

North American Power & Energy Outlook, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 76 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



由於有利的氣候政策和法規,估計2024年北美再生能源產業將強勁成長。2022年,美國通過了通貨膨脹控制法案(IRA),以提振投資者信心並獎勵對國內供應鏈的投資。儘管面臨通膨方面的挑戰,但2024年再生能源產業的前景一片光明。然而,開發商、監管機構和其他相關人員需要努力實施清潔能源舉措,同時解決供應鏈挑戰和可靠性問題。這項研究著眼於該地區的成長環境,以及 Frost & Sullivan 根據過去兩年觀察到的產業趨勢,預測該產業在2024年及以後的表現。檢視北美產業參與企業可從各種發電來源獲得的投資機會,確定未來的成長機會,並為市場參與企業考慮利用成長機會提供策略要務。

此外,它還全面概況了該地區的主要趨勢,包括太陽能光伏的加速成長、BES 的大量採用、陸上和離岸風力發電的穩定成長以及工業電氣化的進展。



  • 2024年的主要預測
  • 每個國家的展望
  • 清潔能源-當前狀態


  • 為什麼成長越來越困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 關鍵策略要務對北美電力和能源產業的影響


  • 分析範圍
  • 電力產業展望的內容


  • 產業動態
  • 趨勢1-太陽能光電發電加速成長
  • 趨勢2-BES的大量部署
  • 趨勢3-陸上和離岸風電穩定成長
  • 趨勢4-液化天然氣出口及天然氣供應增加
  • 趨勢5-投資電網現代化
  • 趨勢6-資料中心升級與擴建
  • 趨勢7-數位轉型的進展
  • 趨勢8-氫能應用取得進展,但仍有很長的路要走
  • 趨勢9-商用熱泵的普及
  • 趨勢10-工業電氣化的進展
  • 趨勢11-熱電聯產的經濟性
  • 趨勢12-CCS投資加速


  • 北美電力產業投資預測
  • 發電產能預測
  • 發電設備容量及發電量
  • 各國年發電投資額

成長發電機 -美國和加拿大發電投資

  • 美國發電投資預測
  • 美國發電業分析
  • 美國發電量/發電量
  • 加拿大發電投資預測
  • 加拿大電力能源產業分析
  • 加拿大發電量/發電量


  • 成長機會1-市政、公共事業和電力合作社
  • 成長機會2-提供再生能源和電池的組合
  • 成長機會3-改善電網基礎設施和智慧電網解決方案



Frost Radar


Product Code: KA1B-27

Favorable State and Federal Regulations Drive Transformational Growth

2024 is expected to be a year of significant growth for the renewable energy sector in North America because of favorable climate policies and regulations. In 2022, the United States passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which has boosted investor confidence and provided incentives for investment in domestic supply chains. Despite challenges related to inflation, the future looks bright for the renewable energy industry in 2024. However, developers, regulators, and other stakeholders must work hard to implement clean energy initiatives while addressing supply chain challenges, and reliability issues. This outlook study covers the growth environment of the region and what Frost & Sullivan predicts for the sector in 2024 and beyond, based on trends observed in the industry over the past two years. The study investigates investment opportunities available to North American industry participants from different power generation sources, highlights future growth opportunities, and provides strategic imperatives that market participants need to consider to capitalize on growth opportunities.

In addition, the outlook offers a comprehensive overview of top trends in the region, from the accelerating growth for solar PV, substantial deployments of battery energy storage (BES), and steady growth for onshore and offshore wind, to the advancement in industrial electrification, among others.

Table of Contents

Analysis Highlights

  • Top Predictions for 2024
  • Country Outlook
  • Clean Power-State of Play

Transformation in the NA Power Industry

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the NA Power & Energy Industry


  • Scope of Analysis
  • What is Included in the Power Sector Outlook Study?

Growth Environment

  • Industry Dynamics
  • Trend 1-Accelerated Solar PV Growth
  • Trend 2-Substantial BES Deployment
  • Trend 3-Steady Growth of Onshore and Offshore Wind
  • Trend 4-Increased LNG Exports and Gas Supply
  • Trend 5-Investment in Grid Modernization
  • Trend 6-Data Center Upgrades and Expansion
  • Trend 7-Higher Rate of Digital Transformation
  • Trend 8-Progress in Hydrogen Adoption but Still a Long Road Ahead
  • Trend 9-Commercial Heat Pump Takeoff
  • Trend 10-Industrial Electrification Advancements
  • Trend 11-CHP Economics
  • Trend 12-CCS Investment Acceleration

Growth Generator

  • NA Power Industry Investment Forecast
  • Power Generation Capacity Forecast
  • Power Generation Installed Capacity & Electricity Generated
  • Annual Power Generation Investment by Country

Growth Generator-Power Generation Investment for US and Canada

  • US Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • US Power Generation Industry Analysis
  • US Power Generation Installed Capacity & Electricity Generated
  • Canada Power Generation Investment Forecast
  • Canada Power and Energy Industry Analysis
  • Canada Power Generation Installed Capacity & Electricity Generated

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1-Municipalities, Utilities, and Electric Cooperatives
  • Growth Opportunity 2-Combined Offering of Renewables and Batteries
  • Growth Opportunity 2-Combined Offering of Renewables and Batteries
  • Growth Opportunity 3-Improvements in Grid Infrastructure & Smart Grid Solutions

Key Conclusions & Future Outlook

  • Conclusions & Future Outlook

Best Practices Recognition

  • Best Practices Recognition

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  • Frost Radar

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
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