

Neonatal Monitoring: Technology Innovation and Growth Opportunities

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 69 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



新生兒監測醫療技術可監測新生兒出生後幾天至幾週內的健康和生命徵象。這些技術用於新生兒重症監護室 (NICU)、其他醫院和家庭。常用的新生兒監護設備包括心電圖(ECG)監護儀、脈搏血氧飽和度監護儀、體溫監護儀和呼吸監護儀。這種技術可以監測嬰兒環境中不同刺激引起的健康變化,並追踪發育里程碑。監測新生兒生命徵象和健康狀況可以及早發現需要立即治療的健康狀況,追踪危重新生兒的健康狀況和進展情況,並促進新生兒從醫院安全轉移到家中。


Frost & Sullivan 的這項研究重點關注各種無創新生兒監測技術。致力於領先的非侵入式設備,例如新生兒監測需求量很大的穿戴式設備和非接觸式設備。



還致力於新生兒監護設備臨床試驗分析、政治、經濟、社會和技術 (PEST) 分析、客戶旅程圖、未來技術展望和專利格局。此外,它還為市場進入者帶來了巨大的成長機會。


  • 市場主要未滿足的需求是什麼?
  • 主要監控工具有哪些?為什麼新生兒監測很重要?
  • 市場成長的促進因素和抑制因素是什麼?
  • 什麼是非侵入式穿戴式設備?該領域出現哪些技術?
  • 什麼是非接觸式設備?該領域出現哪些技術?
  • 新生兒監護設備的臨床試驗分析現狀如何?
  • PEST 分析、客戶旅程圖和未來技術路線圖是什麼樣的?
  • 專利格局如何?
  • 新生兒監護領域的技術開發商有哪些成長機會?



  • 為什麼成長如此困難?戰略要務 8 (TM):成長的障礙
  • The Strategic Imperative 8 (TM)
  • 新生兒監護技術行業的戰略問題:三大標準的影響
  • 透過成長機會加速成長管道引擎 (TM)
  • 調查方法


  • 分析範圍
  • 主要未滿足需求:與新生兒死亡率的關聯
  • 其他未滿足的需求和新生兒監測的重要性
  • 產房新生兒監測的重要性
  • 支持新生兒監測的設備類型
  • 新生兒監護設備的細分
  • 新生兒監測的關鍵治療領域
  • 成長促進因素
  • 生長抑制因素


  • 用於無創新生兒監測的穿戴式設備:概述
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的穿戴式設備:SWOT 分析
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的穿戴式設備:主要案例,B2B
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的穿戴式設備:主要案例,B2B/B2C
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的穿戴式設備:主要案例,B2C
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的新型穿戴式設備
  • 新技術:人工智慧在各種用途中的應用
  • 一種用於新生兒監護的新型穿戴式設備的評估參數


  • 用於無創新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:簡介
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:SWOT 分析
  • 用於非侵入性新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:主要案例,B2B
  • 用於非侵入性新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:主要案例,B2B/B2C
  • 用於非侵入性新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:主要案例,B2C
  • 用於無創新生兒監測的非接觸式設備:新技術
  • 新技術:人工智慧在各種用途中的應用
  • 非接觸式新生兒監護設備評價參數


  • 用於新生兒監測的穿戴式設備與非接觸式設備:比較
  • 臨床開發中的總體新生兒監測設備(非詳盡)
  • 設備製造商市場開發PEST分析
  • 客戶旅程地圖
  • 未來技術展望


  • 新生兒監護技術專利現狀
  • 頂級專利權人
  • 關鍵專利


  • 成長機會1:基於證據的監管批准
  • 成長機會2:訊號處理技術和AI算法提高非接觸式設備的準確性
  • 成長機會3:利用區塊鏈技術增強新生兒監測資料的安全性和隱私性


  • 技術完備等級(TRL):評論


  • 下一步
  • 為什麼選擇 Frost & Sullivan?為什麼選擇現在?
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: DAAA

AI-enabled Noninvasive Monitoring that Offers Real-time Feedback and Intelligent Decision-making Drives Transformational Growth.

Neonatal monitoring medical technologies monitor newborn babies' health and vital signs in the first few days or weeks of their life. These technologies are used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and other hospital settings or at home. Some commonly used neonatal monitoring devices include electrocardiography (ECG) monitors, pulse oximetry monitors, temperature monitors, and respiratory monitors. Such technologies monitor health changes caused by various stimuli in a baby's environment and track development milestones. Monitoring a newborn's vitals and health is important as it enables early detection of health conditions that require immediate medical attention; tracks critically ill infants' health and progress; and ensures the safe transition of the newborn from hospital to home.

Neonatal monitoring technologies can be minimally invasive, invasive, and noninvasive. Though the current standard for neonatal monitoring is to use minimally invasive technologies, the industry is shifting to noninvasive technologies that offer several benefits, including increased comfort and reduced infection risk for the baby, less emotional stress for the parents, and ease of use for healthcare professionals.

This Frost & Sullivan study highlights different noninvasive neonatal monitoring technologies. It focuses on key noninvasive devices, including wearable and contactless devices in high demand for neonatal monitoring.

The study examines factors that drive and restrain market growth.

It also evaluates unmet market needs, key monitoring measures, examples of wearable and contactless devices, emerging technologies, and evaluation parameters for a novel device.

The study highlights the clinical trial analysis of neonatal monitoring devices; political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) analysis; customer journey mapping; future technology outlook; and patent landscape. In addition, it identifies significant growth opportunities for market participants.

Key Questions This Study Answers:

  • What is the market's key unmet need?
  • What are the key monitoring measures? Why is neonatal monitoring important?
  • Which factors drive and restrain market growth?
  • What are noninvasive wearable devices? Which technologies are emerging in this space?
  • What are contactless devices? Which technologies are emerging in this space?
  • What does the neonatal monitoring devices clinical trial analysis landscape look like?
  • What does the PEST analysis, customer journey mapping, and future technology roadmap look like?
  • What does the patent landscape look like?
  • What are the growth opportunities for technology developers in the neonatal monitoring space?

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?The Strategic Imperative 8™: Factors Creating Pressure on Growth
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Neonatal Monitoring Technology Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
  • Research Methodology

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Scope of Analysis
  • Key Unmet Need: Concerning Newborn Mortality Rates
  • Other Unmet Needs and the Importance of Neonatal Monitoring
  • Importance of Key Monitoring Measures for Newborns in Delivery Rooms
  • Device Types Enabling Neonatal Monitoring
  • Neonatal Monitoring Device Segmentation
  • Neonatal Monitoring Key Therapy Areas
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints

Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring, Wearable Devices

  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices: Introduction
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices: SWOT Analysis
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices: Key Examples, B2B
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices: Key Examples, B2B/B2C
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices: Key Examples, B2C
  • Emerging Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Wearable Devices
  • Emerging Technologies: AI in Different Applications
  • Evaluation Parameters for Novel Wearable Devices for Neonatal Monitoring

Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring, Contactless Devices

  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: Introduction
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: SWOT Analysis
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: Key Examples, B2B
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: Key Examples, B2B/B2C
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: Key Examples, B2C
  • Noninvasive Neonatal Monitoring Contactless Devices: Emerging Technologies
  • Emerging Technologies: AI in Different Applications
  • Evaluation Parameters for Novel Contactless Devices for Neonatal Monitoring

Industry Assessment and Analysis

  • Neonatal Monitoring Wearable and Contactless Devices: A Comparison
  • Neonatal Monitoring Devices in Clinical Development, Overall (nonexhaustive)
  • PEST Analysis for Device Manufacturers to Develop Market Strategies
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Future Technology Outlook

Patent Landscape

  • Neonatal Monitoring Technologies: Patent Landscape
  • Top Patent Assignees
  • Key Patents

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Evidence-based Regulatory Approval
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Signal-processing Techniques and AI Algorithms to Improve Contactless Devices' Accuracy
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Enhancing Neonatal Monitoring Data Security and Privacy through Blockchain Technology


  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL): Explanation

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