2030 年全球煤炭產量(2024 年更新)

2030 年全球煤炭產量(2024 年更新)

Global Coal Mining to 2030, (2024 Update)

出版日期: | 出版商: GlobalData | 英文 67 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付




預計 2024 年全球煤炭產量將僅下降 0.1% 至 89 億噸,其中美國和中國的降幅最大。近年來,中國致力於透過實施更嚴格的法規和增加對清潔技術的投資來減少煤炭開採對環境的影響。整體而言,風能、太陽能等再生能源的競爭日益激烈,加上減少排放的動力,正在推動許多國家放棄燃煤發電廠。



  • 煤炭儲量
  • 煤炭產量
  • 競爭格局
  • 煤炭價格
  • 主要營運礦山
  • 重大開發項目
  • 重大勘探項目
  • 需求和貿易


Product Code: GDMMGCO070MR

GlobalData's "Global Coal Mining to 2030 (2024 Update), " provides a comprehensive coverage on the global coal industry. It provides historical and forecast data on coal production by country, production by company, reserves by country and world coal prices. The report also includes a demand drivers section providing information on factors that are affecting the global coal industry. It further profiles major coal producers, information on the major active, planned and exploration projects by region.

Global coal production is to decline by a marginal 0.1% to 8.9 billion tonnes (Bt) in 2024, with the most significant reductions expected in the US and China. In recent years China has made efforts to reduce the environmental impact of coal mining, implementing stricter regulations and increased investment in cleaner technologies. Overall, the increasing competitiveness of renewable sources, such as wind and solar, as well as drive to reduce emissions, is driving many countries to move away from coal-fired power plants.


  • The report contains an overview of the global coal mining industry including key demand driving factors affecting the global coal mining industry. It provides detailed information on reserves, reserves by country, production, production by country, production by company, major operating mines, competitive landscape, major exploration and development projects.

Reasons to Buy

  • To gain an understanding of the global coal mining industry, relevant driving factors
  • To understand historical and forecast trend on global coal production
  • To identify key players in the global coal mining industry
  • To identify major active, exploration and development projects by region

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Coal reserves
  • Coal production
  • Competitive landscape
  • Coal prices
  • Major active mines
  • Major development projects
  • Major exploration projects
  • Demand and trade
