
全球乘用車功能按需功能 (FoD) 市場,2024-2030 年

Passenger Vehicle Feature on Demand (FoD) Market, Global, 2024-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 115 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



由於汽車的進步和消費者偏好的變化,按需功能 (FoD) 技術正在成為乘用車市場的變革趨勢。 FoD 允許車主在支付訂閱費或一次性付款購買車輛後解鎖並啟用各種功能。 OEM正在提供各種按需功能,例如 ADAS(高級駕駛員輔助系統)、高級資訊娛樂系統、增強型導航和舒適功能。這些功能的硬體在製造時就已預先安裝,消費者可以透過無線更新或在經銷商啟用它們。隨著汽車產業不斷朝著更高的互聯性和數位化方向發展,FoD 必將在塑造汽車擁有和使用的未來方面發揮關鍵作用。

該研究按六個 FoD 類別提供了 2023 年至 2030 年乘用車行業收益和主動車輛銷售預測:連接性、ADAS/AD、性能、舒適/便利、遠端服務和安全/安保。還包括主要OEM(包括高階和大眾市場)提供的 FoD 功能清單。該報告涵蓋了價格趨勢、每個 FoD 細分市場的預測以及該領域最大的成長機會。


透過 FoD 服務改變車內體驗

  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 按需功能 (FoD) 的三大策略挑戰


  • 主要發現
  • FoD 總滲透率
  • 按OEM品牌分類的 FoD 分析:Premium
  • 按OEM品牌分類的 FoD 分析:大眾市場

成長環境:FoD 生態系統對汽車的影響

  • 分析範圍
  • FoD的定義
  • 分割
  • FoD 與資料貨幣化


  • 競爭環境
  • 主要比賽
  • FOD服務
  • 按需業務所需的技術
  • 連結定義的變化:向 Tesla FoD 學習
  • 案例研究Tesla OTA 策略範例
  • FoD 存取類型和分佈
  • 影響 FoD 的主要法規和標準:北美、歐盟、中國

成長機會分析:FoD 市場的成長要素

  • 成長指標
  • 生長促進因子
  • 生長促進因子
  • 預測考慮因素
  • FoD 車輛 iForecast
  • 按 FoD 類別預測 VIO
  • FoD收益預測
  • 按 FoD 類別分類的收益預測
  • FoD 滲透率(按類別)
  • 價格趨勢與預測分析:FoD


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益和預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益和預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益和預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益和預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 成長指標
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 收益和預測
  • VIO預測
  • 價格趨勢和預測分析


  • 奧迪:FoD 服務
  • 奧迪:FoD 服務:簡介
  • BMW:FoD 服務
  • BMW:FoD 服務:簡介
  • 福特:FoD 服務
  • 福特:FoD 服務簡介
  • MB:FoD 服務
  • MB:FoD 服務:簡介
  • 保時捷:FoD 服務
  • 保時捷:FoD 服務:簡介
  • 斯柯達:FoD服務
  • 斯柯達:服務簡介
  • 特斯拉:FoD 服務
  • 特斯拉:FoD 服務簡介
  • 豐田:FoD 服務
  • 豐田:服務簡介
  • 大眾:FoD 服務
  • 大眾:FoD 服務:簡介


  • 成長機會一:OTA頻繁更新
  • 成長機會2:電動車和自動駕駛汽車的按需經營模式
  • 成長機會三:個人化、靈活、具成本效益的能力


  • 最佳實踐評估




  • 成長機會的好處和影響
  • 下一步
  • 圖表列表
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: PFN5-46

Convergence of Technological Advancements and Evolving Consumer Demand for Connectivity, Personalization, and Flexibility Are Driving Transformational Growth

Feature on demand (FoD) technology is emerging as a transformative trend in the passenger vehicle market due to automotive advances and changing consumer preferences. FoD allows vehicle owners to unlock and activate various features after the vehicle purchase, through either subscription fees or as a one-time payment. OEMs make various on-demand features available, such as advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), premium infotainment, enhanced navigation, and comfort functionalities. The hardware for these features is pre-installed during manufacturing, and consumers can enable them via over-the-air updates or at dealerships. As the automotive industry continues to evolve toward greater connectivity and digitalization, FoD is sure to play a crucial role in shaping the future of vehicle ownership and use.

This analysis provides revenue and active vehicle sales forecasts (from 2023 to 2030) for the passenger vehicle industry, segmented by six FoD categories: connectivity, ADAS/AD, performance, comfort and convenience, remote services, and safety and security. It also includes a list of FoD features that major OEMs offer (including premium and mass market). The analysis covers pricing trends, a forecast for each FoD segment, and the top growth opportunities in this space.

Table of Contents

Transformation of In-car Experience through FoD Services

  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on Feature on Demand (FoD)

Growth Environment

  • Key Findings
  • Total FoD Penetration
  • FoD Analysis by OEM Brands: Premium
  • FoD Analysis by OEM Brands: Mass Market

Growth Environment: Impact of FoD Ecosystem in Automotive

  • Scope of Analysis
  • Definition of FoD
  • Segmentation
  • FoD versus Data Monetization

Growth Environment: Companies to Action (C2A), FoD

  • Competitive Environment
  • Key Competitors
  • FoD Services
  • Technology Prerequisites for the On-demand Business
  • Changing Definition of Connectivity: FoD Lessons from Tesla
  • Case Study: Tesla OTA Strategy Examples
  • FoD Access Types and Delivery
  • Key Regulations and Standards to Impact FoD: NA, the European Union, and China

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in FoD Market

  • Growth Metrics
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • Forecast Considerations
  • FoD Vehicles iForecast*
  • VIO Forecast by FoD Category
  • FoD Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by FoD Category
  • FoD Penetration by Category
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis: FoD

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in Connectivity

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in ADAS/AD

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in Performance

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in Comfort and Convenience

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in Safety and Security

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis: Growth Generator in Remote Services

  • Growth Metrics
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue Forecast
  • VIO Forecast
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

FoD Offerings: Key OEMs

  • Audi FoD Offerings
  • Audi FoD Services: Snapshot
  • BMW FoD Offerings
  • BMW FoD Services: Snapshot
  • Ford FoD Offerings
  • Ford FoD Services: Snapshot
  • MB FoD Offerings
  • MB FoD Services: Snapshot
  • Porsche FoD Offerings
  • Porsche FoD Services: Snapshot
  • Skoda FoD Offerings
  • Skoda Services: Snapshot
  • Tesla FoD Offerings
  • Tesla FoD Services: Snapshot
  • Toyota FoD Offerings
  • Toyota Services: Snapshot
  • VW FoD Offerings
  • VW FoD Services: Snapshot

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Frequent OTA Updates
  • Growth Opportunity 2: On-demand Business Model for Electric Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Personalized, Flexible, and Cost-Effective Features

Best Practices Recognition

  • Best Practices Recognition

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  • Frost Radar

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
  • Next Steps
  • List of Exhibits
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