5G IoT 和私有 5G 市場:2024-2030

5G IoT 和私有 5G 市場:2024-2030

5G IoT & Private 5G Market Report 2024-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: IoT Analytics GmbH | 英文 367 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告是基於以下調查結果對物聯網硬體和連接正在進行的研究結果的彙編。本文檔包括公共 5G、專用 5G、5G 網路部署模型、RAN 和核心部署涉及的元件、市場預測、採用驅動因素、競爭格局、主要趨勢和驅動因素、用例和案例研究。



5G物聯網與私有5G市場:公共5G物聯網連結引領市場,2023年佔全球5G物聯網連結的95%。同時,私有5G也不斷擴張,預計將以兩位數的複合年增長率成長。雖然公共 5G 由於其成本效益和易於訪問而將繼續佔據很大佔有率,但私有 5G 服務於製造業和醫療保健等利基市場。在中國廠商的帶動下,5G物聯網模組市場預計從2023年到2027年將成長6.6倍。同樣,5G IoT 晶片組市場預計從 2023 年到 2027 年將成長 2.8 倍。Quectel在模組市場佔據主導地位,Qualcomm在晶片組市場佔據主導地位,Huawei在全球5G網路基礎設施市場佔據主導地位。Ericsson、Nokia、Siemens 等領先公司正在開發新技術和策略來支援 5G 應用和基礎設施。



  • 什麼是5G、5G物聯網和私有5G?
  • 公共 5G 和私有 5G技術在功能、使用和部署上有何不同?
  • 部署5G網路將使用哪些技術網路組件
  • 5G物聯網市場的最新趨勢和發展是什麼?
  • 目前公共5G物聯網市場和私有5G市場的規模成長率是多少?
  • 公共5G物聯網市場和私有5G市場的主要參與者是誰?
  • 部署公用5G物聯網和私有5G網路解決方案的重點產業有哪些?
  • 公共 5G 物聯網和私有 5G的具體用例潛在好處是什麼?


  • AT&T
  • China Mobile
  • China Unicom
  • Deutsche Telekom
  • Ericsson
  • Fibocom
  • HiSilicon
  • Huawei
  • Lierda
  • MediaTek
  • Nokia
  • Qualcomm
  • Quectel
  • Samsung
  • Semtech
  • Siemens
  • Telit Cinterion
  • Unisoc
  • Vodafone
  • ZTE


第1章 執行摘要

第2章 簡介

  • 定義:我們對 5G 的看法:什麼是物聯網,什麼不是?
  • 我們的觀點:什麼是物聯網,什麼不是?
  • 5G(非物聯網)與 5G 物聯網
  • 與 5G 相關的一般搜尋趨勢
  • 蜂窩物聯網連接:時間表
  • 蜂窩物聯網連接的演變:從 1G 到 5G
  • 4G與5G對比
  • 物聯網無線連接的情況和5G的作用
  • 5G物聯網技術堆疊
  • 價值鏈:5G網路基礎設施
  • 價值鏈:5G設備


  • 5G技術
  • 5G網路基礎設施
    • 建築學
    • 零件
    • 運輸網絡
  • 組件和用戶設備
    • 零件
    • 使用者裝置
  • 部署
    • 公共部署
    • 私有部署
  • 5G安全

第四章 市場規模與前景

  • 整體 5G 物聯網市場 – 依細分市場和子細分市場
  • 依技術劃分的全球蜂窩物聯網連接
  • 全球蜂窩物聯網連接市場規模
  • 依部署類型劃分的全球 5G 物聯網連接
  • 全球 5G 物聯網連接市場:依部署類型
  • 全球公共 5G 物聯網連接:依技術分類
  • 全球私有 5G 物聯網連線數量:依技術分類
  • 全球行動電話網路基礎設施市場規模
  • 網路基礎設施市場:依部署類型
  • 全球 5G 網路基礎設施市場:依供應商分類
  • 全球公共 5G 網路基礎設施市場/依供應商
  • 全球專用 5G 網路基礎設施市場:依供應商分類
  • 全球私人 5G 市場:依細分市場
  • 全球私有 5G 市場規模:依地區劃分
  • 全球私有5G市場規模(依行業)
  • 排名前 5 名的營運商的全球公共蜂窩物聯網 5G 連接
  • 全球蜂窩物聯網公共 5G 連線收入 - 前 5 名營運商
  • 全球蜂窩物聯網公共 5G ARPU:依前 5 名營運商劃分
  • 依產業劃分的全球公共蜂巢物聯網 5G 連線數
  • 依行業劃分的全球公共蜂窩物聯網 5G RedCap 連接
  • 依地區劃分的全球蜂窩物聯網公共 5G 連接
  • 依地區劃分的全球蜂窩物聯網公共 5G RedCap 連接
  • 全球5G物聯網模組出貨量:依前5名品牌劃分
  • 全球 5G IoT 模組收入:依頂級品牌劃分
  • 全球5G物聯網模組批發平均售價:依前5名品牌劃分
  • 全球5G RedCap物聯網模組出貨量前5名品牌
  • 全球 5G RedCap IoT 模組收入:以前 5 名品牌劃分
  • 全球5G RedCap物聯網模組批發平均售價(ASP)(以前5名品牌)
  • 全球 5G IoT 模組出貨量(依晶片組品牌)
  • 全球 5G RedCap IoT 模組出貨量(以晶片組品牌)
  • 全球 5G IoT 晶片組收入:以晶片組品牌劃分
  • 全球 5G RedCap IoT 晶片組營收:以晶片組品牌劃分
  • 全球5G物聯網晶片組批發價格:以晶片組品牌
  • 全球 5G 物聯網模組收入:依地區
  • 5G物聯網模組出貨量:依地區劃分
  • 5G物聯網模組批發平均售價:依地區
  • 全球5G RedCap IoT晶片組批發平均售價(以品牌,美元)
  • 5G RedCap IoT 模組出貨量(依地區)
  • 5G RedCap IoT 模組收入:依地區
  • 5G RedCap IoT 晶片組收入:依地區
  • 5G RedCap IoT 模組批發平均售價:依地區
  • 5G IoT 晶片組收入:依地區
  • 5G物聯網晶片組批發平均售價:依地區
  • 5G RedCap IoT 晶片組批發平均售價:依地區
  • 全球 5G 物聯網出貨量:依產業分類
  • 全球 5G RedCap IoT 出貨量(依行業)
  • 全球 5G RedCap 物聯網模組收入:依行業分類
  • 全球 5G 物聯網晶片組收入:依行業分類
  • 全球 5G RedCap 物聯網晶片組營收:依產業分類
  • 全球 5G 物聯網出貨量:依類別
  • 全球 5G IoT 模組收入:依類別
  • 全球 5G 物聯網晶片組收入:依類別
  • 5G IoT 模組批發 ASP:依供應商分類


  • 70+主要5G廠商概覽:依類別
  • 全球5G網路基礎設施市場佔有率
  • 全球公共5G網路基礎設施市場佔有率
  • 全球專用5G網路基礎設施市場佔有率
  • 全球5G物聯網模組出貨量佔比
  • 全球5G物聯網模組營收佔比
  • 全球5G物聯網晶片組出貨量佔有率
  • 全球5G物聯網晶片組收入佔有率
  • 全球公共 5G 物聯網連接佔有率
  • 全球公共 5G 物聯網連接收入佔有率
  • 供應商簡介

第 6 章用例/案例研究

  • 用例分類
  • 15 個關鍵 5G 用例:概述
  • 最廣泛觀察的用例:基於 120 個 5G 項目
  • 深入探討:用例

第7章 趨勢

  • 5G總體趨勢
  • 基於5G的技術趨勢
  • 5G網路基礎設施趨勢
  • 5G 設備、模組和晶片組的趨勢
  • 私有5G趨勢
  • API 和託管服務趨勢

第 8 章研究方法/市場定義

第 9 章. 關於 IoT 分析


The '5G IoT & Private 5G Market Report 2024 - 2030' represents the ongoing coverage of IoT hardware and connectivity. The information presented in this report is based on the results of primary and secondary research conducted by IoT Analytics team between September 2023 and May 2024. The document includes definitions for Public 5G, Private 5G, deployment models for 5G networks, as well as the components involved in deploying RAN and Core, market projections, adoption drivers, competitive landscapes, key trends and developments, use cases, and case studies.


To ensure the accuracy of the market model and the forecast, IoT Analytics conducted in-depth direct exchanges and alignments with 75+ experts in the field, attended key conferences (e.g., MWC 2024 and Embedded World 2024), and conducted corresponding interviews. Individual data points from 78 companies were analyzed, including 36 IoT module vendors, 16 IoT chipset companies, 21 network operators, and 5 network infrastructure companies. Aggregated estimates of 50+ niche players were also added.


5G IoT & Private 5G Market. In 2023, public 5G IoT connections dominated the market with 95% of the global 5G IoT connections. Private 5G is rising, projected to grow with a double-digit CAGR. Public 5G will remain the majority due to its cost-effectiveness and accessibility, while private 5G caters to niche markets like manufacturing and healthcare. Public 5G revenues are set to overtake private 5G by 2025. The 5G IoT module market is expected to grow 6.6 times from 2023 to 2027, led by Chinese vendors. Similarly, the 5G IoT chipset market is projected to grow by 2.8 times from 2023 to 2027. Quectel and Qualcomm dominate the module and chipset markets, respectively, while Huawei leads in the global 5G network infrastructure market. Key players like Ericsson, Nokia, and Siemens are developing new technologies and strategies to enhance 5G applications and infrastructure.


Questions answered:

  • What is 5G, 5G IoT, and Private 5G?
  • How do Public and Private 5G technologies differ in terms of their capabilities, applications, and deployment considerations?
  • Which technologies and network components are used for deploying a 5G network?
  • What are the latest trends and developments in the 5G IoT market?
  • What is the current size and growth rate of the Public 5G IoT and Private 5G markets?
  • Who are the leading players in the Public 5G IoT and Private 5G markets?
  • Which industry verticals are the primary adopters of Public 5G IoT and Private 5G network solutions, along with widespread integration of 5G IoT devices and equipment?
  • What are the specific use cases and potential benefits of Public 5G IoT and Private 5G?

Companies mentioned:

A selection of companies mentioned in the report.

  • AT&T
  • China Mobile
  • China Unicom
  • Deutsche Telekom
  • Ericsson
  • Fibocom
  • HiSilicon
  • Huawei
  • Lierda
  • MediaTek
  • Nokia
  • Qualcomm
  • Quectel
  • Samsung
  • Semtech
  • Siemens
  • Telit Cinterion
  • Unisoc
  • Vodafone
  • ZTE

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary

2. Introduction

  • 2.1. Definition: 5G Our view: What IoT is and what it is not
  • 2.2. Our view: What IoT is and what it is not
  • 2.3. 5G (non-IoT) vs. 5G IoT
  • 2.4. Public search trends related to 5G
  • 2.5. Cellular IoT connectivity timeline
  • 2.6. Evolution of cellular IoT connectivity: 1G to 5G
  • 2.7. Comparison of 4G vs. 5G
  • 2.8. IoT wireless connectivity landscape and the role of 5G within it
  • 2.9 5G IoT technology stack
  • 2.10. Value chain: 5G network infrastructure
  • 2.11. Value chain: 5G devices and equipment

3. Technical overview

  • 3.1. 5G Technology
  • 3.2. 5G Network Infrastructure
    • 3.2.1. Architecture
    • 3.2.2. Components
    • 3.2.3. Transport Network
  • 3.3. Components and user equipment
    • 3.3.1. Components
    • 3.3.2. User equipment
  • 3.4. Deployment
    • 3.4.1. Public deployment
    • 3.4.2. Private deployment
  • 3.5. 5G Security

4. Market size & outlook

  • 4.1. Overall 5G IoT market-by segment and subsegment
  • 4.2. Global cellular IoT connections by technology in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.3. Global cellular IoT connectivity market in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.4. Global 5G IoT connections by type of deployment in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.5. Global 5G IoT connectivity market by type of deployment/$ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.6. Global public 5G IoT connection by technology in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.7. Global private 5G IoT connection by technology in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.8. Global cellular network infrastructure market in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.9. Network infrastructure market by deployment type/$ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.10. Global 5G network infrastructure market by vendor/$ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.11. Global public 5G network infrastructure market by vendor/$ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.12. Global private 5G network infrastructure market by vendor in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.13. Global private 5G market by segment in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.14. Global private 5G market by region in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.15. Global private 5G market by industry in $ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.16. Global public cellular IoT 5G connections by top five operators/millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.17. Global cellular IoT public 5G connectivity revenue-top five operators/$ millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.18. Global cellular IoT public 5G ARPU by top five operators in $ (2018-2030)
  • 4.19. Global public cellular IoT 5G connections by industry in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.20. Global public cellular IoT 5G RedCap connections by industry/millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.21. Global cellular IoT public 5G connections by region in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.22. Global cellular IoT public 5G RedCap connections by region in millions (2018-2030)
  • 4.23. Global 5G IoT module shipments by top five brands in millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.24. Global 5G IoT module revenue by top brands in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.25. Global 5G IoT module wholesale ASP by top five brands in $ (2018-2027)
  • 4.26. Global 5G RedCap IoT module shipments by top five brands/millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.27. Global 5G RedCap IoT module revenue by top five brands in $ millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.28. Global 5G RedCap IoT module wholesale ASP by top five brands in $ (2024-2027)
  • 4.29. Global 5G IoT module shipments by chipset brands in millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.30. Global 5G RedCap IoT module shipments by chipset brands/millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.31. Global 5G IoT chipset revenue by chipset brands in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.32. Global 5G RedCap IoT chipset revenue by chipset brands in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.33. Global 5G IoT chipset wholesale ASP by chipset brands in $ (2018-2027)
  • 4.34. Global 5G IoT module revenue by region in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.35. Global 5G IoT module shipments by region in millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.36. Global 5G IoT module wholesale ASP by region in $ (2018-2027)
  • 4.37. Global 5G RedCap IoT chipset wholesale ASP by brand in $ (2024-2027)
  • 4.38. Global 5G RedCap IoT module shipments by region in millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.39. Global 5G RedCap IoT module revenue by region in $ millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.40. Global 5G RedCap IoT chipset revenue by region in $ millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.41. Global 5G RedCap IoT module wholesale ASP by region in $ (2024-2027)
  • 4.42. Global 5G IoT chipset revenue by region in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.43. Global 5G IoT chipset wholesale ASP by region in $ (2019-2027)
  • 4.44. Global 5G RedCap IoT chipset wholesale ASP by region in $ (2024-2027)
  • 4.45. Global 5G IoT shipments by industry in millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.46. Global 5G RedCap IoT shipments by industry in millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.47. Global 5G RedCap IoT module revenue by industry in $ millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.48. Global 5G IoT chipset revenue by industry in $ millions (2018-2027)
  • 4.49. Global 5G RedCap IoT chipset revenue by industry in $ millions (2024-2027)
  • 4.50. Global 5G IoT shipments by category in millions (2018-2023)
  • 4.51. Global 5G IoT module revenue by category in $ millions (2018-2023)
  • 4.52. Global 5G IoT chipset revenue by category in $ millions (2018-2023)
  • 4.53 5G IoT module wholesale ASP by vendors in $ (2019-2027)

5. Competitive landscape

  • 5.1. Overview of 70+ key 5G vendors (by category)
  • 5.2. Global 5G network infrastructure market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.3. Global public 5G network infrastructure market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.4. Global private 5G network infrastructure market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.5. Global 5G IoT module shipments market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.6. Global 5G IoT module revenue market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.7. Global 5G IoT chipset shipments market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.8. Global 5G IoT chipset revenue market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.9. Global public 5G IoT connections share (2022-2023)
  • 5.10. Global public 5G IoT connectivity revenue market share (2022-2023)
  • 5.11. Vendor profiles

6. Use case and case studies

  • 6.1. Use case classification
  • 6.2. Overview of the 15 main 5G use cases
  • 6.3. Most widely observed use cases based on 120 5G projects profiled
  • 6.4. Deep-dive: Use cases

7. Trends

  • 7.1. General 5G trends
  • 7.2. 5G based technology trends
  • 7.3. 5G network infrastructure trends
  • 7.4. 5G devices, modules, and chipset trends
  • 7.5. Private 5G trends
  • 7.6. APIs and managed services trends

8. Methodology and market definitions

9. About IoT Analytics