電動車製造對金屬加工液 (MWF) 的影響:機會與挑戰

電動車製造對金屬加工液 (MWF) 的影響:機會與挑戰

Impact of EV Manufacturing on Metalworking Fluids: Opportunities and Challenges

出版日期: | 出版商: Kline & Company, Inc. | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


電動車 (EV) 很快就會成為世界許多地區銷售的主要車輛類別。電動車製造不同於內燃機(ICE)製造,前者的成長將對金屬加工液(MWF)的需求產生重大影響。與內燃機汽車相比,電動車製造導致了製造流程的改變和零件數量的減少。

本報告對全球金屬加工液 (MWF) 市場進行研究和分析,提供整體最新信息,並探討電動車製造對 MWF 市場的影響。



金屬加工液 (MWF) 市場概況

  • 小額信貸批發市場概況(2023 年)
    • 主要地區特定國家市場的需求
    • 需求:依流體類型(去除液、形成液、保護液、加工液)
    • 最終用途產業需求
    • 競爭狀況
    • 影響金屬加工液需求的新趨勢與 5 年預測


  • 對推動電動車銷售的主要市場趨勢的簡明解釋
  • 長期乘用車銷售/產量預測(截至 2050 年)
  • 分析新的電動車製造流程及其對硬體尺寸和所用材料的潛在影響
  • 確定受電動車製造影響(刪除/替換/添加)的汽車零件
  • 受電動車趨勢影響的主要汽車零件的區域供應鏈說明

EV 對 MWF 的影響

  • 汽車金屬加工液市場的區域概覽(基於不同場景)(2050 年)
    • 電動車影響較大的場景
    • 基本電動車影響場景
    • 電動車影響較小的場景
  • 汽車製造業對金屬加工液的需求預測:按地區劃分(2050 年)
    • 車輛結構變化對四種主要流體類型(去除液、形成液、保護液和處理液)的影響
    • 區域層面對引擎/引擎零件製造、內燃機變速箱系統、電動汽車馬達、電動車變速箱系統/組件、電動汽車電池和外殼公司的影響
  • 機會與挑戰:依金屬加工液類型(去除、形成、保護、處理液)

Product Code: Y0926

Regional Coverage: Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America.

Electric vehicles (EVs), will soon be the leading category of vehicles sold in many parts of the world. EV manufacturing is different from internal combustion engine (ICE) manufacturing and the growth of the former will have a significant impact on the demand for metalworking fluids (MWFs). EV manufacturing will lead to a reduction in the number of components along with changes in manufacturing processes compared to ICE vehicles. This study will examine the impact of EV manufacturing on the MWF market besides providing an update on the overall market.


  • Size and segmentation for MWF in select markets by demand by major fluid type and end-use industry
  • Size and segmentation for MWFs employed in automotive (passenger vehicle) manufacturing by major fluid type
  • Identification of MWF-intensive auto-component manufacturing
  • Identification of metalworking processes affected by EV manufacturing
  • Future market for MWFs used in automotive manufacturing
  • Opportunities and challenges for MWF formulators and marketers

Comparison Between EV and ICE Vehicle Architecture.

Subscriber Benefits

This report serves as an excellent resource for manufacturers and formulators of MWFs to understand how the growing production of EVs will affect the MWF market. Specifically, this report assists subscribers by providing:

  • A snapshot of the MWFs market by major fluid type, and end-use application
  • An assessment of EV manufacturing and its impact on MWFs in terms of major processes and auto-parts
  • A summary of emerging opportunities arising from the unique component manufacturing requirements of EVs

Table of Contents


Metalworking Fluids Market Overview

  • MWF market overview in 2023 by:
    • Demand in select country markets in key regions
    • Demand by fluid type (removal, forming, protecting, and treating fluids)
    • Demand by end-use industries
    • Competitive landscape
    • Emerging trends shaping MWF demand, and five-year forecast.

EV Manufacturing Overview

  • Concise description of key market developments that are driving EVs sales
  • Long-term (up to 2050) passenger vehicle sales/production projection.
  • Analysis of emerging EV manufacturing processes and the potential effects on hardware size and materials used
  • Identification of auto-components affected (eliminated/substituted/added) by EV manufacturing
  • Description of supply chains at a regional level for key auto parts impacted by the emobility trend

Impact of EVs on MWF

  • A regional overview of the automotive MWF market in 2050 under various scenarios including:
    • High EV impact scenario
    • Baseline EV impact scenario
    • Low EV impact scenario
  • Regional MWF demand forecast in automotive manufacturing in 2050
    • Impact on four major fluid types (removal, forming, protecting, and treating fluids) due to changes in the vehicle architecture
    • Impact at a regional level for player operating in engine/engine parts manufacturing, ICE transmission system, EV electric motor, EV transmission system/parts, and EV battery and housing
  • Opportunities and challenges by MWF type (removal, forming, protecting, and treating fluids)

NOTE: EVs in this report include only battery electric, hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid vehicles.