
全球 1-癸醇市場 - 2024-2031

Global 1-Decanol Market - 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: DataM Intelligence | 英文 210 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內








由於其具有滲經皮膚的能力,也可在製藥工業中用作經皮藥物輸送的滲透促進劑。由於它是可生物分解的,它會破壞環境。 1-癸醇、癸醇、正癸醇、伯癸醇、正癸醇、正癸醇、癸醇和醇C-10都是癸醇。 Calon 的分子式為 C10H21OH。



家庭和個人護理行業對 1-癸醇的需求不斷成長

天然 1-癸醇在個人護理和化妝品以及肥皂和洗滌劑等基於表面活性劑的行業中的市場滲透率有所增加。由於 COVID-19 的爆發,人們對家庭和個人護理產品的認知有所提高。洗滌劑和肥皂等界面活性劑產品的需求顯著增加。作為對抗冠狀病毒的安全措施,對肥皂、洗手液和其他個人護理產品的需求增加。 1-癸醇是一種存在於多種清潔產品中的輔助界面活性劑。 1-癸醇的存在加速了表面張力的降低。

1-癸醇的高擴散特性有助於快速、輕鬆地清潔。含有 1-癸醇的界面活性劑在濁點、密度、黏度和閃點方面表現不同。在化妝品、紙漿和造紙工業中,1-癸醇基界面活性劑用作清潔劑和潤濕劑。在紡織和化妝品工業中,1-癸醇界面活性劑主要用作增溶劑和乳化劑。這些 1-癸醇的功能和特性預計將推動其在家庭護理和個人護理行業的需求。

對石化產品 1-癸醇的需求不斷成長

石化產品生產許多常見物品,包括服裝、輪胎、數位產品、包裝、清潔劑等等。它們也存在於當前能源系統的眾多組件中,包括太陽能電池板、風力渦輪機葉片、電池、建築隔熱材料和電動車組件。世界石油消費量的 12% 來自石化原料。由於對塑膠、化肥和其他商品的需求不斷成長,這一比例預計還會上升。

齊格勒製程用於透過氫化癸酸來生產石油基 1-癸醇。此方法使用乙烯和有機鋁化合物來生產脂肪醇。它是一種無色液體,具有甜味、刺激性氣味。一些源自石化產品的 1-癸醇是可生物分解的。物理和化學性質與天然1-癸醇相同。這些可用作涉及酒精的各種化學反應的原料。


由於 COVID-19 封鎖導致油價創下歷史新低,塑膠產量下降。此外,製造商向先進技術的轉變抑制了抗菌塑膠市場的成長。先進技術的使用提高了製造成本,因為實施新技術需要大量投資。





塑化劑添加到聚合物中有助於加工、提高柔韌性、可塑性、柔軟性和脆性。塑化劑主要用作 PVC 電纜、樹脂、電線護套、乙烯基地板和其他應用中的添加劑。含有1-癸醇的塑化劑用於改善聚合物的物理機械性質和加工性能。為了使 PVC 具有適當的柔韌性和耐久性,塑化劑是必不可少的。軟質PVC是指經過塑化處理使其變得柔韌的PVC製品。

自1930年推出以來,PVC因其優越的防水性和不易燃的特性而得到越來越多的應用。全球 PVC 市場約 30% 至 40% 是軟性 PVC。軟質PVC的主要應用產業包括管道、地板、牆面覆蓋物、餐巾紙、黏合膜、泳池襯墊、擠壓電線、汽車、合成皮革塗層織物和醫療設備。

各種最終用途領域對輕質 PVC 材料的需求不斷增加,而且軟質 PVC 比傳統 PVC 的使用壽命更長,推動了對軟質 PVC 的需求。它們也被稱為塑化劑系列醇。當與聚羧酸酯化時,它們為 PVC 提供優異的增塑性能。建築、油漆和塗料以及汽車是塑化劑中 1-癸醇的主要最終用戶產業。



亞太地區預計將成為最大的1-癸醇市場。亞太地區對1-癸醇的高需求主要歸因於中國、印度和日本等主要經濟體龐大的工業基礎。該地區對 1-癸醇的需求是由新興產業和現有最終用途產品製造產業的擴張所推動的。該地區的工業部門預計將受到經濟高速成長和人口成長的推動。




全球主要1-癸醇市場公司包括花王公司、荷蘭皇家殼牌公司、吉隆坡甲洞有限公司(KLK Oleo)、沙索有限公司、春金控股、巴斯夫SE、豐益國際有限公司、Ecogreen Oleochemicals、Oleon NV和Emery Oleochemicals。

COVID-19 影響分析

2020年COVID-19的爆發影響了全球經濟和各產業。這場大流行損害了 1-癸醇市場,因為 2020 年的需求因 COVID-19 而放緩。 1-癸醇的主要應用需求下降,影響了1-癸醇的需求。受新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 影響,需求較 2020 年下降。

然而,隨著工業營運限制的解除以及整個預測期內的停產,預計1-癸醇的消費量將會上升。天然 1-癸醇的市場價值在個人護理和化妝品以及肥皂和洗滌劑等基於表面活性劑的行業中有所增加。 COVID-19 的爆發提高了人們對使用個人護理和家庭用品的認知。然而,隨著工業運作限制的解除和封鎖,預計預測期內1-癸醇的需求將出現反彈。


俄羅斯-烏克蘭戰爭對全球1-癸醇產業產生了重大影響,特別是對供應鏈和原料供應。烏克蘭和俄羅斯是用於生產 1-癸醇的化學前驅物和原料的主要生產國。衝突導致制裁、後勤挑戰和地緣政治緊張局勢加劇,導致這些關鍵投入的缺乏。結果,製造商面臨生產成本增加和延誤,導致全球市場上 1-癸醇短缺。

此外,衝突導致歐洲及其他地區的經濟不穩定和不確定性,影響了工業活動和對 1-癸醇的需求。化妝品、個人護理品和工業潤滑油都嚴重依賴 1-癸醇,由於消費者支出和製造流程中斷,需求出現波動。這種對供需的雙重影響加劇了1-癸醇市場的波動,導致價格波動,為市場參與者帶來不利的交易環境。


  • 石化為主
  • 基於油脂化學


  • 塑化劑
  • 潤滑劑
  • 洗滌劑和清潔劑
  • 香精香料
  • 化妝品及個人護理品
  • 藥品
  • 其他


  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 歐洲其他地區
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 亞太
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 澳洲
    • 亞太其他地區
  • 中東和非洲


  • 2023 年 3 月,全球特種化學品公司贏創宣布有意在德國建立新的 1-癸醇生產工廠。據該公司公告,該工廠計劃於今年年底前開始營運。該公司預計,透過採取此策略舉措,將能夠滿足對1-癸醇日益成長的需求,1-癸醇是一種有用的脂肪醇,用於個人護理、表面活性劑和塑化劑等多種行業。
  • 2022 年 5 月,全球綜合化學品和能源公司沙索有限公司在南京開設了新的烷氧基化工廠。這是沙索迄今為止在中國承建的最大的擴建項目。該工廠將使該公司目前的產量增加三倍以上,並顯著擴大該地區的烷氧基化生產能力。


  • 按來源、應用程式和地區可視化 1-癸醇市場細分的組成,突出顯示關鍵的商業資產和參與者。
  • 透過分析趨勢和共同開發交易來確定 1-癸醇市場的商業機會。
  • Excel資料表,包含數千個 1-癸醇市場級 4/5 細分點。
  • 經過詳盡的質性訪談和深入的市場研究後,PDF 報告中包含最相關的分析。
  • Excel 中所有主要市場參與者的關鍵產品的產品映射

全球 1-癸醇市場報告將提供約 1-癸醇市場的資訊。 53 個市場資料表,45 個圖表,210 頁。

2024 年目標受眾

  • 1-癸醇服務提供者/買家
  • 產業投資者/投資銀行家
  • 教育及科研機構
  • 新興公司
  • 1-癸醇生產廠商


第 1 章:全球 1-癸醇市場方法與範圍

  • 研究方法
  • 報告的研究目的和範圍

第 2 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 市場定義與概述

第 3 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 執行摘要

  • 按來源分類的市場片段
  • 按應用分類的市場片段
  • 按地區分類的市場片段

第 4 章:全球 1-癸醇市場-市場動態

  • 市場影響因素
    • 促進要素
      • 家庭和個人護理行業對 1-癸醇的需求不斷成長
      • 對石化產品 1-癸醇的需求不斷成長
    • 限制
      • 原物料價格波動
    • 機會
    • 影響分析

第 5 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 產業分析

  • 波特五力分析
  • 供應鏈分析
  • 定價分析
  • 監管分析

第 6 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - COVID-19 分析

  • COVID-19市場分析
    • COVID-19 之前的市場情景
    • 目前的 COVID-19 市場情景
    • COVID-19 過後或未來情景
  • COVID-19 期間的定價動態
  • 供需譜
  • 疫情期間政府與市場相關的舉措
  • 製造商策略舉措
  • 結論

第 7 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 按來源

  • 石化為主
  • 基於油脂化學

第 8 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 按應用

  • 塑化劑
  • 潤滑劑
  • 洗滌劑和清潔劑
  • 香精香料
  • 化妝品及個人護理品
  • 藥品
  • 其他

第 9 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 按地區

  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 歐洲其他地區
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 亞太
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 澳洲
    • 亞太其他地區
  • 中東和非洲

第 10 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 競爭格局

  • 競爭場景
  • 市場定位/佔有率分析
  • 併購分析

第 11 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 公司簡介

  • Kao Corporation
    • 公司概況
    • 產品組合和描述
    • 主要亮點
    • 財務概覽
  • Royal Dutch Shell PLC
  • Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK Oleo)
  • Sasol Limited
  • Musim Mas Holdings
  • Wilmar International Ltd.
  • Ecogreen Oleochemicals
  • Oleon NV
  • Emery Oleochemicals (*LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE)

第 12 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - 進階洞察

第 13 章:全球 1-癸醇市場 - DataM

Product Code: CH5646

Report Overview

The Global 1-Decanol Market size was worth US$ 210.98 million in 2023 and is estimated to reach US$ 330.20 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.76% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

Decanol is a natural fat or oil derivative. Decanol is formed as a result of decanoic acid's hydrogenation action. Decanol density is 0.8297 g/cm3, a boiling point of 232.90 C and an aromatic odor. It is a colorless liquid that acts as a lubricant and is flammable. It is a thick, white liquid that won't dissolve in water. It has an overwhelming odor and is colorless. Plasticizers, lubricants, surfactants and solvents are all made from decanol.

Decanol is extremely irritating to the skin and eyes; if it gets in the eyes, it can permanently harm them. It can also act as a narcotic and be hazardous when inhaled or consumed. Additionally, it harms the ecosystem. Because of its solubilizing and emulsifying properties, it can be used as an anti-spalling agent in concrete. Decanol is an antifoam and raw material for surfactants and solvents in natural-based wetting agents.

Owing to its capability to permeate the skin is also used as a penetration enhancer in the pharmaceutical industry for transdermal drug delivery. As it is biodegradable, it degrades the environment. 1-Decanol, Decyl Alcohol, n-Decanol, primary Decyl Alcohol, Decylic Alcohol, n-Decanol, Capric Alcohol and Alcohol C-10 are all decanol. Calon has the molecular formula C10H21OH.

Market Dynamics

Surfactant-based products, like detergents and washing soaps, are highly demanded as a safety measure against coronavirus demand for hygiene and personal care products increases. In cleaning products, decanol acts as a surfactant. The presence of decanol accelerates the lowering of surface tension. The high diffusion property of decanol aids in easy and quick cleaning. As a result, this could drive the market in the coming years.

Rising demand for 1-decanol in the home & personal care industry

Natural 1-decanol market penetration has increased in surfactant-based industries such as personal care & cosmetics and soaps & detergents. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, there is a greater awareness of household and personal care products. Surfactant-based products like detergents and washing soaps have significantly increased in demand. As a safety measure against coronavirus, the demand for soaps, hand sanitizers and other personal care products increases. 1-Decanol is a co-surfactant found in a variety of cleaning products. The presence of 1-decanol accelerates the lowering of surface tension.

The high diffusion properties of 1-decanol aid in quick and easy cleaning. Surfactants containing 1-decanol perform differently in cloud point, density, viscosity and flashpoint. In the cosmetics, pulp and paper industries, 1-decanol-based surfactants are used as cleaning and wetting agents. In the textile and cosmetic industries, 1-decanol surfactants are primarily used as solubilizing and emulsifying agents. These 1-decanol functions and properties are expected to drive its demand in the homecare and personal care industries.

Growing demand for petrochemical-based 1-decanol

Petrochemicals create numerous common things, including clothing, tires, digital gadgets, packaging, detergents and many more. They can also be found in numerous components of the current energy system, including solar panels, wind turbine blades, batteries, building thermal insulation and electric vehicle components. Twelve percent of the world's oil consumption comprises petrochemical feedstock. This percentage is projected to rise due to the rising demand for plastics, fertilizers and other goods.

The Ziegler process is used to produce petroleum-based 1-decanols by hydrogenating decanoic acid. Using ethylene and an organoaluminium compound, fatty alcohols are produced in this method. It's a colorless liquid with a sweet, pungent odor. Some 1-decanols derived from petrochemicals are biodegradable. The physical and chemical properties are identical to those of natural 1-decanol. These can be used as feedstock in various chemical reactions involving alcohol.

Volatility in raw materials price

Plastic production has decreased due to the all-time low in oil prices caused by the COVID-19 lockdown. Furthermore, the manufacturers' shift toward advanced technologies stifles the growth of the antimicrobial plastics market. The use of advanced technologies raises the cost of manufacturing because it requires a large investment to implement new technologies.

Growing social awareness about the issues created by plastic in the environment and the implementation of increasingly stringent regulations are transforming the plastic industry. The European Union has established a new goal of recycling 65% of plastics by 2035.

Market Segment Analysis

By application, the 1-decanol market is segmented into plasticizers, lubricants, detergents & cleaners, flavors & fragrances, cosmetics & personal care, pharmaceuticals and others.

Plasticizers to remain the dominant segment

Plasticizers are added to polymeric substances to help with processing, flexibility, plasticity, softness and brittleness. Plasticizers are mostly used as additives in PVC cables, resins, wire jacketing, vinyl flooring and other applications. Plasticizers containing 1-decanols are used to improve polymers' physical-mechanical properties and processability. To provide PVC with the appropriate flexibility and durability, plasticizers are essential. Flexible PVC refers to PVC items that have been plasticized to make them pliable.

Since its introduction in 1930, PVC has been used more and more due to its superior water resistance and non-flammable characteristics. Approximately 30 to 40 percent of the global PVC market comprises flexible PVC. The main industries where flexible PVC is used include pipe, flooring, wall coverings, napkins, adhesive films, pool liners, extruded wires, automotive, synthetic leather coated fabrics and medical equipment.

The need for flexible PVC is driven by increased demand for lightweight PVC materials across various end-use sectors and flexible PVC's longer lifespan than conventional PVC. They are also known as plasticizer range alcohols. They provide excellent plasticizing properties to PVC when esterified with polycarboxylic acid. Construction, paints & coatings and automotive are the primary end-user industries for 1-decanol in plasticizers.

Market Geographical Analysis

A huge industrial base in the region drives the market for 1-decanol in Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific is expected to be the largest 1-decanol market. The high demand for 1-decanol in Asia-Pacific is primarily due to major economies such as China, India and Japan's massive industrial bases. The region's demand for 1-decanol is driven by emerging industries and the expansion of existing industries in manufacturing end-use products. The region's industrial sector is expected to be driven by high economic growth and an increasing population.

It is expected to increase market penetration of surfactant-based industries like detergents and cleaners, cosmetics and personal care and pharmaceuticals. A new alkoxylation facility for Sasol (South Africa) opened in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, in June 2019. The company's current alkoxylation capacity, R&D facility and technical support capability in Nanjing are anticipated to be revolutionized and expanded by the new manufacturing unit.

With this growth, the company hopes to serve better China's expanding specialized chemical market and solidify its position there. To satisfy customer requirements for applications including detergent, metalworking & lubrication and personal care, the project is anticipated to use either branched or linear alcohols.

Market Competitive Landscape

Major global 1-decanol market companies include Kao Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK Oleo), Sasol Limited, Musim Mas Holdings, BASF SE, Wilmar International Ltd., Ecogreen Oleochemicals, Oleon NV and Emery Oleochemicals.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis

The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 impacted the global economy and various industries. The pandemic has harmed the 1-decanol market, as demand was slowed during 2020 due to COVID-19. The major applications of 1-decanol experienced a decrease in demand, which impacted the demand for 1-decanol. Due to COVID-19, demand has dropped compared to 2020. The main industries that used 1-decanol saw a decline in their demand, which impacted 1-decanol demand.

However, with the lifting of restrictions on industrial operations and the shutdown throughout the projection period, it is anticipated that 1-decanol consumption will rise. Natural 1-decanol's market value has increased in surfactant-based sectors like personal care & cosmetics and soaps & detergents. The COVID-19 outbreak has raised awareness about using personal care and household goods. However, with the lifting of industrial operation restrictions and the lockdown, demand for 1-decanol is expected to rebound during the forecast period.

Russia-Ukraine War Impact

The Russia-Ukraine war has had a significant influence on the global 1-decanol sector, particularly on supply chains and raw material availability. Ukraine and Russia are key producers of chemical precursors and raw materials used in the production of 1-decanol. The conflict has resulted in sanctions, logistical challenges and increasing geopolitical tensions, causing a lack of these critical inputs. As a result, manufacturers have faced increased production costs and delays, resulting in a scarcity of 1-decanol on the global market.

Furthermore, the conflict has produced economic instability and uncertainty in Europe and beyond, affecting industrial activity and demand for 1-decanol. Cosmetics, personal care and industrial lubricants, all of which rely heavily on 1-decanol, have seen fluctuations in demand due to disrupted consumer spending and manufacturing processes. This dual impact on supply and demand has exacerbated volatility in the 1-decanol market, resulting in fluctuating prices and unfavorable trading circumstances for market participants.

By Source

  • Petrochemical-based
  • Oleochemical-based

By Application

  • Plasticizers
  • Lubricants
  • Detergents & Cleaners
  • Flavors & Fragrance
  • Cosmetics & Personal Care
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Others

By Region

  • North America
    • U.S.
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • South America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Rest of South America
  • Asia-Pacific
    • China
    • India
    • Japan
    • Australia
    • Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • Middle East and Africa

Key Developments

  • In March 2023, Evonik, a worldwide specialty chemicals firm, announced intentions to establish a new 1-decanol manufacturing facility in Germany. According to the company's announcement, the factory is planned to begin operations before the end of the year. The company expects that by adopting this tactical move, it will be able to meet the increased demand for 1-decanol, a useful fatty alcohol used in a variety of industries such as personal care, surfactants and plasticizers.
  • In May 2022, Sasol Limited, a global integrated chemicals and energy company, opened a new alkoxylation facility in Nanjing. It is the largest expansion project that Sasol has undertaken in China to date. The facility will more than treble the company's current output and significantly expand the region's alkoxylation production capability.

Why Purchase the Report?

  • Visualize the composition of the 1-decanol market segmentation by source, application and region, highlighting the critical commercial assets and players.
  • Identify commercial opportunities in the 1-decanol market by analyzing trends and co-development deals.
  • Excel data sheet with thousands of 1-decanol market-level 4/5 segmentation points.
  • Pdf report with the most relevant analysis cogently put together after exhaustive qualitative interviews and in-depth market study.
  • Product mapping in excel for the key product of all major market players

The global 1-decanol market report would provide access to an approx. 53 market data tables, 45 figures and 210 pages.

Target Audience 2024

  • 1-Decanol Service Providers/ Buyers
  • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
  • Education & Research Institutes
  • Emerging Companies
  • 1-Decanol Manufacturers

Table of Contents

1. Global 1-Decanol Market Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Research Methodology
  • 1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report

2. Global 1-Decanol Market - Market Definition and Overview

3. Global 1-Decanol Market - Executive Summary

  • 3.1. Market Snippet by Source
  • 3.2. Market Snippet by Application
  • 3.3. Market Snippet by Region

4. Global 1-Decanol Market-Market Dynamics

  • 4.1. Market Impacting Factors
    • 4.1.1. Drivers
      • Rising demand for 1-decanol in the home & personal care industry
      • Growing demand for petrochemical-based 1-decanol
    • 4.1.2. Restraints
      • Volatility in raw materials price
    • 4.1.3. Opportunity
    • 4.1.4. Impact Analysis

5. Global 1-Decanol Market - Industry Analysis

  • 5.1. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • 5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
  • 5.3. Pricing Analysis
  • 5.4. Regulatory Analysis

6. Global 1-Decanol Market - COVID-19 Analysis

  • 6.1. Analysis of COVID-19 on the Market
    • 6.1.1. Before COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.2. Present COVID-19 Market Scenario
    • 6.1.3. After COVID-19 or Future Scenario
  • 6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
  • 6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
  • 6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
  • 6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
  • 6.6. Conclusion

7. Global 1-Decanol Market - By Source

  • 7.1. Introduction
    • 7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Source
  • 7.2. Petrochemical-based*
    • 7.2.1. Introduction
    • 7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
  • 7.3. Oleochemical-based

8. Global 1-Decanol Market - By Application

  • 8.1. Introduction
    • 8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
  • 8.2. Plasticizers*
    • 8.2.1. Introduction
    • 8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
  • 8.3. Lubricants
  • 8.4. Detergents & Cleaners
  • 8.5. Flavors & Fragrance
  • 8.6. Cosmetics & Personal Care
  • 8.7. Pharmaceuticals
  • 8.8. Others

9. Global 1-Decanol Market - By Region

  • 9.1. Introduction
  • 9.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
  • 9.3. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
  • 9.4. North America
    • 9.4.1. Introduction
    • 9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 9.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • U.S.
      • Canada
      • Mexico
  • 9.5. Europe
    • 9.5.1. Introduction
    • 9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 9.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Germany
      • UK
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
  • 9.6. South America
    • 9.6.1. Introduction
    • 9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 9.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Rest of South America
  • 9.7. Asia-Pacific
    • 9.7.1. Introduction
    • 9.7.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.7.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 9.7.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
    • 9.7.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • Australia
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 9.8. Middle East and Africa
    • 9.8.1. Introduction
    • 9.8.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
    • 9.8.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Source
    • 9.8.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application

10. Global 1-Decanol Market - Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1. Competitive Scenario
  • 10.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
  • 10.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis

11. Global 1-Decanol Market - Company Profiles

  • 11.1. Kao Corporation
    • 11.1.1. Company Overview
    • 11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
    • 11.1.3. Key Highlights
    • 11.1.4. Financial Overview
  • 11.2. Royal Dutch Shell PLC
  • 11.3. Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK Oleo)
  • 11.4. Sasol Limited
  • 11.5. Musim Mas Holdings
  • 11.6. BASF SE
  • 11.7. Wilmar International Ltd.
  • 11.8. Ecogreen Oleochemicals
  • 11.9. Oleon NV
  • 11.10. Emery Oleochemicals (*LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE)

12. Global 1-Decanol Market - Premium Insights

13. Global 1-Decanol Market - DataM

  • 13.1. Appendix
  • 13.2. About Us and Services
  • 13.3. Contact Us