

2023 MR Market Outlook Report

出版日期: | 出版商: IMV Medical Information | 英文 185 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告分析了美國醫院和獨立成像中心使用固定式和便攜式 MR(核磁共振)掃描儀進行 MR 手術的趨勢,以及 MR 醫學成像市場的概述和趨勢。市場概述和背景信息,醫療環境中的使用狀況和優先事項,當前的安裝基礎和未來的採購計劃,MR造影劑和電動注射器的市場趨勢,以及按臨床科室和醫院類型分類的介紹和使用狀況。我們將編譯和提供諸如此類的信息。



第 2 章 MR 展望:執行摘要


第 4 章 MR 部門的優先事項與前景

第 5 章 MR 程式的數量與組合

第六章 MR掃描器安裝底座

第七章 MR購買計畫及市場趨勢

第 8 章 MR 造影劑與動力針筒


第 10 章附錄

Product Code: 23-058

This “ 2023 MR Market Outlook Report ” summarizes the results of IMV Medical Information Division's 2023 survey of U.S. hospitals and independent imaging centers that perform MR procedures using fixed and mobile MR scanners and provides a summary of the MR medical imaging market. The report provides detailed information about the priorities and outlook of departments with MR scanners, information about procedure volumes and the mix of procedures performed using MR systems. The report also covers installed base information and future purchase plans, including information about which manufacturers are present and being considered for purchase over the next few years. In addition, the report covers installed base and purchase plan information for MR contrast media and power injectors. The report includes detailed information about the departments in the hospital where the equipment is currently located including in the main radiology department and outpatient departments. The report includes a wide variety of charts and graphs that breakout the above information along a number of dimensions including department type and hospital size. The key features and findings of these charts are highlighted in the report and where appropriate comparisons to previous data are noted for context.

Respondents participated in an IMV-hosted online survey from July 13 to August 30, 2023. To monitor key industry trends, results from this 2023 MR Market Outlook Report are compared to previous IMV MR market reports.

Key topics include:

  • MR Priorities & Outlook
  • Trends on MR Procedure Volume and Mix
  • Installed Base of MR Scanners
  • MR Purchase Plans
  • MR Contrast Media & Power Injectors
  • Demographics & Site Operations Characteristics

This report is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about how advancements in MR imaging are impacting the medical diagnostic imaging market. It is a great resource for:

  • Marketing Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Marketing Directors
  • Sales Managers
  • Analysts

That work in diagnostic imaging equipment manufacturing, hospital and healthcare systems, consulting, investment and finance industries. This report is a great way to get a quick overview of recent developments and help to plan for what lies ahead.

Table of Contents

01. Background and Objectives

02. MR Outlook Executive Summary

03. Methodology

04. MR Department Priorities & Outlook

05. MR Procedure Volume and Mix

06. Installed Base of MR Scanners

07. MR Purchase Plans & Market Trends

08. MR Contrast Media & Power Injectors

09. Demographics & Site Operations Characteristics

10. Appendix