

Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Outlook 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 89 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內




亞太國家包括各式各樣的國家,從韓國、日本等已開發經濟體到寮國、柬埔寨、緬甸等低度開發經濟體。脫碳一直是東亞富裕國家的首要任務,但大多數國家的大部分電力仍然嚴重依賴石化燃料,因為能源轉型計畫還不夠積極,不足以改變工業動態。以東南亞為例,電力需求成長強勁,石化燃料發電廠的平均壽命不到13年。該地區國家可能需要大量的全球財政支持,甚至比承諾的還要多,才能在未來 15年內關閉這些發電廠。在澳洲、紐西蘭和太平洋地區,再生能源佔投資的大部分。預計所有三個地區都將對電網基礎設施進行大量投資,以提高彈性和再生能源的獲取,但僅此還不夠。

如需更詳細的預測,包括依國家/地區進行深入研究,請申請存取Frost & Sullivan 的Power Generation Growth Generator。 Frost & Sullivan 的互動式資料平台提供 60 多個國家的發電裝置容量、年度新增容量、投資金額和發電量等資訊。



  • 2024年的主要預測
  • 前 5 大市場


  • 為什麼成長越來越困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 亞太電力能源產業三大戰略挑戰的影響


  • 調查範圍
  • 電力產業展望報告的內容
  • 成長環境
  • 主要市場趨勢
  • 趨勢一:雄心勃勃的目標推動再生能源的進步
  • 趨勢二:離岸風電是區域風電成長的關鍵
  • 趨勢三:日韓重溫核能發電
  • 趨勢四:東協煤炭市場依然強勁
  • 趨勢五:永續火電解決方案的成長
  • 趨勢六:天然氣的未來
  • 趨勢七:微電網成為主流
  • 趨勢八:大力投資電網現代化
  • 趨勢九:智慧電錶加速發展
  • 趨勢十:短期內氫能成長乏力
  • 趨勢十一:分散式智慧推動資料中心投資
  • 趨勢十二:儲存對於電網靈活性和再生能源整合非常重要


  • 亞太電力產業投資預測
  • 發電產能預測
  • 發電設備容量及發電量
  • 各國年發電投資額

成長動力電力投資:前 5 個市場

  • 澳洲 - 發電投資預測
  • 澳洲 - 發電市場分析
  • 澳洲 - 發電能力和發電量
  • 印尼 - 發電投資預測
  • 印尼 - 發電市場分析
  • 印尼 - 發電量及發電量
  • 日本 - 發電投資預測
  • 日本 - 發電市場分析
  • 日本 - 發電量和發電量
  • 韓國 - 發電投資預測
  • 韓國 - 發電市場分析
  • 韓國 - 發電量及發電量
  • 越南 - 發電投資預測
  • 越南 - 發電市場分析
  • 越南 - 發電量及發電量


  • 成長機會1:數位化增強電力彈性與可靠性
  • 成長機會2:加速屋頂太陽能發電
  • 成長機會3:淨零能源轉型承諾推動市場機會
  • 成長機會4:利用微電網進行P2P能源交易


  • 主要結論與未來展望
  • 使用的簡稱和首字母縮寫詞


  • 最佳實踐認證




  • 成長機會的好處和影響
  • 下一步
  • 採取下一步
  • 圖表列表
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: PFFB-27

Electricity Demand Growth and Decarbonization Efforts Will Drive Investment

This analysis assesses the power and energy market in Asia-Pacific. The primary focus is power generation, but grids, energy storage, hydrogen, and the role of fossils are included in the trends section.

Asia-Pacific encompasses diverse countries, from highly developed economies, such as South Korea and Japan, to under-developed ones such as Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Decarbonization is the stated priority for wealthier East Asian states, although most of them will remain heavily dependent on fossil fuels for a significant portion of their electricity because their energy transition plans are not aggressive enough to change the industry dynamics. In Southeast Asia's case, power demand growth is strong, and the average age of fossil plants is below 13 years. The region's countries will need substantially larger global financial support beyond what is promised to close those plants in the next 15 years. For Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific, renewable energy dominates investment. All three regions will invest greatly in grid infrastructure to try and improve resiliency and access to renewable energy, but this alone will not be enough.

For more detailed forecasts, including country-specific deep dives, request access to Frost & Sullivan's Power Generation Growth Generator. Our interactive data platform contains information about installed capacity, annual capacity additions, investment, and generated electricity data for more than 60 countries.

Table of Contents

Analysis Highlights

  • Top Predictions for 2024
  • Top 5 Country Markets

Transformation in the APAC Power Industry

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the APAC Power and Energy Industry


  • Research Scope
  • What Does the Power Sector Outlook Report Include?
  • Growth Environment
  • Key Market Trends
  • Trend 1: Ambitious Targets Lead RE Progress
  • Trend 2: Offshore Is the Key to Regional Wind Power Growth
  • Trend 3: Japan and South Korea Reengage with Nuclear Power
  • Trend 4: Coal Remains Strong in ASEAN
  • Trend 5: Growth in Sustainable Thermal Solutions
  • Trend 6: The Future of Gas
  • Trend 7: Microgrids Will Become Mainstream
  • Trend 8: Strong Investments in Grid Modernization
  • Trend 9: Smart Metering Accelerates
  • Trend 10: Slow Short-term Growth for Hydrogen
  • Trend 11: Distributed Intelligence Drives Data Center Investment
  • Trend 12: Storage Will Be Essential for Grid Flexibility and Renewable Integration

Growth Generator

  • APAC Power Industry Investment Forecast
  • Power Generation Capacity Forecast
  • Power Generation Installed Capacity and Electricity Generated
  • Annual Power Generation Investment by Country

Growth Generator: Power Generation Investment: Top 5 Country Markets

  • Australia-Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • Australia-Power Generation Market Analysis
  • Australia-Power Generation Installed Capacity and Electricity Generated
  • Indonesia-Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • Indonesia-Power Generation Market Analysis
  • Indonesia-Power Generation Installed Capacity & Electricity Generated
  • Japan-Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • Japan-Power Generation Market Analysis
  • Japan-Power Generation Installed Capacity and Electricity Generated
  • South Korea-Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • South Korea-Power Generation Market Analysis
  • South Korea-Power Generation Installed Capacity and Electricity Generated
  • Vietnam-Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • Vietnam-Power Generation Market Analysis
  • Vietnam-Power Generation Installed Capacity and Electricity Generated

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Digitalization Will Strengthen Power Resiliency and Reliability
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Rooftop Solar Deployment Accelerates
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Net-zero Energy Transition Commitments Drive Market Opportunities
  • Growth Opportunity 4: Microgrids for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

Key Conclusions and Future Outlook

  • Key Conclusions and Future Outlook
  • Abbreviations And Acronyms Used

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