西歐的太陽能PV預測,2024年Western Europe Solar PV Outlook 2024 |
本研究聚焦於德國、法國、荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡、奧地利和瑞士大規模開發和分散式太陽能發電的市場驅動因素、機會和障礙。該地區的累計太陽能發電量預計在未來十年內將增加近兩倍,到 2033 年將達到 430 GWdc。德國將在西歐太陽能部署方面處於領先地位,在2024年至2033年間增加該地區總裝置容量的一半以上。然而,電價和太陽能光電模組價格的不確定性以及不斷上升的政治風險可能會危及各國政府和歐盟委員會在未來十年增加該地區太陽能發電量的雄心。
Our "2024 Western Europe solar PV outlook" focuses on the main solar market drivers, opportunities and barriers for large-scale development and distributed solar generation in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland. Hitting 430 GWdc by 2033, regional solar cumulative capacity is set to almost triple in Western Europe in the next 10 years. Germany will lead solar deployments in Western Europe, adding over half of total installed capacity in the region from 2024 to 2033. But, uncertainties over power and solar PV component prices, as well as growing political risks, could jeopardise the tremendous ambition national governments and the European Commission have set for regional solar capacity build in the next decade.