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2024-2032 年按類型、形式、技術、最終用途行業和地區分類的自修復材料市場報告Self-healing Materials Market Report by Type, Form, Technology, End Use Industry, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球自修復材料市場規模達26億美元。該市場主要由自修復材料在各個領域的不斷成長的應用、不斷成長的永續解決方案需求以及增強自修復材料的性能和功能的新興技術進步推動,這些都促進了市場的成長。
競爭格局:自修復材料產業的一些主要市場參與者包括Applied Thin Films Inc.、Arkema SA、Autonomic Materials Inc.、Avecom NV、BASF SE、Covestro AG、High Impact Technology LLC、Michelin North America Inc.。 Corporation 和Sensor Coating Systems Ltd. 等。
各行業對永續材料和技術不斷成長的需求正在影響市場的成長。此外,自修復材料代表了一種符合永續發展原則的創新解決方案,具有延長產品使用壽命和減少廢棄物產生的潛力。此外,自修復材料具有自主修復損傷並恢復其結構完整性的能力,無需人工干預。如今,自修復材料市場前景涉及各種主要參與者投資先進技術以保持競爭優勢。例如,2022 年 12 月,日本國家研究開發機構 Riken 的科學家開發了一種自我修復聚合物,以一種新穎的方法採用易於取得的建造模組。它在延長多種用途的多種商業聚合物的使用壽命和減少生態足跡方面具有巨大的潛力。它由一種眾所周知的化學物質製成,可減少商業聚合物對環境的影響和維護成本,縮短各種塗層的施工時間,並增強耐用性。
自修復材料在多個行業中已廣泛應用,包括汽車、建築、電子、醫療保健和航空航太。此外,不斷發展的汽車工業正在使用自修復材料來提高塗料和聚合物等車輛零件的耐用性,從而降低維護成本並提高車輛的整體性能。因此,自修復材料市場的成長涉及眾多關鍵參與者投資先進技術以保持競爭優勢。例如,2020 年 1 月,利用微膠囊技術開發智慧塗料的先驅Automatic Materials Inc. (AMI) 宣布將 AMP-UP(TM) RB 添加到其產品系列中。這種自修復、低揮發性有機化合物的保護解決方案專為混凝土中的鋼筋和結構金屬而配製。 AMP-UP(TM) RB 專門為混凝土內的結構金屬提供持久的腐蝕保護,適用於新建和混凝土修復工程。此外,AMI 也研究了保護塗層系統中的自修復材料。測試證實,這種環保、低揮發性有機化合物、水性自修復塗料的性能與溶劑型塗料相當,而溶劑型塗料以其更強烈的氣味而聞名。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據類型、形式、技術和最終用途行業對市場進行了分類。
根據IMARC Group發布的報告,到2032年,全球自修復材料市場價格預計將達到212億美元。根據美國機械工程師協會(ASME)的說法,自修復材料具有在微米和奈米尺度上修復裂縫的能力,使其能夠在不失去任何化學或機械特性的情況下恢復其原始狀態,從而延長其使用壽命。它包括聚合物、金屬、合金、複合材料和陶瓷等各種物質。 Top of FormIt 也滿足特定需求和偏好,提供各種解決方案來提高多種結構的耐用性和使用壽命。
自修復材料市場呈現出滿足各種產業需求的多元化市場。內在自癒材料市場是由其無需外部干預即可修復損壞的固有能力所驅動的。它在汽車、航空航太和建築等領域中得到了廣泛的應用,這些領域的耐用性和壽命正在影響市場的成長。目前,自修復材料市場的未來正在鼓勵眾多產業參與者在競爭中保持領先地位。例如,美國鋼鐵公司與杜邦公司合作推出COASTALUME,這是首款專為沿海地區設計並保證使用的GALVALUME產品。它結合了美國鋼鐵公司 GALVALUME 材料的卓越耐用性和自我修復功能以及杜邦 Tedlar PVF 薄膜的堅固性,該薄膜具有無與倫比的耐鹽水腐蝕、紫外線 (UV) 分解、開裂、衝擊和眾多環境挑戰的能力。
可逆聚合物的特徵是能夠進行化學反應來修復損傷。此外,可逆聚合物在各個行業都有廣泛的應用,包括汽車、航空航太、電子和建築,這些行業的耐用性和壽命至關重要。目前,自修復材料市場正在促使眾多產業參與者投資聚合物以在競爭中保持領先地位。根據日本國立材料科學研究所(NIMS)、北海道大學和山口大學的研究人員介紹,他們設計了一種製造自修復聚合物凝膠的新方法。它由分子量超過 10^6 g/mol 的超高分子量 (UHMW) 聚合物以及非揮發性離子液體製成。值得注意的是,這種聚合物凝膠是可回收的,並且能夠自我修復,非常符合循環經濟的原則。此外,它的特性表明其作為彈性和離子導電材料的潛在應用,可用於靈活的物聯網(IoT)設備,該研究發表在《科學進展》雜誌上。
建築業廣泛採用自修復材料來進行基礎設施開發和結構增強。這些材料解決了裂縫、腐蝕和退化等常見挑戰,從而延長了建築物的使用壽命並降低了維護成本。新興的自修復建築材料是一類獨特的材料,當板中出現裂縫時,它可以自我修復,裂縫會被碳酸鈣自動修復。碳酸鈣用作普通混凝土中的填充材料,且無毒。因此,各個主要參與者正在投資自癒材料,以在競爭中保持領先地位,同時最佳化自癒市場商機。例如,3D GREEN-CON 和 3DSUST-CON 研發計畫獲得了歐洲創新理事會 (EISMEA) 的聯合資助,芬蘭透過開發首個工業規模的綠色自修復 3D 混凝土實現了一個重要的里程碑。這種創新材料因其自我修復能力和融入回收材料而脫穎而出,從而增強了其環境永續性。
歐洲市場對整體擴張做出了獨特的貢獻。在西歐,德國和法國等國家受到汽車和建築業改進的推動,需要彈性材料。除此之外,波蘭和匈牙利等東歐國家由於基礎設施項目和汽車製造的增加而呈現出良好的成長勢頭。目前,各主要參與者正在投資研發 (R&D) 活動,以保持競爭優勢。例如,2021 年 7 月,英國研究與創新部下屬的工程和物理科學研究委員會 (EPSRC) 透露了一項合作,並承諾資助 2,250 萬美元用於開發生態友善道路維護計畫。它的目標是利用機器人技術和能夠感知損傷並自我修復的自癒材料。因此,自修復材料市場的重大進步正在促進整個地區尖端材料的研發。
市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。自修復材料產業的一些主要市場參與者包括Applied Thin Films Inc.、Arkema SA、Autonomic Materials Inc.、Avecom NV、BASF SE、Covestro AG、High Impact Technology LLC、Michelin North America Inc.、NEI Corporation和感測器塗層系統有限公司
市場上的主要市場參與者正在積極參與各種策略性舉措,以利用不斷成長的需求並保持競爭優勢。這些措施包括廣泛的研究和開發工作,旨在提高汽車、建築、電子和醫療保健等不同行業中自修復材料的功效和適用性。公司還投資與研究機構、大學和其他行業利益相關者建立夥伴關係和合作,以加速創新並推動產品開發。目前,韓國化學技術研究所(KRICT)的研究團隊已成功創造出符合指定標準的透明塗層材料。它表現出類似於商業保護塗層的性能,同時具有利用陽光自我修復的獨特能力,特別是利用 1,000 至 1,100 nm 波長範圍內的近紅外光。
2021 年 7 月,位於加爾各答的印度科學、教育和研究學院和位於卡拉格普爾的印度理工學院 (IIT) 的科學家取得了一項突破性發現。他們發現了迄今為止已知的最堅硬的自修復材料,這一進展為創建自修復螢幕帶來了重大希望。它還具有用於製造手機和電視螢幕的潛力,為先進技術(例如可自我修復的螢幕)的出現鋪平了道路。
The global self-healing materials market size reached US$ 2.6 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 21.2 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 25.8% during 2024-2032. The market is primarily driven by the growing application of self-healing materials in various sectors, the rising sustainable solution demand, and the emerging technological advancements that enhance the properties and functionality of self-healing materials, which are contributing to the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The increasing demand for sustainable and long-lasting materials is driving the self-healing materials market, as they offer enhanced durability and reduced maintenance costs.
Key Market Trends: The emerging advancements in self-healing polymers and coatings are offering innovative solutions for damage repair and protection against environmental factors. In addition, the integration of self-healing materials into smart devices and infrastructure projects are contributing to the market growth.
Geographical Trends: The Europe region is dominating the self-healing materials market, due to its focus on sustainability and stringent regulations promoting eco-friendly solutions. Additionally, Asia-Pacific demonstrates rapid growth potential due to increasing industrialization, urbanization, and investments in infrastructure projects, driving demand for self-healing materials.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the self-healing materials industry include Applied Thin Films Inc., Arkema S.A., Autonomic Materials Inc., Avecom NV, BASF SE, Covestro AG, High Impact Technology LLC, Michelin North America Inc., NEI Corporation, and Sensor Coating Systems Ltd. among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The challenges include increasing production costs and complexities associated with scaling up self-healing material manufacturing processes, hindering widespread adoption. Additionally, various opportunities address these challenges through technological innovations and strategic partnerships, aiming to unlock the full potential of self-healing materials across diverse applications and markets. It is important to understand the self-healing materials market overview to navigate these challenges and opportunities for growth and development.
Increasing Demand for Sustainable Solutions
The growing demand for sustainable materials and technologies across various industries is influencing market growth. In addition, self-healing materials represent an innovative solution that aligns with the principles of sustainability by offering the potential to extend the lifespan of products and reduce waste generation. Moreover, self-healing materials possess the ability to autonomously repair damage and restore their structural integrity without human intervention. Nowadays, the self-healing materials market outlook involves various key players investing in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in December 2022, scientists at Riken, a National Research and Development Agency in Japan, developed a self-repairing polymer, employing easily available building blocks in a novel approach. It has significant potential for enhancing the longevity and reducing the ecological footprint of numerous commercial polymers across numerous uses. It is produced from a commonly known chemical that reduces the environmental impacts of commercial polymers and maintenance costs, offers shorter application times for various coats, and enhances durability.
Expanding Application in Various Sectors
Self-healing materials are finding numerous applications across several industries, including automotive, construction, electronics, healthcare, and aerospace. Moreover, the growing automotive industry is using self-healing materials to enhance the durability of vehicle components, such as coatings and polymers, reducing maintenance costs and improving overall vehicle performance. As a result, the self-healing materials market growth involves numerous key players investing in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in January 2020, Automatic Materials Inc. (AMI), a pioneer in the development of intelligent coatings through the use of microencapsulation technology, announced the addition of AMP-UP(TM) RB to its range of products. The self healting, low-VOC protective solution is specifically formulated for rebar and structural metals encased in concrete. AMP-UP(TM) RB is tailored to provide durable corrosion protection for structural metals within concrete, applicable in new builds and concrete restoration projects. Moreover, AMI also researched self-repairing materials within protective coating systems. The Tests confirmed that this eco-friendly, low-VOC, water-based self-healing coating performs on par with its solvent-based counterparts, which are known for their stronger odors.
Technological Innovation
The continuous innovation is driving advancements in self-healing materials driving the market growth and expanding their commercial viability. Besides this, technological innovation in self-healing materials encompasses various aspects, including the design of novel polymer matrices, incorporation of healing agents, and optimization of activation mechanisms. In recent years, the rising self-healing materials market demand has encouraged numerous key players to invest in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, on August 30, 2022, RODIM(R), a brand specializing in paint-related products under BASF, unveiled its latest innovation, an invisible thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) paint protection film (PPF) that offers comprehensive and durable protection for vehicle paint finishes. Top of FormCurrently, various advancements in nanotechnology and materials science are enabling the development of self-healing materials with tailored properties, such as improved mechanical strength, thermal stability, and chemical resistance. These self-healing materials market drivers are influencing the market growth.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on type, form, technology, and end-use industry.
Concrete accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes polymers, composites, ceramics, concrete, and others. According to the report, concrete represented the largest segment.
According to a report published by IMARC Group, the global self-healing materials market price is expected to reach US$ 21.2 Billion by 2032. The self-healing materials market based on concrete typically includes three primary segments such as intrinsic healing, encapsulated healing, and vascular healing. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), self-healing materials possess the ability to mend cracks at the micro- and nano-scale, enabling them to regain their original state without losing any of their chemical or mechanical characteristics, thereby extending the product's lifespan. It includes various substances such as polymers, metals, alloys, composites, and ceramics. Top of FormIt also caters to specific needs and preferences, providing various solutions for enhancing the durability and longevity of several structures.
Intrinsic holds the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the form have also been provided in the report. This includes extrinsic (capsule-based, and vascular, and Intrinsic. According to the report, intrinsic accounted for the largest market share.
The self-healing materials market showcases a diverse market that caters to various industry needs. Intrinsic self-healing materials market is driven by their inherent ability to repair damage without external intervention. It finds extensive applications across sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, where durability and longevity are influencing the market growth. Currently, the future of self-healing materials market is encouraging numerous industry players to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, US Steel and DuPont de Nemours collaboratively launched COASTALUME, the first GALVALUME product designed and guaranteed for use in coastal areas. It combines the exceptional durability and self-repairing features of US Steel's GALVALUME material with the robustness of DuPont's Tedlar PVF film which offers unparalleled resistance to saltwater corrosion, ultraviolet (UV) degradation, cracking, impacts, and numerous environmental challenges.
Reversible Polymers
Shape Memory Materials
Biological Material Systems
Reversible polymers represent the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the technology. This includes reversible polymers, microencapsulation, shape-memory materials, biological material systems, and others. According to the report, reversible polymers represented the largest segment.
Reversible polymers are characterized by their ability to undergo chemical reactions to repair damage. Additionally, reversible polymers find extensive applications across diverse industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and construction, where durability and longevity are paramount. Presently, the self-healing materials market is motivating numerous industry players to invest in polymers to stay ahead of the competition. According to the researchers from the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Hokkaido University, and Yamaguchi University have devised a novel approach to fabricate a self-repairing polymer gel. It is crafted from ultrahigh molecular weight (UHMW) polymers, which possess a molecular weight exceeding 10^6 g/mol, along with non-volatile ionic liquids. Notably, this polymer gel is recyclable and capable of self-repair, aligning well with the principles of a circular economy. Moreover, its properties suggest potential applications as a resilient and ionically conductive material for flexible Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which was published in the journal Science Advances.
Building and Construction
Electrical and Electronics
Building and construction exhibit a clear dominance in the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-use industry have also been provided in the report. This includes building and construction, healthcare, automotive, electrical and electronics, aerospace, and others. According to the report, building and construction accounted for the largest market share.
The building and construction sector is widely adopting self-healing materials for infrastructure development and structural enhancements. These materials address common challenges such as cracks, corrosion, and degradation, thereby extending the lifespan of buildings and reducing maintenance costs. The emerging self-healing construction materials are a unique class of materials that can self-repair when a crack is created in a slab, the crack gets repaired automatically with calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is employed as a filler material in regular concrete and is non-toxic. Consequently, various key players are investing in self-healing material to stay ahead of the competition while optimizing self-healing market business opportunities. For instance, the 3D GREEN-CON and 3DSUST-CON research and development initiatives received joint funding from the European Innovation Council (EISMEA), Finland achieved a significant milestone by developing its first industrial-scale green self-healing 3D concrete. This innovative material stands out for its ability to repair itself and for incorporating recycled materials, enhancing its environmental sustainability.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Europe leads the market, accounting for the largest self-healing materials market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Europe represents the largest regional market for self-healing materials.
The Europe market contributes uniquely to the overall expansion. In Western Europe, countries such as Germany and France are driven by improved automotive and construction industries demanding resilient materials. Besides this, Eastern European countries such as Poland and Hungary show promising growth due to increasing infrastructure projects and automotive manufacturing. Currently, various key players are investing in research and development (R&D) activities to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in July 2021, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) , under UK Research and Innovation, revealed a collaboration alongside a commitment to fund $22.5 million toward the development of eco-friendly road maintenance initiatives. It aims to utilize robotic technology with self-healing materials that can sense damage and heal themselves. As a result, a significant advancement in the self-healing materials market is contributing to the research and development of cutting-edge materials across the region.Top of Form
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the self-healing materials industry include Applied Thin Films Inc., Arkema S.A., Autonomic Materials Inc., Avecom NV, BASF SE, Covestro AG, High Impact Technology LLC, Michelin North America Inc., NEI Corporation and Sensor Coating Systems Ltd.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
Key market players in the market are actively engaged in various strategic initiatives to capitalize on the growing demand and maintain their competitive edge. These initiatives include extensive research and development efforts aimed at enhancing the efficacy and applicability of self-healing materials across diverse industries such as automotive, construction, electronics, and healthcare. Companies are also investing in partnerships and collaborations with research institutions, universities, and other industry stakeholders to accelerate innovation and drive product development. Presently, the research team from the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) has successfully created a transparent coating material that meets specified criteria. It demonstrates performance akin to commercial protective coatings while possessing the unique ability to self-repair using sunlight, specifically utilizing near-infrared light within the wavelength range of 1,000 to 1,100 nm.
In July 2021, a groundbreaking discovery was made by scientists at the Indian Institute of Science, Education, and Research in Kolkata and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. They identified the hardest self-healing material known to date, a development that holds significant promise for the creation of self-repairing screens. It also has the potential to be employed in the manufacturing of screens for mobile phones and televisions, paving the way for the advent of advanced technologies such as screens that can repair themselves.