雲端原生儲存市場:按元件、組織規模、部署類型、產業分類 – 2024-2030 年全球預測Cloud Native Storage Market by Component (Services, Solutions), Organization Size (Large Enterprises, SMEs), Deployment Type, Vertical - Global Forecast 2024-2030 |
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主要市場統計 | |
基準年[2023] | 176.3億美元 |
預測年份 [2024] | 218.4億美元 |
預測年份 [2030] | 793.8億美元 |
複合年成長率(%) | 23.97% |
元件 滿足人工智慧 (AI) 和邊緣運算需求的高效雲端原生儲存解決方案
雲端原生儲存服務分為三個子類別:諮詢、整合以及支援和維護服務,每個子類別都解決組織雲端儲存需求的不同方面。對於希望遷移到雲端原生儲存或最佳化現有雲端基礎架構的公司來說,諮詢服務至關重要,幫助他們評估當前的系統和需求,採用最佳實踐,選擇正確的解決方案,並為未來的成長計劃提供策略指導。整合和實施服務為整個實施過程提供端到端支持,從安裝和配置到客製化以及與現有應用程式和第三方工具的整合。該領域的供應商使客戶能夠無縫採用雲端原生儲存技術,而不會中斷業務或降低效能。整合和實施服務涵蓋資料遷移規劃、概念驗證開發、平台設定/配置和 API 整合等各個方面。培訓、支援和維護服務旨在最大限度地提高投資收益(ROI) 並確保長期成功,為企業提供管理和最佳化其雲端原生儲存基礎設施的持續支援。培訓、支援和維護部門為 IT 團隊提供技術培訓、24x7 遠端監控、故障排除、問題和錯誤解決、定期系統運行狀況檢查/審核以及軟體修補程式/更新,我們透過提供全面的支援服務來滿足此需求,包括部署、安全威脅管理等等。
解決方案部分由各種產品組成,可滿足各種組織規模、產業和使用案例。主要類型包括物件式的儲存系統、檔案式的儲存系統和區塊式的儲存系統。區塊儲存將資料分類為固定大小的區塊,並使用唯一識別碼單獨儲存它們。這種方法具有多種優點,包括高效能、低延遲以及對資料操作的細粒度控制。企業通常為需要高吞吐量和低延遲的應用程式部署區塊存儲,例如資料庫和虛擬機器。文件儲存提供了一種簡單而熟悉的文件管理方式,同時提供存取控制清單 (ACL) 和元資料管理等功能。文件儲存服務通常用於檔案式的應用程式,例如需要多實例讀取/寫入功能的內容管理系統(CMS)、巨量資料分析平台、備份系統和文件共用應用程式。物件儲存是一種高度擴充性的解決方案,旨在儲存Petabyte級及以上的非結構化資料,例如圖像、影片和文件。與區塊儲存和檔案儲存不同,物件儲存使用平面位址空間,每個物件都有唯一的識別碼。此架構可實現出色的水平擴展能力,同時保持高水準的耐用性和冗餘性。除此之外,對研發活動的持續投資可以實現更先進、更有效率的雲,支援人工智慧 (AI)、機器學習 (ML)、邊緣運算和無伺服器架構等新興趨勢。
擁有超過 250 名員工的大型公司通常管理複雜的IT基礎設施,每天都會產生大量資料,因此他們需要擴充性、可靠且安全的系統,能夠與現有系統無縫整合,滿足高性能的存儲解決方案需求。對於這些企業來說,推動採用雲端原生儲存的關鍵因素包括高效能、資料保護功能(例如加密和存取控制)、多重雲端就緒性以及從資料中獲取及時見解的高級分析能力、輕鬆性。應用程式的整合等等。另一方面,擁有 10 到 249 名員工的小型企業通常資源有限且 IT 環境較不複雜。這些中小型企業正在尋找經濟高效、易於部署的儲存解決方案,以在當今競爭激烈的市場中保持敏捷。軟體定義儲存 (SDS) 解決方案已成為中小型企業的熱門選擇,透過從底層硬體抽象化儲存服務來提供彈性和成本效率。
BFSI 產業正在經歷向數位轉型的重大轉變,採用先進技術來增強客戶體驗和業務效率。雲端原生儲存使 BFSI 部門能夠管理線上交易產生的大量資料,並滿足嚴格的監管合規要求。隨著能源和公共產業公司利用智慧電網和物聯網設備來改造其基礎設施,它們會產生大量必須有效管理和分析的資料。雲端原生儲存提供了安全儲存此類資料的可靠解決方案,同時為時間敏感的應用程式提供高效能和易用性,例如資源分配的預測分析和有保障的需求預測。公共部門組織擴大採用雲端原生技術來提供更好的公民服務,同時最佳化成本。雲端原生儲存允許政府機構將資料整合到集中儲存庫中,以便不同部門輕鬆訪問,同時保持安全性和合規性標準。這種簡化的方法減少了機構之間的孤島,並促進了災害應變和公共衛生監測等關鍵舉措上的合作。
醫療保健產業正在經歷快速的數位轉型,包括電子健康記錄(EHR)、遠端醫療和病患監護系統的引入。雲端原生儲存使醫療保健公司能夠安全地儲存和管理大量患者資料,同時遵守嚴格的法規。雲端原生儲存在 IT 和通訊發揮著重要作用,它提供了跨分散式系統的資料管理彈性,並透過實現與各種雲端平台的無縫整合來簡化網路管理。此外,它還即時分析網路效能和使用模式,以最佳化資源分配。雲端原生儲存提供了一個強大的解決方案來儲存這些技術產生的大量資料,同時支援跨製造部門的預測性維護、品管和供應鏈最佳化的即時分析。媒體和娛樂產業嚴重依賴雲端原生儲存解決方案來管理大量多媒體內容,例如視訊串流和虛擬實境應用程式。零售商正在利用雲端原生儲存解決方案,透過基於巨量資料分析和人工智慧洞察的個人化建議來改善客戶體驗。
由於其成熟的IT基礎設施、較早採用雲端技術、高研發支出以及主要參與者的存在,美國仍然是雲端原生儲存市場中佔有較大佔有率的領先國家之一。在不斷擴大的新興企業生態系統和政府支持創新的努力的推動下,加拿大在該領域也經歷了顯著成長。歐盟國家正在採用雲端原生儲存解決方案,其中德國、法國、英國等重點國家進行了戰略發展。歐盟的《一般資料保護規範》(GDPR) 鼓勵組織採用先進的儲存技術來確保資料安全性和合規性。此外,H2020-ICT 和 EuroHPC Joint Venture 等歐洲研究計劃正在促進產業和學術界之間的合作,以促進雲端原生儲存解決方案的創新。阿拉伯聯合大公國(阿拉伯聯合大公國)、沙烏地阿拉伯和以色列等中東國家正大力投資數位轉型工作。在這些國家/地區,雲端原生儲存可加快應用開發週期,同時保持資料安全性並遵守當地法規。由於經濟的快速成長和電子商務、通訊和政府數位轉型等各個領域的資料產生量的增加,亞太地區為雲端原生儲存供應商提供了利潤豐厚的機會。 IT基礎設施投資的增加以及全球雲端服務供應商在該地區的影響力不斷增加,正在推動雲端原生儲存解決方案的採用。此外,對資料本地化法律的日益關注,特別是在中國和印度等國家,進一步刺激了對本地可用儲存解決方案的需求,從而顯著促進了整體市場的成長。
1. 市場滲透率:提供有關主要企業所服務的市場的全面資訊。
2. 市場開拓:我們深入研究利潤豐厚的新興市場,並分析其在成熟細分市場的滲透率。
3. 市場多元化:提供有關新產品發布、開拓地區、最新發展和投資的詳細資訊。
4. 競爭評估和情報:對主要企業的市場佔有率、策略、產品、認證、監管狀況、專利狀況和製造能力進行全面評估。
5. 產品開發與創新:提供對未來技術、研發活動和突破性產品開發的見解。
3. 雲端原生儲存市場的技術趨勢和法規結構是什麼?
5. 進入雲端原生儲存市場的合適型態和策略手段是什麼?
[185 Pages Report] The Cloud Native Storage Market size was estimated at USD 17.63 billion in 2023 and expected to reach USD 21.84 billion in 2024, at a CAGR 23.97% to reach USD 79.38 billion by 2030.
The cloud native storage market encompasses the solutions, services, and technologies designed to address the unique requirements of modern applications built on containerized architectures, microservices, serverless computing, and other cloud-native paradigms. These storage systems are inherently scalable, highly available, and optimized for high performance in dynamic environments. Cloud native storage systems cater to various applications across different industry verticals, which support both stateful and stateless applications that require varying levels of data persistence, ranging from simple file serving to complex database management systems. Several factors are driving the growth of the cloud native storage market, including digital transformation initiatives, an increase in containerized workloads, a rise in multi-cloud deployments, and higher requirements for data security and compliance. Data migration complexities, skill gaps, and talent shortages created challenges for market growth. Along with these, security vulnerabilities and privacy risks associated with hosting sensitive data in third-party infrastructure are other factors that challenge the development of the cloud native storage market. However, innovation in AI-driven data management, along with developing solutions that help customers navigate complex regulatory landscapes, is enabling players to capitalize on the cloud native storage market's potential.
Base Year [2023] | USD 17.63 billion |
Estimated Year [2024] | USD 21.84 billion |
Forecast Year [2030] | USD 79.38 billion |
CAGR (%) | 23.97% |
Component: Efficient cloud-native storage solutions to cater demand across artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing
Services in cloud native storage are divided into three subcategories, including consulting, integration, and support & maintenance services, with each of these services catering to different aspects of an organization's cloud storage requirements. The consulting services are essential for businesses looking to transition towards cloud-native storage or optimize their existing cloud infrastructure, which entails assessing current systems and needs and providing strategic guidance on adopting best practices, choosing appropriate solutions, and planning for future growth. Integration & implementation services deliver end-to-end support throughout the implementation process, from installation and configuration to customization and integration with existing applications or third-party tools. Providers in this space ensure clients can seamlessly adopt cloud-native storage technologies without disrupting their operations or compromising performance. Integration & implementation services cover various aspects such as data migration planning, proof of concept development, platform setup/configuration, and API integrations. Training, support & maintenance services help to maximize return on investment (ROI) and ensure long-term success; businesses need ongoing assistance in managing and optimizing their cloud-native storage infrastructure. The training, support & maintenance segment addresses this need by providing comprehensive support services such as technical training for IT teams, 24x7 remote monitoring, troubleshooting, resolving issues or bugs, periodic system health checks/audits, software patches/updates rollouts, and security threat management.
The solutions segment comprises a variety of products that cater to different organization sizes, industries, and use cases. Primary types include object-based storage systems, file-based storage systems, and block-based storage systems. Block storage operates by dividing data into fixed-sized blocks, which are stored separately with unique identifiers. This approach offers several benefits, including high performance, low latency, and granular control over data manipulation. Enterprises often implement block storage for applications requiring high throughput and low-latency operations, such as databases and virtual machines. File storage offers a simple and familiar way of managing files while providing features such as access control lists (ACLs) and metadata management. File storage services are typically used for file-based applications such as content management systems (CMS), big-data analytics platforms, backup systems, and file sharing applications that require multi-instance read-and-write capabilities. Object storage serves as a highly scalable solution designed for storing unstructured data such as images, videos, and documents in large-scale environments at petabyte levels or beyond. Unlike block and file storage, object storage uses a flat address space with unique identifiers for each object. This architecture enables superior horizontal scaling capabilities while maintaining high levels of durability and redundancy. Along with these, continued investment in research and development activities has facilitated the creation of more advanced and efficient cloud-native storage solutions that cater to emerging trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), edge computing, and serverless architectures.
Organization Size: Rising demand of cost-effective cloud native storage across SMEs
Large organizations with employee sizes over 250 often manage complex IT infrastructures, with massive amounts of data generated daily, where organizations require highly scalable, reliable, and secure storage solutions that can be seamlessly integrated with their existing systems. For these companies, key factors driving the adoption of cloud-native storage include high performance, data protection capabilities such as encryption and access control, multi-cloud compatibility, advanced analytics features for timely insights from data, and ease of integration with other enterprise applications. On the other hand, SMEs with an employee count between 10 and 249 usually have limited resources and less complex IT environments than large enterprises. They seek cost-effective, easy-to-implement storage solutions that help them stay agile in today's competitive market. For SMEs, software-defined storage (SDS) solutions have emerged as a popular choice, offering flexibility and cost efficiency by abstracting storage services from the underlying hardware.
Deployment: Increasing utilization of private cloud native solution by end-users
The private cloud represents organizations that deploy their dedicated infrastructure within their data centers or through managed services providers. These companies typically prioritize data security, compliance, and control over their IT resources, which makes them inclined towards using private clouds for deploying cloud native storage solutions. Industries such as finance, healthcare, government agencies, or other sectors with strict regulatory requirements opt for private clouds. The public cloud segment encompasses businesses that leverage third-party services to host their applications and store data on a shared infrastructure. Cloud native storage solutions offered by major public cloud providers comprise diverse capabilities such as block storage, file storage, and object storage. They also provide seamless integration with other cloud-native services for container orchestration and serverless computing platforms.
Vertical: Exponential adoption of cloud native storage in real-time financial service operations
The BFSI sector has significantly shifted towards digital transformation and adopting advanced technologies to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency. Cloud native storage enables the BFSI sector to manage the growing volume of data generated by online transactions and meet stringent regulatory compliance requirements. As energy and utility companies transform their infrastructure with smart grids and IoT devices, they generate massive volumes of data that require efficient management and analysis. Cloud native storage offers a reliable solution to store this data securely while ensuring high performance and easy access for time-sensitive applications such as predictive analytics for resource allocation and demand forecasting. Public sector organizations increasingly adopt cloud native technologies to deliver better citizen services while optimizing costs. Cloud native storage allows government agencies to consolidate their data in a centralized repository for easy access by different departments while maintaining security and compliance standards. This streamlined approach helps reduce silos between agencies and fosters collaboration on critical initiatives such as disaster response or public health monitoring.
The healthcare industry is witnessing rapid digital transformation, with the adoption of electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, and patient monitoring systems. Cloud native storage enables healthcare organizations to store and manage large volumes of patient data securely while ensuring compliance with strict regulations. Cloud native storage plays a crucial role in IT and telecommunications by providing flexibility in managing data across distributed systems and simplifying network management by allowing seamless integration with various cloud platforms. Moreover, it supports real-time analytics on network performance and usage patterns to optimize resource allocation. Cloud native storage offers a robust solution to store the vast amounts of data generated from these technologies while enabling real-time analytics for predictive maintenance, quality control, and supply chain optimization across the manufacturing sector. The media and entertainment industry heavily relies on cloud native storage solutions for managing large volumes of multimedia content such as video streaming or virtual reality applications. Retailers leverage cloud native storage solutions to enhance customer experiences through personalized recommendations based on big data analytics and AI-driven insights.
Regional Insights
The United States has remained one of the major countries to hold a significant share of the cloud native storage market due to its well-established IT infrastructure, early adoption of cloud technologies, higher spending on research & development activities, and presence of key players. Canada is also witnessing significant growth in this sector, driven by an expanding startup ecosystem and government initiatives supporting technological innovation. The European Union (EU) countries are embracing cloud native storage solutions, with major countries such as Germany, France, and the United Kingdom witnessing strategic development. The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has prompted organizations to adopt advanced storage technologies that ensure data security and compliance. Additionally, European research projects such as H2020-ICT and EuroHPC Joint Undertaking are fostering collaboration between industry and academia to drive innovation in cloud-native storage solutions. Middle Eastern countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Israel are investing heavily in digital transformation efforts. They leverage cloud native storage to facilitate faster application development cycles while maintaining data security and compliance with local regulations. Asia-Pacific presents lucrative opportunities for cloud native storage providers owing to rapid economic growth and an ever-increasing data generation from various sectors such as e-commerce, telecommunication, and government initiatives towards digital transformation. The increasing investments in IT infrastructure and the growing presence of global cloud service providers in the region drive the adoption of cloud native storage solutions. Additionally, increasing focus on data localization laws, particularly in countries such as China and India, further boost the demand for locally available storage solutions, providing a significant push to the overall market growth.
FPNV Positioning Matrix
The FPNV Positioning Matrix is pivotal in evaluating the Cloud Native Storage Market. It offers a comprehensive assessment of vendors, examining key metrics related to Business Strategy and Product Satisfaction. This in-depth analysis empowers users to make well-informed decisions aligned with their requirements. Based on the evaluation, the vendors are then categorized into four distinct quadrants representing varying levels of success: Forefront (F), Pathfinder (P), Niche (N), or Vital (V).
Market Share Analysis
The Market Share Analysis is a comprehensive tool that provides an insightful and in-depth examination of the current state of vendors in the Cloud Native Storage Market. By meticulously comparing and analyzing vendor contributions in terms of overall revenue, customer base, and other key metrics, we can offer companies a greater understanding of their performance and the challenges they face when competing for market share. Additionally, this analysis provides valuable insights into the competitive nature of the sector, including factors such as accumulation, fragmentation dominance, and amalgamation traits observed over the base year period studied. With this expanded level of detail, vendors can make more informed decisions and devise effective strategies to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Key Company Profiles
The report delves into recent significant developments in the Cloud Native Storage Market, highlighting leading vendors and their innovative profiles. These include Accenture PLC, Adobe Inc., Alibaba Cloud International by Alibaba Group Holding Limited, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Arrikto Inc., Atos SE, Cisco Systems, Inc., Cloudian Inc., DataCore Software Corporation, Dell Technologies Inc., Diamanti, Inc., Fujitsu Limited, Google LLC by Alphabet Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Hyland Software, Inc., Infosys Limited, Intel Corporation, International Business Machines Corporation, LINBIT HA-Solutions GmbH, Microsoft Corporation, MinIO, Inc., NetApp, Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Pure Storage Inc., Rackspace Technology, Inc., Rakuten Group, Inc., Scality Inc., SUSE S.A., Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tencent Holdings Ltd., UpCloud Oy, Veritas Technologies LLC, VMware, Inc. by Broadcom Inc., and Wipro Limited.
Market Segmentation & Coverage
1. Market Penetration: It presents comprehensive information on the market provided by key players.
2. Market Development: It delves deep into lucrative emerging markets and analyzes the penetration across mature market segments.
3. Market Diversification: It provides detailed information on new product launches, untapped geographic regions, recent developments, and investments.
4. Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: It conducts an exhaustive assessment of market shares, strategies, products, certifications, regulatory approvals, patent landscape, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players.
5. Product Development & Innovation: It offers intelligent insights on future technologies, R&D activities, and breakthrough product developments.
1. What is the market size and forecast of the Cloud Native Storage Market?
2. Which products, segments, applications, and areas should one consider investing in over the forecast period in the Cloud Native Storage Market?
3. What are the technology trends and regulatory frameworks in the Cloud Native Storage Market?
4. What is the market share of the leading vendors in the Cloud Native Storage Market?
5. Which modes and strategic moves are suitable for entering the Cloud Native Storage Market?