

Development and Strategic Position of the Global Semiconductor Industry Chain

出版日期: | 出版商: MIC - Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute | 英文 17 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付


由於地緣政治風險加大、衝突持續、西方貨幣政策緊縮、全國選舉和自然災害帶來的不確定性等因素變化,全球經濟表現與2023年相比可能繼續保持持平或疲軟。儘管面臨更廣泛的經濟挑戰,半導體市場仍接近完成去庫存。在汽車、高效能運算 (HPC) 和物聯網 (AIoT) 領域長期需求的支撐下,隨著終端產品需求逐漸復甦,半導體市場重回成長軌道,達到兩位數。本報告概述了全球半導體市場,分析了三大 DRAM 供應商 (Samsung、SK Hynix、Micron) 的競爭格局,並考察了 3D NAND 和主要晶圓代工廠的未來發展 (截至2025年) 。


第1章 世界半導體市場表現

  • 全球半導體市場萎縮 (2023年)
  • 由於供應鏈復甦,半導體市場將達到兩位數成長 (2024年)
  • IC主導全球半導體市場,比重超過80%
  • 全球成品出貨量的增加將推動需求擴​​張 (2024年)

第2章 全球半導體企業資本投資

  • 資本投資集中於全球半導體企業
  • 半導體設備在資本投資上佔比最大

第3章 三大DRAM供應商競爭態勢

  • 兩家韓國供應商控制 DRAM 市場 72%的佔有率
  • DRAM將於2024年過渡至1γ製程,競爭激烈
  • HPC 應用推動 HBM 開發

第4章 3D NAND進入200層時代

  • 兩家韓國公司以 52%的市佔率引領 NAND 快閃記憶體市場
  • 3D NAND的未來:進入300層時代

第5章 主要晶圓代工廠量產3nm製程

  • 2022-2023年:主要代工廠開始量產3奈米製程
  • 2024-2025:各大代工廠角逐2nm時代

第6章 全球半導體企業獲利排名

  • 台積電到2023年仍將是全球最大的半導體公司
  • 英偉達:2023年營收將成長 87%,成為眾人矚目的焦點

第7章 MIC 視角


  • 公司名單
Product Code: SCRPT24091803

With escalating geopolitical risks, ongoing conflicts, tighter monetary policies in Europe and the U.S., and variables such as uncertainties from national elections and natural disasters, global economic performance is expected to remain flat or subdued compared to 2023. Despite the broader economic challenges, the semiconductor market is seeing a nearing completion of inventory adjustments. As demand for terminal products gradually recovers and long-term needs in automotive, high-performance computing (HPC), and Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) sectors provide support, the semiconductor market is anticipated to return to a growth trajectory, with potential for double-digit growth. This report offers an overview of the global semiconductor market performance, analyzes the competitive landscape of three dynamic random access memory (DRAM) suppliers—Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron—and explores the future development of 3D NAND and major wafer foundries through 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Global Semiconductor Market Performance

  • 1.1 Global Semiconductor Market Declines in 2023
  • 1.2 Supply Chain Recovery Likely to Drive Double-Digit Growth in the Semiconductor Market in 2024
  • 1.3 ICs Dominating the Global Semiconductor Market with Over 80% Share
  • 1.4 Global End-Product Shipment Growth Driving Pull-in Demand in 2024

2. Capex of Global Semiconductor Companies

  • 2.1 High Concentration of CapEx among Global Semiconductor Firms
  • 2.2 Semiconductor Equipment Takes the Largest Share of CapEx

3. Competitive Landscape of three DRAM suppliers

  • 3.1 Two Korea Suppliers Dominates the DRAM Market with a 72% Share
  • 3.2 Fierce Competition Expected as DRAM Enters the 1γ Process in 2024
  • 3.3 HPC Applications Drive HBM Development

4. 3D NAND Advances into the 200-Layer Era

  • 4.1 Two Korean Companies Lead the NAND Flash Market with a 52% Share
  • 4.2 The Future of 3D NAND Entering the 300-Layer Era

5. Major Wafer Foundries Have Mass-Produced 3nm Process

  • 5.1 2022-2023: Major Foundries Kick off 3nm Process Mass Production
  • 5.2 2024-2025: Major Foundries Compete in the 2nm Era

6. Global Semiconductor Companies’ Revenue Ranking

  • 6.1 TSMC Remains the World’s Largest Semiconductor Company in 2023
  • 6.2 Nvidia Stands Out in 2023 with Revenue Growth of 87%

7. MIC Perspecitve


  • List of Companies

List of Tables

  • Table 1. 2023 Global Top 25 Semiconductor Companies Revenue Rankings (Including Wafer Foundries)

List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Worldwide Semiconductor Market Value, 2011 - 2024
  • Figure 2. End Product Shipment Volume and Growth Rate in 2024
  • Figure 3: Global Leading DRAM Manufacturers' Technology Roadmap
  • Figure 4. Global Major NAND Flash Manufacturers' Technology Roadmap
  • Figure 5. Global Major Wafer Foundries’ Technology Roadmap