全球連接器市場:產業預測 (2024)

全球連接器市場:產業預測 (2024)

Connector Industry Forecast 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Bishop & Associates, Inc. | 英文 | 商品交期: 請詢問到貨日


全球連接器市場規模經歷了一年的強勁個位數成長後,看到 2023 年產業下滑,沒有人感到驚訝。2023 年出現了一些意外,銷售額主要由地區和市場部門決定,歐洲成長 3.8%,亞太地區下降 7.3%,中國下降 5.7%。考慮到同比預訂量僅在第四季度才轉為正值,並且整個 2023 年累計預訂量仍為負值,整個行業的表現如此出色令人驚訝。儘管材料、管理費用和勞動力成本不斷飆升,但該行業仍表現出非凡的韌性並設法堅持了下來。肆虐的野火、乾旱、龍捲風、風暴、地震和洪水只是世界面臨的自然災害的一部分。

如下頁圖所示,2023 年甚至 2024 年所有地區的成長和下降都不會相同。歐洲地區 2023 年成長最高,成長了 3.8%。世界其他地區緊隨歐洲之後,成長率為+0.9%。所有其他地區 2023 年均出現下降,其中日本的美元銷售額下降幅度最大,為 -9.5%,其次是亞太地區,為 -7.3%。電子連接器最大地區中國下降-5.7%,第二大地區北美下降-0.3%。



第1章 2024年 行情再次見頂

第二章 全球連結器市場預測

  • 全球連接器市場預測—美元同比波動
  • 全球連接器市場預測 - 年比變化率
  • 終端使用設備的前 6 類
  • 全球最終用途設備預測 - 概述
  • 預測百分比變化(2023-2024)及5年複合年增長率預測(2024-2029)
  • 2024 年及 2029 年設備產業市場佔有率
  • 全球最終用途設備預測 - 詳細的電腦和周邊設備
  • 其他電腦設備
  • 商業/辦公設備
  • 儀器儀表
  • 藥物
  • 行業
  • 汽車
  • 航運
  • 軍隊
  • 通訊/數據通訊
  • 行動和無線無線基礎設施
  • 消費者
  • 其他設備

第三章 北美連接器市場預測


第五章 日本連接器市場預測



第八章 其他地區連接器市場預測

Product Code: F-2024-01

Bishop & Associates has just released the 2024 "Connector Industry Forecast" update. This eightchapter report provides an in-depth, and detailed forecast of the worldwide connector industry. In addition to the detailed forecasts for each region of the world (North America, Europe, Japan, China, Asia Pacific, and ROW), an industry overview is included which provides current market trends, currency fluctuation effects, and industry sales performance, as well as an outlook narrative.

Worldwide and each regional forecast includes:

Computers & Peripherals

  • Mobile Computers
  • Desktops
  • Servers
  • Storage Equipment
  • Input/Output Equipment
  • Communication LAN Devices
  • Other Computer Equipment

Business/Office Equipment

  • Retail/POS Equipment
  • Imaging Systems
  • Other Business/Office Equipment


  • Automatic Test Equipment
  • Analytical/Scientific Instruments
  • Other Instrumentation

Medical Equipment

  • Diagnostic & Imaging Equipment
  • Therapeutic Equipment
  • Other Medical Equipment


  • Factory Automation and Machinery
  • Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Energy Markets
  • Other Industrial Equipment


  • Body Wiring & Power Distribution
  • Powertrain
  • Comfort, Convenience & Entertainment
  • Navigation & Instrumentation
  • Safety & Security

Transportation (non-auto)

  • Commercial Vehicles
  • RVs & Power Sports
  • Commercial Air
  • Marine
  • Rail
  • Construction
  • Farm & Garden



  • Carrier Network
  • Enterprise Network
  • Wireless Infrastructure
  • Subscriber Equipment
  • Other Telecommunications


  • Personal/Portable Consumer
  • Home Video Equipment
  • Home Audio Equipment
  • Consumer White Goods
  • Other Consumer

2024 - Climbing Our Way Back to the Top!

After a year of strong single-digit growth, no one seemed surprised that the industry would decline in 2023. With industry sales performance based strongly on location and market sector, the European region grew 3.8%, while the Asia Pacific and Chinese regions declined, -7.3% and -5.7% respectively, 2023 offered several surprises. Considering that year-over-year bookings did not turn positive until the fourth quarter and year-to-date bookings remained negative throughout all of 2023, it is remarkable that the industry performed as well as it did overall. Another year highlighted by a host of natural and geopolitical developments, 2023 was a year marked by national, regional, and local conflicts and disasters. Even as material, overhead and labor prices rose, the industry managed to push on, showing remarkable resilience. Raging wildfires, drought, cyclones, storms, earthquakes, and massive flooding marked just a few of the natural disasters the world contended with.

Industry Sales Performance by Region

As indicated by the charts on the following page, growth and decline were not equal across all regions in 2023, nor will they be in 2024. The European region saw the greatest growth in 2023, growing +3.8%. With growth of +0.9%, the ROW region followed Europe. All other regions declined in 2023, with the greatest decline in Japan, where sales in US dollars decreased -9.5%, followed by Asia-Pacific with a decline of -7.3%. China, the largest region for electronic connector sales decreased -5.7%, while North America, the second largest region experienced a sales decline of -0.3%.

Forecast Assumptions

Forecasting is always difficult, especially during times of financial and geopolitical uncertainty. Projecting future business conditions in this environment is almost impossible. Consider the following economic headwinds, political challenges, and uncertainties.

  • Although still considered unstable, the economy has shown it is amazingly resilient. Driven by surprisingly strong, steady growth, many countries have seen inflation slowing, almost as quickly as it came upon us. According to the International Monetary Fund, "The baseline forecast is for the world economy to continue growing at 3.2 percent during 2024 and 2025, at the same pace as in 2023. A slight acceleration for advanced economies-where growth is expected to rise from 1.6 percent in 2023 to 1.7 percent in 2024 and 1.8 percent in 2025-will be offset by a modest slowdown in emerging market and developing economies from 4.3 percent in 2023 to 4.2 percent in both 2024 and 2025."
  • Highly unlikely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon. According to Thomson Reuters, "the US Federal Reserve signaled it is still leaning toward eventual reductions in borrowing costs, but that cuts could be delayed as recent inflation numbers have strayed further from its two percent target." "Investors are now betting that the U.S. central bank will start cutting rates in November and that it will deliver at least one reduction in borrowing costs this year."
  • Although global supply chain issues have improved drastically, as quoted by Border States, "Ocean freight rates are on the rise based on strong demand and longer sailings driven by environmental and geopolitical issues in the Panama and Suez Canals." This, coupled with volatile fuel rates because of instability in OPEC+ countries, has affected shipping rates. Other issues like the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge (Baltimore, Maryland, US) in March has had some impact on the US supply chain, although near normal operations" resumed in late May.
  • Prompted by geopolitical worries and supply constraints, the price of gasoline has continued to rise and may potentially hinder efforts to tame inflation. After declining earlier in the year, oil prices have climbed in recent weeks, spurred by concerns over supplies and geopolitical risks, including wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. It is also important to remember that higher oil prices drive up not only transportation and production costs, but eventually pass through to the prices of other core products like food and energy.
  • A shortage of labor, in particular skilled laborers, such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, machinists, welders, pipefitters, and steelworkers, even doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. A number of reasons are sited for this shortage including a decline in apprenticeship programs and shop classes, an increase in employees retiring, particularly Baby Boomers (generally classified by those born between 1946 and 1964 - according to Annuity.org, from 2021 to 2019, he number of retired workers increased from 45.1 million to 69.8 million) and not being replaced by younger workers, and a major shift in workers expectations, covering pay, hours, working location, and flexibility. In the US alone, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, "right now we have 8.5 million job openings in the U.S. but only 6.5 million unemployed workers."
  • Increasing and prolonged political tensions: Israeli-Palestinian conflict over land and who controls it, a war between Russia and Ukraine that has gone on for two years, with no end in sight and that has increased already high tensions between NATO and Russia, heightened friction between China and Taiwan with the US bound by law to provide Taiwan with defensive weapons and US President Joe Biden announcing the US would defend Taiwan militarily - breaking with a stance known as strategic ambiguity and a major humanitarian crisis in Haiti as gangs have cut off relief efforts from the rest of the world, making it impossible to reach thousands of people suffering from malnutrition. China's continued military buildup, which includes rapid development of its nuclear, space and cyberspace capabilities. According to Heritage.org, "over the last 12 months, China built 100 new nuclear weapons-making it the fastest growing nuclear power on the planet. Beijing is on track to numerically match the U.S. nuclear arsenal by 2032."
  • Increased commodity prices. While most commodity prices remained flat, rising only 0.8% in 2023, versus 12.1% in 2021 and 4.8% in 2022, the prices for oil and copper are on the rise in 2024. In April of 2024, copper prices had increased 8.92% from the previous year and 7.44% from one year ago. Like copper, oil is up 5.35% from last month and 6.73% from one year ago.
  • Lack of affordable housing. As detailed by the Migration Policy Institute, "an estimated 1.6 billion people-one-fifth of humanity-lack access to adequate housing and basic services...and this number could rise to 3 billion by 2030. Over the last decade, housing prices have grown faster than incomes in most countries according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)." Although there are several reasons for the shortage, one of the most basic is the inability of the housing market to keep up with the growing population. The growth of profit-seeking investors, who purchase large numbers of houses and apartments, higher interests, and other factors such as material delays, shortages and increased material and labor costs, also impact the shortage.

There are also some interesting projections as to why we will see connector growth in 2024 and beyond, and what that growth will be. This report details the markets where Bishop anticipates growth, and which subsectors will drive that growth. This report provides projections over the next five years. Will the industry continue to grow, and which years may not be as strong as others?

These answers and more are revealed in the June 2024 "Connector Industry Forecast".

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - 2024 - Climbing Our Way Back to the Top!

  • Bookings Year-over-Year and Year-to-Date
  • Billings Year-over-Year and Year-to-Date
  • Industry Backlog Shrinks
  • Industry Backlog April 2023/2024
  • Connector Industry Book-to-Bill
  • Change in Backlog
  • Industry Sales Performance by Region
  • 2022 and 2023 Connector Sales by Region with Percent Change
  • 2023 and 2024F Connector Sales by Region with Percent Change
  • 2023 and 2024F Change in Sales Dollars by Region
  • 2022 and 2023 Connector Sales by Market Sector with Percent Change
  • 2023 and 2024F Connector Sales by Market Sector with Percent Change and USD Delta
  • Change in Market Share
  • Market Share by Region 2014 through 2024F
  • Market Share by Region 1994 through 2024F
  • Industry Sales Performance by Month
  • Historical Sales Performance
  • Connector Industry Business Cycles Growth Cycles Highlighted
  • Historical Percentage Change in Connector Demand
  • 2023 and 2024 YTD Currency Impact on Regional Industry Growth
  • Local Currency to One USD April 2023 versus April 2024
  • Industry Sales Performance April 2024 USD-vs-Local Currencies 2024 and Beyond Outlook
  • 2024F Connector Forecast by Geographical Region with Percent Change
  • 2024F Connector Forecast by Geographical Region with Change in US Dollars
  • Forecast Assumptions
  • Five-Year Outlook (2024-2029)
  • Five Year Forecast - Region Percent Year-Over-Year Change Sales
  • Five Year Forecast - End-Use Equipment Sector Percent Year-Over-Year Change Sales
  • Market Outlook and Comments
  • Computers-Peripherals Sector
  • Overview
  • Market Trends
  • Global Market Conditions
  • Some of the Overall Trends Affecting the Computer Market Sector
  • Trends by Subsector
  • 2024F World Computer and Peripheral Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Business/Office Equipment Sector
  • Global Market Conditions
  • Trends by Subsector
  • Overall
  • 2024F World Business/Office Equipment Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Instrumentation Sector
  • Worldwide Instrumentation Market by Sub-Sectors8
  • Worldwide Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast - 2022, 2023, 2024F and 2029F with Five-Year CAGR
  • Automatic Test Equipment Sub-Sector
  • Analytical and Scientific Instruments
  • Other Instruments
  • Regional Sub-Sector Views
  • North America
  • North American Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • Europe
  • Europe Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • Japan
  • Japan Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • China
  • China Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • Asia Pacific
  • Asia Pacific Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • ROW
  • ROW Instrumentation Connector Sales Forecast 2024F through 2029F
  • New Product Considerations
  • 2024F World Instrumentation Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Medical Equipment Sector
  • Global Market Conditions
  • Worldwide Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2022, 2023, 2024F through 2029F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • Worldwide Medical Market Sub-Sectors
  • Worldwide Medical Connector Market by Sub-Sector 2024F and 2029F
  • Diagnostics and Imaging Equipment Market
  • Therapeutic Equipment Market Conditions
  • Other Equipment Market Conditions
  • Regional Sub-Sector Views
  • North America
  • North America Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2022, 2023, 2024F, and 2029F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • Europe
  • Europe Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2022, 2023, 2024F, and 2029F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • Japan
  • Japan Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2022, 2023, 2024F, and 2029F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • China
  • China Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2021, 2022, 2023F, and 2028F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • Asia Pacific
  • Asia Pacific Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2021, 2022, 2023F, and 2028F with Percent Change and Five-ear CAGR
  • ROW
  • ROW Medical Connector Sales Forecast Update 2021, 2022, 2023F, and 2028F with Percent Change and Five-Year CAGR
  • 2024F World Medical Connector Forecast Market Share by Region
  • Industrial Equipment Sector
  • Introduction and Market Definitions
  • Traditional Industrial Market - Main Market Segments
  • Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT Market Segments
  • Key Market Segments for the Industrial Connector Market
  • Outlook for the Global Industrial Market for Connectors
  • Industrial Connector Market Sales Performance by Region 2022-2024F
  • Industrial Connector Market Sales Performance by Sector 2023, 2024F and 2029F
  • 2024F and 2029F - Five-Year CAGR Performance by Region
  • Industrial Connector Market Sales Performance by Market
  • Segment 2022, 2023, & 2024F With Percent Growth and Market Share
  • Industrial Connector Market Sales Performance by Market
  • Segment 2023, 2024F & 2029F With Percent Growth, Five-Year CAGR, and Market Share
  • Regional View
  • North America
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the NA Industrial Market for Connectors
  • Europe
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the European Industrial Market for Connectors
  • Japan
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the Japanese Industrial Market for Connectors
  • China
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the Chinese Industrial Market for Connectors
  • Asia Pacific
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the AP Industrial Market for Connectors
  • ROW
  • Annual YoY Growth Rates and Forecast through 2028 of the ROW Industrial Market for Connectors
  • 2024F World Industrial Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Automotive Sector
  • Technology and Market Trends
  • Regional View
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Japan
  • China
  • Asia Pacific
  • ROW
  • 2024F World Automotive Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Transportation - Non-Automotive
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Civil Aviation
  • Rail
  • RV and Power Sport (Motorcycles, ATVs, and Other Similar Equipment) and Marine
  • 2024F World Transportation Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Military/Aerospace Sector
  • Global Market Conditions
  • 2024F World Military/Aerospace Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Telecom Equipment Sector
  • Global Market Conditions
  • Technology and Market Trends
  • Regional View
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Japan
  • China
  • Asia Pacific
  • ROW
  • 2024F World Telecom/Datacom Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region
  • Consumer Electronics Market Sector
  • Global Market Conditions & Forecast
  • Current Nature of this Market and Connector Applications
  • Sub-Sector Performance
  • 2024F World Consumer Connector Forecast - Market Share by Region

Chapter 2 - World Connector Forecast

  • World Connector Market Forecast - Year-to-Year Dollar Change
  • World Connector Market Forecast - Year-to-Year Percent Change
  • Top Six End-Use Equipment Categories
  • World End-Use Equipment Forecast - Summary
  • 2023-2024F Percent Change and 2024F-2029F Five-Year CAGR
  • 2024F and 2029F Market Share by Equipment Sector
  • World End-Use Equipment Forecast - Detail Computers & Peripherals
    • Mobile Computers
    • Desktops
    • Servers
    • Storage Equipment
    • Input/Output Equipment
    • Communication LAN Devices
  • Other Computer Equipment
  • Business/Office Equipment
    • Retail/POS Equipment
    • Imaging Systems
    • Other Office Equipment
  • Instrumentation
    • Automatic Test Equipment
    • Analytical & Scientific Instruments
    • Other Instruments
  • Medical
    • Diagnostic & Imaging Equipment
    • Therapeutic Equipment
    • Other Medical Equipment
  • Industrial
    • Heavy Equipment
    • Industrial Automation & Process Control
    • Building & Civil Engineering
    • Energy Markets
    • Machine Tools, Machinery & Robotics
    • Other Equipment
  • Automotive
    • Body Wiring & Power Distribution
    • Powertrain
    • Comfort, Convenience & Entertainment
    • Navigation & Instrumentation
    • Safety & Security
  • Transportation
    • Commercial Air
    • Commercial Vehicles
    • Rail
    • Heavy Equipment
    • Recreation
    • Commercial Marine
  • Military
  • Telecom/Datacom
    • Carrier Network
    • Enterprise Network
  • Mobile & Wireless Wireless Infrastructure
    • Subscriber Equipment
    • Cable-Equipment-Infrastructure
    • Other Telecommunications
  • Consumer
    • Personal/Portable Consumer Electronics
    • Home Video Equipment
    • Home Audio Equipment
    • Consumer White Goods
    • Other Consumer
  • Other Equipment

Chapter 3 - North American Connector Forecast

  • North American Connector Market Forecast - Year-to-Year Dollar Change
  • North American Connector Market Forecast - Year-to-Year Percent Change
  • Top Six End-Use Equipment Categories
  • North American End-Use Equipment Forecast - Summary
  • 2023-2024F Percent Change and 2024F-2029F Five-Year CAGR
  • 2024F and 2029F Market Share by Equipment Sector
  • North American End-Use Equipment Forecast - Detail
  • Computers & Peripherals
    • Mobile Computers
    • Desktops
    • Servers
    • Storage Equipment
    • Input/Output Equipment
    • Communication LAN Devices
    • Other Computer Equipment
  • Business/Office Equipment
    • Retail/POS Equipment
    • Imaging Systems
    • Other Office Equipment
  • Instrumentation
    • Automatic Test Equipment
    • Analytical & Scientific Instruments
    • Other Instruments
  • Medical
    • Diagnostic & Imaging Equipment
    • Therapeutic Equipment
    • Other Medical Equipment
  • Industrial
    • Heavy Equipment
    • Industrial Automation & Process Control
    • Building & Civil Engineering
    • Energy Markets
    • Machine Tools, Machinery & Robotics
    • Other Equipment
  • Automotive
    • Body Wiring & Power Distribution
    • Powertrain
    • Comfort, Convenience & Entertainment
    • Navigation & Instrumentation
    • Safety & Security
  • Transportation
    • Commercial Vehicles
    • RV's & Power Sports
    • Commercial Air
    • Marine
    • Rail
    • Construction
    • Farm & Garden
  • Military
  • Telecom/Datacom
    • Carrier Network
    • Enterprise Network
    • Mobile & Wireless
    • Wireless Infrastructure
    • Subscriber Equipment
    • Cable-Equipment-Infrastructure
    • Other Telecommunications
  • Consumer
    • Personal/Portable Consumer Electronics
    • Home Video Equipment
    • Home Audio Equipment
    • Consumer White Goods
    • Other Consumer
  • Other Equipment

Chapters 4 Thru 8 Provide the Same Detail Level as Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - European Connector Forecast

Chapter 5 - Japanese Connector Forecast

Chapter 6 - Chinese Connector Forecast

Chapter 7 - Asia Pacific Connector Forecast

Chapter 8 - ROW Connector Forecast