
利用先進的通訊和協作解決方案來改善政府機構的工作流程(2024 年)

Leveraging Advanced Communications and Collaboration Solutions to Improve Workflows in Government Organizations, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 77 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



隨著公民和組織需求的成長和變化,政府的角色不斷演變。數位技術的採用正在加快變革的步伐,政府有能力快速採用數位技術,透過創建以用戶為中心的通訊和協作體驗來改善向用戶提供的服務。這包括擴大線上服務、利用行動應用程式促進公民參與,以及探索人工智慧 (AI) 來分析資料,為政策制定和資源分配提供資訊。


整合通訊協作 (UCC) 工具可以幫助改變政府機構的運作方式。這些工具不僅用於員工之間的內部溝通,也用於以下目的: :

  • 公民推廣計畫:傳播訊息並與公民互動
  • 入境公民聯繫管理:簡化查詢和服務請求的溝通管道
  • 與承包商和第三方的合作:促進與外部合作夥伴的有效溝通和計劃管理
  • 跨部門協調 加強政府各部門間的溝通協作

對於提供 UCC 解決方案的供應商來說,政府部門是一個廣泛的市場。然而,認知到該行業內的異質性至關重要。不同層級的政府(地方、州、國家)對 UCC 解決方案有不同的需求和採用率。


人工智慧驅動的自動化和通訊平台即服務 (CPaaS) 等新興技術在進一步簡化政府業務和改善服務交付方面具有巨大潛力。透過擁抱數位轉型,政府可以創造一個更有效率、以公民為中心的未來。



  • 研究目的和調查方法
  • 受訪者屬性
  • 技術的定義


  • 主要發現


  • 概述
  • 政府部門的混亂
  • 主要趨勢概覽
  • 科技的演變

政府 IT/通訊部門的挑戰

  • 任務分析
  • 技術挑戰
  • 非技術問題


  • UCC解決方案實施分析
  • UCC 軟體的成長機會
  • 針對目前實施該軟體的公司的 UCC 軟體投資計劃
  • UCC設備引進現狀
  • 針對目前已安裝 UCC 設備的公司的投資計劃
  • PBX 投資依然強勁
  • 部署雲端基礎的語音通訊解決方案


  • CPaaS API通訊實作分析
  • CPaaS/API 的使用日趨成熟
  • CPaaS/API 投資專注於視訊和安全
  • CPaaS投資的預期效果


  • 工作模式與工作空間分析
  • 政府中遠距工作人員的增加
  • 政府尚未準備好放棄職位
  • 員工對工作模式的滿意度


  • 一線工人分析
  • 第一線員工需要加強整合
  • 現場工作人員使用的技術
  • 目前實施 UCC 解決方案的公司的投資計畫:第一線工人
  • 供應商能力的重要性
  • 限制第一線工人賦權的因素


  • 人工智慧實施與投資分析
  • 使用人工智慧的通訊功能的重要性
  • 安全驅動人工智慧投資


  • 購買因素分析
  • UCC 預算健康
  • 預算展望

UCC 解決方案選擇與購買因素

  • 購買因素分析
  • UCC 解決方案投資的促進因素
  • 推動選擇 UCC 解決方案的因素:技術因素
  • 推動 UCC 解決方案選擇的因素:提供者因素
  • 採購 UCC 解決方案的首選管道


  • 成長機會推動Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)
  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)


  • 成長機會的好處和影響
  • 下一步
  • 下一步
  • 附件清單
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: MH66-64

Changes in Work Styles and the Need to Improve Services for Citizens Drive Adoption

The role of government continues to evolve as the needs of citizens and organizations grow and change. The adoption of digital technologies is accelerating the pace of change, placing pressure on governments to rapidly adopt digital technologies to improve the delivery of services for users by creating user-centric communication and collaboration experiences. This includes expanding online services, leveraging mobile applications for citizen engagement, and exploring artificial intelligence (AI) for data analysis to inform policy decisions and resource allocation.

It is not just external interactions that are changing with government organizations. Remote work has become more commonplace in government agencies. Similar to private sector organizations, government agencies are having to adapt to changing working patterns and work environments. The adoption of automation is a key trend in this process. Automation can encompass anything from replacing paper forms with online applications to using sophisticated software for data validation and decision-making.

Unified communications and collaboration (UCC) tools play a transformative role in how government agencies function. These tools go beyond internal staff communication and are being utilized for:

  • Citizen outreach programs: Disseminate information and engage with the public
  • Inbound citizen contact management: Streamline communication channels for inquiries and service requests
  • Collaboration with contractors and third parties: Facilitate efficient communication and project management with external partners
  • Interagency coordination: Enhance communication and collaboration between different government departments

The government sector presents a vast market for vendors offering UCC solutions. However, it is crucial to recognize the heterogeneity within this sector. Different government levels (local, state, and national) have varying needs and adoption rates of UCC solutions.

While technology adoption offers numerous benefits, challenges remain. Integrating new technologies with existing workflows can be complex. Ensuring robust data security and compliance with regulations is paramount. Equipping frontline workers-often the face of government services to citizens-with the right tools and infrastructure to effectively communicate and collaborate remains a critical area for improvement.

Emerging technologies like AI-powered automation and communications platform as a service (CPaaS) hold immense potential for further streamlining government operations and improving service delivery. By embracing digital transformation, governments can strive to create a more efficient, citizen-centric future.

Table of Contents

Research Objectives, Methodology, and Definitions

  • Research Objectives and Methodology
  • Respondent Demographics
  • Technology Definitions

Summary of Key Findings

  • Key Findings

Government Sector Overview

  • Overview
  • Disruption in the Government Sector
  • Overview of Key Trends
  • Technology Evolution

Government IT/Telecom Department Challenges

  • Challenges Analysis
  • Technical Challenges
  • Non-technical Challenges

UCC Adoption Status

  • UCC Solution Adoption Analysis
  • Growth Opportunities in UCC Software
  • UCC Software Investment Plans Among Current Adopters
  • UCC Device Adoption
  • UCC Device Investment Plans Among Current Adopters
  • PBX Investment Remains Strong
  • Adoption of Cloud-based Telephony Solutions

CPaaS and API Investment Plans

  • CPaaS API Communication Adoption Analysis
  • Use of CPaaS and APIs Is Maturing
  • Investment in CPaaS and APIs Focuses on Video and Security
  • Expected Benefits from CPaaS Investments

Workspace and Work Style Evolution

  • Work Style and Workspace Analysis
  • Increase in Remote Workers in Government
  • Governments Not Yet Ready to Give Up on Offices
  • Employee Satisfaction with Work Models

Support for Frontline Workers

  • Frontline Worker Analysis
  • Improved Integration Needed for Frontline Workers
  • Technologies in Use by Frontline Workers
  • UCC Solution Investment Plans Among Current Adopters: Frontline Workers
  • Importance of Vendor Capabilities
  • Factors Limiting Frontline Worker Empowerment

AI in the Spotlight

  • AI Adoption and Investment Analysis
  • Importance of AI-powered Communications Features
  • Security Drives AI Investment

UCC Solution Budgets

  • Purchase Factor Analysis
  • UCC Budgets Are Healthy
  • Budget Forecasts

UCC Solution Selection and Purchase Factors

  • Purchase Factor Analysis
  • UCC Solution Investment Drivers
  • UCC Solution Selection Drivers: Technology Factors
  • UCC Solution Selection Drivers: Provider Factors
  • Preferred Channels to Source UCC Solutions


  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
  • Next Steps
  • Take the Next Step
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