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2024-2032 年偏頭痛藥物市場報告(依治療類型、藥物類型、給藥途徑、配銷通路和地區)Migraine Drugs Market Report by Treatment Type, Drug Type, Route of Administration, Distribution Channel, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球偏頭痛藥物市場規模達42億美元。全球偏頭痛藥物市場的成長在很大程度上受到偏頭痛同化程度的提高、治療過程知識的不斷擴大、基於CGRP 的藥物等療法的開發、預防性治療的推廣以及新興市場不斷增加的擴張機會的推動。
主要市場促進因素:全球偏頭痛發病率的增加是偏頭痛藥物市場佔有率大幅成長的關鍵因素。對這種疾病的認知的提高和治療選擇的增加推動了對偏頭痛藥物的高需求。此外,主要參與者專注於開發 CGRP 治療等更健康治療方法的研發活動的興起,正在對市場趨勢產生積極影響。
競爭格局:偏頭痛藥物產業的一些主要市場參與者包括雅培實驗室、艾爾建公司(艾伯維公司)、安進公司、阿斯特捷利康公司、博士健康公司(原Valeant 製藥公司)、衛材有限公司、禮來公司、遠藤國際公司、葛蘭素史克公司、強生公司、默克公司、諾華公司、輝瑞公司、賽諾菲公司、梯瓦製藥工業有限公司等。
人們對偏頭痛及其極度致殘類型的認知的增加增加了偏頭痛藥物的需求。就其盛行率而言,遊客仍然未被診斷或治療不足。政府衛生機構(包括疾病管制與預防中心 (CDC))的主要作用是向人們提供有關偏頭痛的指導,從而導致尋求醫療支持的疾病人數增加。此外,隨著越來越多的人意識到有效治療的必要性,他們也促進了對治療的需求,從而推動了市場的成長。根據 CDC 的數據,在美國約有 20% 的女性和 9% 的男性患有偏頭痛。它佔人口的很大一部分。人們越來越認知到偏頭痛是一個重要的健康問題,這促使偏頭痛患者和醫療保健專業人員尋找最有前景的偏頭痛治療方法。
科學和藥物開發的不斷進步推動了偏頭痛藥物市場的收入。在製藥領域,針對偏頭痛患者的創新療法的研發是重要的工作量之一。這涉及使用功效、安全性和給藥方式優越的藥物,包括使用新的給藥系統或藥物製劑。根據美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 的資料,目前正在進行超過 100 項與偏頭痛治療相關的臨床試驗,這更證實了研究界正在緊接著尋找治療方法的觀點。每一項發現都開啟了一個新的市場,為患者提供了不同的選擇,治療方法也變得更好,改善了偏頭痛患者的生活條件。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據治療類型、藥物類型、給藥途徑和配銷通路對市場進行了分類。
預防性藥物在偏頭痛藥物市場中佔據主導地位,因為它已被證明有助於減少偏頭痛發作的頻率和強度,從而提高患者的生活品質。根據美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 的報告,美國 38% 的偏頭痛患者正在尋求預防性治療,但只有極少數人接受了治療。前者強調預防方法的連貫未滿足的必要性。由於偏頭痛持續存在,而且最好的治療藥物是預防性藥物,因此醫生和患者擴大使用預防性藥物來治療急性病例。因此,這種成長趨勢需要將預防方法作為偏頭痛管理的核心。
CGRP 單株抗體
報告還根據藥物類型對市場進行了詳細的細分和分析。這包括曲坦類、麥角生物鹼、NSAID、乙醯膽鹼抑制劑/神經毒素、ditans、CGRP mAb 等。報告稱,曲坦類藥物佔據最大的市場佔有率。
根據偏頭痛藥物市場預測,曲坦類藥物在市場上處於領先地位,因為偏頭痛藥物能夠快速緩解偏頭痛症狀,特別是頭痛、頸部疼痛、噁心以及對光和噪音敏感。例如,根據美國國家神經疾病和中風研究所 (NINDS) 的報告,曲坦類藥物在美國處方率最高,是美國醫生最常用於治療急性偏頭痛的藥物類別。它們透過刺激血管中的交感纖維和阻礙疼痛訊號傳遞到大腦來發揮作用。在美國,超過 20% 的女性和 9% 的男性有偏頭痛經歷,因此在曲坦類藥物等有效的急性治療方面仍然存在嚴重的住院護理缺口。它們的日益普及和醫療保健提供者的廣泛接受證明了它們在治療急性偏頭痛藥物市場中的地位,讓患者相信它們緩解疼痛的能力。
口服給藥途徑推動了偏頭痛藥物的市場價值,因為口服藥物使用方便且易於使用,患者可以在家中或旅途中自行進行治療,無需醫療監督。根據美國國家神經疾病和中風研究所 (NINDS) 的數據,口服藥物是醫療保健提供者最常用的偏頭痛治療方法。與其他途徑相比,其口服製劑還可以更快起效,有助於緩解急性偏頭痛患者的症狀。由於美國 20% 的女性和 9% 的男性患有偏頭痛,因此對口服治療的需求增加。這些治療的可及性和有效性使得口服藥物途徑的主導地位適用於偏頭痛藥物市場。
北美由於該地區疾病患病率高而佔據市場主導地位,而該地區擁有強大的醫療基礎設施和高額醫療支出,構成了市場成長的支柱。根據美國國家神經疾病和中風研究所 (NINDS) 的資料,每 10 個美國人就有 1 個患有偏頭痛。除此之外,北美有幾家大型製藥公司,主要從事抗偏頭痛藥物的開發,因此建立了一個有利於研究和產品開發的環境。此外,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)等政府機構為確保偏頭痛治療藥物的核准速度所做的努力也有助於該地區的市場擴張。因此,這些力量使北美保持在全球偏頭痛藥物行業的頂尖水平。
偏頭痛藥物市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。偏頭痛藥物產業的一些主要市場參與者包括雅培實驗室、艾爾建公司(艾伯維公司)、安進公司、阿斯特捷利康公司、博士健康公司(原Valeant 製藥公司)、衛材有限公司、禮來公司和公司、遠藤國際公司、葛蘭素史克公司、強生公司、默克公司、諾華公司、輝瑞公司、賽諾菲公司和梯瓦製藥工業有限公司。
偏頭痛藥物市場的主要參與者不斷致力於研發和商業化階段,旨在滿足偏頭痛患者的需求。安進(Amgen)、禮來(Eli Lilly) 和梯瓦製藥(Teva Pharmaceutical Industries) 等製藥公司正在推廣尖端療法,例如降鈣素基因相關胜肽(CGRP) 抑制劑和gepants,用於治療和預防急性偏頭痛。例如,根據美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 的偏頭痛藥物市場研究報告,這些公司目前正在招募參與者進行試驗,目的是評估藥物的安全性和有效性。制定這些各自的措施、提高人們對偏頭痛的整體認知以及獲得適當的治療也是這些公司的優先事項之一。
2022 年 2 月,Biohaven Pharmaceutical 和輝瑞公司在亞太地區進行的一項 3 期臨床試驗顯示了積極的頂線結果,該試驗旨在確定 rimegepant 在偏頭痛治療中的有效性。這項研究證明了 Rimegepant 對妊娠偏頭痛及其相關症狀的有效和安全應用。 Rimegepant 是一種針對降鈣素基因相關胜肽 (CGRP) 受體的小分子,已被證明可以有效快速結束急性偏頭痛發作。這些資料確定了亞洲國家地區偏頭痛患者治療可近性的重要一步,這可能會導致 Rimegepant 獲得監管部門的批准。
2022年1月,BioDelivery Sciences推出了偏頭痛治療領域的先鋒產品Elyxyb(塞來昔布口服溶液)。它是美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 批准的高效成人即用型口服溶液之一,可快速治療有先兆或無先兆的急性偏頭痛發作。 Elyxyb 的配方為液體形式,這使得患者可以快速、輕鬆地使用它,從而為他們提供了一種有效的方法來阻止偏頭痛症狀。這款新產品的推出體現了該公司對偏頭痛患者的努力和關注,過去偏頭痛患者的治療方法不足,現在這款新產品為他們提供了顯著改善生活品質的機會。
The global migraine drugs market size reached US$ 4.2 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 6.3 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3% during 2024-2032. The global migraine drugs market growth is significantly driven by the increasing assimilation of migraines, expanding knowledge of treatment processes, the development of therapies like CGRP-based drugs, the promotion of preventive treatments, and the rising expansion opportunities in emerging markets.
Major Market Drivers: The increasing incidence of migraines worldwide is the crucial factor for the significant growth in migraine drugs market share. The rise in recognition of the disease and the option for treatment is fueling the high demand for migraine medicines. Moreover, the rise of research and development activities by the main actors focusing on the development of healthier treatments such as CGRP treatment is having a positive effect on the market trend.
Key Market Trends: The migraine drug market trends include the increasing focus on preventive medications and the improvements in treatment pathways. Strategic actions of market players, for instance, new product launches and partnerships, have escalated the number of therapies and innovations in the field.
Geographical Trends: North America dominates the migraine drugs market due to the presence of key players, supportive reimbursement policies, and a focus on precision medicine in the region. The widespread rise of migraines and the growing focus on improving patient outcomes are other factors that contribute to the expansion of the market in this region.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the migraine drugs industry include Abbott Laboratories, Allergan Plc (Abbvie Inc.), Amgen Inc., AstraZeneca Plc, Bausch Health Companies Inc. (formerly Valeant Pharmaceuticals), Eisai Co. Ltd., Eli Lilly and Company, Endo International Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi SA, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The market faces challenges including the emergence of the side effects of medicines and the strict rules and regulations. Moreover, opportunities lie in expanding Asian countries, where the rate of migraine stays high and the development of new, more effective medieval treatments.
Increasing Awareness and Diagnosis
The increase in the perception of migraine headaches and their extremely disabling type of outcome has augmented the migraine drugs demand. As for its prevalence, visitors continue to be undiagnosed or undertreated. The primary role of government health agencies, including, for example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is to instruct people about migraines resulting in the increased number of sick individuals who seek medical support. Additionally, as more people become aware of the necessity for efficient treatments, they also contribute to the demand for treatments, which fuels the market growth. According to the CDC, there is approximately 20% of women and 9% of man who are suffering from migraines in the United States. It is a significant percentage of the population. This increasing appreciation of migraines as a significant health matter promotes both migraine patients and healthcare professionals to search for the most prospective migraine treatment variation.
Advancements in Drug Development
Ongoing improvement in scientific and drug development drives the migraine drugs market revenue. In the pharmaceutical sector, the research and development of innovative treatments for migraine sufferers present one of the important workloads. This involves the use of medications that are superior in efficacy, safety, and administration modes, including the use of new delivery systems or drug formulations. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) data, over 100 clinical trials associated with migraine treatment are currently ongoing, which only strengthens the view that the research community is hot on the heels in search of the treatment. Every discovery opens a new market niche in which different options are becoming available for patients, and the treatment becomes better, improving the living conditions of migraineurs people.
Rising Healthcare Expenditure
The rising healthcare expenditure around the world is creating a positive migraine drug market outlook. The governments and the private methods are concentrating more and more funds on the prevention and reduction of diseases like migraines which are known to imminently affect healthcare systems and society. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide healthcare spending has been experiencing a constant trend of expansion, largely to deal with chronic disease management conditions. As a result, these people gain easier access to the healthcare industry services and cures, escalating the demand for migraine medicine. This pattern is the most prominent in the emerging markets, in which migraines are getting more widespread and this in turn provides specific avenues for pharmaceutical companies in terms of the therapies and interventions they provide for managing the symptoms of migraines.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on treatment type, drug type, route of administration, and distribution channel.
Abortive Treatment
Preventive Treatment
Preventive treatment accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the treatment type. This includes abortive treatment and preventive treatment. According to the report, preventive treatment represented the largest segment.
Preventive dominates the migraine drugs market as it has proved to help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, thereby improving the quality of life of the patients. As per the reports of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 38% of migraineurs in the United States are looking for preventive treatment, whereas only a marginal section of them receives it. The former emphasizes the coherent unmet necessity for preventive methods. Driven by the fact that migraines are constant and that the best medicine against them is a preventative one, there has been an increasing trend among doctors and patients to use preventive medications for acute cases. So, this growing trend requires preventive approaches as the core of migraine management.
Ergot Alkaloids
Acetylcholine Inhibitors/ Neurotoxins
Triptans hold the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the drug type have also been provided in the report. This includes triptans, ergot alkaloids, NSAIDs, acetylcholine inhibitors/neurotoxins, ditans, CGRP mAbs, and others. According to the report, triptans accounted for the largest market share.
Based on the migraine drugs market forecast, triptans leads the market as migraine drugs are rooted in their ability to provide speedy relief from migraine symptoms, with special emphasis on headaches, neck pain, nausea as well as sensitivity to light and noise. For instance, as per the reports of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) triptans, which has the highest prescription rate in the US, is the class of medication most commonly used by doctors for acute migraine treatment in the United States. They exert their effect by exciting sympathetic fibers in the blood vessels and by obstructing the passage of pain signals to the brain. With more than 20% of women and 9% of men with migraine experience in the U.S., there is still critical inpatient care gaps in effective acute treatments like triptans. Their growing popularity and widespread acceptance among healthcare providers prove their place in the migraine drugs market for acute attacks treatment, allowing patients trust their abilities to relieve pain.
Oral represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the route of administration. This includes oral, injectable, and others. According to the report, oral represented the largest segment.
Oral route of administration drives the migraine drugs market value due to the convenience and ease of use of oral medications that allow patients to self-administer the treatment at home or on the go without medical supervision. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), oral medications are the most frequently used treatment for migraine by healthcare providers. Its oral formulation also results in a faster onset of action compared to other routes, which facilitates relief for patients who are amid an acute migraine attack. Due to the existence of migraines among 20% of US women and 9% of men, there has been a rise in demand for oral treatments. The accessibility and effectiveness of these treatments make the dominance of the oral drug route applicable to the migraine drugs market.
Hospital-Based Pharmacies
Retail Pharmacies
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the distribution channel have also been provided in the report. This includes hospital-based pharmacies, retail pharmacies, and others.
Hospital-based pharmacies are hospital-based and are situated in hospitals, offering medicinal products and pharmaceutical services to inpatients and outpatients. In the migraine drugs markets, hospital-based pharmacies play a vital role in making emergency departments or outpatient clinics accessible to acute migraine treatment patients. They have an expanded variety of medications in stock, that include triptans and other substances that are specific to the treatment of migraine. This ensures quick access and administration to acute migraine patients.
Retail pharmacies are pharmacies that are located in commercial and residential neighborhoods and offer prescription and over-the-counter drugs to the public. Alongside retail pharmacies, migraine patients who need both acute and preventive treatments turn to these pharmacies to access their drugs as it is a key point of care. They render counseling and support to patients, which is important for the correct usage of medicines and strict follow-up of treatment regimens. As retail pharmacies offer convenience that, they are emerging as key players in the distribution and availability of migraine medications by taking care of the migraine sufferers, even in distinct communities around.
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest migraine drugs market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represented the largest market for migraine drugs.
North America dominates the market due to the high prevalence of diseases in the area, whereas the region boasts of a robust healthcare infrastructure and high healthcare spending, which form the backbone for market growth. Based on data from the U.S National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), one out of every 10 Americans have migraines. Apart from that, North America has several big pharmaceutical companies that mainly deal with the development of anti-migraine drugs therefore setting up an environment that allows for research and product development. In addition, efforts by government agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure the speed of approval of drugs for the treatment of migraines also contribute to the region's market spreading. As a result, these forces keep North America at the top level of the worldwide migraine drugs industry.
The migraine drugs market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the migraine drugs industry include Abbott Laboratories, Allergan Plc (Abbvie Inc.), Amgen Inc., AstraZeneca Plc, Bausch Health Companies Inc. (formerly Valeant Pharmaceuticals), Eisai Co. Ltd., Eli Lilly and Company, Endo International Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi SA and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
The key players in the migraine drugs market are constantly working on the research and development and commercialization stages and aim at fulfilling the needs of the migraine sufferers. Pharmaceutical concerns such as Amgen, Eli Lilly, and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries are among the industry players that are promoting cutting-edge therapies, for instance, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors and gepants, for both treatment of acute migraines and prophylaxis. For instance, as per the migraine drugs market research U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that the companies are currently enrolling participants for trials whose purpose is to evaluate the drugs for their safety and efficacy. The development of these respective initiatives, the rising of awareness about migraines in general, and access to proper treatment are also among the priorities of these companies.
In February 2022, Biohaven Pharmaceutical and Pfizer revealed positive top-line results with a Phase 3 clinical trial, which was conducted in the Asia-Pacific region and aimed to determine rimegepant's effectiveness in the option of migraine treatment. This study demonstrated effective and safe rimegepant application for pregnant migraine and its associated symptoms. Rimegepant, a tiny molecule targeting calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptors, proved to be effective in ending acute migraine attacks speedily. The data ascertains a momentous step in migraine sufferers' therapeutic accessibility progress in the Asian national region, which could potentially lead to regulatory approval of rimegepant.
In January 2022, BioDelivery Sciences introduced Elyxyb (celecoxib oral solution) which is pioneering in the field of migraine treatment. It is among the highly effective adult ready-to-use oral solutions approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a quick remedy for acute migraine attacks either with or without aura. Elyxyb's formulation comes in a liquid form, which makes its application fast and easy for the patients, thus providing them with an efficient approach to stop the symptoms of migraines. The introduction of this novel product reflects the company's effort and concern toward migraine patients, who had inadequate treatment methods at their disposal in the past, now this new product offers them the chance to improve their quality of life significantly.