
2024 年企業語音通訊市場的成長機會

Growth Opportunities in the Enterprise Telephony Market, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 97 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



進行此調查是為了深入了解以下最終使用者組織優先事項: :

  • 目前的通訊和協作技術採用率以及未來的採用計劃
  • 對專用交換機(PBX) 和雲端/行動 PBX 功能的需求
  • 企業語音通訊/業務呼叫控制環境的演變
  • 公共交換電話網路 (PSTN) 連線和呼叫計畫的需求
  • 行動語音和資訊服務需求
  • 基於應用程式的本機行動呼叫解決方案的重要性


該分析涵蓋 IT 挑戰、不斷變化的工作模式和工作空間、通訊和協作預算、通訊平台即服務(CPaaS)、第一線解決方案、會議室、跨行業趨勢以及Microsoft Teams 電話採用情況。以其他服務供應商研究。



  • 研究目的和調查方法
  • 受訪者屬性


  • 主要發現


  • 企業語音通訊/業務呼叫控制環境的現況與未來
  • 未來的企業語音通訊環境:按地區
  • 未來的企業語音通訊環境:依公司規模分類
  • 混合語音通訊環境成為主流
  • 混合語音通訊帶來挑戰和機遇


  • UCC軟體及服務介紹
  • 目前實施的 UCC 軟體和服務的投資
  • 通訊設備介紹現狀
  • 對目前已安裝通訊設備的公司進行投資
  • UCC 實施延至 2023 年,但仍維持穩定軌道
  • UCC技術是數位轉型的重要支柱

對 PBX 功能和 PSTN 連接的需求

  • 駐地PBX、雲端PBX、行動PBX投資
  • 駐地 PBX、雲端 PBX、行動 PBX 投資(按地區)
  • 駐地 PBX、雲端 PBX、行動 PBX 投資(依公司規模)
  • 投資 PSTN 通話計劃
  • 投資 PSTN 通話計畫:按地區
  • 投資 PSTN 通話計畫:依業務規模分類
  • 為第一線員工部署企業語音通訊
  • 第一線員工的企業語音通訊部署:按地區
  • 第一線員工的企業語音通訊部署:依企業規模
  • 目前部署的公司中第一線員工的企業語音通訊投資的預期變化
  • 目前部署的公司中第一線員工的企業語音通訊投資的預期變化(按地區)
  • 目前部署的公司中第一線員工的企業語音通訊投資的預期變化(按業務規模分類)
  • 對 PBX 功能和 PSTN 呼叫的需求仍然很高


  • 雲端或行動PBX服務引進現狀
  • 雲端或行動 PBX 服務採用狀況:依地區
  • 雲端或行動PBX服務的導入狀況:依業務規模
  • 為現有用戶投資雲端或行動 PBX 服務
  • 按地區分類的現有用戶雲端或行動 PBX 服務投資
  • 現有用戶對雲端或行動 PBX 服務的投資:依業務規模
  • 目前的雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS 解決方案/供應商
  • 目前雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS 解決方案/提供者(按地區)
  • 目前雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS 解決方案/供應商(按業務規模分類)
  • 即將推出的雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS解決方案供應商
  • 即將推出的雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS解決方案供應商(按地區)
  • 即將推出的雲端或行動 PBX/UCaaS解決方案供應商:依業務規模
  • 完全整合的 UCaaS 解決方案的重要性
  • 完全整合的 UCaaS 解決方案的重要性:按地區分類
  • 完全整合的 UCaaS 解決方案的重要性:按公司規模分類
  • 企業語音通訊的未來在雲端


  • 行動商務通話應用程式(行動軟體電話)的採用狀況
  • 行動商務通話應用程式(行動軟體電話)採用狀況:按地區
  • 目前推出的行動商務通話應用程式(行動軟體電話)的投資狀況
  • 目前部署的行動商務通話應用程式(行動軟體電話)的投資狀況:按地區
  • 公司配發行動電話介紹現狀
  • 公司發行行動電話的介紹狀況:依地區
  • 現有用戶投資於公司發行的行動電話的金額
  • 現有用戶對公司配發行動電話的投資:按地區
  • 商業行動語音和資訊服務部署狀態
  • 按地區分類的商業行動語音和資訊服務採用狀況
  • 現有用戶採用商業行動語音和資訊服務
  • 按地區分類的現有用戶對商業行動語音和資訊服務的採用情況
  • 軟體電話的重要性
  • 網路電話的重要性:依地區分類
  • 網路電話的重要性:依企業規模分類
  • 網路電話的重要性:按年齡分類的 ITDM
  • 本地移動呼叫在您自己的雲端 PBX 中的重要性
  • 本地行動電話在您自己的雲端 PBX 中的重要性:按地區
  • 本地行動呼叫在您自己的雲端 PBX 中的重要性:按業務規模分類
  • 本地行動呼叫在您自己的雲端 PBX 中的重要性:按 ITDM 時代分類
  • 使用個人或公司發行的行動電話作為存取商業通訊服務的主要設備
  • 使用個人或公司配發的行動電話進行商務通訊服務的使用趨勢
  • 企業行動通訊需求增加
  • 不同的行動呼叫方式共存



Product Code: KA7A-64

Is the Future of Business Call Control On-Premises, Cloud, Hybrid or Mobile?

Frost & Sullivan's 2024 IT decision-maker (ITDM) survey was conducted to gain insights on the following end-user organizations' priorities:

  •      Current communications and collaboration technology adoption rates and future adoption plans
  •      Demand for private branch exchange (PBX) and cloud/mobile PBX functionality
  •      Evolution of enterprise telephony/business call control environments
  •      Demand for public switched telephone network (PSTN) connectivity and calling plans
  •      Demand for mobile voice and data services
  •      Importance of app-based and native mobile calling solutions

One of the key study findings is that hybrid-a mix of premises-based and cloud-telephony environments will be present in most organizations in the foreseeable future. The complexity characteristic of such environments creates opportunities for technology developers and their ecosystem partners to provide a broad spectrum of migration, integration, customization, and managed services to customers.

This analysis will be complemented by additional ITDM survey-based reports, which are planned to be published later this year, detailing IT challenges, work style and workspace evolution, communications and collaboration budgets, trends in communications platform as a service (CPaaS), frontliner solutions, meeting rooms, and various verticals, and opportunities for service providers to provide value in Microsoft Teams Phone deployments.

Table of Contents

Research Objectives and Methodology

  • Research Objectives and Methodology
  • Respondent Demographics

Summary of Key Findings

  • Key Findings

Evolution of Enterprise Telephony/Business Call Control Environments

  • Current and Future Enterprise Telephony/Business Call Control Environments
  • Future Enterprise Telephony Environments by Region
  • Future Enterprise Telephony Environments by Company Size
  • Hybrid Telephony Environments Are the Norm
  • Hybrid Telephony Presents Challenges as Well as Opportunities

UCC Solutions Adoption Status and Future Plans

  • UCC Software and Services Adoption
  • UCC Software and Services Investment Among Current Adopters
  • Communications Device Adoption
  • Communications Device Investments Among Current Adopters
  • UCC Adoption Was Delayed in 2023, but Remains on a Steady Trajectory
  • UCC Technologies Are a Key Pillar of Digital Transformation

Demand for PBX Functionality and PSTN Connectivity

  • Premises-based PBX, Cloud PBX and Mobile PBX Investments
  • Premises-based PBX, Cloud PBX or Mobile PBX Investments by Region
  • Premises-based PBX, Cloud PBX or Mobile PBX Investments by Business Size
  • PSTN Calling Plan Investments
  • PSTN Calling Plan Investments by Region
  • PSTN Calling Plan Investments by Business Size
  • Enterprise Telephony Adoption for Frontline Workers
  • Enterprise Telephony Adoption for Frontline Workers by Region
  • Enterprise Telephony Adoption for Frontline Workers by Business Size
  • Expected Change in Enterprise Telephony Investments for Frontline Workers Among Current Adopters
  • Expected Change in Enterprise Telephony Investments for Frontline Workers Among Current Adopters by Region
  • Expected Change in Enterprise Telephony Investments for Frontline Workers Among Current Adopters by Business Size
  • PBX Functionality and PSTN Calling Remain in High Demand

The Shift to Cloud-based Enterprise Telephony

  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Adoption
  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Adoption by Region
  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Adoption by Business Size
  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Investments Among Current Users
  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Investments Among Current Users by Region
  • Cloud or Mobile PBX Services Investments Among Current Users by Business Size
  • Current Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solutions/Providers
  • Current Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solutions/Providers by Region
  • Current Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solutions/Providers by Business Size
  • Future Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solution Providers
  • Future Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solution Providers by Region
  • Future Cloud or Mobile PBX/UCaaS Solution Providers by Business Size
  • Importance of a Fully Integrated UCaaS Solution
  • Importance of a Fully Integrated UCaaS Solution by Region
  • Importance of a Fully Integrated UCaaS Solution by Business Size
  • The Future of Enterprise Telephony is in the Cloud

Mobile Communications Trends

  • Mobile Business Calling App (Mobile Soft Phone) Adoption
  • Mobile Business Calling App (Mobile Soft Phone) Adoption by Region
  • Mobile Business Calling App (Mobile Soft Phone) Investments Among Current Users
  • Mobile Business Calling App (Mobile Soft Phone) Investments Among Current Users by Region
  • Company-Provided Mobile Phones Adoption
  • Company-Provided Mobile Phones Adoption by Region
  • Company-Provided Mobile Phones Investments Among Current Users
  • Company-Provided Mobile Phones Investments Among Current Users by Region
  • Business Mobile Voice and Data Services Adoption
  • Business Mobile Voice and Data Services Adoption by Region
  • Business Mobile Voice and Data Services Investments Among Current Users
  • Business Mobile Voice and Data Services Investments Among Current Users by Region
  • Importance of Soft Phones
  • Importance of Soft Phones by Region
  • Importance of Soft Phones by Business Size
  • Importance of Soft Phones by Age of ITDM
  • Importance of Native Mobile Calling on the Company's Cloud PBX
  • Importance of Native Mobile Calling on the Company's Cloud PBX by Region
  • Importance of Native Mobile Calling on the Company's Cloud PBX by Business Size
  • Importance of Native Mobile Calling on the Company's Cloud PBX by Age of ITDM
  • Use of Personal or Company-provided Mobile/Cellular Phones as Primary Devices to Access Business Communications Services
  • Trends in Using Business Communications Services via Personal or Company-Provided Mobile/Cellular Devices
  • Demand for Business Mobile Communications is Rising
  • Different Mobile Calling Approaches Will Co-exist


  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
  • Next Steps
  • Take the Next Step
  • List of Exhibits
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