
預計到 2030 年印度智慧水錶的成長機會

Growth Opportunities in Smart Water Metering, India, Forecast to 2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 56 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



快速的都市化加劇了印度水資源的稀缺性和壓力,增加了對智慧水錶的需求,以確保經濟和環境永續的全民水覆蓋。印度正在投資水基礎設施,透過 AMRUT 2.0 等政策和計劃確保全民供水。該計劃將為印度 500 多個城市提供全民供水服務。未來5到10年,該計劃將擴展到其他城市,成為國家為所有城市居民提供普遍用水覆蓋的目標的一部分。供水計劃與水錶配合,確保公平供水、回收所提供服務的成本、準確申請並全面減少未計費水量水損失。由於 NB-IoT 和基於 LoRaWAN 的 LPWAN 解決方案在基於 AMI 的智慧水錶中的廣泛使用,預計將出現強勁成長。預計到 2030 年,智慧水錶市場將以 18.9% 的複合年成長率成長,達到 1.802 億美元。智慧水錶價值鏈包括智慧水錶、網路解決方案、儀表資料管理(MDM)和客戶資訊系統(CIS)收費解決方案、客戶參與入口網站(CEP)和資料分析解決方案、計劃管理(顧問和系統整合商)包括在內。該分析預測了印度智慧水錶的出貨量和與智慧水錶解決方案相關的收益。總收益是透過考慮智慧水錶價值鏈中涉及的硬體和軟體解決方案的單位成本得出的,通常由解決方案供應商向公共產業提供。本報告僅涵蓋用於測量住宅和非家庭(商業和工業)最終客戶消費量的智慧水錶。



  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 印度智慧水錶解決方案產業三大戰略挑戰的影響
  • 成長機會推動Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)


  • AMI智慧水錶系統價值鏈
  • 行業分類
  • 分析範圍
  • 競爭環境
  • 分銷管道
  • 智慧電錶價值鏈的主要競爭對手
  • 6P框架塑造智慧水錶產業機遇
  • 印度水轉型的 6P 框架
  • 印度推動智慧水錶的關鍵政策
  • 智慧水錶 CPHEEO 標準
  • 印度智慧水錶計劃初步資訊
  • 主要開放/公共 LPWAN解決方案供應商及覆蓋範圍


  • 成長指標
  • 生長促進因子
  • 成長抑制因素
  • 印度各邦GDP和人均GDP
  • 州人口和家庭數量
  • 印度 24 個主要城市的 NRW 和 LPCD
  • 估算您在智慧水解決方案上的支出
  • 印度智慧水錶計劃
  • 預測考慮因素
  • 預測收益和出貨量
  • 預測分析
  • 按產品細分的收益和預測
  • 按產品細分進行預測分析
  • 企業行為


  • 成長機會1-智慧水錶本地製造
  • 成長機會 2 - 用於智慧水錶的基於 AMI 的 LPWAN
  • 成長機會 3 - 計量即服務 (MaaS)
  • 附件清單
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: PFPM-15

Water Security and Universal Water Supply Coverage Goal Enhance Potential for Smart Water Management Solutions

Rapid urbanization is worsening the scarcity and stress on India's water resources, driving demand for smart water meters to ensure universal water coverage that is economical and environmentally sustainable. India is investing in developing water supply infrastructure to ensure universal coverage through policies and schemes, such as AMRUT 2.0. The initiative involves providing universal water supply coverage to more than 500 Indian cities. Over the next 5 to 10 years, this scheme will extend to other remaining towns and cities as part of the country's goal to provide universal water supply to all urban populations. Water supply projects are being clubbed with water metering to ensure equitable water supply, cost recovery for services provided, accurate billing, and holistically reduce non-revenue water losses. NB-IoT and LoRaWAN-based LPWAN solutions are forecast to witness robust growth, given their extensive use for AMI-based smart water metering. The smart water metering market is forecast to increase at a CAGR of 18.9% to $180.2 million by 2030. The smart water metering value chain covers smart water meters, network solutions, meter data management (MDM) and customer information system (CIS) billing solutions, customer engagement portal (CEP) and data analytics solutions, and project management (consultants and system integrators). The analysis forecasts smart water meter unit shipments and the revenues associated with smart water metering solutions in India. The total revenue is derived by considering the unit price (typically offered to a utility by the solution provider) of hardware and software solutions involved in the smart water metering value chain. The report only covers smart water meters used for metering water consumption by domestic and non-domestic (commercial and industrial) end customers.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Indian Smart Water Metering Solutions Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™


  • Value Chain of an AMI Smart Water Metering System
  • Industry Segmentation
  • Scope of Analysis
  • Competitive Environment
  • Distribution Channels
  • Key Competitors in the Smart Metering Value Chain
  • 6P Framework Shaping Smart Water Metering Industry Opportunities
  • 6P Framework for Water Transition in India
  • Key Policies Driving Smart Water Metering in India
  • CPHEEO Standards for Smart Water Metering
  • Primary Funding Sources for Smart Water Metering Projects in India
  • Key Open/Public LPWAN Solution Providers and Coverage

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Growth Metrics
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • State GDP and GDP per capita in India
  • State Population and Number of Households
  • NRW and LPCD in 24 Major Indian Cities
  • Spending Estimates on Smart Water Solutions
  • Prominent Smart Water Metering Projects in India
  • Forecast Considerations
  • Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Revenue Forecast by Product Segment
  • Forecast Analysis by Product Segment
  • Companies to Action

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1-Local Manufacturing of Smart Water Meters
  • Growth Opportunity 2-LPWAN for AMI-based Smart Water Metering
  • Growth Opportunity 3-Metering as a Service (MaaS)
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer