歐洲電網規模能源儲存的展望2024Europe Grid-Scale Energy Storage Outlook 2024 |
本報告考察了歐洲電網規模的儲能市場,並預測了未來 10 年的需求。收集20歐洲國家的詳細資料。透過探索關鍵推動因素和障礙,我們確定到 2033 年,電網規模儲能市場將擴大 13 倍。關鍵法規、儲能和電力成本的趨勢以及靈主動式資源之間的競爭提供了策略性見解。
This report looks into Europe grid-scale energy storage market and forecasts demand over the next ten years. We collect granular data on 20 European countries. By exploring key drivers and barriers, we identify markets leading to a 13-fold expansion of the grid-scale storage market by 2033. Strategic takeaways are derived from key regulations, energy storage and power cost trends, and competition among flexibility resources.