
2024-2032 年按電晶體類型、半導體材料、連接模式、隔離技術、應用和地區分類的閘極驅動器 IC 市場報告

Gate Driver IC Market Report by Transistor Type, Semiconductor Material, Mode of Attachment, Isolation Technique, Application, and Region 2024-2032

出版日期: | 出版商: IMARC | 英文 145 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


2023年全球IMARC Group極驅動IC市場規模達15億美元。在快速城市化和基礎設施發展(特別是在新興經濟體)、全球範圍內對永續實踐的日益關注以及製造流程的持續技術進步的推動下,市場正在經歷穩定成長。


主要市場促進因素:電動車 (EV) 的採用增加了對閘極驅動器 IC 的需求,而閘極驅動器 IC 對於高效管理和供電至關重要。此外,再生能源系統(尤其是太陽能和風能)的支出不斷成長,增加了對智慧閘極驅動器 IC 的需求,以增強能源轉換和輸出。

主要市場趨勢:閘極驅動器 IC 市場的主要趨勢之一包括對支援小尺寸和整合方式的閘極驅動器 IC 需求的成長,以實現高性能和緊湊的系統尺寸。碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 技術也能夠提供更高的效率和熱性能。這些特性非常適合高性能電源應用。

地區趨勢:亞太地區是最大的市場,因為該地區擁有龐大的電子製造基地,以及中國和日本等國家電動車銷量的成長,使其成為重要的閘極驅動器 IC 市場。北美和歐洲市場也是可再生和尖端汽車技術的主要關注領域。


挑戰與機會:與開發碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 先進閘極驅動器 IC 相關的顯著複雜性和價格聯繫是重要的成長因素。然而,這也為具有成本效益的替代品的供應商提供了機會,以利用高效電源在各種應用中的日益普及。

閘極驅動器 IC 市場趨勢:

電動車 (EV) 的普及率不斷提高

電動車(EV)需求的不斷成長也是全球閘極驅動器IC市場成長的主要市場驅動力。全球多樣化的電動車示範企業不斷落地,清潔能源推廣正在成為全球標準,從而增加了電動車的銷售量。此外,在電動車 (EV) 動力系統中使用閘極驅動器 IC 可提高電動馬達和逆變器的性能,從而對電源管理和效率產生重大影響。根據市場研究報告,2023年全球電動車市場規模達2,560IMARC Group。因此,這極大地支持了閘極驅動器 IC 市場收入。此外,半導體領域的技術創新使得高性能閘極驅動器 IC 變得更小、更有效率,這有助於提高其在電動車領域的應用。此外,自動駕駛和連網汽車的發展也需要先進的電源管理解決方案。因此,這對市場有很大的支撐。


全球對太陽能和風能等再生能源的日益青睞,正在推動對閘極驅動器 IC 的需求。其中包括再生能源系統中使用的電源逆變器和轉換器。它確保將太陽能電池板和風力渦輪機產生的直流電經濟高效且可靠地轉換為符合電網要求的交流電。隨著各國政府和全球組織增加對再生能源基礎設施的投資,以應對氣候變遷並減少對化石燃料的依賴,對電力管理解決方案的需求也隨之增加。除此之外,由於精確的電力電子元件控制、提高的能源效率和提高的系統穩定性,閘極驅動器 IC 在實現再生能源系統性能和效率提高等應用方面發揮著重要作用。因此,這推動了閘極驅動器 IC 的需求。此外,由於智慧電網技術和利用再生能源的儲能系統的滲透,對更先進電力電子設備的需求不斷增加,正在推動市場發展。


工業自動化激增,智慧製造實務擴大被採用,這是推動閘極驅動器IC市場成長的主要因素。閘極驅動器 IC 對於現代工業應用中馬達驅動、機器人和自動機器的電力電子控制至關重要。這些 IC 能夠簡化電源管理、提高系統運作效能並提高自動化系統的可靠性。同時,對製造流程的精度、效率和靈活性的要求不斷提高,推動了閘極驅動器 IC 的採用。此外,市場對工業 4.0(推動數位技術整合到工業/生產營運)的日益關注也支持了對複雜電力電子解決方案的需求。閘極驅動器 IC 促進互連智慧工業設備的運行,以實現預測性維護、即時監控和節能。此外,半導體技術的不斷進步導致高性能閘極驅動器的推出,從而創造了積極的閘極驅動器 IC 市場前景。

閘極驅動器 IC 市場細分:

IMARC Group提供了全球閘極驅動器 IC 市場報告中各個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024 年至 2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據電晶體類型、半導體材料、連接方式、隔離技術和應用對市場進行了分類。





該報告根據電晶體類型對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括 MOSFET 和 IGBT。根據該報告,MOSFET 代表了最大的細分市場。

MOSFET(金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體)因其在電路中的廣泛應用以及MOSFET的高效能特性而成為電晶體的主導類型。由於其高效率、快速開關特性以及易於整合到各種電子電路中,這些電晶體在消費性電子和工業電源管理應用領域發揮著不可或缺的作用。根據閘極驅動器 IC 市場預測,對小型化和低能耗解決方案日益成長的需求正在推動 MOSFET 的採用,特別是在電動車和能源收集應用以及物聯網中理想應用的遠端控制設備中。此外,MOSFET 技術的改進,例如更好的熱處理和更低的導通電阻,正在增強 MOSFET 的耐用性和有效性,從而確立其在電晶體市場的領導地位。





報告還提供了基於半導體材料的市場的詳細細分和分析。這包括 Si、SiC 和 GaN。報告稱,Si佔據了最大的市場佔有率。

由於矽含量豐富、成本低廉且製造流程完善,矽 (Si) 是市場上最大的半導體材料領域。根據閘極驅動器 IC 市場報告,矽的重要品質在於其優異的電氣性能,包括高電子遷移率和穩定性,使其成為從微處理器到儲存晶片以及電源等大量半導體裝置的重要材料。 。其多功能性和可靠性幫助其在高性能材料多樣化領域確立了自己的地位,推動了包括消費性電子產品、汽車和工業應用在內的一系列領域的當代技術進步。此外,儘管碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 等替代材料已用於專門應用,但矽半導體製造方面的大量基礎設施是維持矽地位的另一個因素。






閘極驅動器 IC 市場概覽指出,分立元件是半導體市場的主導部分,因為它們滿足關鍵功能並實現電子電路設計所需的靈活性。單獨封裝的罐內包含電晶體、二極體和電阻器,這為設計人員提供了客製化和微調電路性能中某些參數的機會。由於分立連接是一種可以精細控制組件放置位置及其性能的方法,因此對於汽車、工業和消費應用等高可靠性和高功率應用至關重要。此外,對分立元件的持續需求源自於更換和維修這些元件的簡單過程以及它們與各種電路板設計的兼容性。這種靈活性和適應性使分立元件能夠繼續引領閘極驅動器 IC 產業,滿足現代電子產品提出的多樣化和異構要求。










































  • 迄今為止,全球閘極驅動器IC市場表現如何,未來幾年又將如何表現?
  • 全球閘極驅動器 IC 市場的促進因素、限制因素和機會是什麼?
  • 每個促進因素、限制因素和機會對全球閘極驅動器 IC 市場有何影響?
  • 主要區域市場有哪些?
  • 哪些國家代表了最具吸引力的閘極驅動器 IC 市場?
  • 根據電晶體類型的市場分類是怎樣的?
  • 閘極驅動器 IC 市場中哪種電晶體類型最具吸引力?
  • 基於半導體材料的市場區隔如何?
  • 柵極驅動IC市場中哪一種半導體材料最具吸引力?
  • 基於依附模式的市場分割是什麼?
  • 閘極驅動器 IC 市場中哪種連接方式最具吸引力?
  • 基於隔離技術的市場區隔是什麼?
  • 閘極驅動器 IC 市場中哪種隔離技術最具吸引力?
  • 基於應用程式的市場區隔是什麼?
  • 柵極驅動IC市場中最有吸引力的應用是什麼?
  • 市場競爭結構如何?
  • 全球閘極驅動器 IC 市場的主要參與者/公司有哪些?



第 2 章:範圍與方法

  • 研究目的
  • 利害關係人
  • 資料來源
    • 主要資源
    • 二手資料
  • 市場預測
    • 自下而上的方法
    • 自上而下的方法
  • 預測方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:簡介

  • 概述
  • 主要行業趨勢

第 5 章:全球閘極驅動器 IC 市場

  • 市場概況
  • 市場業績
  • COVID-19 的影響
  • 市場預測

第 6 章:市場區隔:按電晶體類型

  • 場效管
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • IGBT
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 7 章:市場區隔:依半導體材料

    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 碳化矽
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 氮化鎵
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 8 章:市場區隔:依依附模式

  • 片上
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 離散的
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 9 章:市場區隔:透過隔離技術

  • 磁隔離
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 電容隔離
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 光隔離
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 10 章:市場區隔:按應用

  • 住宅
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 工業的
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 商業的
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 11 章:市場區隔:按地區

  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
  • 亞太
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 韓國
    • 澳洲
    • 印尼
    • 其他
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 法國
    • 英國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 俄羅斯
    • 其他
  • 拉丁美洲
    • 巴西
    • 墨西哥
    • 其他
  • 中東和非洲
    • 市場走向
    • 市場細分:按國家/地區
    • 市場預測

第 12 章:SWOT 分析

  • 概述
  • 優勢
  • 弱點
  • 機會
  • 威脅

第 13 章:價值鏈分析

第 14 章:波特五力分析

  • 概述
  • 買家的議價能力
  • 供應商的議價能力
  • 競爭程度
  • 新進入者的威脅
  • 替代品的威脅

第 15 章:價格分析


  • 市場結構
  • 關鍵參與者
  • 關鍵參與者簡介
    • Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device Ltd. (Hitachi Ltd.)
    • Infineon Technologies AG
    • Microchip Technology Inc.
    • Mouser Electronics (TTI Inc., Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)
    • NXP Semiconductors NV
    • Onsemi
    • Renesas Electronics Corporation
    • Rohm Semiconductor
    • Semtech Corporation
    • STMicroelectronics
    • Texas Instruments Incorporated
    • Toshiba Corporation
Product Code: SR112024A5756

The global gate driver IC market size reached US$ 1.5 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 2.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% during 2024-2032. The market is experiencing steady growth driven by rapid urbanization and infrastructural development, particularly in emerging economies, the rising focus on sustainable practices across the globe, and continuous technological advancements in manufacturing processes.

Gate Driver IC Market Analysis:

Major Market Drivers: The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) escalates the demand for gate driver ICs which are indispensable in managing and delivering power efficiently. Moreover, the growing spending on renewable energy systems, especially solar and wind, increases the demand for smart gate driver ICs to enhance energy conversions and output.

Key Market Trends: One of the major gate driver IC market trends includes the rise in the demand for gate driver ICs supporting small size and integration means to enable high performance and compact system size. Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) technologies are also able to provide greater efficiency and thermal performance. These characteristics are ideal for high-performance power applications.

Geographical Trends: The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market due to a large electronics manufacturing base, and the growth in EV sales in countries such as China and Japan, making it a significant gate driver IC market. North American and European markets, as well are major focus areas in renewable and cutting-edge automotive technologies.

Competitive Landscape: According to the gate driver IC market analysis, the market is competitive with Infineon Technologies, Texas Instruments, and ON Semiconductor being the key leading innovators trying to maintain their market positions. To enhance their product portfolio and presence in the market companies use strategies, such as mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnerships.

Challenges and Opportunities: The significant complexity and price linkage associated with developing silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) advanced gate driver ICs represent significant growth factors. However, this also provides opportunities for vendors with cost-effective substitutes to capitalize on the rising adoption of high-efficiency power supplies in various applications.

Gate Driver IC Market Trends:

Increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs)

Increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is also a major market driver for the growth of the global gate driver IC market. Diverse EV demonstration enterprises around the world continue to be enforced and clean energy promotion is becoming a global standard, which in turn is increasing the sales of EVs. Additionally, the use of gate driver ICs in electric vehicle (EV) powertrains has a significant impact on power management and efficiency by improving the performance of electric motors and inverters. According to a market research report, the global electric vehicle market size reached 25.6 million units in 2023. IMARC Group expects the market to reach 381.3 million units by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 34% during 2024-2032. Therefore, this is significantly supporting the gate driver IC market revenue. Furthermore, technological innovation in the field of semiconductors has allowed high-performance gate driver ICs to become smaller and more efficient which is helping increase their implementation in the EV sector. In addition, the roll towards autonomous and connected vehicles also necessitates advanced power management solutions. Therefore, this is significantly supporting the market.

Growing demand for renewable energy systems

The escalating inclination toward renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power, at the global level, is propelling the demand for gate driver ICs. These include power inverters and converters used in renewable energy systems. It secures cost-effective and reliable transformation from DC power produced by solar panels and wind turbines into grid-compliant AC power. As governments and global organizations are investing more in renewable energy infrastructures to fight climate change and reduce dependency on fossil fuels, more need for power management solutions arises. Along with this, the gate driver ICs play an important role in enabling applications such as renewable energy system performance and efficiency improvements due to precise power electronic device control, increased energy efficiency, and improved system stability. Thus, this is propelling the gate driver IC demand. Moreover, the accelerating need for more advanced power electronics resulting from the penetration of smart grid technologies and energy storage systems utilizing renewable energy sources is propelling the market.

Advancements in industrial automation

Industrial automation has proliferated, and smart manufacturing practices are increasingly being adopted, which are major factors driving the gate driver IC market growth. Gate driver ICs are crucial to controlling power electronics in motor drives, robotics, and automatic machines in modern industrial applications. These ICs enable power management to be streamlined, improve system performance in operation, and increase the reliability of automated systems. Along with this, the rising requirement for precision, efficiency, and flexibility in manufacturing processes is driving the adoption of gate driver ICs. Furthermore, increasing market focus on Industry 4.0 (driving for integration of digital technologies into industrial/production operations) is also supporting the demand for sophisticated power electronics solutions. Gate driver ICs facilitate the operation of interconnected, smart industrial devices for predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and energy savings. Further, ongoing advancements in semiconductor technologies are resulting in the introduction of high-performance gate drivers which is creating a positive gate driver IC market outlook.

Gate Driver IC Market Segmentation:

IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global gate driver IC market report, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels from 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on transistor type, semiconductor material, mode of attachment, isolation technique, and application.

Breakup by Transistor Type:



MOSFET dominates the market

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the transistor type. This includes MOSFET and IGBT. According to the report, MOSFET represented the largest segment.

MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are the leading type of transistors due to their wide field of application in circuits and the high-performance characteristics of MOSFET. Due to their high efficiency, fast switching properties, and ease of integration into various electronic circuits, these transistors play an indispensable role in the field of consumer electronics and industrial power management applications. According to the gate driver IC market forecast, the increasing need for miniaturization and low-energy solutions is driving the adoption of MOSFETs, particularly in electric vehicles and energy harvesting applications, and remote-control devices which find ideal applications in IoT. Furthermore, improvements in MOSFET technology, such as better thermal handling and lowered on-state resistance are enhancing the durability and effectiveness of MOSFETs, thereby establishing their leadership in the transistor market.

Breakup by Semiconductor Material:




Si holds the largest share of the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the semiconductor material has also been provided in the report. This includes Si, SiC, and GaN. According to the report, Si accounted for the largest market share.

Silicon (Si) is the largest semiconductor material segment in the market, due to the abundance of silicon, low cost, and well-established manufacturing processes. According to the gate driver IC market report, the qualities that make silicon important are its excellent electrical properties, including its high electron mobility and stability, making it an essential material for a vast number of semiconductor devices, from microprocessors to memory chips, and power electronics. Its versatility and reliability have helped establish its place in the diversification of high-performing materials in the advancement of contemporary technologies across a range of sectors, including consumer electronics to automotive and industrial applications. Furthermore, the vast amount of infrastructure on silicon semiconductor fabrication has been another factor that has sustained silicon's position, despite alternative materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) materializing for specialized applications.

Breakup by Mode of Attachment:



Discrete holds the largest share of the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the mode of attachment has also been provided in the report. This includes on-chip and discrete. According to the report, discrete accounted for the largest market share.

The gate driver IC market overview states that discrete devices are the dominant segment in the semiconductor market, as they fulfil the key functions and enable the flexibility required in electronic circuit design. Contained within the individually packaged canisters are transistors, diodes, and resistors, which provide the designer with the opportunity to tailor and fine-tune certain parameters in the circuit performance. As discrete attachment is a method that allows fine control over where to place components and how they will perform, it is crucial for high-reliability and high-power applications such as automotive, industrial, and consumer applications. In addition, continued demand for discrete components stems from the straightforward process of replacing and repairing these components, and their compatibility with a variety of circuit board designs. This flexibility and adaptability enable discrete components to continue leading the gate driver IC industry, serving the varied and heterogeneous requirements created by modern electronics.

Breakup by Isolation Technique:

Magnetic Isolation

Capacitive Isolation

Optical Isolation

Optical isolation dominates the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the isolation technique has also been provided in the report. This includes magnetic isolation, capacitive isolation, optical isolation. According to the report, optical isolation accounted for the largest market share.

Optical isolation is the market segment holding the largest portion of the market share as it is one of the gate driver IC market recent developments that is capable of providing electrical isolation and signal transmission between different parts of the circuit. Using light to transfer information over an isolation barrier ensures that the high voltage side cannot directly affect the control side of the system, both protecting any sensitive electronics and the user. In addition, traditional applications include optical isolators for use in industrial automation, power supplies, and communication systems, where these devices are valued for their ability to operate at high temperatures and their low noise susceptibility. Moreover, the rising need for sophisticated electronic systems with increasing security features and better signal clarity influences the demand for optical isolation and reaffirms its market dominance. Additionally, improvements in the technology of the optoelectronic components and devices are continuously enhancing the performance and efficiency of the optical isolators, acting as gate driver IC market recent opportunities.

Breakup by Application:




A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application have also been provided in the report. This includes residential, industrial, and commercial.

Breakup by Region:

North America

United States






South Korea







United Kingdom





Latin America




Middle East and Africa

Asia Pacific exhibits a clear dominance, accounting for the largest gate driver IC market share

The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Asia Pacific represented the largest market.

The Asia-Pacific region leads the market size, mainly due to its operational efficiencies and august supply chains, and the growth prospects in advancements owing to immense investments in technology. The whole system is a production hub for electronics of all kinds including consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and electronics. In addition, the region's market command is further reinforced by an abundance of semiconductor fabrication plants and foundries as well as strong government backing and beneficial policies. Apart from this, the region is adopting sophisticated technology such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and electric vehicles at a rapid pace, and these types of advanced semiconductor components. Moreover, Asia Pacific, with the largest gate driver IC market share, maintains its position driven by its sustained investment in cumbersome R&D to accommodate the growing semiconductor manufacturing technology ecosystem globally.

Competitive Landscape:

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the gate driver IC industry include:

Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device Ltd. (Hitachi Ltd.)

Infineon Technologies AG

Microchip Technology Inc.

Mouser Electronics (TTI Inc., Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)

NXP Semiconductors N.V.


Renesas Electronics Corporation

Rohm Semiconductor

Semtech Corporation


Texas Instruments Incorporated

Toshiba Corporation

(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)

Major companies are investing in R&D to expand their capabilities and maintain a competitive edge. Additionally, the interest of gate driver IC companies is for innovations related to semiconductor materials (SiC, GaN) to allow top performance and energy saving in high-power applications. Along with this, the companies continue to explore strategic partnerships and collaborations to increase the market footprint and co-developing technology. Moreover, the accelerating investments into increasing manufacturing capacity, as well as in the development and adoption of advanced methodologies, such as EUV lithography allow the production of smaller and more performative chips. These actions are geared towards addressing escalating demand for chips drawn by newer technologies including 5G, artificial intelligence, and electric cars.

Gate Driver IC Market News:

June 06, 2024: Infineon Technologies AG launched OPTIGA(TM) Authenticate NBT, a high-performance NFC I2C bridge tag that enables one-tap authentication and secure IoT device design According to the company, it is the only asymmetric cryptography tag on the market as it signs and verifies the activities, and type by NFC platform Verified 4 tags.

April 19, 2024: Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device Ltd & Sagar Semiconductors Pvt. signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate in marketing high-power devices, including IGBTs and SiC as well as new product development and technology transfer related to high voltage diode. This collaboration is an effort to further strengthen the semiconductor ecosystem in India and supports the 'Make-in-India' initiative.

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

  • How has the global gate driver IC market performed so far, and how will it perform in the coming years?
  • What are the drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the global gate driver IC market?
  • What is the impact of each driver, restraint, and opportunity on the global gate driver IC market?
  • What are the key regional markets?
  • Which countries represent the most attractive gate driver IC market?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the transistor type?
  • Which is the most attractive transistor type in the gate driver IC market?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the semiconductor material?
  • Which is the most attractive semiconductor material in the gate driver IC market?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the mode of attachment?
  • Which is the most attractive mode of attachment in the gate driver IC market?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the isolation technique?
  • Which is the most attractive isolation technique in the gate driver IC market?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the application?
  • Which is the most attractive application in the gate driver IC market?
  • What is the competitive structure of the market?
  • Who are the key players/companies in the global gate driver IC market?

Table of Contents

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

  • 2.1 Objectives of the Study
  • 2.2 Stakeholders
  • 2.3 Data Sources
    • 2.3.1 Primary Sources
    • 2.3.2 Secondary Sources
  • 2.4 Market Estimation
    • 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
    • 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
  • 2.5 Forecasting Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Key Industry Trends

5 Global Gate Driver IC Market

  • 5.1 Market Overview
  • 5.2 Market Performance
  • 5.3 Impact of COVID-19
  • 5.4 Market Forecast

6 Market Breakup by Transistor Type

  • 6.1 MOSFET
    • 6.1.1 Market Trends
    • 6.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.2 IGBT
    • 6.2.1 Market Trends
    • 6.2.2 Market Forecast

7 Market Breakup by Semiconductor Material

  • 7.1 Si
    • 7.1.1 Market Trends
    • 7.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 7.2 SiC
    • 7.2.1 Market Trends
    • 7.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 7.3 GaN
    • 7.3.1 Market Trends
    • 7.3.2 Market Forecast

8 Market Breakup by Mode of Attachment

  • 8.1 On-Chip
    • 8.1.1 Market Trends
    • 8.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 8.2 Discrete
    • 8.2.1 Market Trends
    • 8.2.2 Market Forecast

9 Market Breakup by Isolation Technique

  • 9.1 Magnetic Isolation
    • 9.1.1 Market Trends
    • 9.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.2 Capacitive Isolation
    • 9.2.1 Market Trends
    • 9.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.3 Optical Isolation
    • 9.3.1 Market Trends
    • 9.3.2 Market Forecast

10 Market Breakup by Application

  • 10.1 Residential
    • 10.1.1 Market Trends
    • 10.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 10.2 Industrial
    • 10.2.1 Market Trends
    • 10.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 10.3 Commercial
    • 10.3.1 Market Trends
    • 10.3.2 Market Forecast

11 Market Breakup by Region

  • 11.1 North America
    • 11.1.1 United States
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.1.2 Canada
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 11.2 Asia-Pacific
    • 11.2.1 China
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.2 Japan
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.3 India
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.4 South Korea
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.5 Australia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.6 Indonesia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.2.7 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 11.3 Europe
    • 11.3.1 Germany
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.2 France
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.3 United Kingdom
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.4 Italy
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.5 Spain
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.6 Russia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.3.7 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 11.4 Latin America
    • 11.4.1 Brazil
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.4.2 Mexico
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 11.4.3 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 11.5 Middle East and Africa
    • 11.5.1 Market Trends
    • 11.5.2 Market Breakup by Country
    • 11.5.3 Market Forecast

12 SWOT Analysis

  • 12.1 Overview
  • 12.2 Strengths
  • 12.3 Weaknesses
  • 12.4 Opportunities
  • 12.5 Threats

13 Value Chain Analysis

14 Porters Five Forces Analysis

  • 14.1 Overview
  • 14.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • 14.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • 14.4 Degree of Competition
  • 14.5 Threat of New Entrants
  • 14.6 Threat of Substitutes

15 Price Analysis

16 Competitive Landscape

  • 16.1 Market Structure
  • 16.2 Key Players
  • 16.3 Profiles of Key Players
    • 16.3.1 Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device Ltd. (Hitachi Ltd.)
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 16.3.2 Infineon Technologies AG
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.3 Microchip Technology Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.4 Mouser Electronics (TTI Inc., Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 16.3.5 NXP Semiconductors N.V.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.6 Onsemi
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.7 Renesas Electronics Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.8 Rohm Semiconductor
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.9 Semtech Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
    • 16.3.10 STMicroelectronics
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 16.3.11 Texas Instruments Incorporated
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 16.3.12 Toshiba Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
  • Figure 2: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2018-2023
  • Figure 3: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 4: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Transistor Type (in %), 2023
  • Figure 5: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Semiconductor Material (in %), 2023
  • Figure 6: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Mode of Attachment (in %), 2023
  • Figure 7: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Isolation Technique (in %), 2023
  • Figure 8: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2023
  • Figure 9: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
  • Figure 10: Global: Gate Driver IC (MOSFET) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 11: Global: Gate Driver IC (MOSFET) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 12: Global: Gate Driver IC (IGBT) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 13: Global: Gate Driver IC (IGBT) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 14: Global: Gate Driver IC (Si) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 15: Global: Gate Driver IC (Si) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 16: Global: Gate Driver IC (SiC) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 17: Global: Gate Driver IC (SiC) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 18: Global: Gate Driver IC (GaN) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 19: Global: Gate Driver IC (GaN) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 20: Global: Gate Driver IC (On-Chip) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 21: Global: Gate Driver IC (On-Chip) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 22: Global: Gate Driver IC (Discrete) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 23: Global: Gate Driver IC (Discrete) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 24: Global: Gate Driver IC (Magnetic Isolation) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 25: Global: Gate Driver IC (Magnetic Isolation) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 26: Global: Gate Driver IC (Capacitive Isolation) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 27: Global: Gate Driver IC (Capacitive Isolation) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 28: Global: Gate Driver IC (Optical Isolation) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 29: Global: Gate Driver IC (Optical Isolation) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 30: Global: Gate Driver IC (Residential) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 31: Global: Gate Driver IC (Residential) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 32: Global: Gate Driver IC (Industrial) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 33: Global: Gate Driver IC (Industrial) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 34: Global: Gate Driver IC (Commercial) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 35: Global: Gate Driver IC (Commercial) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 36: North America: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 37: North America: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 38: United States: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 39: United States: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 40: Canada: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 41: Canada: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 42: Asia-Pacific: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 43: Asia-Pacific: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 44: China: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 45: China: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 46: Japan: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 47: Japan: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 48: India: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 49: India: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 50: South Korea: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 51: South Korea: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 52: Australia: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 53: Australia: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 54: Indonesia: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 55: Indonesia: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 56: Others: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 57: Others: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 58: Europe: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 59: Europe: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 60: Germany: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 61: Germany: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 62: France: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 63: France: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 64: United Kingdom: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 65: United Kingdom: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 66: Italy: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 67: Italy: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 68: Spain: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 69: Spain: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 70: Russia: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 71: Russia: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 72: Others: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 73: Others: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 74: Latin America: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 75: Latin America: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 76: Brazil: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 77: Brazil: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 78: Mexico: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 79: Mexico: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 80: Others: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 81: Others: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 82: Middle East and Africa: Gate Driver IC Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 83: Middle East and Africa: Gate Driver IC Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2023
  • Figure 84: Middle East and Africa: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 85: Global: Gate Driver IC Industry: SWOT Analysis
  • Figure 86: Global: Gate Driver IC Industry: Value Chain Analysis
  • Figure 87: Global: Gate Driver IC Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
  • Table 2: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Transistor Type (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 3: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Semiconductor Material (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 4: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Mode of Attachment (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 5: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Isolation Technique (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 6: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Application (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 7: Global: Gate Driver IC Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 8: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Competitive Structure
  • Table 9: Global: Gate Driver IC Market: Key Players