檢眼鏡-全球市場回顧、競爭格局、市場預測(2030)Ophthalmoscopes - Market Insights, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast - 2030 |
預計2024-2030年期間,全球檢眼鏡市場規模將以4.73%的複合年增長率成長。檢眼鏡需求的增加主要是由於眼科疾病盛行率的增加以及年齡相關性黃斑部病變盛行率的增加。此外,患者對眼睛護理和疾病治療需求的認識不斷提高,預計將促進檢眼鏡市場的整體成長。此外,雷射檢眼鏡的技術進步提供了直接數位成像、增強對比度和較低光照水平等優勢,將增強市場地位,從而導致檢眼鏡市場在 2024-2030 年預測期內的整體成長。
檢眼鏡用於檢測和治療許多眼部疾病。根據世界衛生組織 (WHO) (2022) 的數據,2020 年全球有近 22 億人有近距離視力或遠端視力障礙。其中 10 億人因未經治療的屈光不正、白內障、青光眼、角膜混濁、糖尿病視網膜病變、沙眼以及因老花眼導致的近視力喪失而患有中度或重度遠視力喪失或失明。此外,根據同一份文件,2020年,大多數視力喪失和失明的人年齡在50歲以上,但視力喪失可能影響所有年齡層的人。檢眼鏡用於檢測和診斷眼部疾病,這就是市場需求量很大的原因。
此外,檢眼鏡被醫生廣泛用於檢測和治療青光眼和白內障等各種遺傳性疾病,推動了市場成長。例如,2020年將有超過180萬40歲以上的美國人受到年齡相關性黃斑部病變(AMD)的影響,預計約有300人受到AMD的影響。檢眼鏡可提供視網膜的詳細圖片,有助於診斷 AMD。
此外,市場上新產品的推出也推動了產品需求。例如,2022年5月,全球診斷設備製造領導者HEINE宣佈在美國和加拿大推出其最新的間接檢眼鏡OMEGA 600。OMEGA 600 旨在改善白內障患者的視網膜檢查,其光滑的表面設計易於清潔和消毒。OMEGA 600 是最輕的高階間接檢眼鏡,採用全新設計和新型超輕電池。
此外,持續的 COVID-19 大流行對驗光師市場產生了輕微影響,因為與 COVID-19 患者相比,AMD、青光眼和其他眼部相關疾病患者的入院優先順序較低。由於採取嚴格的封鎖措施遏制病毒傳播,市場大幅下跌。這導致原材料和其他資源的供應停止,製造過程也停止。此外,在大流行期間,選擇性手術也暫時停止,阻礙了產品的使用和需求。然而,隨著更多人接種疫苗以及原料和資源的恢復,驗光師市場再次獲得動力。
Ophthalmoscopes Market By Product Type (Direct Ophthalmoscope And Indirect Ophthalmoscope [Monocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopes And Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopes]), By Application Type (Glaucoma, Retinal Disease, Diabetes Eye Disease, And Others), By End-User (Hospitals And Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, And Others), by geography is expected to grow at a steady CAGR forecast till 2030 owing to increasing prevalence of ophthalmic disease such as vision impairment and blindness and increasing prevalence of age-related macular degeneration
Global ophthalmoscopes market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.73% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. The increase in demand for ophthalmoscopes is primarily attributed to the increased prevalence of ophthalmic disease and increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration. Further, rising awareness among patients about the need of eye care and the treatment of its disorders will augment the overall market growth of ophthalmoscope. Moreover, technological advancements in laser ophthalmoscopes which offer advantages like direct digital imaging, improved contrast and lower levels of light exposure among others are anticipated to bolster the market, thereby contributing to the ovrall growth of the ophthalmoscopes market during the forecast period from 2024-2030.
Ophthalmoscopes Market Dynamics:
The ophthalmoscopes market is witnessing a growth in product demand owing to various reasons such as increased prevalence of ophthalmic disease like vision impairment or blindness, increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration, and the rising awareness among patients about the need of eye care across the world are anticipated to bolster the market.
The ophthalmoscopes are continuously been used for the detection and treatment of many ophthalmic ailments. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2022, in the year 2020 nearly 2.2 billion people globally had a near or distance vision impairment. Out of which one billion people were those with moderate or severe distance vision impairment or blindness due to unaddressed refractive error (88.4 million), cataract (94 million), glaucoma (7.7 million), corneal opacities (4.2 million), diabetic retinopathy (3.9 million), and trachoma (2 million), as well as near vision impairment caused by unaddressed presbyopia (826 million). Moreover, as per the same source, in the year 2020 majority of people with vision impairment and blindness were over the age of 50 years; however, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Ophthalmoscopes are used to detect and diagnose the impairments in the eyes thereby increasing the demand of the device in the market.
Further, ophthalmoscopes are widely used by physicians and doctors for the detection and treatment of various genetic disorders like glaucoma and cataract, thus driving the market growth. For instance, as per the data published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the year 2020, it was estimated that in the United States in 2020 more than 1.8 million Americans over the age of 40 were affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and almost 3 million people were affected by AMD. Ophthalmoscopes provide detailed photo of the retina which is useful in the diagnosis of AMD ultimately increasing the demand of the device in the market.
Another factor which will drive the market of ophthalmoscopes is the increasing prevalence of glaucoma. Glaucoma is characterized by damaged optic nerve due to excessive eye pressure which may be due to persistent high blood pressure. For instance, according WHO data published in 2022, it was estimated that in the year 2020 about 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years worldwide had hypertension. As stated above hypertension is one the major cause of glaucoma so it may increase the prevalence of glaucoma. Additionally, diagnosis of glaucoma is done by examining the optic nerve, eye pressure and by checking corneal structure through ophthalmoscopes. Thus, the increasing prevalence of hypertension will lead to rise in glaucoma patients ultimately driving the market growth of ophthalmoscopes.
Moreover, the new product launches in the market, in turn, will drive the product demand. For instance, in May 2022, HEINE, one of the global leader in the manufacture of diagnostic instruments announced that they have launched its newest indirect ophthalmoscope, the OMEGA 600 in US and Canada. It is designed to improve retina exams for cataract patients, and a sophisticated surface design for easy cleaning and disinfection. OMEGA 600, have an entirely new design that makes it the lightest high-end indirect ophthalmoscopes with a new ultralight battery.
Thus, due to the increasing utilization of ophthalmoscopes in various areas of application and increasing prevalence of eye-related disorders, there will be a rising demand for ophthalmoscopes, in turn increasing the ophthalmoscopes market growth.
However, dearth of skilled surgeons in lower-economic countries and high cost of the device may be certain limiting factors of the ophthalmoscopes market growth.
Additionally, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has slightly impacted the market for ophthalmoscopes as hospital admissions for patients suffering from AMD, glaucoma, and other eye-related disorders were not a priority in comparison to the patients suffering from coronavirus. There was a significant drop in the market, attributed to the imposition of stringent lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus. Due to this supply of raw materials and other resources was stopped, halting the manufacturing process. Furthermore, elective surgeries were also temporarily stopped during the pandemic hampering the product uses and it's demand. However, with masses being vaccinated and with the upturn of raw materials and resources, the ophthalmoscopes market has picked up the momentum again.
Ophthalmoscopes Market Segment Analysis:
Ophthalmoscopes Market by Product Type (Direct Ophthalmoscope and Indirect Ophthalmoscope [Monocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope and Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopes]), by Application Type (Glaucoma, Retinal Disease, Diabetes Eye Disease, and Others), by End-User (Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, and Others), and by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World)
In the product type segment of the ophthalmoscopes market, the indirect ophthalmoscopes are estimated to hold a significant share in the year 2023. This can be ascribed due to the various advantages that are associated with the devices Such as rising technological advancements in indirect ophthalmoscopes.
For instance, ophthalmoscopes are used in detection of eye-related disorders. It offers a pain-less experience to the patients, as these devices do not require any cuts on the skin. The indirect ophthalmoscope delivers a stronger source of light, greater opportunity for stereoscopic inspection of the eyeball interior, and have a specifically designed objective lens. These devices are used in treatment and diagnosis of detachments, holes, and retinal tears.
Indirect ophthalmoscopes are of two types: monocular indirect ophthalmoscopes and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopes. The monocular indirect ophthalmoscopes offer a wider field of view allowing both the central and peripheral retina to be seen clearly. It also offers higher magnification levels than the traditional ophthalmoscope.
The binocular indirect ophthalmoscopes offers three-dimensional pictures and also provides superior stereopsis. Moreover, indirect ophthalmoscope offers brighter image as compared to direct ophthalmoscopes.
The advantages of indirect ophthalmoscopes will offer a significant market growth opportunity for the device. The device is commonly used in wide range of conditions like glaucoma, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, swollen optical disc, eye tumors, and many more. Thus, owing to the wide application of the device, there will be an increase in the demand for indirect ophthalmoscopes, which in turn will drive the ophthalmoscopes market growth.
North America is expected to dominate the overall Ophthalmoscopes Market:
Among all the regions, North America is expected to account for the largest share in the global ophthalmoscopes market. Growing incidence of chronic diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy will increase the demand for ophthalmoscopes in North America, leading to a rise in the overall ophthalmoscopes market growth.
For instance, as per the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 2022, by 2050, the number of people in the US with cataract is expected to double from 24.4 million to about 50 million. The majority of cases will affect white people, however Hispanic Americans are expected to have the most rapid increase in prevalence from 1.76 million cases to 9.51 million in the forecast period from 2024-2030. Also, as per the study done by Glaucoma patient's organization in the year 2019-2020, it was concluded that in the US blindness is the third most feared health problem. As per the same source, it was estimated that 79.6 million individuals had glaucoma in 2020. This number is likely to increase to 111.8 million individuals in 2040. Presence of glaucoma is confirmed by performing various diagnostic tests using ophthalmoscopes. Therefore, owing to the increasing prevalence of glaucoma the market of ophthalmoscopes will rise during the forecast period from 2024-2030.
Furthermore, diabetes mellitus which is one the chronic disease can cause diabetic retinopathy, a complication that affects the eyes. Over time, too much sugar in the blood can lead to the blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, cutting off its blood supply. As a result, the eye attempts to grow new blood vessels but these new blood vessels don't develop properly and can leak easily, leading to mild vision problems or blindness. For instance, according to NIH 2020, by the year 2050, the number of Americans with diabetic retinopathy is expected to nearly double, from 7.7 million to 14.6 million and the Hispanic Americans are expected to see the greatest increase in cases, rising more than three-fold from 1.2 million to 5.3 million. Also, as per the Diabetes in Canada Organization published in 2020, it was estimated that in the year 2019-2020, 29% of Canadians lived with diabetes or prediabetes, 10% people lived with diagnosed diabetes, 6.1% people lived with prediabetes, 7.0% people lived with high blood glucose, and 1.7% lived with undiagnosed high blood glucose.. From the above data it can be concluded that the increase in prevalence of diabetes rise in North America ultimately leading to rise in the cases of diabetic retinopathy. Further, the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy is done by examining the structure of retina and optic nerves using ophthalmoscopes. Therefore, propelling the market growth of the device in North America.
Thus, all the above-mentioned factors are anticipated to propel the market for ophthalmoscopes in the North America region.
Ophthalmoscopes Market Key Players:
Some of the key market players operating in the ophthalmoscopes market include Hill-Rom Services Inc., HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Keeler Itd, US Ophthalmic., Rudolf Riester GmbH, Opticlar, Zumax Medical Co.,Ltd., GirodMedical., AdamRouilly, Timesco Healthcare Ltd, Zhejiang Honsun Medical Technology Co., Ltd., IRIDEX Corporation, NIDEK CO., LTD., OSCAR BOSCAROL S.r.l., American Diagnostic Corporation, Lumenis Be Ltd., Veatch Ophthalmic Instruments, KIRCHNER & WILHELM GmbH + Co. KG, CenterVua SpA, oDocs Eye Care, among others.
Recent Developmental Activities in the Ophthalmoscopes Market:
In December 2022, Baxter International Inc., a global medtech leader announced that it has completed the acquisition of Hillrom, one of the leading manufacturer of ophthalmoscope. Baxter paid USD 156 in cash for each outstanding share of Hillrom common stock for a purchase price of USD 10.5 billion.
In August 2022, CenterVue SpA accounced the approval of 510(k) approval for Device EIDON. EIDON is the Confocal system that combines the best features of Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) systems with those of standard fundus imaging systems.
Key Takeaways from the Ophthalmoscopes Market Report Study
Target Audience who can be benefited from this Ophthalmoscopes Market Report Study
Frequently Asked Questions for Ophthalmoscopes Market:
An ophthalmoscopes or fundoscopes, is a medical device that allows a physician or doctor to see inside the fundus of the eye and other structures, like retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels. It is used to detect and evaluate symptoms of retinal detachment or eye diseases such as glaucoma, AMD, diabetic retinopathy and others.
Global ophthalmoscopes market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.73% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030.
The ophthalmoscopes market is witnessing a positive market growth owing to increased prevalence of ophthalmic disease, increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration, rising awareness among patients about need of eye care and its treatment, and technological advancements in laser ophthalmoscopes that offer advantages like direct digital imaging, improved contrast and lower levels of light exposure across the world are anticipated to bolster the market.
Some of the key market players operating in the Ophthalmoscopes market include Hill-Rom Services Inc., HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Keeler Itd, US Ophthalmic., Rudolf Riester GmbH, Opticlar, Zumax Medical Co.,Ltd., GirodMedical., AdamRouilly, Timesco Healthcare Ltd, Zhejiang Honsun Medical Technology Co., Ltd., IRIDEX Corporation, NIDEK CO., LTD., OSCAR BOSCAROL S.r.l., American Diagnostic Corporation, Lumenis Be Ltd., Veatch Ophthalmic Instruments, KIRCHNER & WILHELM GmbH + Co. KG, CenterVua SpA, oDocs Eye Care, and others.
North America is expected to hold the highest share in the revenue in the Ophthalmoscopes market during the forecast period. Increased prevalence of ophthalmic disease, increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration will increase the demand for ophthalmoscopes in North America, leading to a rise in the overall ophthalmoscopes market growth in this region.