全球醫學影像資訊系統市場 - 2024 - 2031Global Medical Imaging Information Systems Market - 2024 - 2031 |
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醫學影像資訊系統用於組織和控制醫學影像及相關資料。該系統對於監控放射成像請求和付款細節非常有益。此外,醫學成像可以與 PACS 和供應商中立存檔 (VNA) 一起使用,以有效處理影像存檔、計費和記錄保存。
日本的老年人口比例最高,義大利、德國、法國和丹麥的老年人口比例預計今後也將最高。這是由於近年來預期壽命的大幅提高,預計這種模式將持續下去。預計到 2050 年,香港、韓國和日本將有近 40% 的人口年齡在 65 歲或以上。與高度開發地區的現有比例相比,這一比例顯著上升,這些地區只有約 20% 的人口屬於這個年齡層。
隨著人們壽命的延長,他們罹患慢性病的可能性也隨之增加。醫學影像無需侵入性治療即可提供人體內部狀況的完整視覺化,在精確診斷、控制和治療疾病方面發揮著至關重要的作用。因此,隨著全球人口老化,診斷影像服務的需求預計會增加,這將推動市場擴張。這一趨勢凸顯了複雜成像技術在滿足日益老齡化人口的醫療保健需求方面的重要性。根據聯合國估計,2021 年新生兒的平均壽命比 1950 年出生的人長近 25 年。
醫學影像有助於及時、準確地識別疾病,從而實現有效的治療。根據美國國家衛生統計中心估計,2023 年該國新增癌症病例約 1,958,310 例,癌症死亡人數為 609,820 人。此外,慢性病的激增極大地增加了對醫學影像的需求,導致全球範圍內診斷影像檢查的升級。世界衛生組織 (WHO)資料顯示,全球每年進行約 36 億次診斷測試,其中約 3.5 億次涉及兒科患者。
法規對醫學影像產業產生重大影響,因為商品必須遵守美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 和歐洲藥品管理局 (EMA) 等監管機構制定的嚴格安全性和有效性標準。將新型成像技術引入市場的過程漫長且成本高昂,法律的影響顯而易見。 2023 年 12 月,美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 將飛利浦醫療影像設備(特別是某些型號的 Panorama 1.0T HFO 設備(MRI 系統))的召回列為最嚴重等級。此分類意味著使用這些設備可能會導致嚴重傷害甚至死亡。之所以採取這項措施,是因為擔心在「淬火程序」期間,由於氦氣過量積聚,可能會發生爆炸。消息公佈後,在美上市的飛利浦股價下跌約1%。
MRI 系統用於對多個器官進行影像,例如腹部、骨盆、大腦、脊椎、心臟、乳房和肌肉骨骼結構。 2023 年 6 月,GE HealthCare 宣布 FDA 已批准並發布 Sonic DL,這是一項由深度學習驅動的技術,可顯著加速磁振造影 (MRI) 中影像的擷取過程。
預測表明,MRI 技術的進步擴大了其應用範圍,將推動市場擴張。由於最近的進步,例如採用纖維束成像的擴散和擴散張量成像、灌注成像、包括磁振造影波譜在內的神經成像方法以及採用 BOLD 方法進行功能成像,磁振造影市場可能會經歷擴張。此外,術中 MRI 技術的不斷進步,加上其在神經外科等領域的廣泛應用,預計將推動市場擴張。
電腦斷層掃描部分產生高解析度影像,使醫療保健提供者能夠以極高的清晰度可視化內部結構,從而協助診斷和治療多種醫學疾病。 CT 掃描經常用於識別器官、組織和骨骼的異常情況,以及協助手術介入。由於技術的突破,CT 影像在速度、準確性和安全性方面都得到了提高,使其成為跨多個醫學學科的醫療診斷和患者護理的寶貴工具。
2023年,美國醫學影像市場佔據北美市場相當大的佔有率。這些變化可歸因於技術進步、患者護理實踐的改變以及流行病學趨勢的發展等變數。全國城市和農村地區對醫學影像領域放射科醫師的需求仍然強勁。據美國放射技術專家協會稱,約有 35 萬名放射科醫生在醫療機構註冊並工作。此外,美國勞工統計局預測,到 2030 年,放射和 MRI 技術人員的就業人數將增加 9%,從而創造 21,600 個新職缺。
COVID-19 大流行凸顯了這些技術在我們應對突發公共衛生事件的能力中的重要性。 X 光、CT 掃描和超音波等醫學影像技術在診斷和監測這些疾病方面發揮著不可估量的作用,使醫療保健提供者能夠就病患照護做出明智的決策。
醫學影像技術憑藉其診斷能力,在應對疫情方面發揮了關鍵作用。例如,X 光和 CT 掃描可幫助醫療保健提供者確定哪些患者需要住院治療,從而實現資源和人員的有效分配。醫學影像也用於監測從 COVID-19 中恢復的患者,為疾病的進展和各種治療的有效性提供有價值的見解。
推動這一成長的主要因素之一是對先進醫學影像設備的需求,以提供詳細、高解析度的肺部影像。多家醫學影像公司根據需求開發了專門用於 COVID-19 診斷和監測的新技術。例如,佳能醫療系統最近推出了一款新軟體包,可以使用 CT 掃描快速且準確地診斷 COVID-19 肺炎。
2024年1月,佳能醫療系統公司和奧林巴斯公司宣布合作,共同開發超音波內視鏡系統。根據該協議,佳能醫療被指定負責開發和生產用於內視鏡超音波檢查的超音波診斷設備。另一方面,奧林巴斯將負責銷售和行銷工作。該協議的目的是將佳能用於 EUS 的 Aplio i800 超音波診斷系統與奧林巴斯超音波內視鏡的功能相結合,旨在向市場提供先進的 EUS 設備,保證卓越的影像診斷。
佳能醫療系統於 2023 年 11 月公佈了對其 CT 產品線的重大增強,包括推出兩台新掃描儀。在美國伊利諾州芝加哥舉行的北美放射學會大會 (RSNA) 上首次亮相,展示了兩款新型號:豪華型號 Aquilion ONE / INSIGHT 版和專為提高效率而打造的 Aquilion Serve SP。
GE Healthcare 於 2023 年 2 月表示,已同意收購 Caption Health, Inc.,一家私人人工智慧醫療保健服務提供商。 Caption Health 專注於創建旨在促進早期疾病診斷的臨床應用程式。該公司利用人工智慧(AI)技術協助超音波掃描分析。
2023 年 5 月,皇家飛利浦 NV 推出了飛利浦 CT 3500,這是一款專為常規放射學和大容量篩檢專案而設計的先進 CT 系統。
GE Healthcare 採用先進的 NVIDIA 技術,於 2024 年 3 月成功生產了最新的研究模式 SonoSAMTrack1。這種新穎的方法是基於名為 SonoSAM1 的基本模型,該模型是專門為分割超音波影像中的物件而創建的。 SonoSAMTrack 的主要目的是準確識別和勾畫超音波影像中的解剖結構、病灶和其他重要區域。此外,還生產了該範例的一個不太複雜的版本,稱為 SonoSAMLite。
2024 年 1 月,佳能推出了 Aplio me,這是一種先進的超音波系統,旨在滿足各種醫療環境中普通用戶的多樣化需求。這種高度便攜且輕巧的系統非常適合強調工作流程最佳效率並正在尋找適用於小型診所和大型醫院的先進標準解決方案的超音波專業人員。
市場的主要全球參與者包括GE Healthcare、Koninklijke Philips NV、Siemens Healthineers、Canon Medical Systems Corporation、Mindray Medical International、FUJIFILM VisualSonics Inc.、Carestream Health、Hitachi、Samsung Medison Co., Ltd.、Koning Corporation、PerkinElmer Inc Inc . .、柯尼卡美能達、Esaote、Hologic, Inc.、Varex Imaging
PDF 報告由詳盡的質性訪談和深入研究後的綜合分析組成。
產品映射以 Excel 形式提供,包含所有主要參與者的關鍵產品。
全球醫學影像資訊系統市場報告將提供約 86 個表格、85 個圖表和 224 頁。
2024 年目標受眾
Report Overview
Global Medical Imaging Information Systems Market reached US$ 6.4 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 10.97 billion by 2031, growing with a CAGR of 6.97 % during the forecast period 2024-2031.
A medical imaging information system is utilized for the organization and control of medical images and related data. This system is very beneficial for monitoring radiology imaging requests and payment details. Furthermore, medical imaging can be utilized alongside PACS and Vendor Neutral Archive (VNAs) to effectively handle image archives, billing, and record-keeping.
This expansion is expected to be driven by the rising incidence of chronic diseases, the need for early disease diagnostic and detection tools, and the expanding geriatric population. The expansion is likely to be further fueled by factors such as increasing investments from major businesses, developments in technology including the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical imaging, and the development of point-of-care medical imaging equipment.
Japan has the largest proportion of old people, with Italy, Germany, France, and Denmark expected to have the greatest proportions, going forward. This is attributed to substantial advancements in life expectancy in recent years, a pattern that is projected to persist. By the year 2050, it is projected that almost 40% of the population in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan will consist of individuals who are 65 years of age or older. This is a significant rise compared to the existing proportions in highly developed areas, where only approximately 20% of the population belongs to this age bracket.
As individuals experience increased longevity, their vulnerability to chronic illnesses rises. Medical imaging plays a crucial role in precisely diagnosing, controlling, and treating diseases by providing full visualizations of the body's internal condition without the need for invasive treatments. Consequently, with the aging of the worldwide population, there is an anticipated increase in the demand for diagnostic imaging services, which will drive market expansion. This trend highlights the significance of sophisticated imaging technology in addressing the healthcare requirements of a progressively older population. As per the United Nations, the estimated average lifetime of a newborn in 2021 is almost 25 years longer than that of an individual born in 1950. The average age is expected to reach 71 years, with females typically outliving males by five years.
Medical imaging facilitates the prompt and precise identification of disorders, allowing for efficient therapy. In 2023, the US National Center for Health Statistics estiamted around 1,958,310 new cases of cancer and 609,820 deaths caused by cancer in the country. Moreover, the surge in chronic ailments has greatly enhanced the need for medical imaging, leading to a worldwide escalation in diagnostic imaging examinations. The World Health Organization (WHO) data reveals that around 3.6 billion diagnostic tests are performed globally each year, with approximately 350 million of these procedures involving pediatric patients.
Regulations have a substantial impact on the medical imaging sector, as goods are required to adhere to strict safety and effectiveness criteria established by regulatory authorities including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The influence of laws is evident in the protracted and costly procedure of introducing novel imaging technology to the market. In December 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorized the recall of Philips' medical imaging devices, specifically certain models of the Panorama 1.0T HFO device (MRI Systems), as the highest level of severity. This classification signifies that using these devices could potentially result in severe injuries or even death. This measure is being taken because there are concerns that an explosion could happen during a "quench procedure" as a result of an excessive buildup of helium gas. After the announcement, the stock of Philips listed in the US experienced a decline of around 1%.
Market Segment Analysis
The global medical imaging information systems market is segmented based on sensor Technology, Software, Application, End-user and region.
MRI systems are used for imaging several organs, such as the belly, pelvis, brain, spine, heart, breast, and musculoskeletal structure. In June 2023, GE HealthCare announced that the FDA had approved and released Sonic DL, a technology-driven by deep learning that significantly speeds up the process of obtaining images in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Predictions indicate that advancements in MRI technology, to expand their variety of applications, will drive market expansion. The magnetic resonance imaging market is likely to experience expansion due to recent advancements such as diffusion and diffusion tensor imaging employing tractography, perfusion imaging, neuroimaging approaches including MR spectroscopy, and adopting the BOLD methodology for functional imaging. Furthermore, the increasing progress in intraoperative MRI technology, coupled with its many applications in fields such as neurosurgery, is expected to drive market expansion.
The computed tomography section generates high-resolution images that enable healthcare providers to visualize inside structures with outstanding clarity, thereby assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous medical disorders. CT scans are frequently employed for the identification of anomalies in organs, tissues, and bones, as well as for assisting in surgical interventions. Due to technology breakthroughs, CT imaging has experienced improvements in speed, accuracy, and safety, making it a valuable tool in medical diagnosis and patient care across multiple medical disciplines.
Market Geographical Share
The growth in the North American region can be ascribed to several factors, including the heightened utilization of medical imaging technologies in primary care settings, enhanced accessibility, and substantial healthcare expenditure in countries with effective reimbursement schemes. There is a growing prevalence of chronic illnesses, such as breast cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and neurological diseases, which has led to a significant need for imaging analysis. The region is projected to continue its dominant position during the predicted period. The regional market growth is expected to be further accelerated by technological innovations and the increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses.
In 2023, the medical imaging market in the U.S. had a substantial portion of the North American market. These changes can be ascribed to variables such as the progress of technologies, the modification of patient care practices, and the development of epidemiological trends. The demand for radiologists in the field of medical imaging remains strong throughout both urban and rural areas throughout the country. According to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, around 350,000 radiologists are registered and working in healthcare settings. In addition, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 9% increase in the employment of radiologic and MRI technologists by 2030, leading to the creation of 21,600 new job openings.
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of these technologies in our capacity to address public health emergencies. Medical imaging technologies like X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds have been invaluable in diagnosing and monitoring these conditions, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care.
Medical imaging technologies played a critical role in managing the pandemic, thanks to their diagnostic capabilities. For example, X-rays and CT scans helped healthcare providers identify which patients required hospitalization, allowing for the efficient allocation of resources and personnel. Medical imaging was also used to monitor patients recovering from COVID-19, providing valuable insights into the progression of the disease and the effectiveness of various treatments.
One of the main factors that drove this growth was the demand for advanced medical imaging equipment to offer detailed, high-resolution images of the lungs. Several medical imaging companies developed new technologies specifically designed for COVID-19 diagnosis and monitoring in response to the demand. For instance, Canon Medical Systems recently introduced a new software package that enabled quick and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia using CT scans.
The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a substantial impact on the medical imaging business, mainly because of the extensive damage caused to hospital infrastructure in Ukraine. The violence has resulted in the intentional targeting and destruction of multiple medical facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, causing significant disruption to the provision of vital health services. As a result, there is currently a shortage of medical resources and a limited functioning of diagnostic services, such as medical imaging. The war has exacerbated the challenges in maintaining and enhancing imaging equipment, resulting in a diminished ability to promptly and accurately diagnose both acute and chronic illnesses.
Moreover, the violence has resulted in a significant decrease in regular healthcare services, such as preventative and diagnostic treatment, exacerbating the humanitarian disaster. Due to the extensive damage or destruction of numerous healthcare institutions and the restricted availability of necessary resources, the medical imaging market in the region has been compelled to swiftly adjust. The ongoing instability has resulted in an increased demand for mobile and portable imaging devices, together with remote diagnostic technology, to meet the healthcare needs of displaced groups and individuals in regions impacted by violence. However, the ongoing instability and scarcity of resources remain significant barriers to the market's recovery and growth.
X-ray Devices
Cart/Trolley based
Computed Tomography
High-end slice CT
Mid-end slice CT
Low-end slice CT
Cone beam CT
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Closed system
Open system
Nuclear Imaging
Diagnostic Centers
Specialty Clinics
North America
Rest of Europe
South America
Rest of South America
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East and Africa
In January 2024, Canon Medical Systems Corporation and Olympus Corporation announced their collaboration to jointly develop Endoscopic Ultrasound Systems. According to this agreement, Canon Medical has been assigned the responsibility of developing and producing diagnostic ultrasound equipment for Endoscopic Ultrasonography. On the other side, Olympus will be in charge of the sales and marketing efforts. The objective of this agreement is to combine the functionalities of Canon's Aplio i800 diagnostic ultrasound system for EUS with Olympus' Ultrasound Endoscope, with the goal of providing sophisticated EUS equipment to the market, guaranteeing exceptional imaging diagnostics.
Canon Medical Systems unveiled substantial enhancements to its CT product line in November 2023, including the introduction of two new scanners. The debut at the Radiological Society of North America Congress (RSNA) in Chicago, Illinois, USA showcased two new models: the Aquilion ONE / INSIGHT Edition, a luxury model, and the Aquilion Serve SP, built for great efficiency.
GE Healthcare stated in February 2023 that it has agreed to acquire Caption Health, Inc., a privately held provider of AI healthcare services. Caption Health specializes in the creation of clinical applications designed to facilitate early disease diagnosis. The company leverages artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist in the analysis of ultrasound scans.
In May 2023, Koninklijke Philips N.V. introduced the Philips CT 3500, a sophisticated CT system designed specifically for routine radiology and high-volume screening programs.
GE Healthcare successfully produced its most recent research model, SonoSAMTrack1, in March 2024, employing advanced NVIDIA technology. This novel approach is based on a fundamental model called SonoSAM1, which is specifically created for segmenting objects in ultrasound images. SonoSAMTrack's main purpose is to accurately identify and outline anatomical structures, lesions, and other important areas in ultrasound images. Additionally, a less complex version of this paradigm, called SonoSAMLite, has been produced.
In January 2024, Canon unveiled Aplio me, an advanced ultrasound system designed to meet the diverse requirements of regular users in a wide range of medical settings. This highly portable and lightweight system is perfect for ultrasound professionals that emphasize optimal efficiency in their workflow and are looking for advanced standard solutions, suitable for both tiny clinics and larger hospitals.
Market Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include GE Healthcare, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Siemens Healthineers, Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Mindray Medical International, FUJIFILM VisualSonics Inc., Carestream Health, Hitachi, Samsung Medison Co., Ltd., Koning Corporation, PerkinElmer Inc., Konica Minolta, Esaote, Hologic, Inc., Varex Imaging
To visualize the global medical imaging information systems market segmentation based on product, application, end-user and region, as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
Excel data sheet with numerous data points of medical imaging information systems market-level with all segments.
PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
Product mapping available as Excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global medical imaging information systems market report would provide approximately 86 tables, 85 figures, and 224 Pages.
Target Audience 2024
Manufacturers/ Buyers
Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
Research Professionals
Emerging Companies