全球雲端 IaaS/PaaS 市場Global Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service Market |
雲端基礎設施和平台構成了數位經濟的基礎。十多年來,應用程式和資料現代化並將其遷移到雲端一直是世界各地企業的首要任務。由於高利率、通貨膨脹以及疫情後經濟復甦緩慢,雲端基礎設施 IaaS 和 PaaS 市場成長在 2023 年放緩。到 2024 年,在經濟復甦和生成式人工智慧應用不斷擴大的推動下,該產業預計將出現更強勁的成長。生成式 AI 的成長非常驚人,預計到 2024 年將更加強勁。 資料 PaaS超大規模資料中心業者將從這場技術革命中受益匪淺。
本研究分析了雲端 IaaS 和 PaaS 解決方案的演變、2024 年驅動或限制市場成長的因素、公共雲端基礎設施和平台供應商的挑戰和機會、市場規模和成長預測。
Cost Optimization Amid Economic Uncertainty, Sovereign Cloud Expansion, and Booming AI
Cloud infrastructure and platforms form the foundation upon which digital economies are built. For more than a decade, the modernization and migration of applications and data to the cloud have been a priority for companies worldwide. Under the weight of high interest rates, inflation, and sluggish post-pandemic recovery, the growth of the cloud infrastructure- and platform-as-a-service (IaaS and PaaS) market decelerated in 2023. In 2024, driven by economic recovery and the expanding applications of generative AI, the industry projects more robust growth. The growth of generative AI has been staggering, and this is expected to continue even more strongly in 2024. Considering that training large language models requires storing and processing immense volumes of data-a task that is hardly feasible outside the extensive data centers of major cloud hyperscalers, the IaaS and PaaS industry is well-positioned to reap vast benefits from this technological revolution.
In this report, Frost & Sullivan analyzes the evolution of IaaS and PaaS solutions in the cloud, the factors that will drive or restrain market growth in 2024, the challenges and opportunities for public cloud infrastructure and platform providers, and the market's size and forecasted growth.