全球臨床次世代定序儀(NGS)領域分析(2024-2030)Analysis of the Clinical Next-generation Sequencing Sector, Global, 2024-2030 |
Frost & Sullivan 的分析研究了臨床次世代定序儀(NGS) 產業,涵蓋不同類型的產品、工作流程和臨床應用。全球市場預計將在 2024 年至 2030 年期間穩定成長,其中服務和資訊學領域是主要驅動力,實現重要的收益里程碑。 NGS 市場包括端到端工作流程,包括文庫製備、定序以及資料分析和解釋,專為製藥/生物技術和診斷等關鍵最終用戶領域的臨床使用而設計。在這些領域,NGS技術主要用於疾病診斷和監測、伴同性診斷、臨床試驗和患者分層。
該分析評估了推動和限制 NGS 技術在臨床實踐中使用成長的因素,並提供了來自北美、歐洲、亞太地區 (APAC)、拉丁美洲以及中東、非洲和南亞 (MEASA) 的案例研究。 。它還透過評估行業細分、法規環境和新興經營模式以及市場收益和預測,揭示了行業帶來的核心成長機會。
Continued Investment in AI is Driving Transformational Growth by Accelerating Information Solutions Development
This Frost & Sullivan analysis examines the clinical next-generation sequencing (NGS) industry, covering the different type of products, workflows, and applications for clinical purposes. The global market is projected to grow steadily from 2024 to 2030, achieving significant revenue milestones, driven largely by services and informatics segments. The NGS market encompasses end-to-end workflows, including library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis and interpretation, specifically designed for clinical applications across key end-user segments: pharmaceutical and biotechnology, and diagnostics. Within these sectors, NGS technologies are primarily employed to diagnose and monitor diseases, as well as for companion diagnostics, clinical trials, and patient stratification.
This analysis assesses the factors driving and restraining the growth of the use of NGS technology in clinical settings and offers case studies from North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Latin America, and the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA). It also identifies the core growth opportunities that the industry presents by evaluating industry segments, the regulatory environment, and emerging business models, as well as market revenue and forecasts.