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全球汽車廢氣後處理系統市場 - 2024-2031Global Automotive Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems Market - 2024-2031 |
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汽車廢氣後處理系統,包括柴油氧化催化劑(DOC)、選擇性催化還原(SCR)系統、柴油顆粒過濾器(DPF)和汽油顆粒過濾器(GPF),有助於最大限度地減少氮氧化物( NOx)、一氧化碳( CO)、碳氫化合物(HC)和粒狀物(PM)。對符合嚴格排放法規的車輛的需求不斷成長以及對減少溫室氣體排放的日益關注推動了市場的發展。
隨著技術進步繼續影響市場,汽車製造商正致力於提高排氣後處理系統的效率,以符合即將推出的排放標準。例如,選擇性催化還原系統的進步,例如採用氨逃逸催化劑和較小的 SCR 配置,在大型卡車中越來越受歡迎。同樣,GPF 更常用於 GDI 引擎,以減少顆粒物排放,特別是在乘用車中。
由於車輛保有量的增加和嚴格的法規,亞太地區的新興市場,特別是中國和印度,為這一成長做出了貢獻。歐洲的 Euro 6、印度的 Bharat Stage VI 和美國的 Tier 3 標準等法規都要求降低車輛排放。隨著中國和印度等亞太國家汽車工業的發展並與這些全球環境標準保持一致,後處理技術的採用越來越多。
各國政府和國際機構正在執行更嚴格的環境法規,特別是在北美、歐洲和亞洲部分地區等主要汽車市場。歐洲的 Euro 6 標準和美國的 EPA Tier 3 標準等法規是限制車輛氮氧化物、二氧化碳和顆粒物排放允許水準的框架範例。
該法規要求在乘用車和商用車中使用先進的排氣後處理技術,例如選擇性催化還原 (SCR) 和柴油顆粒過濾器 (DPF)。作為回應,汽車製造商正在專注於整合這些系統,以確保合規性並避免處罰。預計這將推動對汽車廢氣後處理系統的需求。
該市場是由汽車行業擴大採用清潔技術所推動的。儘管電動車 (EV) 的需求不斷成長,但內燃機 (ICE) 汽車仍主導全球汽車市場。在電動車普及速度較慢的地區,例如亞洲部分地區和拉丁美洲,後處理系統在使內燃機汽車更環保方面發揮關鍵作用。
在巴西等國家,車輛污染是一個主要問題,政府正在為汽車製造商提供激勵措施,將清潔技術融入其車輛中。例如,巴西透過 1986 年制定的機動車空氣污染控制計畫 (PROCONVE) 來監管車輛排放。 L-7標準計劃於2022年1月對所有新車實施,要求製造商使用先進的排氣後處理系統。
此外,後處理系統的有效性在很大程度上依賴適當的維護和基礎設施。某些地區基礎設施和維護能力不足可能會嚴重限制市場成長。為了使後處理系統發揮最佳功能並具有較長的使用壽命,需要強大的基礎設施和定期維護。國際清潔交通理事會 (ICCT) 和眾多國家交通部門強調,維護和基礎設施的挑戰可能會阻礙這些系統的表現。
嚴格的排放法規、更高的汽車產量以及對清潔交通技術的關注正在推動市場對乘用車的需求。歐盟 (EU) 和美國環保署 (EPA) 等全球各國政府已製定嚴格的法規來限制氮氧化物 (NOx) 和顆粒物 (PM) 等有害排放。 EPA 的 Tier 3 和歐盟的 Euro 6 法規增加了對汽車排氣後處理系統的需求,以滿足要求。
根據國際機動車輛製造商組織 (OICA) 報告,全球乘用車生產持續強勁,尤其是在汽車市場成長的發展中地區。由於製造商努力遵守當地和國際排放標準,這種成長需要更多的廢氣後處理系統。此外,ICCT也指出歐盟「Fit for 55」和印度BS-VI規範等政策對市場成長路徑的重大影響。
在亞太地區,由於嚴格的排放法規、汽車產量的增加和環保意識的增強,汽車廢氣後處理系統市場正經歷顯著成長。該地區國家正在倡導使用更清潔、更省油的車輛。印度政府的 FAME 計畫旨在推動混合動力和電動車的發展,但採用內燃機引擎的傳統汽車仍然很流行。
汽車業對新後處理技術研發的投資不斷增加。在日本,日本汽車製造商協會 (JAMA) 強調汽車公司與政府之間的合作,開發下一代排放控制系統。同樣,東南亞國家聯盟(ASEAN)汽車聯合會指出,印尼、泰國和越南等國家的汽車產量大幅成長,這直接影響了對排放控制系統的需求。
該市場的主要全球參與者包括巴斯夫公司、大陸集團、康明斯公司、電裝公司、佛吉亞公司、Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG、莊信萬豐公司、Plastic Omnium SA、羅伯特博世有限公司和天納克公司。
在降低排放的要求和嚴格的環境法的推動下,汽車廢氣後處理系統市場在永續發展方面處於領先地位。柴油顆粒過濾器、選擇性催化還原和廢氣再循環等基本系統旨在減少氮氧化物 (NOx)、一氧化碳 (CO)、碳氫化合物 (HC) 和顆粒物 (PM) 等有害排放物的釋放。
此外,向循環經濟的發展也影響著後處理系統市場的永續性特徵。製造商正在採取管理報廢的計劃,回收用過的觸媒轉換器和 DPF。汽車回收商協會 (ARA) 表示,幾乎 95% 的汽車零件可以重複使用、再製造或回收,例如排氣系統,從而減少垃圾掩埋場廢物和資源開採。
汽車廢氣後處理系統市場受到俄烏戰爭的影響較大,主要原因是供應鏈中斷、能源成本增加和地緣政治不穩定。俄羅斯和烏克蘭作為鎳、鈀和鉑等重要原料的主要供應商發揮著至關重要的作用,這些原料是生產廢氣排放控制系統中使用的催化轉換器所必需的。光是俄羅斯就佔全球鈀金供應量的約 40%。
歐洲作為汽車工業的主要樞紐,因戰爭而面臨能源危機,導致製造程序成本上升。歐洲汽車製造商協會 (ACEA) 強調,俄羅斯天然氣供應減少導致能源價格上漲,導致製造業務變得更加昂貴。戰爭加劇了材料短缺,能源通膨導致生產成本增加,並給監管合規性和供應鏈彈性帶來了不確定性。
2023年10月,埃貝赫與AAPICO Hitech的合資企業Purem AAPICO在泰國羅勇正式開設了一家新生產工廠,旨在為美國一家主要汽車製造商的皮卡製造排氣系統。這是繼馬來西亞萬撓工廠開業後,Purem AAPICO 在亞洲設立的第二個生產基地,該工廠每年將生產 40 萬個排氣零件。
2023年5月,FORWIA集團旗下佛吉亞與康明斯簽署股份及資產購買協議,出售其在歐洲和美國的部分商用車廢氣後處理業務。該交易價值 1.42 億歐元,旨在增強康明斯在排氣後處理市場的地位,而佛吉亞則專注於其他戰略領域。
2021 年 3 月,伊頓和天納克宣佈建立策略合作夥伴關係,開發先進的整合式熱管理系統,旨在幫助商用車滿足日益嚴格的排放法規。新系統為後處理系統提供直接熱量,提高其減少有害廢氣排放的效率。
Excel 電子表格包含汽車廢氣後處理系統市場的綜合資料集,涵蓋各個細分市場。
PDF 報告由詳盡的質性訪談和深入研究後的綜合分析組成。
產品映射以 Excel 形式提供,包含所有主要參與者的關鍵產品。
全球汽車廢氣後處理系統市場報告將提供約 78 個表格、72 個數字和 205 頁。
2024 年目標受眾
Report Overview
The Global Automotive Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems Market reached US$ 21.93 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 27.72 billion by 2031, growing with a CAGR of 3.0% during the forecast period 2024-2031.
The automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems, including diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, diesel particulate filters (DPFs) and gasoline particulate filters (GPFs), help minimize harmful emissions like nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and particulate matter (PM). The market is driven by the increasing demand for vehicles that comply with stringent emission regulations and the growing focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Automakers are focusing on enhancing the efficiency of exhaust aftertreatment systems to comply with upcoming emission standards, as technological advancements continue to influence the market. For instance, advancements in selective catalytic reduction systems, such as the adoption of ammonia slip catalysts and smaller SCR configurations, are becoming increasingly popular in large trucks. In the same way, GPFs are being more commonly used in GDI engines to combat particulate emissions, particularly in cars for passengers.
Emerging markets in Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, are contributing to this growth due to increased vehicle ownership and stringent regulations. Regulations such as Euro 6 in Europe, Bharat Stage VI in India and Tier 3 standards in US, mandate lower emissions from vehicles. Countries in Asia-Pacific, such as China and India, are witnessing rising adoption of after-treatment technologies as their automotive industries grow and align with these global environmental standards.
Stringent Emission Regulations for the Automotive Sector
Governments and international bodies are enforcing stricter environmental regulations, particularly in major automotive markets like North America, Europe and parts of Asia. Regulations like the Euro 6 standards in Europe and the EPA Tier 3 standards in US are examples of frameworks that limit the permissible levels of NOx, CO and particulate emissions from vehicles.
The regulations mandate the use of advanced exhaust aftertreatment technologies, such as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), in both passenger and commercial vehicles. In response, automotive manufacturers are focusing on integrating these systems to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. This is expected to drive the demand for automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems.
Growing Adoption of Cleaner Technologies
The market is driven by the rising adoption of cleaner technologies across the automotive industry. While electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining demand, amid internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles still dominate the global automotive market. In regions where EV adoption is slower, such as parts of Asia and Latin America, aftertreatment systems play a critical role in making ICE vehicles more environmentally friendly.
In countries such as Brazil, where vehicular pollution is a major concern, governments are offering incentives for automakers to incorporate cleaner technologies into their vehicles. For instance, Brazil regulates vehicular emissions through the Air Pollution Control Program by Motor Vehicles (PROCONVE), which was created in 1986. The latest PROCONVE standards are L-7 and L-8. L-7 standards were scheduled to be implemented in January 2022 for all new vehicles, requiring manufacturers to use advanced exhaust aftertreatment systems.
Market Saturation with Fluctuating Cost of Raw Material
In mature markets, the saturation of advanced aftertreatment systems can significantly constrain opportunities for new entrants. As these markets become saturated, with high penetration of advanced emissions control technologies, the potential for further growth diminishes. This saturation is particularly prevalent in regions with well-established emissions control frameworks, where the market is already dominated by sophisticated aftertreatment systems.
Additionally, the effectiveness of aftertreatment systems is heavily reliant on proper maintenance and infrastructure. Inadequate infrastructure and maintenance capabilities in certain regions can severely limit market growth. For aftertreatment systems to function optimally and have a long lifespan, they require robust infrastructure and regular upkeep. The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) and numerous national transportation departments emphasize that challenges in maintenance and infrastructure can hinder the performance of these systems.
Market Segment Analysis
The global automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems market is segmented based on component, vehicle, fuel, sales channel and region.
The Impact of Emission Regulations and Rising Passenger Vehicle Production
Stringent emissions regulations, higher vehicle production and a focus on cleaner transportation technologies are driving the demand for passenger vehicles in the market. Governments globally, such as the European Union (EU) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), have put in place stringent regulations to restrict damaging emissions like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). The EPA's Tier 3 and the EU's Euro 6 regulations have increased the demand for exhaust aftertreatment systems in cars to meet requirements.
Global passenger vehicle production continues to be strong, especially in developing regions experiencing growth in automotive markets, as reported by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). This increase requires more exhaust aftertreatment systems due to manufacturers' efforts to comply with local and international emission standards. Furthermore, the ICCT has pointed out the significant influence of policies such as the EU's "Fit for 55" and India's BS-VI norms on the market's growth path.
Market Geographical Share
Rising Vehicle Production and Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities in Asia-Pacific
In Asia-Pacific, the automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems market is experiencing significant growth due to stringent emission regulations, increasing vehicle production and growing environmental awareness. Nations in the region are advocating for vehicles that are cleaner and more fuel-efficient. The FAME scheme by the Indian government aims to boost hybrid and electric vehicles, but traditional vehicles with ICE engines remain prevalent.
The automotive industry is witnessing increased investments in research and development of new aftertreatment technologies. In Japan, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) has emphasized collaboration between automotive companies and the government to develop next-generation emission control systems. Similarly, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Automotive Federation notes that countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam have seen substantial growth in vehicle production, which directly impacts the demand for emission control systems.
Market Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include BASF SE, Continental AG, Cummins Inc., Denso Corporation, Faurecia S.A., Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG, Johnson Matthey Plc, Plastic Omnium S.A., Robert Bosch GmbH and Tenneco Inc.
Sustainability Analysis
The market for automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems is leading in sustainability efforts, motivated by the requirement to lower emissions and strict environmental laws. Essential systems such as diesel particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction and exhaust gas recirculation are designed to reduce the release of harmful emissions like nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and particulate matter (PM).
Furthermore, the move towards a circular economy is also impacting the sustainability characteristics of the aftertreatment systems market. Manufacturers are adopting programs for managing end-of-life where they recycle used catalytic converters and DPFs. The Automobile Recyclers Association (ARA) states that almost 95% of car parts can be reused, re-manufactured or recycled, such as exhaust systems, resulting in decreased landfill waste and resource extraction.
Russia-Ukraine War Impact
The market for automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems has been greatly affected by the Russia-Ukraine war, mainly due to supply chain disruptions, increased energy costs and geopolitical instability. Russia and Ukraine play a vital role as key providers of important raw materials such as nickel, palladium and platinum, necessary for the production of catalytic converters employed in exhaust emission control systems. Only Russia is responsible for approximately 40% of the global palladium supply.
Europe, a major hub for the automotive industry, has faced an energy crisis due to the war, driving up the cost of manufacturing processes. The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) highlighted how increased energy prices, driven by reduced gas supplies from Russia, are making manufacturing operations more expensive. The war has exacerbated material shortages, increased production costs due to energy inflation and created uncertainties in regulatory compliance and supply chain resilience.
Three-Way Catalytic Converters
Diesel Particulate Filters
Diesel Oxidation Catalysts
Selective Catalytic Reduction
Gasoline Particulate Filters
Lean NOx Traps
Passenger Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles
North America
Rest of Europe
South America
Rest of South America
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East and Africa
In October 2023, Purem AAPICO, a joint venture between Eberspaecher and AAPICO Hitech, officially opened a new production plant in Rayong, Thailand, designed to manufacture exhaust systems for a major US automotive manufacturer's pick-up truck. This marks the second production site in Asia for Purem AAPICO, following the opening of a plant in Rawang, Malaysia, which will manufacture 400,000 exhaust components annually.
In May 2023, FORVIA Group's Faurecia signed a Share and Asset Purchase Agreement with Cummins to sell a portion of its commercial vehicle exhaust aftertreatment business in Europe and US. The deal, valued at EUR 142 million, is set to enhance Cummins' position in the exhaust aftertreatment market, while Faurecia focuses on other strategic areas.
In March 2021, Eaton and Tenneco announced a strategic partnership to develop an advanced integrated thermal management system aimed at helping commercial vehicles meet increasingly stringent emissions regulations. The new system provides direct heat to aftertreatment systems, enhancing their efficiency in reducing harmful exhaust emissions.
To visualize the global automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems market is segmented based on component, Vehicle, fuel, sales channel and region.
Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
Excel spreadsheet containing a comprehensive dataset of the automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems market, covering all levels of segmentation.
PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems market report would provide approximately 78 tables, 72 figures and 205 pages.
Target Audience 2024
Manufacturers/ Buyers
Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
Research Professionals
Emerging Companies