南歐洲的太陽能光伏發電的展望 2024年

南歐洲的太陽能光伏發電的展望 2024年

Southern Europe Solar PV Outlook 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



這份報告《2024 年南歐太陽能前景》重點介紹了伊比利亞、義大利、希臘、土耳其和巴爾幹半島大規模分散式太陽能的主要發展因素和問題。義大利將在未來 10 年內安裝約 64 GWdc 的太陽能發電,新增容量超過其他區域市場。這個地中海國家仍將是該地區最大的太陽能市場,但仍達不到最新的 NECP 太陽能發電目標。在區域層面,年發電量成長將保持穩定,但將受到缺乏投資以及已宣布的必要輸配電擴張和現代化計劃的限制。土耳其太陽能市場呈指數級成長,總裝置容量成長近370%,電力需求成長預計高於其他地區,強大的國內太陽能技術供應鏈可能受益。

Product Code: 150329484

Report Summary:

Our "Southern Europe solar PV market outlook 2024" covers the key solar market drivers and challenges for large-scale development and distributed solar generation in Iberia, Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. Installing almost 64 GWdc of solar PV, Italy will add more capacity than any other regional market in the next 10 years. The Mediterranean country will remain the largest solar market in the region, but it will still miss its latest NECP solar target. At a regional level, annual capacity growth will remain stable, but will be constrained by the lack of investments and announced plans for the necessary T&D expansions and modernisation efforts. Turkey's solar market growth will be more exponential, with total installed capacity increasing by almost 370%, benefitting from higher expected electricity demand growth than the rest of the region and a strong domestic PV tech supply chain.