2024-2032 年按技術類型(影像增強器、平板探測器)、模態類型、應用、最終用戶和地區分類的外科成像市場報告Surgical Imaging Market Report by Technology Type (Image Intensifier, Flat Panel Detector ), Modality Type, Application, End User, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球手術影像市場規模達65億美元。手術數量的增加、需要手術干預的慢性疾病數量的增加以及配備先進成像技術的混合手術室的廣泛採用推動了市場的成長。
主要市場促進因素:慢性病發病率不斷增加,對先進診斷、手術干預的需求以及具有 3D 成像和攜帶式 C 臂設備的成像系統的技術進步,滿足了對微創手術不斷成長的需求。
主要市場趨勢:手術成像系統中人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 的結合簡化了即時成像分析,支援外科醫生透過手術做出明智的決策。根據手術影像市場概況,採用配備先進影像設備的混合手術室可以高精度、安全地進行複雜的手術。
競爭格局:一些外科影像公司包括佳能醫療系統公司、通用電氣公司、Geonoray Co. Ltd.、Hologic Inc.、Koninklijke Philips NV、Medtronic Plc、Primax International Srl、Prognosys Medical Systems Private Limited、Shimadzu Corporation、Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd、Whale Imaging Inc. 和 Ziehm Imaging GmbH (Aton GmbH) 等。
全球外科手術是外科影像市場成長的關鍵催化劑。隨著醫療技術的進步和獲得醫療服務的機會的增加,越來越多的人正在接受手術干預來解決各種醫療狀況。例如,在 2023-24 會計年度,進行的手術數量比 2022-23 會計年度創下的紀錄高出近 6,000 例。髖關節和膝關節置換手術是加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省手術量最大的手術之一。具體而言,髖關節和膝關節置換術的年銷量從前一年的近 6,300 例增加到 2023 年至 2024 年的近 7,100 例。 2023年4月1日至2024年3月31日的本會計年度期間進行的聯合替代程序的規模比2019-20年記錄的COVID-19大流行之前的年度規模高出50%。 2023年4月1日和2024年3月31日,有效監督了95,700例手術,這是有記錄以來年度手術規模最大的一次。此外,2024-2025 年的預算提供了 228 萬美元的額外投資,用於提高手術能力和減少等待時間。因此,不斷擴大的醫療保健組織有助於手術影像市場的成長。
慢性病的流行極大地推動了對手術介入的需求。心血管疾病、癌症和神經系統疾病等疾病需要外科手術進行診斷、治療或症狀管理。隨著生活方式的改變、人口老化和環境因素加重疾病負擔,慢性病的發生率持續上升。例如,根據英國心臟基金會 2024 年 1 月的數據,在英國,約有 760 萬人患有心臟和循環系統疾病。由於人口老化以及心臟和循環系統疾病後存活率的提高,這一數字有望增加。它還顯示大約 400 萬男性和 360 萬女性患有心臟病和循環系統疾病。據預測,超過一半的英國人口將在一生中的某個時刻患上心臟病或循環系統疾病。值得注意的是,心臟和循環系統疾病約佔英國每年死亡人數的 27%,相當於每天有超過 17 萬人死亡,約 480 人,相當於每 3 分鐘就有 1 人死亡。此外,英國每年有近 49,000 名 75 歲以下的人因心臟病和循環系統疾病而喪生。除此之外,預計心血管疾病(CVD)病例的增加將持續增加手術影像市場的需求。
混合手術室的快速採用代表了手術實踐的範式轉變,將先進的影像技術整合到手術環境中。此外,混合手術室將傳統手術設備與最先進的影像系統(如血管攝影和核磁共振機)結合。它能夠即時可視化解剖結構和手術進展,提高手術準確性和患者安全。對微創手術和複雜干預措施不斷成長的需求推動了混合手術室設施在全球的擴張。舉例來說,2023年,全球混合手術室市場規模達11.946億美元。展望未來, IMARC Group預計,到 2032 年,混合手術室市場將達到 27.509 億美元,2024 年至 2032 年的年複合成長率(CAGR) 為 9.42%。手術介入的需求不斷增加,正在創造有利的手術影像市場前景。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據技術類型、模式類型、應用程式和最終用戶對市場進行了分類。
平板探測器 (FPD)
該報告根據技術類型對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括影像增強器和平板偵測器 (FPD)。根據該報告,平板探測器(FPD)代表了最大的細分市場。
與其他成像技術相比,平板偵測器 (FPD) 因其卓越的影像品質、較低的輻射暴露和更高的耐用性而在外科成像中備受青睞。這些探測器廣泛用於各種外科手術,包括骨科、心血管和神經外科手術,推動了其高採用率。例如,2023 年 7 月 6 日,島津公司旗下子公司島津醫療系統美國公司推出了新型 V 系列無玻璃平板偵測器 (FPD),現已與通用放射線攝影平台整合。這些創新的無玻璃 FPD 偵測器具有 99 微米的像素間距,可捕捉高度詳細的 X 光影像。此外,其輕質結構減輕了放射技術人員的工作量,並提高了防跌落的耐用性。它有 17"x17"、14"x17" 和 10"x12" 三種尺寸可供選擇,與 RADspeed Pro 風格版 V 系列和 MobileDaRt Evolution MX8 V 型系統相容。因此,由於不斷的進步和對微創手術的需求不斷增加,FPD 繼續主導市場。
迷你 C 型臂
報告還根據模式類型對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括移動 C 型臂、迷你 C 型臂等。
移動式 C 型臂是多功能影像設備,廣泛用於手術室中的各種診斷和介入手術。它們的設計具有更大的靈活性和移動性,非常適合需要即時成像回饋的手術,例如骨科、心臟病學和血管手術。這些系統提供高解析度的 X 光影像,從而能夠精確放置手術器械和植入物。例如,2023 年9 月13 日,健康科技領域的傑出領導者飛利浦透過推出Zenition 30 擴大了其移動C 臂產品陣容,透過允許外科醫生在使用中具有更多客製化和自主權來增強手術團隊的能力。它增強了外科醫生在 C 形臂使用和影像擷取方面的操作靈活性和客製化,減少了各種微創手術對大量技術人員協助的需求。該系統配備了先進的成像演算法,可確保卓越的影像品質和高效的劑量使用。因此,對移動 C 型臂的需求不斷增加,因為它們能夠實現更快、更準確的手術結果,從而產生手術成像市場收入。
除此之外,迷你 C 型臂是緊湊的攜帶式成像設備,特別適合四肢成像,特別是在骨科和足病手術中。這些較小版本的傳統 C 形臂由於尺寸較小且易於使用,是門診環境和小型診所的首選。它們在運動醫學、兒科應用和術中成像中特別有價值,因為空間和快速設置至關重要。除此之外,迷你 C 型臂還具有成本效益,這使得它們對於預算有限的機構或需要專用於特定類型外科手術的設備的機構來說是一個有吸引力的選擇。
由於骨骼相關損傷發生率的增加以及複雜骨科手術期間對精確即時成像的需求不斷成長,骨科和創傷手術正在引領市場。移動 C 型臂等手術影像設備對於確保這些手術的高精度和更好的結果至關重要。成像技術的技術進步提高了影像清晰度並減少了輻射暴露,進一步使其在當今的骨科和創傷外科實踐中不可或缺,從而為全球外科成像市場創造了新的機會。
醫院受到大量複雜手術的推動,這需要先進的影像技術來進行準確的診斷和手術指導。與較小的診所或診斷中心相比,它還具有更大的財務能力來投資複雜的手術影像系統。此外,微創手術的發展需要精確成像才能成功,這進一步增加了醫院對高階手術影像設備的需求。隨著醫院擴大技術能力以提高手術效果和患者護理,這一趨勢預計將持續下去。因此,2021年7月,安大略省政府撥款高達3.24億加幣來支持安大略省的醫院和社區衛生部門。這項投資旨在提高更多手術、MRI 和 CT 掃描以及其他醫療程序(包括晚上和週末)的能力。這是一項更廣泛、更詳細的計劃的一部分,旨在改善手術康復並確保患者得到必要的護理。它允許進行多達 67,000 次額外的手術和程序。它額外提供了多達 135,000 小時的診斷影像,減少了醫療程序的等待時間,增加了獲得醫療保健服務的機會,並履行了政府消除走廊醫療保健服務的承諾。
由於先進的醫療基礎設施、尖端醫療技術的高採用率以及對研發的大量投資,北美市場處於領先地位,從而創造了積極的手術成像市場預測。該地區受益於強大的監管框架,支持創新成像技術的快速批准,促進其融入外科實踐。例如,2024 年 1 月,島津公司旗下子公司島津醫療系統美國公司的 FLUOROspeed X1 型號獲得了 HCAI 特殊地震認證預先批准。該認證證實了該系統抵禦地震的能力,使得這種先進的患者側傳統射頻治療台系統能夠在加州的醫療保健環境中部署。 FLUOROspeed X1 具有患者側工作台控制裝置,操作更方便,包括嵌入工作台巴基中的 17"x17" 動態數位 X 光偵測器 (FPD),適用於螢光鏡檢查和放射線檢查。桌面和甲板之間的 31.5 英寸間隙使其成為一款出色的數位射頻系統,適用於對坐輪椅的患者進行成像,並且非常適合較小的空間。
市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。手術影像產業的一些主要市場參與者包括佳能醫療系統公司、通用電氣公司、Geenoray Co. Ltd.、Hologic Inc.、Koninklijke Philips NV、Medtronic Plc、Primax International Srl、Prognosys Medical Systems Private Limited、Shimadzu Corporation 、Siemens Aktiengesellschaft、Trivitron Healthcare Pvt.有限公司、Whale Imaging Inc. 和 Ziehm Imaging GmbH (Aton GmbH)。
目前,手術影像市場主要參與者的最新發展包括創新和擴大產品組合,以滿足現代醫療保健的多樣化需求。這些公司專注於開發先進的影像技術,提供更清晰、更精確的視覺效果,以支援複雜的外科手術。許多公司也建立策略合作夥伴關係和收購,以擴大其市場覆蓋範圍和技術能力。此外,他們也大力投資研發,推出人工智慧驅動的微創影像解決方案,旨在改善醫院和手術中心的病患治療效果和營運效率。這一戰略重點確保了他們在競爭格局中的強勢地位。 2022 年 8 月 28 日,西門子 Healthineers 透露,ARTIS icono heaven 是一種安裝在天花板上的血管造影系統,已獲得美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 的批准。該系統專為適應介入放射學 (IR) 和心臟病學領域的各種常規和高級程序而量身定做。此外,其顯著的機械靈活性使其也適用於各種外科手術。
2024 年 3 月 21 日,西門子 Healthineers 的 CIARTIC Move 獲得美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 的批准,這是一款配備自動駕駛功能的移動 C 臂。該系統提高了醫院和門診手術團隊 2D 螢光鏡成像和 3D 錐束 CT 掃描的效率和標準化。透過自動化工作流程,CIARTIC Move 簡化了手術期間的影像過程,從而提高了一致性並減少了手術時間。它專為骨科、創傷和脊椎手術而設計,適用於胸部、血管、心血管、普通手術、泌尿外科和介入性肺科。
2024 年 2 月 28 日,著名健康科技公司皇家飛利浦推出了飛利浦影像導引治療行動 C 臂系統 9000 Zenition 90 Motorized。這款新型移動 C 形臂旨在支持外科醫生為越來越多的患者提供頂級護理。該系統經過增強處理複雜的血管狀況和各種臨床手術,如心臟手術、疼痛管理和泌尿外科,預計將於2024 年第二季度開始投入商業使用。 ,並且直覺的機動化提供增強的控制,而高功率(25 kW)功能支援卓越的圖像質量,滿足複雜的血管要求和各種臨床程序的需求。
The global surgical imaging market size reached US$ 6.5 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 10.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% during 2024-2032. The market is driven by the increasing number of surgical procedures, the expanding number of chronic ailments requiring surgical interventions, and the widespread adoption of hybrid operating rooms equipped with advanced imaging technologies are propelling the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The growing frequency of chronic diseases, the need for advanced diagnostic, surgical interventions, and technological advancements in imaging systems with 3D imaging and portable C-arm devices accommodate to the growing demand for minimally invasive surgeries.
Key Market Trends: The union of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in surgical imaging systems simplifies real-time imaging analytics, which supports surgeons in making informed decisions through procedures. As per the surgical imaging market overview, the adoption of hybrid operating rooms equipped with advanced imaging devices allows complex surgeries to be performed with high precision and safety.
Geographical Trends: The growth of North America is due to established healthcare infrastructure, elevated healthcare expenditure, and rapid adoption of advanced technologies. Also, the Asia-Pacific region is perceiving rapid growth owing to collective healthcare investments, emerging medical tourism, and intensifying access to healthcare facilities, particularly in countries such as China and India.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the surgical imaging companies include Canon Medical Systems Corporation, General Electric Company, Geonoray Co. Ltd., Hologic Inc., Koninklijke Philips N.V., Medtronic Plc, Primax International Srl, Prognosys Medical Systems Private Limited, Shimadzu Corporation, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Whale Imaging Inc., and Ziehm Imaging GmbH (Aton GmbH), among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The elevated costs linked with advanced imaging technologies and stringent regulatory requirements pose challenges to market development limiting availability in lower-income provinces. As per the surgical imaging market recent opportunities lie in the expansion of applications for surgical imaging systems beyond traditional fields into areas like sports medicine and rheumatology.
Increasing Surgical Procedures
The surgical procedures globally serve as a pivotal catalyst for the growth of the surgical imaging market. With advancements in medical technology and increasing access to healthcare services, more individuals are undergoing surgical interventions to address various medical conditions. For instance, in the fiscal year 2023-24, the number of surgeries performed exceeded the previous record set in 2022-23 by almost 6,000. There is a distinguished focus on hip and knee replacement surgeries, which rank among the highest-volume procedures in Saskatchewan, Canada. Explicitly, the annual volumes for hip and knee replacements rose from nearly 6,300 in the preceding year to almost 7,100 in 2023-2024. The size of joint substitute procedures conducted during this fiscal year April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024, was 50% higher than the yearly size before the COVID-19 pandemic, recorded in 2019-20. On April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, 95,700 surgeries were efficiently supervised marking the most excessive annual surgical size ever documented. Also, the budget for 2024-2025 offers an additional investment of $2.28 million for increasing surgical capacities and diminishing wait times. Hence, the expanding healthcare organization contributes to the rise in surgical imaging market growth.
Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
The prevalence of chronic diseases significantly drives the need for surgical interventions. Conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurological disorders require surgical procedures for diagnosis, treatment, or symptom management. As lifestyles change, populations age and environmental factors contribute to disease burden, the incidence of chronic illnesses continues to rise. For instance, as per the BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION in January 2024, in the UK, approximately 7.6 million individuals are afflicted with heart and circulatory diseases. This number is poised to increase due to an aging population and better survival rates following heart and circulatory incidents. It also reveals about 4 million men and 3.6 million women are affected by heart and circulatory diseases. It is projected that over half of the UK, population will experience a heart or circulatory disease at some point in their lives. Notably, heart and circulatory diseases are responsible for about 27% of all UK deaths annually, translating to more than 170,000 deaths or roughly 480 daily, amounting to one death every 3 minutes. Furthermore, heart and circulatory diseases claim nearly 49,000 lives under 75 years old annually in the UK. Besides this, the projected increase in cardiovascular disease (CVD) cases will continue to increase surgical imaging market demand.
Adoption of Hybrid Operating Rooms
The rapid adoption of hybrid operating rooms represents a paradigm shift in surgical practice, integrating advanced imaging technologies into surgical environments. Additonally, hybrid operating rooms combine traditional surgical equipment with state-of-the-art imaging systems such as angiography and MRI machines. It enables real-time visualization of anatomical structures and surgical progress, enhancing procedural accuracy and patient safety. The growing demand for minimally invasive procedures and complex interventions drives the expansion of hybrid operating room facilities worldwide. To state an instance, in 2023, the size of the global hybrid operating room market amounted to US$ 1,194.6 million. Moving ahead, IMARC Group anticipates the hybrid operating room market to achieve US$ 2,750.9 million by 2032, showcasing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.42% from 2024 to 2032. As the hybrid operating room market continues to grow due to technological advancements and increasing demand for sophisticated surgical interventions it is creating a favorable surgical imaging market outlook.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on technology type, modality type, application, and end user.
Image Intensifier
Flat Panel Detector (FPD)
Flat panel detector (FPD) accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the technology type. This includes an image intensifier, and flat panel detector (FPD). According to the report, flat panel detector (FPD) represented the largest segment.
Flat panel detectors (FPD) are highly favored in surgical imaging due to their superior image quality, lower radiation exposure, and greater durability compared to other imaging technologies. These detectors are extensively used in various surgical procedures, including orthopedic, cardiovascular, and neuro surgeries, driving their high adoption rate. For instance, on 6 July 2023, Shimadzu Medical Systems USA, a division of Shimadzu Corporation introduced the new V series Glass-Free Flat Panel Detectors (FPD), now integrated with general radiography platforms. These innovative glass-free FPD detectors feature a 99-micron pixel pitch for capturing highly detailed X-ray images. Additionally, their lightweight construction eases the workload on radiology technologists and increases durability against drops. It is available in three dimensions such as 17"x17", 14"x17", and 10"x12" that are compatible with RADspeed Pro style edition V series and MobileDaRt Evolution MX8 V type systems. Thus, FPD continues to dominate the market, due to the ongoing advancements and increasing demand for minimally invasive surgeries.
Mobile C-Arms
Mini C-Arms
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the modality type have also been provided in the report. This includes mobile c-arms, mini c-arms, and others.
Mobile C-Arms are versatile imaging devices used extensively in operating rooms for a variety of diagnostic and interventional procedures. Their design allows for greater flexibility and mobility, making them ideal for surgeries requiring real-time imaging feedback such as orthopedics, cardiology, and vascular surgery. These systems provide high-resolution X-ray images, enabling precise placement of surgical instruments and implants. For instance, on 13 September 2023, Philips, a prominent leader in health technology, expanded its mobile C-arm lineup with the introduction of the Zenition 30, enhancing the capabilities of surgical teams by allowing surgeons more customization and autonomy in their use. It enhances the operational flexibility and customization for surgeons in C-arm usage and image capture, reducing the need for extensive technician assistance across various minimally invasive surgeries. The system is equipped with advanced imaging algorithms that ensure superior image quality and efficient dosage use. Thus, the demand for mobile C-Arms is increasing owing to their capability to facilitate quicker, more accurate surgical outcomes which is generating a surgical imaging market revenue.
Besides this, Mini C-Arms are compact, portable imaging devices specifically suited for extremity imaging, particularly in orthopedic and podiatric surgeries. These smaller versions of the traditional C-Arm are preferred for outpatient settings and smaller clinics due to their reduced size and ease of use. They are particularly valuable in sports medicine, pediatric applications, and intraoperative imaging where space and quick setup are crucial. Apart from this, mini C-Arms are also cost-effective, which makes them an attractive option for facilities with limited budgets or those that require a device dedicated to specific types of surgical procedures.
Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
General Surgery
Orthopedic and trauma surgery represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes neurosurgery, orthopedic and trauma surgery, cardiovascular, general surgery, and others. According to the report, orthopedic and trauma surgery represented the largest segment.
Orthopedic and trauma surgery is leading the market due to the increasing incidence of bone-related injuries and the rising demand for precise real-time imaging during complex orthopedic surgeries. Surgical imaging devices such as mobile C-arms have become essential in ensuring high accuracy and better outcomes in these procedures. The technological advancements in imaging technologies that offer enhanced image clarity and reduced exposure to radiation are further making them indispensable in today's orthopedic and trauma surgical practices, thus creating the surgical imaging market recent opportunities across the globe.
Surgery Centers and Clinics
Hospitals exhibit a clear dominance in the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end user have also been provided in the report. This includes hospitals, surgery centers and clinics. According to the report, hospitals accounted for the largest market share.
Hospitals are driven by the high volume of complex surgeries, which necessitate advanced imaging technologies for accurate diagnostics and procedural guidance. It also has greater financial capabilities to invest in sophisticated surgical imaging systems compared to smaller clinics or diagnostic centers. Moreover, the push toward minimally invasive procedures, which require precise imaging for successful outcomes, further boosts the demand for high-end surgical imaging equipment within hospital settings. This trend is expected to continue as hospitals expand their technological capabilities to enhance surgical outcomes and patient care. Thus, in July 2021, the Government of Ontario allocated as much as $324 million to support Ontario's hospitals and community health sectors. This investment was designed to increase the capacity for more surgeries, MRI and CT scans, and other medical procedures, including during evenings and weekends. It is part of a broader, detailed plan aimed at improving surgical recovery and ensuring patients receive the necessary care. It allowed up to 67,000 extra surgeries and procedures. It provided up to 135,000 additional hours of diagnostic imaging which reduced wait times for medical procedures, enhanced access to healthcare services, and fulfilled the government's pledge to eliminate healthcare services in hallways.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest surgical imaging market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest regional market for surgical imaging.
The market in North America is leading due to advanced healthcare infrastructure, high adoption rates of cutting-edge medical technologies, and significant investments in research and development thus creating a positive surgical imaging market forecast. The region benefits from a robust regulatory framework that supports rapid approvals of innovative imaging technologies, facilitating their integration into surgical practices. For instance, in January 2024, Shimadzu Medical Systems USA, a branch of Shimadzu Corporation, achieved HCAI Special Seismic Certification preapproval for its FLUOROspeed X1 model. This certification confirms the system's ability to withstand earthquakes, enabling the deployment of this advanced patient-side conventional RF table system in California's healthcare settings. The FLUOROspeed X1, featuring patient-side table controls for easier operation, includes a 17"x17" dynamic digital X-ray detector (FPD) embedded in the table bucky, suitable for fluoroscopy and radiographic examinations. Its 31.5-inch gap between the tabletop and deck makes it an excellent digital RF system for imaging patients in wheelchairs and fits well in smaller spaces.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the surgical imaging industry include Canon Medical Systems Corporation, General Electric Company, Geonoray Co. Ltd., Hologic Inc., Koninklijke Philips N.V., Medtronic Plc, Primax International Srl, Prognosys Medical Systems Private Limited, Shimadzu Corporation, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Whale Imaging Inc., and Ziehm Imaging GmbH (Aton GmbH).
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
At present, the surgical imaging market recent developments by key players include innovation and expansion of product portfolios to meet the diverse needs of modern healthcare. These companies focus on developing advanced imaging technologies that offer clearer, more precise visuals to support complex surgical procedures. Many are also forging strategic partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their market reach and technological capabilities. Additionally, they invest heavily in research and development to introduce AI-driven and minimally invasive imaging solutions, aimed at improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency in hospitals and surgical centers. This strategic focus ensures their strong position in the competitive landscape. On 28 August 2022, Siemens Healthineers disclosed that the ARTIS icono ceiling, a ceiling-mounted angiography system, has received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This system is tailored to accommodate a broad spectrum of routine and advanced procedures in interventional radiology (IR) and cardiology. Moreover, its notable mechanical flexibility renders it applicable for various surgical interventions as well.
On 21 March 2024, Siemens Healthineers received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its CIARTIC Move, a mobile C-arm equipped with autonomous driving features. This system enhances the efficiency and standardization of 2D fluoroscopic imaging and 3D cone-beam CT scans for surgical teams in hospital and outpatient settings. By automating workflows, the CIARTIC Move streamlines the imaging process during surgeries, thereby improving consistency and reducing operation times. It is specifically designed for use in orthopedic, trauma, and spine surgeries and is adaptable for use in thoracic, vascular, cardiovascular, general surgeries, urology, and interventional pulmonology.
On 28 February 2024, Royal Philips, a prominent health technology company, introduced the Philips Image Guided Therapy Mobile C-arm System 9000 Zenition 90 Motorized. This new mobile C-arm is engineered to support surgeons in providing top-tier care to an increased number of patients. The system, enhanced to handle complex vascular conditions and various clinical operations such as cardiac procedures, pain management, and urology, is set to be commercially available starting in the second quarter of 2024. The automated processes enhance the flexibility and autonomy of surgeons, and intuitive motorization delivers enhanced control, while high-power (25 kW) capabilities support exceptional image quality, meeting the demands of complex vascular requirements and various clinical procedures.