中東的太陽能光伏發電的展望 2024年

中東的太陽能光伏發電的展望 2024年

Middle East Solar PV Outlook 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



這份報告《2024 年中東太陽能展望》重點關注中東地區的公用事業、工商業和住宅太陽能發電,該地區是全球成長最快的地區之一。 。到 2033 年,中東累計太陽能發電容量預計將達到 161 GWdc,在未來10年內增加八倍。在多個千兆瓦專案部署的推動下,沙烏地阿拉伯將在 2033 年成為該地區最大的太陽能市場。阿聯酋和以色列計劃在未來幾年總共部署 35 GWdc,以滿足嚴格的 2030 年再生能源目標。此外,綠色氫能機會正在增加,計劃將於 2020 年代下半年開始形成,推動市場進一步成長。

Product Code: 150326452

Report Summary:

Our "Middle East solar PV outlook 2024" is a 40+ slide in-depth report which covers the key market drivers and challenges for utility-scale, C&I and residential solar development in one of the fastest-growing regions globally. Hitting 161 GWdc by 2033, solar PV cumulative capacity in the Middle East is set to rise eightfold over the next 10 years. Driven by the deployment of several gigawatt-scale projects, Saudi Arabia will be the largest solar market in the region by 2033. The UAE and Israel will collectively install 35 GWdc over the outlook, in chase of strict 2030 renewable targets. Additionally, green hydrogen opportunities are on the rise and will drive additional market growth as plans start to materialise later in the 2020s.