
全球 ESG 氣候風險平台和彙報產業的成長機會

Growth Opportunities in the Global ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 62 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



環境、社會和管治(ESG)氣候風險平台和彙報在推動企業永續性和財務彈性方面發揮著至關重要的作用。該分析涵蓋了資料收集、分析和諮詢服務等關鍵領域,並強調了由於人們對環境和社會問題的興趣日益濃厚而對透明報告的日益關注。由於監管收緊、社會價值觀和永續性要求,企業 ESG 報告和管理工作正在迅速擴大,而 ESG 投資正成為永續金融的一種重要形式。 ESG 市場具有變革潛力,可以將資源引導到對社會和環境負責的措施上,盡責的投資者青睞符合永續性目標的資產。

它包括對主要市場(美洲、歐洲、亞太地區、中東和非洲)的詳細分析,重點關注資料收集和資料提供者、分析和彙報以及諮詢領域。它還包括對 ESG 氣候風險平台和彙報行業的主要參與者和行業發展的定性和定量分析。



  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • ESG氣候風險平台及彙報產業三大策略議題的影響
  • 成長機會推動Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)


  • 6P 框架透過永續金融釋放成長機會
  • 6P 框架:政策/平台
  • 6P 框架:產品/流程
  • 6P 框架:人力資源/合作夥伴關係
  • ESG氣候風險平台與彙報範圍
  • ESG 概述
  • ESG標準
  • ESG情況
  • ESG報告流程
  • ESG 氣候風險平台與彙報概述

ESG 報告法規(按地區)

  • ESG 報告法規(歐洲)
  • ESG 報告法規(歐洲:NFRD 和 CSRD 的比較)
  • ESG 報告法規(美洲)
  • ESG 報告法規(美洲:美國SEC 註冊人類型)
  • ESG 報告法規(美洲)
  • ESG 報告法規(亞太地區)
  • ESG 報告規定(中東/非洲)

人工智慧對 ESG 氣候風險平台和彙報產業的影響

  • 人工智慧影響 ESG 氣候風險平台和彙報產業
  • ESG 氣候風險平台以及將人工智慧引入彙報產業的重要性


  • 生長促進因子
  • 成長抑制因素


  • 收益預測:按細分市場
  • 收益預測:按地區

價值鍊和 C2A 映射

  • 價值鏈映射
  • ESG 平台範圍:依客戶類型
  • C2A
  • 外部保證的重要性


  • 成長機會一:ESG平台的報告檢驗與檢驗審核
  • 成長機會 2:範圍 3排放測量
  • 成長機會3:資料收益帶來付加
  • 附件清單
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: K9C6-15

New Platforms to Bring Transparency and Improve Emissions Measurement

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) climate risk platforms and reporting have a pivotal role in driving corporate sustainability and financial resilience. This analysis covers key segments including data ingestion, analytics, and consulting services, highlighting the growing emphasis on transparent reporting amid increasing awareness of environmental and social concerns. Initiatives for corporate ESG reporting and control are expanding rapidly, fueled by increasing regulations, societal values, and sustainability imperatives, while ESG investing emerges as a prominent form of sustainable finance. The transformative potential of ESG marketplaces in redirecting resources toward socially and environmentally responsible endeavors is underscored, with conscientious investors favoring assets aligned with sustainability objectives.

A detailed analysis of the key markets- Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa-is included, and it focuses on the following segments: data ingestion and data providers, analytics and reporting, and consulting. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of key players and industry developments in the ESG climate risk platform and reporting industry are included.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • 6P Framework to Unlock Growth Opportunities Through Sustainable Finance
  • 6P Framework: Policies and Platforms
  • 6P Framework: Products and Processes
  • 6P Framework: People and Partnerships
  • ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Scope
  • ESG Overview
  • ESG Criteria
  • ESG Landscape
  • ESG Reporting Process
  • ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Snapshot

ESG Reporting Regulations by Region

  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Europe
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Europe: NFRD vs. CSRD
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Americas
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Americas: US SEC Registrant Types
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Americas
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Asia-Pacific
  • ESG Reporting Regulations, Middle East and Africa

AI Impacting the ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry

  • AI Impacting the ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry
  • The importance of incorporating AI to ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry

Growth Drivers and Restraints

  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints

Revenue Forecast

  • Revenue Forecast by Segment
  • Revenue Forecast by Region

Mapping of the Value Chain and C2A

  • Value Chain Mapping
  • ESG Platform Coverage by Customer Type
  • C2A
  • The Importance of External Assurance

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Report Validation and Verification Auditing on ESG Platforms
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Scope 3 Emissions Measurement
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Data Monetization for Added Value
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer