雲端的現況:透過雲端運算、人工智慧和資料在拉丁美洲最大限度地實現業務成功The State of the Cloud: Maximizing Business Success through Cloud Computing, AI, and Data in Latin America |
Frost & Sullivan2023年雲端研究亮點
拉丁美洲擴大採用雲端運算、人工智慧和機器學習技術來支援策略性業務成長。儘管預計2024年經濟成長將放緩,但數位轉型依然強勁。公司尋找外部合作夥伴來支持他們的全面數位化之旅。隨著公司選擇提高能源效率和減少排放的技術,永續性也變得越來越重要。這些是2023年 Frost & Sullivan 拉丁美洲企業雲端用戶研究的主要發現。該資料來自該地區四個最大市場(巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷和哥倫比亞)的受訪者。
Frost & Sullivan Cloud Survey 2023 Highlights
In Latin America, businesses increasingly adopt cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies to support their strategic business growth. Despite a projected slower economic growth in 2024, digital transformation remains robust. Companies seek external partners to assist them in their journey toward full digitization. Sustainability is also gaining relevance, leading businesses to choose technologies that promote energy efficiency and emission reduction. These are among the key findings from the 2023 Frost & Sullivan Cloud User survey of Latin American businesses. The data is derived from respondents operating in the 4 largest markets in the region: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia.