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遮陽系統市場報告按產品類型(百葉窗、遮陽簾、百葉窗、紡織品)、幾何形狀(水平、垂直、蛋箱)、機構(固定、手動、電動)、材料(金屬、玻璃、木材等)、和地區2024-2032Solar Shading Systems Market Report by Product Type (Blinds, Shades, Louvers, Textiles), Geometry (Horizontal, Vertical, Egg-Crate), Mechanism (Fixed, Manual, Motorized), Material (Metal, Glass, Wood, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年,全球遮陽系統市場規模達117億美元。對建築節能解決方案不斷成長的需求、嚴格的建築法規和標準的實施、各種技術進步以及綠色建築實踐的興起推動了市場的發展。
主要市場促進因素:能源成本的上升和永續發展意識的提高正在推動對節能解決方案的需求。此外,綠色建築實踐和 LEED 等認證的日益普及正在推動遮陽系統市場的成長。
競爭格局:一些主要的遮陽系統公司包括 Duco Ventilation & Sun Control、Glasscon GmbH、Hunter Douglas Inc.、Insolroll Corporate、Kawneer (Arconic Corporation)、Lutron Electronics Co. Inc、Skyco Shading Systems Inc.、Springs Window Fashions 、Unicel Architectural Corp.、WAREMA Renkhoff SE. 等。
能源效率是住宅和商業業主的一個重要考慮因素。遮陽解決方案透過降低人工冷卻的需求,為節能做出了巨大貢獻。這些系統透過吸收或反射太陽輻射來幫助維持理想的室內溫度,從而減少對空調的需求。這減少了能源費用和建築物對環境的影響。在嚴格的政府法律和環境計畫的推動下,人們對綠建築實踐的認知和接受度不斷提高,也增加了對遮陽系統的需求。隨著越來越多的建築業主和開發商看到長期的成本節約和環境效益,遮陽系統的市場可能會大幅成長。根據《美國新聞與世界報道》報道,美國的能源效率提高了 4%,超過了全球平均效率,根據《通貨膨脹減少法案》為這一目標撥款了 860 億美元。
氣候變遷和日益成長的環境問題是遮陽系統產業的重要驅動力。隨著全球氣溫上升和天氣模式變得更加多變,對建築物內有效氣候管理的需求不斷成長。根據 CBC 加拿大廣播電台報道,加拿大東部部分地區,包括安大略省和魁北克省,熱浪和熱帶夜晚(定義為夜間溫度 20 攝氏度或更高)更加頻繁。例如,根據加拿大氣候圖集,從1976 年到2005 年,多倫多的熱帶夜晚數量平均每年約為6.9 個。至每年17.6 個。遮陽系統透過降低建築物的熱負荷、減少對能源密集型冷卻系統的需求,在緩解氣候變遷的後果方面發揮重要作用。這有助於減少溫室氣體排放,並符合全球環境目標。此外,政府和環保組織鼓勵使用環保建築措施,例如遮陽系統。綠建築的稅收減免、激勵措施和認證計劃鼓勵業主和開發商投資這些系統,從而增加了遮陽系統的需求。
IMARC Group提供了每個細分市場的主要趨勢分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、區域和國家層面的預測。我們的報告根據產品類型、幾何結構、機制和材料對市場進行了分類。
百葉窗具有高度的通用性和可自訂性,使其成為住宅和商業環境中各種用途的理想選擇。垂直、水平、百葉窗和捲簾是眾多可用品種之一,每種都有自己的優點。該系列使客戶能夠選擇最能滿足其獨特要求的百葉窗,無論是為了光控制、隱私還是美學吸引力。此外,百葉窗可由多種材料製成,包括木材、金屬和織物,從而提供額外的個人選擇。這種對各種室內風格和功能要求的適應性極大地促進了它們的流行和市場主導地位。此外,長期節省能源費用使太陽能百葉窗對於尋求解決不斷上漲的帳單問題的住宅和商業業主來說是一項有吸引力的投資。根據《富比士》雜誌報道,美國人平均每月支付 429.33 美元的水電費。美國勞工統計局發布的消費者物價上漲資料顯示,2022年,消費者平均電費比2021年增加14.3%,是整體價格上漲6.5%的兩倍多。
水平遮陽系統透過最大限度地減少太陽得熱來減少人工冷卻的需要,從而減少能源使用和費用。它們的創建可以提高建築物的建築美學,使其在現代和當代設計中具有吸引力。這些系統還可以進行修改,以限制進入空間的陽光量,從而實現更大的光管理靈活性並提高室內舒適度。廣泛應用於辦公大樓、商業綜合體、現代住宅等。根據永續系統中心的數據,到 2050 年,商業建築建築面積預計將達到 1,246 億平方英尺,比 2022 年增加 29%,這進一步增加了對水平百葉窗的需求。
電動系統主導市場。智慧家庭和智慧建築管理系統(BMS)的日益普及是電動遮陽系統佔據主導地位的另一個重要面向。根據IMARC Group預測,到 2032 年,全球智慧家庭市場預計將達到 3,456 億美元,2024-2032 年複合年成長率 (CAGR) 為 10.87%。這些系統可以輕鬆地與各種智慧型裝置和BMS連接,從而可以根據即時資料進行自動修改。例如,電動遮陽簾可以編程為在日照高峰時段下降,以防止熱量增加,或在早上升高以允許自然光進入。需求。
北美,特別是美國和加拿大,擁有先進的基礎設施和較高的技術採用率,這極大地促進了該地區在遮陽系統市場的主導地位。該地區擁有完善的建築業,很容易融入創新的建築技術,包括遮陽系統。北美建築商和開發商專注於永續和節能的建築實踐,是先進遮陽解決方案的早期採用者。由於擁有尖端技術和重視創新的市場,自動化和感測器控制的遮陽系統等智慧技術的整合在該地區更為普遍。此外,北美的監管框架是推動市場佔有率的另一個關鍵因素。聯邦和州政府均實施了嚴格的能源效率標準和建築規範。 《降低通膨法案》刺激了清潔能源熱潮,為私部門清潔能源公告貢獻了超過 3,600 億美元。根據該法案,在 2023 年安裝上述技術的美國人可以在 2024 年 4 月 15 日到期的納稅申報表上申請抵免。 ,每年平均節省500 美元的能源費用。
遮陽系統市場研究報告也對市場競爭格局進行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的詳細資料。遮陽系統產業的一些主要市場參與者包括 Duco Ventilation & Sun Control、Glasscon GmbH、Hunter Douglas Inc.、Insolroll Corporate、Kawneer (Arconic Corporation)、Lutron Electronics Co. Inc、Skyco Shading Systems Inc.、Springs Window Fashions、Unicel Architectural Corp. 和WAREMA Renkhoff SE。
2023 年 3 月,威盧克斯集團推出了 Nature Collection 屋頂百葉窗,與標準威盧克斯百葉窗相比,碳足跡降低了 50%。百葉窗型材由 Hydro* CIRCAL 75R 鋁製成,其中至少含有 75% 的回收消費後鋁廢料。窗簾紡織品由 50% 再生紡織品製成,到 2023 年,這一比例將增加到 100% 再生紡織品。低碳鋁的減碳效果最大。
The global solar shading systems market size reached US$ 11.7 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 15.5 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 3.1% during 2024-2032. The market is propelled by the growing demand for energy-efficient solutions in buildings, the implementation of stringent building regulations and standards, various technological advancements, and rise of green building practices.
Major Market Drivers: Rising energy costs and heightened awareness about sustainability are driving demand for energy-efficient solutions. Besides, the increasing popularity of green building practices and certifications like LEED is boosting the solar shading systems market growth.
Key Market Trends: Innovations in solar shading technology, such as smart and automated shading systems, are enhancing the efficiency and convenience of these solutions which also represents the key market trend.
Geographical Trends: The North America market is witnessing significant growth due to stringent energy regulations, widespread adoption of green building standards, and high awareness about energy efficiency. Besides, Europe also remains a key market driven by strong regulatory support for energy-efficient buildings and a mature green building industry.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major solar shading systems companies include Duco Ventilation & Sun Control, Glasscon GmbH, Hunter Douglas Inc., Insolroll Corporate, Kawneer (Arconic Corporation), Lutron Electronics Co. Inc, Skyco Shading Systems Inc., Springs Window Fashions, Unicel Architectural Corp., WAREMA Renkhoff SE., among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: As per solar shading systems market forecast, high initial installation costs and the complexity of integrating solar shading systems with existing building infrastructure pose significant challenges. Advancements in smart shading technologies and increased adoption of IoT in building management present significant opportunities for market growth.
Rising awareness about energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is an important consideration for both residential and commercial property owners. Solar shading solutions contribute greatly to energy savings by lowering the demand for artificial cooling. These systems help maintain ideal indoor temperatures by absorbing or reflecting solar radiation, decreasing the need for air conditioning. This reduces energy bills and the environmental impact of buildings. The increased awareness and acceptance of green construction practices, fueled by severe government laws and environmental programs, has also boosted demand for solar shading systems. As more building owners and developers see the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits, the market for solar shading systems is likely to grow substantially. As per the US News, in the U.S., energy efficiency is beating the global average efficiency improvement rate at 4%, with $86 Billion allocated for the goal under the Inflation Reduction Act.
Increasing construction activities
The global growth in construction activity, particularly in metropolitan areas, is a major driver of the solar shading systems market. As cities grow and new buildings are constructed, the demand for modern, energy-efficient infrastructure increases. Solar shading systems are increasingly being used into new building designs to meet energy efficiency goals while also improving occupant comfort. The move toward high-rise buildings and smart cities, particularly in emerging nations, is also driving up demand. For instance, Singapore's Smart Nation initiative has transformed the city-state into one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world and is unique in its holistic approach to smart city development. Similarly, Amsterdam's Smart City program is a comprehensive approach to sustainability, innovation, and quality of life. It focuses on areas such as mobility, energy, and circular economy, and has resulted in notable achievements such as the reduction of CO2 emissions and the development of new smart mobility solutions. Furthermore, retrofitting existing buildings with innovative shading technologies is becoming a popular technique for increasing energy efficiency and lowering operating costs. The construction industry's emphasis on sustainability and green building certifications is accelerating the implementation of solar shading solutions.
Rising climate changes
Climate change and increased environmental concerns are important drivers in the solar shading systems industry. As global temperatures rise and weather patterns become more variable, the demand for effective climate management within buildings grows. As per CBC Radio Canada, parts of eastern Canada, including Ontario and Quebec, are seeing more frequent heat waves and tropical nights, defined as nighttime temperatures 20 C or higher. For example, according to theClimate Atlas of Canada, the number of tropical nights in Toronto averaged roughly 6.9 annually from 1976 to 2005. With climate change, under a scenario where carbon emissions decline substantially, that is expected to climb to 17.6 annually from 2021 to 2050. From 2051 to 2080, under the two different scenarios for emissions, the average number would rise to 26.4 and 42.8 respectively. Solar shading systems play an important role in mitigating the consequences of climate change by lowering the heat load on buildings, reducing the need for energy-intensive cooling systems. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and corresponds with global environmental goals. Furthermore, governments and environmental organizations encourage the use of eco-friendly building measures, such as solar shading systems. Tax breaks, incentives, and certification schemes for green buildings encourage property owners and developers to invest in these systems, thus escalating the solar shading systems demand.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on product type, geometry, mechanism and material.
Blinds accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the product type. This includes blinds, shades, louvers, and textiles. According to the report, blinds represented the largest segment.
Blinds are highly versatile and customizable, making them ideal for a variety of uses in both residential and commercial settings. Vertical, horizontal, Venetian, and roller blinds are among the many varieties available, each with its own set of advantages. This range enables customers to select blinds that best meet their unique requirements, whether they are for light control, privacy, or aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, blinds can be made of a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and fabric, allowing additional personalization options. This adaptability to various interior styles and functional requirements contributes considerably to their popularity and market dominance. Additionally, the long-term savings on energy bills make solar blinds an attractive investment for both residential and commercial property owners who are seeking solutions to rising bills. According to the FORBES MAGAZINE, Americans pay an average of $429.33 per month for their utility bills. In 2022, consumers on average paid 14.3% more for electricity than in 2021, which is more than double the overall 6.5% rise in prices, according to Consumer Price Increase data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the geometry have also been provided in the report. This includes horizontal, vertical, and egg-crate.
Horizontal shading systems reduce the need for artificial cooling by minimizing solar heat gain, resulting in decreased energy usage and expenses. They can be created to improve the architectural aesthetics of buildings, making them attractive in modern and contemporary designs. These systems can also be modified to limit the quantity of sunlight that enters a space, allowing for greater light management flexibility and improved interior comfort. They are widely used in office buildings, commercial complexes, and modern residential buildings. As per Centers for Sustainable Systems, by 2050, commercial building floor space is expected to reach 124.6 billion square feet, a 29% increase from 2022, which is further escalating the demand for horizontal blinds.
Vertical systems are excellent at blocking strong sunlight from lower angles, which is especially useful in the mornings and late afternoons. They give a layer of privacy without fully blocking the view, making them ideal for residential and office buildings. These technologies strike a mix between aesthetics and usefulness, adding to the building's architecture while also increasing energy efficiency.
The combination of horizontal and vertical elements makes egg-crate systems highly efficient in blocking direct sunlight from all angles. By reducing solar heat gain significantly, these systems help maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, reducing the need for air conditioning. Moreover, egg-crate systems allow for better control of natural light, optimizing daylight penetration while minimizing glare.
Motorized represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the mechanism. This includes fixed, manual, and motorized. According to the report, motorized represented the largest segment.
Motorized systems dominate the market. The growing popularity of smart homes and intelligent building management systems (BMS) is another important aspect contributing to motorized solar shading systems' supremacy. As per IMARC Group, global smart homes market is expected to reach US$ 345.6 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 10.87% during 2024-2032. These systems can be effortlessly linked with a variety of smart devices and BMS, allowing for automated modifications based on real-time data. Motorized shades, for example, can be programmed to descend during peak sunshine hours in order to prevent heat gain or to raise in the morning to allow natural light in. This level of automation improves energy economy and meets the growing customer desire for smart, interconnected home environments, thus creating a favorable solar shading systems market outlook.
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the material have also been provided in the report. This includes metal, glass, wood, and others.
Metal solar shading systems are renowned for their durability and strength, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial buildings. Metals such as aluminum and steel are commonly used due to their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, including high winds and heavy rain. Their robustness ensures a long lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance. This durability translates into cost savings over time, appealing to cost-conscious consumers and developers looking for long-term solutions, thus increasing the solar shading systems market revenue.
Glass solar shading systems provide a seamless integration with modern building facades, offering a visually appealing solution that enhances natural light while providing shading. These systems are often used in high-end commercial buildings, offices, and luxury residences where aesthetics play a crucial role. Glass shading can include features like tinted, frosted, or patterned finishes, adding to the architectural elegance and sophistication of a building.
Wood solar shading systems offer a warm, natural aesthetic that can enhance the appearance of both residential and commercial buildings. The use of wood adds a touch of elegance and organic beauty, making these systems particularly popular in settings that prioritize natural materials and sustainability. Wood can be used in various finishes and treatments, providing a range of design options to suit different architectural styles.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest solar shading systems market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America was the largest regional market for solar shading systems.
North America, particularly the United States and Canada, boasts advanced infrastructure and a high rate of technological adoption, which significantly contribute to the region's dominance in the solar shading systems market. The region has a well-established construction industry that readily incorporates innovative building technologies, including solar shading systems. With a focus on sustainable and energy-efficient building practices, North American builders and developers are early adopters of advanced shading solutions. The integration of smart technologies, such as automated and sensor-controlled shading systems, is more prevalent in this region due to the availability of cutting-edge technology and a market that values innovation. Besides, the regulatory framework in North America is another key factor driving the market share. Governments at both federal and state levels have implemented stringent energy efficiency standards and building codes. THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT which has spurred a clean energy boom, contributing to more than $360 billion in private sector clean energy announcements. According to the Act, Americans who installed the mentioned technologies in 2023 can claim credits on their tax returns due on April 15, 2024. For instance, families who install an efficient electric heat pump for heating and cooling can receive a tax credit of up to $2,000 and save an average of $500 per year on energy bills.
The solar shading systems market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the solar shading systems industry include Duco Ventilation & Sun Control, Glasscon GmbH, Hunter Douglas Inc., Insolroll Corporate, Kawneer (Arconic Corporation), Lutron Electronics Co. Inc, Skyco Shading Systems Inc., Springs Window Fashions, Unicel Architectural Corp. and WAREMA Renkhoff SE.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
As per the solar shading systems market overview, key competitors are constantly improving their product offerings to maintain their market position. They are extensively investing in R&D to produce improved shading solutions that combine smart technologies such automated controls, sensors, and building management system integration. Companies are creating shade systems that can change in real time based on weather conditions, sunshine intensity, and internal temperatures. This not only improves energy economy, but also increases user comfort and convenience. Besides, strategic acquisitions and alliances are important strategy used by market leaders to strengthen their competitive position. Moreover, various players are spending in creative marketing strategies to highlight their products. For instance, In January 2023, the lighting control arm of Legrand, Vantage, has announced its planned attendance of the lighting conference alongside Legrand shading systems.
In March 2023, DUCO is expanding its business internationally by participating in the world's leading trade fair BAU for architecture, materials and systems (17 to 22 April 2023 in Munich), DUCO will present its latest developments in the field of natural ventilation and architectural shading.
In March 2023, the VELUX Group launched its Nature Collection of roof window blinds with a 50% lower carbon footprint compared to standard VELUX blinds. The blind profiles are made from Hydro* CIRCAL 75R aluminium, which contains a minimum of 75% recycled post-consumer aluminium scrap. The blind textiles are made from 50% recycled textile and during 2023 this will increase to 100% recycled textile. The low-carbon aluminium accounts for the greatest carbon reduction.