醫療保健電腦網路:客戶評價 - 全球趨勢Voice of Customer: Global Healthcare Cybersecurity Trends |
醫療保健組織通常會透過空氣間隙將其內部系統與電腦網路威脅隔離。然而,由於持續的數位化配合措施以及 BYOD(自帶設備)和物聯網設備的快速普及,醫療保健部門正在成為龐大數位生態系統的一部分。新的威脅。
在這種快速變化的威脅情況下,全球醫療保健組織正在認知到自己的脆弱性,並準備進行重大投資,以保護業務、患者資料和設施免受潛在損害。這一切已經開始發生。在 COVID-19 大流行最嚴重的時期,對電腦網路的投資上升到安全優先事項清單的首位,但保護醫療資料和業務連續性的願望仍然是安全團隊的重要目標。
Frost & Sullivan 對世界各地的醫療機構進行了客戶調查,以了解電腦網路營運、組織管理、技術投資、威脅感知以及新的電腦網路購買決策流程。我們進行了一項關於「人們的聲音”的調查.”在受訪的醫療保健公司負責人中,40% 的人在其組織中擔任 C 級職位,其次是 21% 的經理和 20% 的副總裁職位。
A Survey of Enterprise Decision-Makers Who Influence Cybersecurity Budgets in the Healthcare Industry
Typically, healthcare sector organizations have managed to keep themselves isolated from cybersecurity threats by air-gapping their internal systems. As the result of continual digitalization initiatives and the rapid adoption of bring-your-own-device and Internet of Things-enabled devices, however, the healthcare sector has found itself connected to a vast digital ecosystem and vulnerable to a myriad of new threats.
In this fast-evolving threat landscape, healthcare organizations globally are becoming aware of their vulnerability and ready to make significant investments to secure their operations, patient data, and facilities from potential harm. Cybersecurity investments quickly topped the list of security priorities at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the willingness to safeguard healthcare data and operational continuity remains a key objective for security teams.
Frost & Sullivan conducted a Voice of Customer survey of healthcare organizations globally to understand their cybersecurity operations, organizational management, technology investment, threat awareness, and other factors that play into the decision-making process for new cybersecurity purchases. Of the healthcare representatives surveyed, 40% have a C-level position at their organization, followed by manager level and VP level positions at 21% and 20%, respectively.