in 2022 in the global satellite 5G NR market, owing to a significant number of companies based in the region. North America's growth is driven by various activities in the U.S. and Canada, as well as increased spending by commercial organizations such as Cisco Systems, Inc., Intel Corporation, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and government key agencies.

Recent Developments in the Satellite 5G NR Market

  • In July 2023, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson signed a partnership with Telia, under which both companies achieved a significant result as they successfully managed to reach geographical 5G coverage of 99 percent in Lithuania. Telia has been able to construct a national, sophisticated 5G network on 3.5 GHz and 700 MHz frequencies as a result of this partnership, providing high-speed data access across Lithuania.
  • In April 2023, Nokia signed a collaboration with ORMAN and Dassault Systems. Through this collaboration, the company would enhance IoT solutions in the industry with the help of a 5G private wireless network.
  • In February 2023, NEC Corporation signed a partnership with Cisco Systems, Inc. to broaden their collaborative efforts to encompass system integration solutions as well as future prospects in 5G xHaul and private 5G in order to assist clients in transforming their architecture and connecting more people and things. Under their Global Systems Integrator Agreement (GSIA), Cisco Systems, Inc. and NEC Corporation had expanded areas of collaboration with augmented solutions for scalable 5G xHaul transport networks, such as increased capabilities for end-to-end automation and routed optical networking to support operators' 5G monetization.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

Market Demand Drivers: Increasing Adoption of IoT and Cloud-Based Applications

Seamless Global Coverage: Seamless global coverage, which provides unique benefits and prospects, could serve as an influential factor in the satellite 5G NR industry. One significant advantage is the potential to provide access to rural and underdeveloped places that standard terrestrial networks cannot reach. For example, satellite 5G NR can offer remote populations a high-speed internet connection, allowing them to engage in the digital economy and access online education, telemedicine, and e-commerce services.

Market Challenges: High Latency and Network Performance Due to Inappropriate Spectrum Allocation

High Infrastructure Investment Cost: The high cost of infrastructure investment offers significant financial obstacles for the satellite 5G NR industry. The building and deployment of satellites, ground stations, and accompanying equipment necessitate significant financial resources. These expenditures might be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for firms to start and maintain operations in the satellite 5G NR market.

Market Opportunities: Communication Satellites Constellation Deployment

Hybrid Satellite Terminals: Due to their capacity to bridge the connection gap in rural or underserved locations, hybrid satellite terminals provide considerable business potential in the satellite 5G NR market. These terminals combine the power of satellite and 5G networks to provide customers with dependable and high-speed internet access in areas where traditional terrestrial infrastructure is restricted or non-existent. This one-of-a-kind capacity opens up a wide range of possible uses and income sources for companies.

How can this report add value to an organization?

  • Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different types of products available for deployment and their potential globally. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the satellite 5G NR market by application on the basis of the end user (telecom and IT, government, healthcare, education, and other industries), services (enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low latency communication (uRLLC), and massive machine-type communication (mMTC)) and product on the basis of the frequency band(below 1 GHz, 1 GHz to 6 GHz, and above 6 GHz ), and terminal type (5G NR terminals-terrestrial, 5G NR terminals-satcom, and 5G NR terminals-hybrid).
  • Growth/Marketing Strategy: The satellite 5G NR market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been merger and acquisition to strengthen their position in the satellite 5G NR market. For instance, in July 2023, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson established a next-generation smart manufacturing and technology center in Tallinn, Estonia, with the goal of driving innovation in Europe. The new plant, a greenfield investment of around $169 million, prioritizes sustainability and operating efficiency.
  • Competitive Strategy: Key players in the satellite 5G NR market analyzed and profiled in the study involve major satellite 5G NR offering companies providing services and different satellite 5G NR terminals. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the satellite 5G NR market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
  • Methodology: The research methodology design adopted for this specific study includes a mix of data collected from primary and secondary data sources. Both primary resources (key players, market leaders, and in-house experts) and secondary research (a host of paid and unpaid databases), along with analytical tools, are employed to build the predictive and forecast models.

Data and validation have been taken into consideration from both primary sources as well as secondary sources.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on thorough secondary research, which includes analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, market penetration, and insights gathered from primary experts.

The satellite 5G NR market comprises key players who have established themselves thoroughly and have the proper understanding of the market, accompanied by start-ups who are looking forward to establishing themselves in this highly competitive market. In 2022, the satellite 5G NR market was dominated by established players, accounting for 80% of the market share, whereas the start-ups managed to capture 20% of the market. With the growing need for global connectivity arising on a daily basis, more players will enter the global satellite 5G NR market with each passing year.

Key Companies Profiled:

  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Deutsche Telekom AG
  • Fujitsu
  • Gatehouse Satcom A/S
  • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  • Intel Corporation
  • Nokia
  • NEC Corporation
  • Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
  • ZTE Corporation

Table of Contents

1 Markets

  • 1.1 Industry Outlook
    • 1.1.1 Market Overview: Satellite 5G NR Market
    • 1.1.2 Evolving 5G Infrastructure
      • Evolving 5G Compliant Downstream Hardware
    • 1.1.3 On-Going and Up-Coming Programs
      • 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
      • Project Darwin
    • 1.1.4 Regulatory Framework
    • 1.1.5 Evolving Hybrid Connectivity Networks (Terrestrial and Satellite)
    • 1.1.6 5G NR, NB-IoT and eMTC Terminals: Future of Telecom Industry
  • 1.2 Business Dynamics
    • 1.2.1 Business Drivers
      • Increasing Adoption of IoT and Cloud-Based Applications
      • Seamless Global Coverage
    • 1.2.2 Business Challenges
      • High Latency and Network Performance Due to Inappropriate Spectrum Allocation
      • High Infrastructure Investment Cost
    • 1.2.3 Business Opportunities
      • Communication Satellites Constellation Deployment
      • Hybrid Satellite Terminals
    • 1.2.4 Business Strategies
      • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Market Developments

2 Application

  • 2.1 Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 2.1.1 Market Overview
      • Demand Analysis of Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 2.1.2 Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)
    • 2.1.3 Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (uRLLC)
    • 2.1.4 Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC)
  • 2.2 Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User)
    • 2.2.1 Market Overview
      • Demand Analysis of Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User)
    • 2.2.2 Telecom and IT
    • 2.2.3 Education
    • 2.2.4 Government
    • 2.2.5 Healthcare
    • 2.2.6 Other Industry

3 Product

  • 3.1 Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band)
    • 3.1.1 Market Overview
      • Demand Analysis for Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band)
    • 3.1.2 Below 1 GHz
    • 3.1.3 1 GHz to 6 GHz
    • 3.1.4 Above 6 GHz
  • 3.2 Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Demand Analysis for Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
    • 3.2.2 5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial
    • 3.2.3 5G NR Terminals-Satcom
    • 3.2.4 5G NR Terminals-Hybrid

4 Region

  • 4.1 Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Region)
  • 4.2 North America
    • 4.2.1 Market
      • Key Players in North America
      • Business Drivers
      • Business Challenges
    • 4.2.2 Application
      • North America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 4.2.3 Product
      • North America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
    • 4.2.4 North America (by Country)
      • U.S.
        • Market
          • Key Players in the U.S.
        • Application
          • U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Canada
        • Market
          • Key Players in Canada
        • Application
          • Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
  • 4.3 Europe
    • 4.3.1 Market
      • Key Players in Europe
      • Business Drivers
      • Business Challenges
    • 4.3.2 Application
      • Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 4.3.3 Product
      • Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
    • 4.3.4 Europe (by Country)
      • U.K.
        • Market
          • Key Players in the U.K.
        • Application
          • U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • France
        • Market
          • Key Players in France
        • Application
          • France Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • France Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Germany
        • Market
          • Key Players in Germany
        • Application
          • Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Rest-of-Europe
        • Application
          • Rest-of-Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Rest-of-Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
  • 4.4 Asia-Pacific
    • 4.4.1 Market
      • Key Players in Asia-Pacific
      • Business Drivers
      • Business Challenges
    • 4.4.2 Application
      • Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 4.4.3 Product
      • Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
    • 4.4.4 Asia-Pacific (by Country)
      • China
        • Market
          • Key Players in China
        • Application
          • China Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • China Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Japan
        • Market
          • Key Players in Japan
        • Application
          • Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • India
        • Market
          • Key Manufacturers and Service Providers in India
        • Application
          • India Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • India Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
        • Application
          • Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
  • 4.5 Rest-of-the-World
    • 4.5.1 Market
      • Key Players in Rest-of-the-World
      • Business Drivers
      • Business Challenges
    • 4.5.2 Application
        • Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
    • 4.5.3 Product
        • Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
    • 4.5.4 Rest-of-the-World (by Region)
      • Middle East and Africa
        • Market
          • Key Players in Middle East and Africa
          • Business Drivers
          • Business Challenges
        • Application
          • Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
      • Latin America
        • Market
          • Key Players in Latin America
          • Business Drivers
          • Business Challenges
        • Application
          • Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
        • Product
          • Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)

5 Competitive Benchmarking and Company Profiles

  • 5.1 Competitive Benchmarking
  • 5.2 Company Profiles
    • 5.2.1 Cisco Systems, Inc.
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.2 Deutsche Telekom AG
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Deutsche Telekom AG in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.3 Fujitsu
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Fujitsu in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.4 Gatehouse Satcom A/S
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Gatehouse Satcom A/S in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.5 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.6 Intel Corporation
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Intel Corporation in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.7 Nokia
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Nokia in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.8 NEC Corporation
      • Company Overview
        • Role of NEC Corporation in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.9 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
      • Company Overview
        • Role of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.10 ZTE Corporation
      • Company Overview
        • Role of ZTE Corporation in the Global Satellite 5G NR Market
        • Product Portfolio
      • Corporate Strategies
        • Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements and Contracts
      • Business Strategies
        • Market Developments
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.11 Other Key Market Participants

6 Growth Opportunities and Recommendations

  • 6.1 Growth Opportunities
    • 6.1.1 Growth Opportunity 1: Adoption of Direct-to-Device for Connectivity
      • Recommendations
    • 6.1.2 Growth Opportunity 2: Rise of Digital Transformation in Industries
      • Recommendations

7 Research Methodology

  • 7.1 Factors for Data Prediction and Modeling

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Satellite 5G NR Market, $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Figure 2: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User), $Billion, 2022 and 2033
  • Figure 3: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022 and 2033
  • Figure 4: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band), $Billion, 2022 and 2033
  • Figure 5: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type), $Billion, 2022 and 2033
  • Figure 6: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Region), $Billion, 2033
  • Figure 7: Global Satellite 5G NR Market Coverage
  • Figure 8: Global Satellite 5G NR Market, Business Dynamics
  • Figure 9: Share of Key Business Strategies and Developments, January 2020-July 2023
  • Figure 10: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services)
  • Figure 11: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User)
  • Figure 12: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band)
  • Figure 13: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type)
  • Figure 14: Global Satellite 5G NR Market, Competitive Benchmarking
  • Figure 15: Research Methodology
  • Figure 16: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
  • Figure 17: Assumptions and Limitations

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts, January 2020-July 2023
  • Table 2: Market Developments, January 2020-July 2023
  • Table 3: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 4: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by End User), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 5: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Frequency Band), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 6: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Terminal Type), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 7: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by 5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 8: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by 5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 9: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by 5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 10: Global Satellite 5G NR Market (by Region), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 11: North America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 12: North America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 13: North America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 14: North America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 15: U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 16: U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion), Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 17: U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 18: U.S. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 19: Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 20: Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 21: Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 22: Canada Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 23: Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 24: Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 25: Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 26: Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Billion), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 27: U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 28: U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 29: U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 30: U.K. Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 31: France Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 32: France Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 33: France Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 34: France Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 35: Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 36: Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 37: Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 38: Germany Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 39: Rest-of-Europe Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 40: Rest-of-Europe 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 41: Rest-of-Europe 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 42: Rest-of-Europe 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 43: Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 44: Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 45: Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 46: Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million), Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 47: China Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 48: China Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 49: China Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 50: China Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 51: Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 52: Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 53: Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 54: Japan Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 55: India Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 56: India Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 57: India Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 58: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 59: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 60: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 61: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 62: Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 63: Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 64: Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 65: Rest-of-the-World Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 66: Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 67: Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Million Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 68: Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 69: Middle East and Africa Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 70: Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (by Services), $Billion, 2022-2033
  • Table 71: Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Terrestrial), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 72: Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Satcom), Value ($Billion) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 73: Latin America Satellite 5G NR Market (5G NR Terminals-Hybrid), Value ($Million) and Volume (Number of Units), 2022-2033
  • Table 74: Cisco Systems, Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 75: Cisco Systems, Inc.: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 76: Deutsche Telekom AG: Product Portfolio
  • Table 77: Deutsche Telekom AG: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 78: Deutsche Telekom AG: Market Developments
  • Table 79: Fujitsu: Product Portfolio
  • Table 80: Fujitsu: Market Developments
  • Table 81: Gatehouse Satcom A/S: Product Portfolio
  • Table 82: Gatehouse Satcom A/S: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 83: Gatehouse Satcom A/S: Market Developments
  • Table 84: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 85: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 86: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.: Market Developments
  • Table 87: Intel Corporation: Product Portfolio
  • Table 88: Intel Corporation: Market Developments
  • Table 89: Nokia: Product Portfolio
  • Table 90: Nokia: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 91: NEC Corporation: Product Portfolio
  • Table 92: NEC Corporation: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 93: NEC Corporation: Market Developments
  • Table 94: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson: Product Portfolio
  • Table 95: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements, and Contracts
  • Table 96: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson: Market Developments
  • Table 97: ZTE Corporation: Product Portfolio
  • Table 98: ZTE Corporation: Partnerships, Collaborations, Agreements and Contracts
  • Table 99: ZTE Corporation: Market Developments